Perfectly Honest (2 page)

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Authors: Linda O'Connor

BOOK: Perfectly Honest
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Chapter 2

Zodiac Zach

Don’t leave home without him.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Consider your options so that you can balance your personal and professional life. Use your heart and intuition as your guide.

“Mikaela Finn. I am so sorry. I came over tonight to finish the painting and I fell asleep in your chair. Great chair, by the way.” She cleared her throat. “I wasn’t expecting you to come home. I’m very sorry,” she said, looking anxiously at the closed door. “I feel terrible. Would you like me to try to catch her and straighten this out?”

“I don’t think it will help. Shit.” He raked his hand through his hair. “I needed her.”

Mikaela’s eyebrows winged up. Really? He was tall, and wavy dark hair skimmed the collar of his finely tailored suit, making the open buttons, loose tie, and slightly rumpled shirt look out of place. This gorgeous hunk of a man ‘needed’ that woman? For what? She didn’t seem to respect him or trust him. Jeez, she didn’t even wait for an explanation. Must be good in bed, Mikaela thought, and smirked.

He looked at her and crossed his arms. “Sophia promised to help me out. You think you could do a better job?”


“Fine, let’s just see.” He took a step closer.

“Just a minute, buster.” Mikaela stumbled back.

“I have a job interview in Emerson this weekend. It’s the last round of hoops I have to jump through for a new job. And I really want this job. It’s a small town and they’ve hinted they would rather hire someone who’s married and willing to settle there. So I’m bringing my fiancée to meet them. That would be you.”


“Sophia agreed to play the part of my fiancée, and I don’t have time to find someone else.”

“I can’t do that. I don’t even know you.”

“I’m Sam O’Brien. What do you need to know? You just said you could do a better job. What did you think I was talking about?”

Mikaela thought about having sex and cleared her throat. “Ironing your shirts,” she said instead.

Sam smiled and took a step closer. She put her hand out against his chest to stop him. Her heart stuttered at the interest that flared in his eyes and the firm muscle under her hand.

“I’ve been ironing my own shirts for a long time. I don’t need help with that,” he drawled.

“Really? Looks like I could teach you a few things about adding heat and steam. You know, it works better when things are wet.” Mikaela stood absolutely still. Where had that come from?

Sam chuckled and sent her an appreciative glance. “And here I thought smooth gliding back and forth with the right amount of pressure is all that’s needed.” His voice was deep and smooth.

She swallowed. He was hot and the image
created sent shivers all the way to her toes. She was playing with fire. It was late, and she was a little punch drunk from fatigue. It was time to go. She took a step back.

Sam put his hands in his pockets. “So you’ll do it? You’ll come with me this weekend?”

“Why me? I can’t imagine you having trouble finding a woman.”

“I’m so flattered.” He grinned. “I’ve tried. Sophia wasn’t the first. Apparently the whole concept of a ‘fake’ fiancée is hard to grasp. Fake. As in one weekend only. I need someone with no emotional attachment. It’s just a weekend.”

“So you’re saying I’m your last choice.”

Sam raked his eyes down the length of her. “Oh no. You’re my top pick right now.”

She knew he was joking but couldn’t stop the swirl in her chest. Those gorgeous blue eyes looked pretty serious.

“It’s two days away. I’d really appreciate your help,” Sam said, looking at her hopefully.

Mikaela eyed Sam. Should she do it? He looked sincere. It was kind of her fault that Sophia had stormed out. Then again, the woman didn’t seem very nice, maybe she did him a favor. She would love to get away. Out of town meant out of reach and no work. That sounded heavenly. And Zodiac Zach did say to balance work and play. She looked at Sam with his devilish good looks. Did she dare?

Sam raised his brows at her.


Sam let out a breath. “Great. I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Yes, well, I’m not saying I’ll do any . . . ironing. Let’s just be clear on that.”

“Sure, no ironing. Got it.” He grinned. “I’ll pick you up on Saturday morning. Bring an overnight case. There’s a dinner on Saturday night and a brunch on Sunday morning. We’ll be back by Sunday evening. I really do appreciate this and I promise, you won’t regret it.”

Chapter 3

happenstance horoscope

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Don’t let uncertainty lead to disappointment. Be prepared and follow through with your plans. Taking a risk will help you achieve more than you thought possible.

What the hell was she thinking? Two nights sleep and time to ruminate left her wondering why she had ever agreed.

Okay, she knew his name. Sam O’Brien. He was six foot two, looked great in Armani suits, and ironed his own shirts. She winced at the memory of that conversation.

Needing more, Mikaela had done some investigating. She called Margo and asked her what she knew. Which hadn’t been much. Google and Facebook weren’t very helpful. She could contact her dad and he’d check Sam out and give her all the information she needed. He wouldn’t mind, in fact, he’d prefer it. But she didn’t really want to go there. In the end, she did the next best thing and called Jack, her father’s head of security. It was a little scary how much information was out there, if you knew what you were doing.

So. Sam O’Brien. Healthy, financially secure, three credit cards, one line of credit, no major debts, owned property in Rivermede and in Emerson, no police record, not in the FBI or Interpol database, and had three outstanding parking tickets. Jack said to go ahead and date him.

Mikaela took a deep breath. She hadn’t mentioned she was going to spend the weekend with him.

Next problem?

She had no idea what to wear.

Mikaela looked around her bedroom at the mess. Her normally tidy room was littered with various combinations of leggings, long sweaters, skinny jeans, lacy tops, scarves, and a cropped jacket. She loved clothes, but putting together an outfit was crazy. There was the weather to consider, the activity, her mood that day. By the time she factored in all the variables, she was ready to throw in the towel and wear a paper bag.

And the footwear decisions. Flats, stylish ankle boots, fashion forward thigh-high boots, casual sneakers, and heels. It was all too much.

She glanced out the window and focused on the soothing sound of the waves gently lapping the shore. She had been living in a condominium on the shore of Lake Ontario for the past two years and never tired of watching the changing pattern of the lake. Whether it was smooth as glass in the winter, slow and steady in a light breeze of the summer, or crashing wildly in the high winds of the fall, it never failed to calm her and help her keep things in perspective.

She needed a little fun and wanted a little adventure. And didn’t that happenstance horoscope agree? She needed to stop worrying. But maybe she should stick with flats over heels, just in case.

Finally, dressed in skinny jeans, a pale blue lace top and a cream scarf, Mikaela finished the rest of her packing. She hung up the clothes she chose not to bring, debating again whether she might need them and then, with a shake of her head, put them away. Everything was hung or stacked neatly in the walk-in closet.

Mikaela checked the time. Twenty minutes to spare.

She carried her case downstairs, set it by the front door and wandered into the living room. She had recently painted over the builder’s beige with a warm buttery yellow. It reminded her of a sandy beach on a sunny day. A pale blue-gray sofa and two small armchairs in white surrounded a frosted blue glass coffee table. A stunning watercolor, painted by Margo as a housewarming gift, hung above the sofa and pulled all the colors together. The sunlight streaming in the huge picture window added to the ambiance of a relaxing seaside beach house.

When the doorbell rang, Mikaela took one last deep breath and opened the door.

Sam was dressed casually in jeans and a short-sleeved black shirt, showing off a broad chest and muscular arms. “Hi. You look lovely this morning.” He greeted her with a smile. “More rested.”

Mikaela smiled ruefully. “Thanks. Come in.”

As Sam stepped in, his cell phone rang. He checked the caller ID and looked at Mikaela apologetically. “Sorry, it’s the hospital. I should answer.” He turned his back slightly. “Dr. O’Brien.”

Dr. O’Brien? Sam’s a doctor? Jack didn’t mention that. Maybe he thought she already knew. She looked at Sam closely, wondering if she’d seen him at the hospital. And then it hit her. Dr. Sam O’Brien. The ophthalmologist? The one they called Dr. Eye Candy? She hadn’t met him, but had heard about him from the operating room nurses. He was a playboy, but interestingly, they had a lot of good things to say about him, despite his reputation of lovin’ and leavin’ ‘em. Apparently, he was just as good at loving as he was at leaving. He left the door open a crack, and they hoped he would walk through again. That may be, but she certainly had no intention of becoming part of his gaggle of female followers or being another notch in his bedpost. Forewarned was forearmed.

“Sure, put him through,” Sam said into the phone. “Hi, Nick, what’s up?” After a few minutes of listening, Sam started asking questions to clarify the history he was obviously hearing about. “What’s his vision? And that’s documented? When did the accident happen? He’ll need an enucleation. I’m heading out of town until tomorrow, but send him to the General and admit him. Get the CT scan results, too. I have OR time on Monday and could operate then.” He paused and listened. “Fine, I’ll see him tomorrow night. Sure. No problem. Bye.” Sam sighed as he disconnected. He turned back to Mikaela. “Sorry about that.”

“No problem,” Mikaela said. “So, you’re a doctor?”

Sam tilted his head. “Yes, I’m an ophthalmologist, an eye surgeon. Problem?”

“No,” Mikaela said hastily. “I overheard your conversation. Are you on call?”

“No, I’m not, but I’ve had extra training in orbital problems, so I always get called for those.”

“I see.” Ophthalmology, she thought. That explained why she hadn’t seen him around. She worked at St. Peter’s Hospital, the ophthalmology department was at Rivermede General.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “You’re in good hands. If anything happens, I can check your vision.”

Mikaela laughed.

He picked up her bag and turned toward the door. “Ready to go?”

Chapter 4

Written in the Stars by Esmeralda Garnet

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Visiting unfamiliar places or meeting new acquaintances will influence the direction you want to take. Focus on helping others. Romance is highlighted.

Mikaela sat back comfortably in the low-slung seat of a sexy black Jaguar and enjoyed the power and speed as they chewed up the miles. “So tell me more about why we’re doing this.”

Sam glanced over. “I needed a change.”

Wow, someone who actually sought change, Mikaela mused. She couldn’t relate.

Tired of ophthalmology?

“No, I like ophthalmology. It’s all the rest I could live without. The meetings, research, teaching.” He paused for a moment. “It’s sort of like being a hockey player and being asked to play defense, right wing and goalie. I’d like to be able to pick one and stick with it.”

“And that one would be patient care?”

“Yes, exactly.”

“How would Emerson be better?”

“No teaching, less research, fewer meetings. And more operating room time.”

“Perfect combo,” she agreed. “What’s with all the schmoozing? Why don’t you just hang up your shingle and start to work?”

Sam laughed. “Seems like you should be able to. But I need hospital privileges. If I can’t operate, I don’t want to make the move. And
is up to the board of directors. Emerson’s a small community, and they want to make sure new staff fit in.”

“And a woman in your life makes you a better person?”

“Always,” Sam said with a smile. Her heart stuttered. “I want them to know I’m serious about staying. Apparently a single guy doesn’t fit that profile. It’s not written in stone,” Sam said as he glanced over to her, “but it’s come up. A lot. The hospital is underserviced for a number of specialties. Part of this weekend will be trying to convince them that ophthalmology is a priority.”

“The patients would be lucky to have an ophthalmologist in town.”

“Hopefully, they’ll see it that way too,” he said, with a grin. “I have to go and present rounds at one o’clock this afternoon. I’m meeting some of the family doctors and giving a talk about common eye problems. I expect it will take a couple of hours. I can drop you off, and you can get a bite to eat and relax. Dinner starts at seven, and we’ll meet the rest of the board, about thirty people in all. Not shy, I hope?”

Not any more, she thought. Medical school had cured her of that pretty quickly. “Nope, I’ll be fine,” she replied. “Where are we staying?”

“Here,” he said, exiting the highway onto a tree-lined street. After a short distance, he drove down a narrow gravel road, where low branches brushed the car, and then turned onto a long paved lane.

“We’re not staying in Emerson?”

Sam shook his head. “I have a cottage here. Last year I had some major renovations done, so I can stay here year round.” He glanced over at her. “Is that okay?”

“I thought I would get a chance to look around Emerson if we were staying in town,” she lied.

“If you want to head into town, it’s not a problem. Just go back out to the main highway and continue for another five kilometers. I keep another vehicle here, a Jeep. So if you want to venture into town, feel free,” he reassured her. “I thought this would be easier for sleeping arrangements,” he admitted without looking at her. “There’s lots of space, and you can have your own bedroom. With no questions asked. It’s a small town.” He glanced over at her. “Unless you’ve changed your mind about that?” he asked with a smile.

“No, that sounds perfect,” she quickly agreed.

As they rounded the next bend in the drive, the view opened up to a clearing. Mikaela caught her breath at the beauty.

She expected a little cottage in the backwoods of the lot, like a rugged man-cave.

This was not that.

This was a beautiful, stunning piece of art, made of glass and stone, which melded with the environment. She stared at the asymmetry of the roofline and the staggered design of the building as it curved around a majestic maple tree. The image of a sexy lady lying on her side and winking as she invited you in popped into Mikaela’s head. Even the tree’s canopy looked like an elegant fan keeping the mistress cool, as it swayed in the light breeze. She laughed at the fanciful thought.

Mikaela looked over at Sam with delight. “This is amazing,” she said. “It’s so beautiful.”

Sam looked over at the house, obviously pleased. “Thanks. My brother’s an architect and when I bought this property, he was excited about designing the house. He was like a kid in a candy store, testing all kinds of new things. It was fun to work with him.”

“Well, the result is spectacular. It looks modern and rustic at the same time. Like it’s part of the environment.”

Sam nodded. “That was the idea,” he said. “Come on. I’ll show you inside.”

He parked the car and grabbed their bags from the back. He led her down the walkway, which curved around the maple tree, to the front door, a plain slab of rich chocolate brown wood. Sam flipped open a small compartment hidden in the frame and pressed his right index finger to the panel. The door slid open.

“Here,” he said. “Give me your hand and I’ll code you in, so you can come and go.”

He pressed a series of numbers and then, drawing her close to him, he took her hand gently in his and pressed her index finger to the scanner. Mikaela caught her breath at the brief, gentle contact. She was acutely aware of the firmness of his chest against her back and his warm, earthy smell.

“There you go,” he said quietly. “Just press your finger to the scanner and the door will unlock or lock behind you if you’re leaving.”

Mikaela cleared her throat as she stepped away from him. “Thanks. Good to know.”

He picked up the bags again, and nodded for her to go inside.

Mikaela slipped off her shoes in the foyer and walked to the left, into a sitting area. High ceilings soared above a sleek stone fireplace, filling one wall. Floor to ceiling windows across the back wall, interrupted by glass French doors, allowed a breathtaking view of a lake in the back.

“Oh, you’re on the water here,” she said, smiling at Sam.

“Yes, it’s not a very big lake, but enough for kayaking in the summer and skating in the winter.”

“It’s really lovely, Sam.”

“I’ll show you around.”

They walked to the right, behind the foyer into the kitchen. It was white and gray, with an expanse of veined marble on the countertops and island. A gray and white marble backsplash in smaller tiles set off elegant gray cabinets. A circular white table sat in a little nook overlooking the lake.

“It all looks brand new,” Mikaela exclaimed.

Sam laughed. “Someone comes to help with the cleaning and upkeep through the week, when I can’t get here. And, lucky for me, she loves to cook. She keeps the fridge well stocked with homemade meals and fresh produce, mostly from her garden, I think. So,” he grinned, “the kitchen doesn’t get a lot of use. I like to think I’m saving her some work by not messing it up.”

“That’s very considerate of you,” Mikaela said, with a grin.

They continued through the kitchen into a larger, formal dining area. An entertainment room filled with a large-screen television, comfy recliners, and a large sofa branched off to the front of the house. Toward the back of the house, another room housed fitness equipment. And finally, down a short hallway, Sam stopped in front of a bedroom adjacent to a study.

“You can use this room,” Sam said as he set down her bag. “My room is down at the end of the hall. The bathroom is through here.” He showed her a door that connected the guest room and the study to a shared bath.

An inviting Jacuzzi filled the corner, and a glass shower complete with body jets and a rain head was opposite the tub.
Oh, there's even a towel warming rack.
She sighed, thinking she may never leave.

Sam checked his watch. “Look, I should get going. Make yourself at home. Help yourself to anything in the fridge. I should be home by four o’clock at the latest. Anything else before I head out?”

She shook her head. “No. I’ll get something to eat and sit outside by the water and read. I brought a book, and I’ll enjoy the quiet. Thank you.”

Sam smiled. “Thank you for doing this. I really appreciate it. When I get back, we can sit down and get our story straight.”

“Sounds good. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine,” she said, stepping toward her bag sitting in the middle of her room.

Sam strode down the hall to his bedroom and closed the door behind him with a soft click.

Mikaela unpacked her things, and then with her stomach growling, she headed to the kitchen for food. As she pulled a shrimp salad out of the fridge, Sam came through the kitchen.

He had changed into a dark suit, crisp white shirt and tie.
God, he was gorgeous.
Broad shoulders, flat stomach, slim hips, muscular thighs. Blue eyes and wavy, thick dark hair. A devilish smile. Charming and considerate. And he smelled . . . delicious. A wave of sheer lust shot through Mikaela as she stared at him. She could hear him saying something to her, something about keys and the Jeep, but images of her and Sam, naked together, crowded out any other coherent thought.

“Okay?” Sam asked, looking at her with a puzzled expression.

“Huh? Yeah,” she stammered. She forced a smile. “Great, thanks.”

Sam turned to leave. Mikaela had no idea what he’d just said, and with a wince, hoped it wasn’t important.

Focus, she told herself. It

s Sam O

Brien, Dr. Eye Candy. Stay away. Stay far, far away.

She did not want to be his statistic or one of his many. And the last thing she needed was to provide fuel for the hospital rumor mill. She watched him walk away with catlike grace, admiring his ass and the fine picture he made in a suit. She groaned. Food, she thought. Was sugar an antidote for raging hormones? She hoped so.

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