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Authors: Jayne Rylon

Pick Your Pleasure (12 page)

BOOK: Pick Your Pleasure
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“No second guessing here.” She
answered before he could ask. “Let’s do this. Show me what’s behind that door.”

“You got it.” He laughed at her
eagerness. Not in a mean way, but with an indulgent partner-in-crime sort of

They held hands as he pushed the
panel open and drew her inside, closing them in darkness together. When he slid
the dimmer up gradually, she gasped.

The room was the stuff of erotic
daydreams. Burnished silver accents offset the deep purple of the walls. A
gorgeous oval mirror reflected her stunned expression and Chase’s undivided
focus on her reaction.

He smiled as she discovered the
nuances of the chamber.

Armoires and dressers lined each
available space on the perimeter other than an extra-wide armchair. A low,
tufted bench stretched across the foot of an enormous four-poster bed, complete
with a draped, silk canopy.

Silver and purple sheets were
perfectly made and a whole host of pillows called to her, inviting her to crash
into their fluffiness. Naked. With this amazing, sexy, sophisticated guy who
seemed to be as enthralled by her as she was with him.

What more could she want?

Oh, right. Toys.

An enormous smile spread across
her face.

“I love that look. Angelic and
devilish all at once.” Chase bent to kiss her grin. He started off slow and
gentle, but before she knew it, he had her balanced in his arms. Her legs were
wrapped around his waist, allowing her to feel every inch of him against her
mound and belly. The habitual sway of her torso rubbed her breasts on his chest.

Just when she might have said
the hell with it all and begged him to make love to her—the plain vanilla
variety—he set her on the cool polished surface of one of the armoires. She
yelped then squirmed. He ensured she didn’t tumble off with a sure grip on her

“Stop distracting me, love.” He
brushed his thumb over her swollen mouth. “Let me show you the possibilities
before you dissolve my concentration.”

“I wasn’t complaining,” she
reminded him.

“True. But when you leave here
tonight, I want you to have everything you came for.” His eyes went soft, and
she wished she could hug him.

“I’ve already found more than I
expected,” she promised.

“But what about all you wished?”
He refused to fall short. “
least I’ll permit.”

Linley ducked her head, using
the cascade of her hair to camouflage the mist that caused a sheen over her
eyes. How could she have gotten so lucky?

If Chase wasn’t fooled, he
remained a gentleman, giving her time to recover by angling away and busying
himself with intricate latches on the set of dressers beside her. He flipped up
lids, opened cabinets, and drew out drawers to reveal their contents.

To call the collection in the
Toy Chest extensive wouldn’t have done it justice. Some of the items were
complete mysteries to her. She blinked. Several times.

“What’re you thinking, love?” He
prodded gently.

“I guess I’m a lot more naive
than I thought.” A blush stole over her cheeks. “I was imagining vibrators and
maybe some handcuffs.”

“There are plenty of those in
here.” He crossed to the largest of all the storage units and parted the doors
on the front. Row after row of naughty paraphernalia in sealed, original
packaging had her shifting on her fancy perch.

Vibrators, dildos, remote
controlled clitoral stimulators—all the basics in every permutation were
available for trial.

“The best part of this room is
that is comes with souvenirs. You can pick three things. Anything we use is
yours to keep, of course.” Chase wiggled his eyebrows as he selected an
enormous dildo in sparkly blue gel. The monster had more in common with his
forearm than the generous yet realistic proportions of his natural equipment.

A laugh tumbled from Linley. She
adored his ability to erase her awkwardness and trepidation. “Something tells
me that’s not on the recommended agenda for beginners like me.”

“Love, I’m not sure a hundred
years of practice could work you up to that thing.” He tossed it back into

“Would you mind if we stuck to
the stuff in the middle there?” She prayed he wouldn’t be disappointed when she
pointed to the tamer toys.

“What’s that sour face for?” He
crossed to her, standing between her legs while he surveyed the concern in her

“Am I boring to a guy like you?”
She canted her head. “How can tonight be as exciting for you as it is for me
when I’m hardly out of training wheels when it comes to sex?”

“Linley, corrupting you might be
the most fun I’ve had in my entire life.” His wicked grin reappeared. “Stop
worrying. Don’t think. Rely on your gut. Pick three items from that chest,
right now.”

“What will you do then?” She
nibbled her cheek as she tested her ability to rile him. Surprisingly, it
seemed to be true. She could affect him.

Chase dropped his head back. A
groan burst from his throat.

“I’m going to demonstrate their
effective use on your hot little body. Don’t expect me to go easy on you since
you’re teasing me like a pro. You can ask me any questions you have, love.” He
surrounded her with his arms, drawing her to his chest and kissing her shoulder
lightly beside the strap of her expensive French bra. “I want you to make an
informed decision.”

Linley shivered. Chase eased her
from the armoire and set her on the floor near the beginner chest she’d
indicated. She ran her fingers over several packages. Her first choice was a
no-brainer. She’d always wanted to try this. After all, she’d heard women rave
about using them on TV and in movies for years.

“These seem interesting. Which
one do you recommend?” She appraised the selection of rabbit vibrators.

Chase hummed. “Very good taste.
I mean you did pick me so we already knew that, but you’re confirming my

She elbowed him lightly in the

“Okay.” He laughed. “Sorry. So
when it comes to rabbits, there are a few standard features. Mostly they’re
your run-of-the-mill vibrator with some serious upgrades integrated into the

Linley leaned in for a closer
view as he pointed to one in particular.

The pink shaft had a translucent
section. A bulge in the shaft was filled with tiny marbles.

“When you turn it on, that part
rotates. It’ll tease you inside with the shifting motion of the plastic pearls,
right on your G-Spot. Plus, the swirling shaft will simulate intercourse since
you’ll probably trap it deep within you to maximize the contact of the actual
rabbit with your clit.” He pointed to a protrusion from the base of the tool.

She hadn’t realized the silly
character actually served a purpose. Well, that made a lot more sense and
relieved her guilt over getting nasty with something so cute.

“I hear the magic is all in the
ears. They’re light and fluttery enough to feel like a tongue when they get
slick,” Chase murmured in her ear.

“All right. Yes. That.” She
could hardly catch her breath. “Unless I’m stealing some of your fun.”

Another blush heated her cheeks.
This had to be a record for a single evening.

“Watching you unravel will be
plenty reward. Plus, I’m man enough to admit you can take a hell of a lot more
in one night than I can give you. Unless I start popping some recreational
Viagra.” He didn’t have to elaborate for her to be sure cheating wasn’t his

“If you’re sure…” She glanced at
him over her shoulder, meeting his smoldering stare.

“Love, does it seem like I
disapprove?” He pressed his pelvis tighter to her lower back. Mistaking his
excitement would have been impossible.

“You’ve been so kind to me
tonight.” She couldn’t wait to kiss him again. “You pick one, please?”

“I’m a nice guy, but who could
turn down an offer like that?” He looked like a kid in a candy shop. It didn’t
take more than a few seconds before he plucked a thin device from the chest.

It wasn’t longer than her thumb
and probably just about as thick. Stacked beads decreased in dimension along
its length.

Linley tried to disguise her
disappointment. After the rabbit, this toy would be insubstantial. It didn’t
seem to move or anything either, though it had a U-shaped hook at one end that
looked like it would prevent it from slipping completely inside her.

“It’s not what you think, love.”
Chase laughed softly. So much for her poker face. He saw right through
it—through her anxiety to her anticipation. “It’s for your ass. Has anyone ever
played with it?”

“Oh.” She blinked. “No.”

“We’ll fix that then. You’ll
come so hard around me with this inside you. Just wait. So, what’s your last
pick for tonight?”

She considered chickening out.
What was the point of that after she’d come so far?

“These.” She slipped a finger
beneath the silver chain connecting two metallic clothespins. At least that’s
what they resembled to her. “They
what I think, right?”

He chuckled. “Yes, love.”

His tone had her confused when
he plucked then from her and returned them to their place.

“You don’t—”

He silenced her with a finger
over her lips. “Nothing to do with me. Those are too harsh for you to start

Relief swamped her when he
nominated a similar toy, both because he had her best interests at heart and
because his triumphant smile proclaimed exactly how delighted he was with her

“Your nipples will thank me,” he
promised. With that prophecy, he scooped her and their accoutrements into his
arms before dashing to the bed. Despite his haste, he lowered her gently to the
plush surface, then climbed on beside her, toying with the edge of her
underwear. “Are you tired of these yet?”


Chase pounced on her with the
reflexes of a hungry predator. He whisked the lace from her lower body without
any assistance from her. Her bra followed close behind.

Then he rocked back and knelt,
sitting on his haunches while he observed her as if committing every curve of
her body to long-term memory.

“You’re even more lovely than I
imagined.” As if he didn’t quite believe she was really there, he trailed a
finger over her arm, then her collarbone, then her breast.

He plumped her nipples between
his thumbs and forefingers until each turned a bold raspberry hue and grew

The zings he sent to her pussy
were like live wires making her dance beneath his intense caresses. The instant
reaction of her body to his direction made her feel like an impish marionette.
Glad to follow his lead, she reclined, granting him full access to do as he

Her eyelids must have drifted
closed because she didn’t see the lightweight nipple clamps in his hands.

But she felt their pleasant
pressure when he applied them to the hard tips he’d created with his skillful
handling. The cool metal enhanced the bulk of the nubs clasped in their
adjustable hold.

“How do you feel?” Chase toyed
with the shiny chain draped between her breasts, across the bottom of her rib

A moan supplied all the answer he

“They’re not numb, right?” He
instructed her on the use of the clamps. “For now we only want them snug, no
tingles… Well, maybe just a few of the pleasurable kind.”

“Check.” She’d been reduced to
one word sentences.

“Good girl.” He sank over her,
capturing her mouth in a fierce kiss that belied his gentle tutelage. The slab
of his chest mashed the clamps enough to make her aware of them all over again.
For a long time they were content to play, relishing the taste of each other.
Licks, nips and moans were exchanged along with roaming caresses.

All too soon, Linley grew

Chase noticed her escalating
moans. “You’re ready to try something else?”

“More.” She craved additional
sensation. Something to appease the demands of her body.

“No problem.” He pressed a final
kiss to her lips then meandered down her torso, testing the fit and impact of
her unconventional jewelry. Approving, he continued.

When his face was level with her
pussy, he grabbed the vibrator near her hip. He shredded the packaging and
freed the poor critter who’d been trapped inside.

The bed dipped as Chase departed
the cozy nest. She whimpered and reached for him before thinking better of the
display of weakness.

“Coming right back, love.” He
rummaged in a drawer marked
“I need a few essentials. Like condoms. And lube.”

“Are you nuts?” The question
popped out. “I’m wet enough to drown that poor bunny.”

He laughed. “The lubrication was
for your ass, love. Trust me. You don’t want to attempt that dry. Especially
not your first time. Let’s make it good so you want to do it again and again.

The man had a point. She
shivered as he returned to her side.

“So tense.” He petted her belly.

“Don’t tell me to relax when
you’re about to put something up there.” She grimaced, half-worried and

He laughed the bright sound she
was coming to adore. “It really does help the process along. But this is a
beginner device. It’s not going to be a big production. I promise.”

Oddly, she trusted him
one-hundred percent.

“That’s better,” he cooed. “This
should help some too.”

Before she could raise her head
to spy on his intent, the squishy, blunt tip of the vibrator pressed on her
pussy’s entrance. A moderate buzz followed a moment later.

“Oh!” The immediate responsive
clench of her entire body didn’t seem to further his agenda. But after a
minute, she sank into the experience. Her body sighed and accepted the toy’s
shaft, which he fed her inch by inch.

BOOK: Pick Your Pleasure
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