Picture Perfect (6 page)

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Authors: Deena Remiel

BOOK: Picture Perfect
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“Think it’s funny to drive a man crazy do you?” His playfulness only made this time together more extraordinary.

“Oh yes,” she returned as her eyes gazed up at his. “Knowing that I make you squirm, that you want me, is quite a rush.”

His eyes darkened at her blatant challenge. “Let’s just see who makes who squirm….”

He blazed a trail of kisses, each one setting little bonfires of heat on her neck and down the slope of her breasts. The harsh brush of his stubble followed by the softness of his lips and tongue were a form of exquisite torture. Slowly he made his way down her body, kissing, nipping, suckling, and laving every bit of flesh he crossed. Her attention narrowed in anticipation to where he would next lay a nip or lightly run his scruffy chin. Her world became one of pure, rapturous sensation. She cried out in ecstasy when his fingers brushed by her mound, and she automatically raised her hips, silently begging for more.

“Do you want this?” His fingers glanced teasingly across her lower lips again, lingering near her sensitized nub.

“God, yes please.” She arched her back and neck as she squirmed with her hips, impatient for his fingers to go where she needed them most.

He complied, as if reading her mind, entering her with one finger, finding just the right spot to rub as she moaned and writhed.

Her back arched up completely off the bed before slamming back down. She clenched her hands into his hair to pull him in for a kiss so deep. Her cries grew louder as he thrust his finger in and out in ever increasing frequency and intensity.  She cried out his name as she came against his hand. As her body shook with the aftershocks, he tenderly cupped her face before placing a soft kiss on either side of her mouth.

“Thank you.”

She laughed playfully.

“Shouldn’t I be the one thanking you?” She mirrored his position by cupping his cheeks in her hands and gently kissed his mouth.

“But,” she continued as she ran a hand down to encircle his shaft. “We’re not quite done yet….”

“No, not yet,” he agreed as he reached toward his jeans for the foil square.

She tapped at the square with her nail and a smile.

“Let me…please?”

He handed her the condom. “There’s something so sexy about a woman putting a condom on a man. Especially if that woman is you.”

Eager to feel him inside her, she tore open the package and slid the latex down his length, enjoying the feel of his cock and pleased by the hitch in his breathing. When her hand hit his base, she glanced at him from under her lashes.

“You liked that huh?”

“Oh, yes…. Lay back for me. I want to make love to you. Not just your body, Hope, but your soul. Let me love you, body and soul.”

With a smile, as she lay beneath his towering body, she replied, “Yes, Jamie, make love to me. All of me.”

 As he slid into her, Hope became nothing more than a bundle of frenetic nerves firing in rapid succession as he brought her skillfully to the edge of oblivion. When she could stand no more, his name escaped her lips over and over. She heard hers rumble through the air, and watched through glazed-over eyes as Jamie joined her in total bliss.

He fell upon her and rolled to his side, carrying her with him all the while. After a few moments of stillness, she felt his gentle hands caress her shoulder and neck. He nuzzled his face against her hair. “You know, I’ve played at making love for the camera, but Lord Almighty, Hope, you make the real thing an instant addiction.”

She trailed tremulous fingers up and down his back and let out a throaty laugh. “I believe you had a little something to do with it, as well, you wicked man.” She feathered kisses along his neck and chest. “This is one addiction I think I can live with.”

“Good, because I’m needing another fix. Can you hook me up, woman?” He rolled her on top of him, allowing her hair to curtain about their faces.

Hope sat up, straddling Jamie’s hips and raked her fingers down his chest to his abdomen. “Oh baby, I’ve got your never-ending supply right here.”


As they made love again, her playfulness and responsive body amazed him. He loved her laughter, the sparkle in her eyes as well as the smoky look that was there now. Looking up at her he could easily believe in a forever kind of love, that she could be

Watching the play of shadows and light over her body was more erotic than any shoot he had done. The slide of their sweat-slicked bodies, the scent of them together, the light moans that filtered through the room added together into a picture that would stay with him forever.

“Let me hear you, baby. Don’t hold back.”

With his hands grasping her hips he slightly raised her only to slam her down again…and again. Her moans got louder, spurring him on.

“Mmmm, that’s it.”


The sight of her biting her bottom lip, and caressing her nipples as she came were too much for him and he had no choice but to join her. Pulling her down on top of him, he smiled into her hair and closed his eyes.


An obnoxiously loud ring sent Jamie jettisoning out of bed to rummage through the pile of clothing on the floor. “Son of a bitch,” he mumbled as his brain tried to match his heart’s speed. He couldn’t even focus on the screen properly and flipped it open. “Hello? Hello?”
You idiot. It’s a text message.
He opened up the messages and saw that his photographer needed him by three o’clock instead of five.
He’d completely forgotten about that photo shoot today. What should he do about Hope?
She could stay in the house, alone. No, I don’t like that at all. She could come with and watch the shoot. Not crazy about that idea either, but I may have no choice.
Having her watch erotica shoots only a few days after getting together would not help to strengthen their relationship one bit, in his opinion.

“Anybody I know?” A groggy, sweet voice slid its way into his musings. He heard rustling before a head peeked out over the footboard. A large curl of hair bounced before Hope’s nose and she blew it away. Jesus, but she looked adorable, all tussled and loved up.

“Hey, you should still be sleeping, my little vixen.” He crawled to the edge of the bed on his knees to kiss her. “My photographer. We have a shoot today at three that I completely forgot about with all the Brittany crap that’s happened recently. We’ve got two options. One, you can stay here, alone, until I’m through. Or two, you can come with me. Neither makes me happy, to be honest.”

“You don’t want me to be alone here. Do you?” He shook his head. “All right, so what’s wrong with going to your shoot?”

“Well, it’s like this. We’ll be starting off fully clothed for historical shots, but we’ll be changing and doing erotica shots as well.”

“You think I’ll cramp your style, your mojo?” She laughed and mussed his hair. He grabbed her hand and kissed the palm.

“No, no. I just think it might be uncomfortable for you seeing me getting into it with another woman.”

“Oh, uh huh. You’re forgetting something. I’m in the same business as you, sweetie. Get as hot and bothered as you can for the camera, baby. I’ll be there, good and ready for real when you’re done.”

He shook his head. “We’ve only been together a couple of days, Hope. I’m not gonna lie. I’m nervous.”

“What are you nervous about? That watching you get it on with another woman while the camera is clicking will send me into a jealous rage? Honey, I leave that to the likes of Brittany. Rest assured you can give me a hell of a lot more credit than that.”

“I don’t mean to slight you. My track record makes me gun shy. That’s all. I don’t want to mess up this thing we’ve got going here. I care about you way too much.”

“I understand, I do. But I’m a big girl and work with the pictures you take every day. I’m immune to it all, I tell ya. I’ve been to photo shoots before like this. Even when it’s live and right in front of me, all I see and think about are the technical aspects. Besides, you don’t want me alone here, and I’ll go nuts. I’ve already sent out all the emails I can to drum up business, so I’ve nothing to do but wait. Please? Let me come with you.” She flashed him a sleepy, seductive look and sucked on one of her fingers like a lollipop. “I promise you treats later.”

Jamie took that as an open invitation, and leaping up suddenly, he pounced on her only to begin nibbling on the rest of her fingers. Her voice tinkled with glee, and lowered to one of sensual pleasure. “How about some treats now, and some later?”

Jamie stopped and considered for the briefest of moments. “Mmm, I can live with that.”



Chapter Seven


Photo shoots can be frenetic and frenzied, but Jamie’s kept his calm, relaxed, and comfortable. He’d taken them to a resort that had rolling hills and an expansive suite. Hope’s mind filled with ideas for where she would want to set up and the kinds of shots she would want to take. She enjoyed the positive creative energy buzzing around her. She wouldn’t dream of sharing her thoughts about placement and poses, but she wrote them down in a notebook so she could share later.

Jamie had shown his professionalism and feelings for her from the start, introducing her to today’s model as his girlfriend and fellow artist. He seemed a bit awkward at first, but finally got into a groove when he stopped looking over at her every few minutes. A gloriously old weeping willow, with lots of gnarled roots, served as a backdrop for the historical romance pictures. It worked perfectly for sitting upon and cuddling. The dappled sunlight under the tree’s canopy played deliciously in the couple’s eyes. It also warmed up the air something fierce, and she could tell Jamie and his model were parched.

“I bet you all could use some cold water,” she called out. “Why don’t I go get some? I bet someone can fix me up a nice little ice chest in a backpack.”

“Sounds like a great idea, but you’re on crutches, babe. I don’t want you stumbling and getting hurt.”

“I need to stretch my legs. You folks have been moving around. I’ve been sitting still and I’m cramping up. No worries. I’ll be right back.” She smiled, waved off any further discussion, and tottered over to the glass doors of the resort.

Once inside, the cool air absorbed the moisture that had collected behind her neck and down the valley of her breasts. She took a deep breath and made her way over to the bar. She caught the eye of one of the bartenders. “Excuse me. Hi, is it possible to get some water bottles and ice in a container? My friends are working hard out there doing a photo shoot and need to hydrate themselves.”

“Well, I can get you the ice and water, ma’am, but I don’t have a container for you.” He poured a Bud Light Lime into a cup.

“Hmm, you know what? I have a backpack in my room. If I get it and bring it to you, would you fill it for me?” She batted her eyelashes at him and smiled sweetly.

“Sure thing.” He smiled back and poured a glass of merlot.

“Super. I’ll be right back.” She flicked her thick, wavy hair behind her shoulders, set her crutches under her arms, and started her journey to the room they had rented for the day. “Oh! Could you hold that elevator, please!”

Quickening her stilted steps, she made it just in time to see a hand reach out and hold the doors from closing. Bright red nail polish adorned claw-like nails “Thank you so much. I appreciate it.”

“No problem.” A petite woman smiled sweetly and mussed her long golden-honey curls while looking in the mirrored wall of the elevator. “Ooh, that can’t be pleasant, having to walk around with crutches, in this heat. Um, what floor do you need?”

“Three, please. No, it’s a real drag actually.” She looked at herself in the mirror.
I’m a bedraggled mess! And this one looks like she walked out of a magazine two seconds ago.

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