Pick Your Pleasure (13 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

BOOK: Pick Your Pleasure
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“There you go.” He massaged her
thighs and belly as he introduced the full length.

Moans slipped from her lips
until the juncture of the vibrator and the clit stimulator nestled into place.

Then she shouted.

Her pussy hugged the intrusion
as the external spurring served its purpose.

“Doing great, love.” Chase
grounded her through each exponential upgrade in rapture. “Now, let’s see about
my selection, shall we?”

“Ugh.” Anything more substantial
wouldn’t coalesce in her mind.

Chase dropped soft kisses on her
stomach, distracting her as he ripped open the anal toy and coated it with
slick gel.

No amount of gentling would do
the trick when he made first contact between the cool substance and the blaze
of her skin.

She squealed.

He murmured reassurance. When
she released her pent-up breath, he guided the toy into her the barest bit, as
if waiting for her to object.

Who would refuse such delicious

Chase plied her physical form
with expert care and her primal emotions with his quiet command. The modest
bulges of his toy slid into her ass, forcing it to alternately spread then
relax. Foreign, the sensation was pleasantly arousing.

She shivered, embarrassed by how
ridiculously easy it was for him to poise her on the verge of surrender.

“Oh, none of that.” He refused
to grant her quarter. “Show me how much you like the way I play with you.”

When he put it like that, it
seemed a shame not to comply with his wishes. Especially when he winked at her
before flicking the base of the vibrator.

“Chase!” She screamed when he
triggered the internal gyration of the device. Her rhythmic motions rocked the
clamps at her breast, pressed her onto the toy in her ass, and allowed the
rabbit’s ears to tap her clit.

He conducted the trio of rapture
like a sexual maestro.

Linley exploded. She reached for
him, thrilled to have his hand grounding her while she came apart.

“I’ve got you,” he promised her
over and over as she unraveled. All the while, she stared into his gorgeous
blue eyes, and he returned the gaze.

“No.” She shook her head when he
smiled gently and kissed her with aching tenderness. “Don’t slow down.”

“Rest a minute, love.” He swiped
a damp strand from her lightly perspiring forehead. “We have all night.”

She didn’t care to waste an
instant of their time together. “No.”

Chase kissed the tip of her
nose. “You’re sure you’re ready for me after that?”

“Now, please,” she begged.

“Who am I to deny a lady?” He
beamed as he reached between her legs and eased the vibrator from its den.

She hadn’t even noticed him
flick it off.

Before she could miss the
pressure filling her, he was replacing it with something better.

Bigger. Wider. Longer. Hotter.

And when he fused them
completely, it felt as though he’d introduced her to more than playing with
toys or a libertine club.

Chase showed her just how good
sex could be with the right person. She spread her legs, welcoming him deeper
within her on every pass.

“Linley,” he grunted her name.

She understood and hugged him to
her as he finally took for himself, giving her so much satisfaction in return.

His chest triggered sparks in
her breasts when he bumped the clamps, and his cock stroked the plug through
the thin tissue separating him from the anal beads.

“Come with me?” she whispered
her request.

Clenching his teeth, he nodded.

Linley gasped as his lips
crashed onto hers and his hips fucked faster. She couldn’t say who came first,
but suddenly they both had lost control and shuddered in counterpoint to each

When she swore she’d die from
the ecstasy bombarding her, it lessened and resolved into sweet, warm relief.


To find out what happened next
or search for
5A - Chase Epilogue.

3A - Happiest At Home

Linley wrung her hands as she
glanced between Chase and the velvet curtain separating her from the official

“If you have to think that hard,
that’s answer enough.” Chase smiled warmly, letting her off the hook. “There’s
always next time.”

She swallowed and nodded,
thankful for his graceful perceptiveness.

“It’s true what you said,” she
explained. “I didn’t come here because I wanted to go crazy tonight. It’s more
that my life makes casual encounters impossible outside a place like this.
There are always…expectations. Now that I’ve met you, I’d rather continue our
night somewhere quiet. Comfortable. Private.”

“Believe me. I completely
understand that desire.” He squeezed her shoulder then swept his palm along her
arm until he entwined their fingers. “I’m sort of glad to have you to myself
without a million distractions. I don’t date much. Not in the traditional
sense. It would be a treat to hang out on your couch and watch a movie or talk
over a cup of coffee.”

“That does sound nice.” Her
heart melted a bit when he broke their stare to kiss her knuckles.

“Do you mind if I drive us?” He
tugged her up the stairs, and she was all too happy to follow. His trim hips
and tight butt—packaged in stylish trousers—drew her attention.

“Linley?” He tried not to grin
when he caught her spying on his assets.

“Hmm?” She did her best
imitation of innocence.

“I was wondering if you’d ride
with me. It’s getting late, and I’d rather travel together.” The caress of his
thumb over her wrist didn’t help her concentration.

She almost objected. She could
look out for herself, and her car was her baby. Abandoning it in the concrete
bowels of Underground didn’t appeal. A few minutes alone to sort out her
thoughts might not hurt either. Then she realized showing off would reveal an
awful lot about her she’d rather not discuss. In fact… “Crap!”

Where are we going to have this little rendezvous?
Certainly not at
her main house. The enormous glass windows of the mansion overlooking the
valley that rambled down to the ocean wouldn’t do. No, she’d take him to her
cottage on the outskirts of the city. Her thinking place.

“Don’t worry.” He misunderstood.
“Underground will deliver your car to your house later. It’s a common service
they provide.”

“Makes sense.” She cleared her
throat. “I’d like to come back sometime. They’ve thought of everything. But I’m
the kind of person who’d enjoy the experience more with someone I trust.”

“I hope you’ll put me in that
category eventually. I’m not opposed to earning the honor.” He clasped her hand

“Sorry. That sounded rude.”
Linley couldn’t believe how accommodating Chase had been. And she returned the
favor with unintentional backhanded remarks.

“No. It came off as pragmatic.”
He escorted her through the ballroom then along the hall toward the garage. “I
like that about you. You’re careful and smart. Sure of yourself because you
think things through.”

“I have to tell you, it’s pretty
attractive when you read my mind.” She snuggled up to his chest when they
approached the booth and a young, stylish man jogged out toward the sea of cars
after nodding at Chase. The attendant obviously recognized him. Just how much
of a pillar was he at Underground? And what did it say that he was willing to
leave for her? With her. “I’m not sure I’ve ever met someone else who gets me
like you do.”

“Maybe that’s because we’re a
lot alike. Here… You’re chilly.” He buffed her arms before separating them just
enough to shrug off his jacket and wrap it around her. She hugged the fine
fabric to her, more to surround herself with the heat and scent of the man she
couldn’t believe she’d only met an hour ago. He seemed so

Even if she’d run a fever of one
hundred and five, she wouldn’t have stopped him from bundling her in his arms.
He leaned his cheek on the crown of her head and breathed deep.

Linley settled against him. The
thickness of his erection prodded the small of her back.

She hadn’t realized she’d gasped
until he apologized. “Underground usually has that effect on me. I guess I’ve
been conditioned. And tonight, adding you to the mix… There’s no hope of hiding

“I don’t mind. I like knowing
where I stand with you.” Understatement of the century. Actually, she had to
refrain from rubbing against him like a cat on the edge of a doorframe.

“Good. Because I’m fairly
certain it’s going to be a regular occurrence when we’re together.” He kissed
her cheek. “
you’ll let me see you
again after tonight.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Their lips
brushed when she turned to look at him from the corner of her eye.

“Because—” He hesitated.

“What?” She rotated in his arms
so she could cup his smooth cheek.

When he closed his eyes for a
moment then reopened them, the somber look in them disappeared. “I guess I was
afraid you had come here tonight looking for a one-time fling.”

“I might have.” She didn’t
intend to lie to him. It wasn’t her style. “But that was before I knew this was
an option.”

Even with the extreme heel of
her shoe, she had to reach up to nudge him lower so that they could nibble on
each other again. She might have been content to stay there forever, but the
headlights of an approaching vehicle shined directly on them, blinding her. Or
was that a reflection of the electricity sparking between them?

“Hold that thought.” He nuzzled
their noses then led her to the passenger side of the charcoal gray Mercedes
Benz E550 sedan that idled at the curb. Understated elegance. Just like the man

Somewhere along the way, she’d
become a car snob. She freely admitted it. The lucrative nature of her business
had allowed her to develop an appreciation for superior machines. A man’s ride
told a lot about him. This one would do nicely.

Linley slid into the comfortable
leather seat and allowed Chase to shut the door for her before reaching for her
seat belt. She ran her hand over the quality stitching and the well-designed
curve of the dash.

“You approve?” His half smile
kicked up as he ducked into the cabin and joined her.

“I do.” She nodded. “I have to
warn you, though. I’m one of the world’s worst passengers. Backseat driving is
a bad habit of mine.”

“I’m sensing a theme here.” He
glanced at her before putting the car in gear and smoothly ascending the winding
ramp. They emerged into the night. Stars shone, even in the heart of the city.
Out on the fringes of civilization, the twinkles would be brilliant. She
couldn’t wait to share the view with Chase. “So let me ask you this… If you
like the driver’s seat so much, why are you letting me take charge?”

“Maybe I’m tired of navigating.
Especially alone.” She scrubbed her hands over her face, careful to avoid
streaking the makeup she rarely wore so heavily.

“Fair enough.” Chase reached
across the cabin to rest his palm on her thigh. Not in a grope-o-rama way, but
in a show of support. “Except I actually do need you to tell me where to go
right now.”

They laughed together, the sound
filling the sedate interior.

“Head out to the highway then
take Route 9 North. My place is kind of far. I hope you don’t mind.” She bit
her cheek as penance for the half-truth.

“Not a problem. It only means I
get to spend more time with you.” Chase shot her a look filled with desire.

Fanning her face, she couldn’t
believe how warm the evening air felt.
Or probably that had something to do with her flush, courtesy of the man
beside her. She was dying to ask him things she knew were forbidden, questions
she couldn’t give a reciprocal answer to without impacting their night. So she
kept her mouth closed and admired his skill in handling the vehicle instead.

Shoulders relaxed, his gaze
flicked from the mirrors to the road. He maneuvered around slower vehicles
without hogging the passing lane. Thank God. She couldn’t stand left-lane
pirates that parked themselves in the fast track at one mile
the speed limit no matter how many
other vehicles approached.

That would have been a deal

“So, how am I doing?” The grin
he shot her before concentrating on the road again proved they still rode the
same wavelength.

“Not bad.” A giggle escaped her
when she covered his hand. “And you have a big gearshift.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.”
The corner of his mouth curled up, creating a slight dimple. “Although, the
real version isn’t quite so shiny.”

Chrome peeked between his tan
fingers. The idea of him with a silver-plated cock had her laughing some more.

“I should hope not. I prefer men
to robots.” Linley shook her head when he choked. “Let me guess, that’s another
specialty of Underground.”

“Well, actually.” He glanced at
her. “Yeah. There are fuck machines in the Basement.”

It did something to her insides
to hear him curse so naturally. A reminder that he might not always be as
gentle as the treatment he’d given her so far. She shivered—part anticipation,
part wariness. “Thanks, but no thanks. I want a flesh and blood man. Not that I
indulge in those very often either. Suddenly, I have a pretty big craving

“Does that mean you still plan
to take tonight beyond that coffee you promised me?” The inquiry didn’t feel
like pressure. More like curiosity.

“I think so.” She nibbled her
bottom lip and shifted in her seat. “It’s been a really long time for me. Can
we see where this goes and how it feels?”

“Absolutely.” His shoulders
relaxed. “I already know it’ll be great. Nothing to worry about there. Forget a
long time. I’ve
had this kind
of chemistry with a woman before. You fit me, Linley.”

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