Picture Perfect (12 page)

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Authors: Ella Fox

BOOK: Picture Perfect
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He kissed and licked every square inch of both my breasts and I writhed underneath him in wonder.  The silky feeling of his hair as it brushed against my skin was so erotic that I was barely holding on.
  I let out an involuntary gasp of wonder when he took my left nipple into his mouth and laved it with his tongue.  “Flynn!”

My fingers were
wrapped in his hair and I held him against my breast as I arched against his erection in search of relief.  I moaned when he grabbed my hips in his hands as he started to grind against me.  When his mouth went to my right nipple and sucked it into his mouth, I came with a cry of disbelief. 

It had finally happened-
a man had made me come. I felt like throwing a party even as my body continued to shake beneath his as aftershocks rolled through me.

I’d officially caught fire and it felt unbelievably good, but nothing prepared me for the four-alarm
blaze that ignited when Flynn slid his hand into my bikini and touched my dripping wet core for the first time.  Pulling back from me he sat up a bit and stared down at his hand as it moved beneath my bikini bottoms.  It felt incredible, and I arched up into his fingers as he touched me.  The expression on his face was so hot that I wished I had my camera nearby.  He was picture perfect and completely in tune with my body in a way that even I never had been before.

Lifting his head
, he met my gaze and smiled.  “Baby, can I take the bottoms off?”

My breath caught
even as I nodded my agreement.  Within seconds, my bikini bottoms were gone and I was completely exposed to Flynn.  He ate me alive with his eyes as he took every square inch of me in.  Before I even had time to process his intent he was lifting my hips up and his mouth was just above my core.  When he touched me with his tongue, I cried out in wonder at how fantastic it felt.

He licked,
sucked, and nibbled at me as I shook and cried underneath him.  My hands were fisted tight in his hair as I held him to me, out of control and desperate for a release that only Flynn had ever been able to give me.  The sight of his face buried between my legs made me cry out as I writhed against his tongue. 

When he slid his finger inside of me a
nd started rubbing in and out, my body took flight again as I clenched around his finger and screamed out his name. 

I was all but in another world as he kissed his way back up my body and settled himself over me again before capturing my mouth with his again.  It was shockingly hot to taste myself on his tongue, a reminder of what he’d made me feel.  When he pulled back, I groaned and tried to hold him to me.  Shaking his head, he let out a huge exhale.  “I promised you no sex today, and I’m going to
keep my word no matter how badly I want to join myself to you.  It’s too soon, Tess.  When we get there, babe, it’s going to be
.  We’re so fucking worth the wait.”

Who was this beautiful man and how did he know when to draw the line?  I’d have given him anything in the heat of the moment, but he was right.  It wasn’t time.  I would have kicked myself in the ass later for having sex after knowing him for two days.

Eyes serious and intense, he put a hand on either side of my face and looked at me.  “I promise you that I’m not trying to fuck and run Tess, but
aren’t sure
of that yet.  You also don’t fully know that you can trust me. I know that I have to earn that trust. This isn’t a fling so it it’s not something that I have any experience with, to be honest.  You’re different, sweetness.  For you, I want everything to be just right.”

Sweet Jesus, the man was melting my goddamn brain.  I couldn’t help myself.  I smiled at him and nodded my agreement.  He
didn’t push or say anything more; instead, he behaved like a perfect gentleman and bent to retrieve my bikini bottoms before helping me stand so that he could put them back on.  He stayed bent before me as he pulled them up my legs and I watched him in wonder.  It was ridiculously erotic watching Flynn redress me, and I grinned like a total moron when he placed a soft kiss on my stomach once he had the bottoms in place.

I realized right then that I could so easily fall in love with him that it scared the shit out of me.  I was in deep and falling fast.


Chapter Eighteen


Once I had Tessa
dressed, I showed her where the pool was before excusing myself to the bathroom.  I was so hard that it felt like I was made of granite and I needed to calm down.  But more than that, I had to get a grip on my emotions.  No one came close to Tessa, no one ever had.  How scary was it to feel that way about someone I’d known for such a short amount of time? 

It blew my mind that if I’d not been interested in signing The Chaps that I never would have seen her photo and likely never would have met her.  I’d essentially fallen for her the moment that I’d seen her picture and I didn’t know how to assimilate that
.  Nothing about that was rational, but being with her made me feel solid in a way that I never had.  The whole situation was forcing me to reevaluate my position on fate.

Once I left the
bathroom, I spent a few minutes on the phone confirming the details of our dinner.  I’d come up with something that I hoped she would really like.  I’d taken my dad’s advice to heart because I agreed with him.  Going over the top and taking her to some fancy ass restaurant wasn’t going to do it for Tessa, at least not yet.  She’d write me off as a jackass if I did that, and I didn’t want that.

I was pleased when I got out to the pool and found her floating on a raft.  She looked comfortable and that made me happy.  I needed her to feel at home wherever I was.  Running across the flagstone pathway, I took flight and dove into the pool.  Tessa’s delighted laugh rang through the air as I broke the surface just next to her raft.  A feeling of pure joy that I’d not experienced before overwhelmed me, and I put my arms around her and pulled her under with me.

We surfaced together, both laughing.  Most girls would have pouted or been seriously pissed that I’d either fucked up their hair or make-up by pulling them under, but Tess didn’t give a shit.  She was having fun, not trying to show me her best angle.  I adored that about her.

Catching me off guard, she jumped up and pushed me under by my shoulders.  I spluttered as I came back up with a laugh.  “Shit, Tess!  I don’t know where you hide it, but you’ve got some muscle type strength, babe.”

Shaking her head at me, she chuckled.  “When I’m at home, I kick-box three days a week and run six days as well.  I know getting on a treadmill at the hotels
won’t be an issue, but I’m already trying to figure out what I can do to make up for missing a bazillion days in the ring while we’re on tour.”

.  Was.  AWESOME.  Once again, Tessa exceeded expectations.  I seriously thought she’d answer by telling me she did fuckin jazzercise or some shit, but it turned out she was in shape because she did real workouts that didn’t involve jumping up and down and following the commands of an instructor named Barbie.

“Today’s your lucky day, babe.  The workout fairy literally just fell into your lap.  Cole and I do MMA to
work out five days a week.  We’ve hired a trainer to keep our asses in shape on tour.  Devon’s already asked if she can use the guy as her trainer, so it wouldn’t be any problem to have him train you as well.”

Tess beamed at me
as if I’d just told her Wolfgang Puck was going to be cooking all of our meals for the length of the tour.

!  That’s awesome!  I was seriously worried that I was going to rage out at some point without my stress-relief outlet.”

That made me shake my head and laugh.  “Seriously, babe?  Raging out?  I don’t see it.”

“Uh, yeah. I’m a normal person Flynn, and I get fired up about things.  I’ve got a temper, but instead of blowing up at everyone, I work it out so that I don’t go on a one-woman smack-a-thon.

Fuck me….
YES PLEASE.  I heard every word she said, and the idea of Tessa fired up was a
fucking turn-on.  She was so passionate as it was that I couldn’t even fathom how hot she’d be if she was pissed off.  I made a mental note to make sure to stick close to her if she looked like she was about to blow.  I wanted to be around for that… as long as I wasn’t the person she was pissed at.  I was all about reaping the benefits, even though I never wanted to be the person to cause the explosion. 

We swam and sunned ourselves for almost two hours, and I used that time to get to know her better.  My life was more or less an open book, but Tessa’s wasn’t and I wanted to know everything.  I found out that she was an only child, but that her parents had wanted it that way.  They doted on her and were thrilled that she was going on this tour and living her dream.  Her dad sounded like the shit to me to begin with because he liked ‘
The Big Lebowski
’.  I’d never met a douchebag yet who liked that movie, but I’d met a ton who didn’t like it.  Go figure.

She was a bit more reluctant to talk about ex-boyfriends and I took that to mean that there was a closet full of love letters from a bunch of different assholes somewhere.  Personally I couldn’t imagine ever voluntarily breaking up with someone like Tess, so I figured she’d probably done the dumping.  She looked at me
as if I’d grown a second head when I told her my theory. 

Turning seventy shades of red, she shook her head at me.  “Yeah, negative.  I’ve only ever broken up with one guy, and that was the last relationship I was in.  I’ve always been the
dumped as opposed to the dumper.”

I took that in with a snort of d
isgust.  The guys in Philly had to be total fuck-heads if they were dumping someone as gorgeous and overall awesome as Tessa was. 

“Were you dating idiots?”

Her laugh sounded forced.  “In retrospect, the answer is clearly yes.  The reason they broke up with me was always the same though, so I know it was me that ruined things.”

I’d seen her naked, so they weren’t breaking up with her because she had a mystery third
nipple (I wouldn’t have cared about that) and she’d been crazy tight around my fingers so that meant she wasn’t sleeping with everyone who looked her way.  She was smart, articulate and kind, so there was no way they were breaking up with her for being stupid, bitchy or boring.  That left a few options that were a little alarming.  I needed to know, so I asked her straight up.

“Babe, don’t leave me hanging here.  What the fuck were they breaking up with you for?”

Where before she’d been red, now she was almost purple.  Looking away from me, she took a deep breath and then blurted, “Because I don’t get turned on.  I refused to have sex with any of them because they did nothing for me physically.  I finally broke down and agreed to have sex with the last guy… and it was an epic fail.  When I broke up with him, he told me I was about as sensual as a children’s book.  Like the boyfriends before him, he said I was frigid.”

I’d had no clue why she didn’t have success with relationships, but what she’d just told me was the last fucking reason on earth I’d
have expected… and it was also ridiculously far from the truth about her.

Grabbing her face with my hand, I forced her to look at me.  “Tess, babe, that’s fucking bullshit.  Did you, or did you not, just come twice
just from foreplay?  You’re about the furthest thing from frigid.  Truth is you’re so fucking hot that my brain is still smoking.  If those idiots didn’t take the time to get you there, that’s on them, not you.  Moreover, how frigid could you be if you were able to make yourself come looking at pictures of me when you were a teenager?  Frigid doesn’t just turn on and off sweetness.  But if you’re with someone with no skill, it’s impossible to get turned on.”

I saw that she wanted to say something, but she stayed frustratingly silent
.  I stared into her eyes, willing her to say something, but she held her tongue.  When I couldn’t take it any longer, I demanded an answer.  “Babe, I’m not blind, and that look tells me you’ve got something on tap waiting to come out of that beautiful mouth.  Hit me with it.  I want to know what you’re thinking.”

She mumbled at first, but when I glared at her, she spoke up. 
“It’s because it’s YOU, Flynn. I’ve got no problem getting hot for you, and I never have.  But that doesn’t mean I’m not frigid with everyone else.”

I’d bet one-
years worth of royalties from my first album that she’d be able to get off with someone else who had skill, but it hit me like a baseball bat to the head right at that moment that I
wanted that to happen.  Like, ever. 

“Sweetness, as wet as you got for m
e, you aren’t fuckin’ frigid- far from it.  You would be able to get there with someone else who didn’t suck in bed, but we won’t be putting that to the test.  You’re on fire inside babe, but you just don’t know it.  I do, and now I’m the lucky son of a bitch that gets to bring it all out of you.  I’m going to make you come hard and often babe, and it’s never going to be a burden, I can tell you that right now.  You’re so fucking hot that I could spend days pleasuring you and it wouldn’t be enough for me.  You aren’t the only one here who’s hotter than they’ve ever been with anyone else, Tessa.”

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