Picnic in Provence (32 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Bard

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If you’d like to further explore René Char’s poetry, there is a side-by-side English/French translation of
Feuillets d’Hypnos
Furor and Mystery and Other Writings
(Boston: Black Widow Press, 2011). If you read French, Mireille Sidoine-Audouy recounts her childhood memories of Char in her book
Darwin fera la mis en scène: Une enfance auprès de René Char (1940–1950)
(Paris: Editions du Sextant, 2009).

I’m once again blessed in the sound advice and magic touch of my agent Wendy Sherman, my editor Judith Clain, and the dream team at Little, Brown. So many friends contributed their valuable time and comments: Afra, Betsy, Jenny, Sarah, Zizi. Courtney Rubin, there’s simply not enough monogrammed stationery in the universe. Both Gwendal and I have been buoyed by the strength of our ties in the village: Cindy and Pierre provided a warm welcome and an office away from home. A special thank-you to Mireille Sidoine-Audouy, who was kind enough to share her personal history with us, and Marion Peyric, with whom I discuss tomatoes and Homer. We miss Jeannot and Pierrette Cappelletti each day, particularly when there’s a frost. Though they shun the spotlight,
mille mercis
to Rod and Angela Heath; from our first visit to our most recent cone of quince sorbet, none of this would have been possible without you. To my parents, who have seen us through yet another round of crazy ideas, and particularly to my mom, who proved throughout this process that she is not only a terrific mother but also a very good sport. Finally, to my husband and my best boy, who have given me happiness beyond anything I could have imagined. You make my heart full every day.

Elizabeth Bard is an American journalist and author based in Provence, France. Her first book,
Lunch in Paris: A Love Story with Recipes
has been a
New York Times
and international bestseller, a Barnes & Noble "Discover Great New Writers" pick, and the recipient of the 2010 Gourmand World Cookbook Award for Best First Cookbook (USA).



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Copyright © 2015 by Elizabeth Bard
Author photograph by Cindi de Channes
Cover design by Julianna Lee
Cover illustration and hand-lettering by Virginia Johnson
Cover copyright © 2015 Hachette Book Group, Inc.

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First ebook edition: April 2015

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ISBN 978-0-316-24615-6


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