Pick Your Pleasure (2 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

BOOK: Pick Your Pleasure
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“Wow.” She had no idea how he’d
done that, but it shouldn’t have surprised her.
As for the rest, it was better than she could have hoped. Lies wouldn’t
be necessary to evade questions about her job.

Damn, Henry had been holding out
on her all this time.

Underground could be everything
she needed.

“Finally, what happens here
stays here.”

“Like Vegas.” She grinned.

“Exactly.” Her welcoming
committee joined her. His stunning smile had her realizing just how handsome he
was beneath his cool, collected exterior. “But better. So much better.”

“So, what’re we waiting for?”
Linley strode toward him and he pivoted, extending his arm. She threaded her
hand through the space between it and his solid torso, her fingers landing on
the crook of his elbow. The support was appreciated. Between her high heels and
the shivers of excitement now racking her, she leaned on him.

The moment they entered the
short hallway and headed into the heart of Underground, Linley realized she
hadn’t set her expectations high enough. Beautiful people surrounded her,
peering at the fresh meat being escorted into their midst.

Lavish furnishings in maroon
damask, plus black chandeliers, could have made the place reek of bordello.
Somehow it didn’t. The sophisticated taste of the pieces ensured they enhanced
the sensuality of the environment without tipping into gaudy.

Candelabras illuminated the
space with a warm glow that turned marble and velvet into hospitable finishes.
If she hadn’t been so focused on what awaited ahead, she would have paused to
admire the erotic art adorning the walls.

Henry had some explaining to do.

“Ms. Lane.” Her guide ushered
her into a gathering room. A large one. Fireplaces cast sultry shadows across
expansive area rugs. Plush and inviting, she could easily lounge here for a
decade or two. Busy observing the mingling couples—or more—she didn’t realize
the greeter had led her to a secluded corner booth with an ornate silver table
in the center.

A bottle of champagne chilled on
ice. She recognized the label as a premier vintage. The three glasses
surrounding it gave her pause.

Linley looked up to find two men
occupying the table.

One blond and well kept. The
other dark and scruffy.

Manners, or maybe some innate
formality on his part, dictated the light-haired gentleman rise. He offered her
his hand and helped her get situated in the intimate space. His grip was warm
and strong. Who was he? Why was she drinking with him and his friend?

As if her greeter could sense
the uncertainty swirling around her brain, he explained. “You’ll require a
guide for your adventure tonight. New members are always paired with a veteran
on their first go around to ensure their enjoyment.”

“I thought that was your job?”
She tipped her head as she examined his expression.

“I wish I were so lucky.” He
gave her a tiny bow. “Chase and Ryder have both offered their company this
evening. We’ll leave the choice to you. Play nice, boys.”

The greeter winked at her before
retreating, perhaps to collect another very willing guest from the garage.

“So long as I don’t have to
fight fair.” The bump on scruffy guy’s nose attested to his experience with
brawling. She felt bad for prince charming across the table if things came to

“Wouldn’t expect you to, Ryder.”
The burnished blond shook his head though he smiled as he said it.

Dashing, dangerous, and
devilish, Ryder scooted closer and laid his palm high on her thigh. Entirely
too close to the hem of her dress for someone she hadn’t even officially been
introduced to yet.

Denying the electricity his skin
conducted would have been pure insanity. Hot and firm, his touch did things to
her she’d never imagined possible with a single contact. He didn’t wait for her
approval or shrink from her—Linley Lane, CEO.

Was it like this for other
women? Or was this man something special?

A tiny connection and he did
more for her than the parade of perfect men who’d come before him. She blew out
a sigh that ruffled her bangs, washing her cheeks with a cool breeze.

“Hands off my lady, please.”
Chase didn’t seem disturbed by the zero-to-a-million-and-sixty approach Ryder
adopted with her. His quiet confidence made her do a double take at his model
good looks. Hell, he had most of Hollywood beat in her book.

Piercing blue eyes met her
curious stare. He didn’t flinch from her inspection. Patient yet persistent, he
waited for her to look her fill. With thick lashes and a couple of laugh lines
that hinted at a good nature, she hoped she wasn’t drooling.

What were the odds? Two men.
Both of whom she had compelling—if completely opposite—chemistry with.

Hot damn.

Linley licked her lips.

“Would you care for a drink?”
Chase’s smooth baritone made her blink twice before she deciphered his offer.

“Yes, please.” She studied his
expert handling of the bottle, impressed with how he poured the crisp liquid
without spilling a single bubbly drop. When she reached for the stemware he
proffered, he surprised her by clasping her fingers in a gentle yet sure hold
then dusting the back of her hand with his lips.

A tantalizing appetizer.

Before she could dig in, he
slipped the glass into her hand and wrapped her fingers around the delicate

“What century are you from?”
Ryder growled as he ignored his rival to focus on her. “Either way, you’ll be
ancient before you get to the good shit with him.”

The rebel’s fingers hadn’t moved
from her leg. Well, maybe they had. Higher.

Instead of creeping her out, his
deft massage encouraged Linley to sink into the tufted velvet, allowing her
thighs to relax and part. Just a bit.

“You didn’t come here tonight to
be bored, did you?” Ryder reached across her to cup her cheek in his broad,
slightly callused hand while the other continued to mesmerize her with his
intuitive knowledge of her erogenous zones. Nudging her chin up, he forced her
to meet his gaze. His fingers curled around her nape, and he leaned forward
until his lips nearly collided with hers. “Pick me. I’ll make sure you never
forget the night you decided to be a bad girl.”

When she nearly succumbed to the
promise of his slightly rough cheek to steal a kiss, he retreated, though his
skilled fingers continued their insidious assault.

“I hardly call romance dull.”
Chase sipped from his glass, reminding her of the treat fizzing away before

Linley downed a swallow or two.
Moisture gathered at the corner of her mouth. Before she could reach for her
napkin, Chase swiped a droplet from her lips with his thumb then sampled the
mingled flavor of the alcohol and her skin.

“Delicious.” He savored the
taste and looked like he might go for another.

She wished he would. Instead he
withheld the pleasure, making her yearn for more.

A glint from Ryder’s direction
had her glancing away in time to see him chug his drink then pour another
round. The powerful flex of his throat—primal and strong—inspired her. In her
mind, she could picture nibbling the cords there as he rode her. With him, she
wouldn’t have to beg for what she wanted.

He wouldn’t make her take.

So many times, she had to be the
aggressor. In meetings. In dating. Handing over the reins would be a welcome
relief. This man would afford her that luxury.

When he was down to the last sip
of the second round, he held it in his mouth and set his glass on the table
with a
. This time he didn’t
stop when he swooped in. His lips landed on hers without apology.

Ryder proved that though he
might lack stealth, he had finesse in abundance. His mouth turned hers pliant
as he shared the rich drink and a taste of what a night with him would be like.
He sucked on her tongue, using the slightest edge of his teeth to awaken nerves
gone drowsy with an intoxicating blend of allures.

When he withdrew, he bit her lip
lightly, letting the subtle sting remind her of the things he’d done to her
body without effort. Her nipples rubbed against the padding of her bra. She attempted
to cross her legs to appease the part of her that screamed for pressure right
where she needed it most.

To her surprise, it was Chase
who prevented her from trapping Ryder’s palm between her thighs. “No, love.
Don’t hide. You didn’t come here tonight for that.”

“And what if I’ve changed my
mind?” Having two men bracketing her, promising her their own brand of sexy
fun, overwhelmed her. For a moment, she wondered if she could handle it. Or
would she disappoint them? It wasn’t like she had a ton of experience.

“Then let me take you home.”
Chase’s solution seemed genuine. “That’s not code for anything, by the way.
I’ll drop you at your door, safe and sound, if you’d prefer.”

“No one’s forcing her.” Ryder
seemed offended. “But I won’t let you lie to yourself, wildcat. You came
hunting for this. You’re soaked. My finger isn’t sliding around on its own down
there. I’ll make it easy for you, give you things you never dreamed you

Linley’s head
against the seat as she dropped
it backward. “Too bad I can’t have you both.”

Ryder laughed. The easy,
boisterous sound made it clear he did it often. With gusto. “In my world,
that’s an option. Here we’re Underground. The next level below us is called
Downstairs. I hang out a bit deeper. The Basement of the club offers the
possibility of ménage, among other more daring pursuits. Chase doesn’t sink
that low, though.”

She peeked up in time to catch
the other man’s tiny frown.

“That’s true,” Chase confirmed.
“I prefer to stick to Downstairs. And I fly solo. I assure you, you won’t need
other men when you have my full attention. For dipping your toe in, I recommend
the first level of the club. Perfect for wading.”

“Screw that. Jump into the deep
end.” Ryder lifted his palm from her saturated thigh, licked his finger, and
then held out his hand. “I won’t let you drown.”

“Neither will I.” Chase extended
one of his as well.

“So, who will it be, Linley?”
She didn’t have time to wonder how they knew her name.

Instead she searched inside and
uttered her preference for tonight.


If Linley said
or search for
Linley Picked Chase.

If Linley said
or search for
2B - Linley Picked Ryder.

3C - Play Downstairs

“I saw plenty to keep me busy up
here.” A sigh of relief passed her lips when he didn’t seem in the least

“Hell, yes.” He hugged her to
him and laid a wet kiss on her lips. “I probably couldn’t have controlled
myself long enough to show you around the Basement properly tonight. I would
have done my best. But you’re firing me up, Linley.”

“I’ll take a rain check.” Was it
okay to suggest they might play again someday? She hoped so. Now that she’d
discovered this incredible chemistry, she had no delusions that one
night—however insanely good it was—would be enough.

“You got it.” Ryder nodded.

“So how do these rooms work?”
She lifted her chin toward the one on the end marked Ties That Bind.

“See the little red light?”

Linley nodded.

“That means it’s occupied. If
you’re interested, we’d tell one of the servers to put us on the waiting list.
You can specify a room—the popular ones have a couple of spares around the
backside—or ask for the next available if you’re feeling lucky…or horny.” He
gave his cock a few tugs as if to settle himself. She swallowed hard. “Once the
players are finished and the room is cleaned and reset, someone will notify

“I see.” Damn it, both of the
possibilities she’d fantasized about forever had a red light on their doors.

“Why? Do you know what you want
already?” He narrowed his eyes.

“Yes, I think so.” She bit her
lip, wondering if she could stand the delay or if she should settle for
something else. Anything would do as long as her date administered
corresponding pleasure. Soon she wouldn’t be able to stand for the desire
pulsing through her core.

Ryder snagged a passing dude.
The guy was built like a football player yet moved with nimble strides. “The
lady would like to reserve a room.”

When she opened her mouth to put
in her request, Ryder held out his hand with one finger up and the rest curled
into a fist. “Hang on.”

Her order died in her throat.
Had he changed his mind? Did he want to set their course? She wouldn’t mind
giving him full control once inside, but picking the room allowed her to put
some boundaries in place.

“No, no.” He shook his head
after taking one peek at her crestfallen face. “Not what you’re thinking. Just…
Why don’t you whisper your selection to Robbie? I’m kind of a sucker for
surprises. Spontaneity. I don’t want to know until we’re crossing the threshold
what the night has in store for us. Besides, I might not be able to contain
myself. I can be impatient on occasion.”

The server chuckled. “You’re not
usually one of the guys who ends up fucking his date against the wall then
heading home without enjoying the finer pleasures we have to offer. It’s kind
of nice to see someone giving as good as they get with you, Ry.”

Ryder flipped the guy off. “Go
ahead, tell the smartass your choice so we can take care of some business. I
might succumb tonight. If I do, though, I swear there’s more waiting for you,
Linley. You’re not leaving here tonight less than totally satisfied. If we have
to get someone from the Basement to help, we will.”

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