Picture Perfect (14 page)

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Authors: Ella Fox

BOOK: Picture Perfect
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“She sounds amazing Flynn.  I love that she was untraditional and fun.  That’s totally in keeping with what your dad and your grandparents were like at dinner last night.  Your father is a
really great guy.  Do you think he’ll ever remarry?”

Blowing out a frustrated breath, I shook my head
against her leg.  “You have
idea how badly I wish that he would, but I don’t see it happening.  He adored my mother, and his position on relationships is that if he doesn’t feel as passionately for someone as he did for her, there’s no point in bothering.  He was solidly single for the first few years after her death, but over time, he started to date again.  I’ve met a few, my grandparents have as well, but no one has ever gotten him to want to take it to the next step.  It’s a shame, because my dad really is the type of man that should have had more kids.  He’s amazing, and I’m not just saying that because he’s my dad.  It drives me crazy that he’s fifty-one and has given up on finding love again.  I hate thinking of him being alone for the rest of his life.”

Tessa’s fingers traced my cheek as she sighed.  “I think it’s beautiful that you love your dad so much that you wish he’d find someone to love.  He’s not old by any stretch of the imagination, and you never know… he could still find someone.  Don’t give up hope.”

Lying there with my head in Tessa’s lap and her fingers tracing my face, I got why my dad knew so quickly whether a relationship had the possibility of going anywhere or not.  I used to think that he made the decision to quick, but now I understood.  When it was there, it was REALLY there.  My feelings toward Tessa were coming on fast, and I knew that we were headed somewhere special; a place I’d never been.  How funny that I’d thought it would take months to grow into that feeling with someone.  The truth was light years away from what my expectation had been.

Looking out at the view, I realized that the sun was getting ready to set.  Sitting up, I grabbed Tessa’s hand in mine.  “See that babe?  That’s why I brought you here.  Grab your camera and snap away.  I know you’re going to love this.”

The quick kiss that she dropped on my lips before she got her purse told me all that I needed to know.  I chose well when I’d brought us here.  I watched with a smile as she started taking photos.  I could tell that she was completely absorbed in what she was seeing, and I was delighted to see that.  The setting sun left her in silhouette in front of me, a vision of perfection that stilled my beating heart.  Reaching into my pocket for my iPhone, I snapped a dozen photos of her taking pictures of the sun as it set.  As I snapped my last photo, she turned to me and smiled.  Her timing was perfect, and I captured the joy on her face. 

“It’s perfection Flynn!  I love it!”

She was right; it was perfection.  The photo I’d gotten of her made my insides go soft, and I set it as the photo for her listing in my address book.  As I finished, she called me to the edge to watch the end of the sunset.  She had one of those cameras that had a flip screen so that you could see yourself for self-portraits, so she turned us so that our backs were to the sunset and put her face near mine as she snapped a few photos.  Catching her off-guard, I cupped her cheek with my hand and kissed her.  She managed to take a few more pictures as we kissed, and I couldn’t wait to see them.  We broke apart breathing heavily as we smiled at each other like idiots.  Turning back to the view, we watched the rest of the sunset together in silence; the only sound the hum of her camera as she finished taking photos.

We packed up our gear together as we laughed that I’d had to use the flashlight app on my phone in order for us to see since I’d forgotten to bring a
real flashlight with us.  It took two trips to get everything into my car, and once we were packed up we headed back to my house.

When we got home we both decided to shower since we’d spent hours outside.  Although we’d been sitting on a blanket, we both felt like we wanted to freshen up.  I was seriously in love with my shower, so I opted to let Tessa
go first so that I could shower after her.  My guest room showers were nowhere near as amazing as the shower in my bathroom, so it was worth the wait.

It was wildly erotic to be in a space that she’d recently been naked and wet in.  The air was scented with her shampoo and shower gel, the smells I’d come to associate with her.  It was intimate to be showering where she had just been, and I liked it a hell of a lot.

We’d decided that once we were finished showering, we’d cuddle in bed and watch a movie or two.  My breath caught when I walked into my bedroom and found Tessa curled up on top of the comforter in a Guns n’ Roses tee shirt and a pair of white sleep shorts watching
.  I’m obsessed with the damn show, and as soon as I saw that it was on, I sprinted across the room and threw myself on the bed. 

You like

She chuckled as she nodded her agreement.  “I more than like it, and it’s kind of embarrassing but I can’t stop watching!  This show and
How Clean is Your House
on the BBC are my secret addictions.”

This got a loud laugh out of me.  “Holy shit, that’s fucking hilarious.  I love those two British ladies!  The filth they find in that show blows my mind.  My dad and I have seen every episode.  I was so bummed when it got cancelled, but that doesn’t stop me from watching the reruns like a total addict.  Have you seen the one where the lady lets her birds have free reign of the house and they shit everywhere?”

Giving a fake gag she said, “Oh my god, that one was epic.  It was so nasty!  I can’t believe you like that show too.  No one I know has ever even heard of it.  Things like
How Clean is Your House
are my type of reality TV.  I have no interest in scripted dating shows or watching toddlers win plastic tiaras, but give me a pint of ice cream and a
marathon and I’m a happy girl.”

With an exaggerated growl, I got up and straddled her on the bed, pulling her hands over her head and holding them trapped in mine.  “Keep talking bab
y, cause you’re turning me on big time.”

Her beautiful flush and the quickening of her breath had my dick twitching in my cot
ton pajama pants.  Fuck the TV; watching her was my favorite past time, hands down.


Chapter Twenty-One


The second Flynn straddled me I forgot there was a television in the room, much less that it was on.  All thoughts of
were long gone.  My sole focus was Flynn; hot and beautiful on top of me.  He was stunning, a descendant of the Gods, and he was quickly becoming something to me that I was both excited about and terrified of at the same time.

Wrapping my arms around his shoulders I smiled as his head came down to mine.  As I was coming to expect, his kiss completely melted me.  Our tongues danced in each other’s mouths, the taste of Flynn more addictive than even my favorite dessert. 
He had me melting underneath him, mindless and wild.  The entire world faded away when his mouth was on mine, the certainty that nothing else mattered making thoughts that weren’t of him impossible and unnecessary. 

I yelped when he thrust against me, his cock hitting my aching sex in just the right spot.  I was wet and getting wetter by the second, my body doing what came naturally as it made itself ready to take him inside.  I knew I’d said that I wasn’t going to have sex with him but right then, I desperately wanted to.

Pushing at his shoulders with my hands, I broke our kiss so that I could look into his eyes.  My heartbeat sped up even more when I saw the look on his face.  It was lust mixed with something else that I couldn’t identify, but it made me feel desired and safe to explore him.  While I had him off guard, I shifted my weight and pushed him so that we rolled over.  It wasn’t fair that I’d had four massive orgasms over the course of the day while I hadn’t touched him at all, and I was about to make up for that. 

He groaned when I sat up and wiggled on top of him, but his eyes told me that he wasn’t making that sound because I hurt him.  Looking into his eyes, I told him, “It’s my turn to get to know your body.  I want to touch you like you’ve been touching me.  Will you take off your clothes?”

His little growl made my pussy clench, while his nod of agreement made me flush from head to toe.  Climbing off his lap, I stood next to the bed, holding my hand out to help him up.  We stared at each other in silence as we both stripped.  I devoured him with my eyes, licking my lips as I stared at his beautiful chest.  Sexy doesn’t even begin to describe it.

It was when I looked down at his erection that I gasped, my hand involuntarily flying up to cover my mouth.




He was enormous
.  That first night in the hotel room when I saw his arousal through his pants I’d figured he almost double Lee’s size.  My estimate had been way off; he was much, much bigger than Lee was length wise, and twice as wide.  Without conscious thought, I dropped to my knees in front of him and touched him with my hand.

! Tess… Ahhh babe, you’re so fucking perfect.”

I just shook my head as I traced his length from base to tip with my fingers.  I was looking at
true perfection, touching it with my hands.  His cock was stunning, a visual banquet that made my sex weep and my heartbeat accelerate.  Fisting both hands around him, I groaned when I realized that I couldn’t quite close my fist because he was too big.  Both hands didn’t encompass his length either, because there were two or three inches that were still uncovered. 

I’d never wanted to touch or explore a cock before, but with Flynn, I needed to.  Leaning forward, I licked the tip with my tongue.  I heard his moan from above me, but I was too enchanted by his cock to look up.  He wasn’t saying a word, but his cock was all but begging me to suck it and I wasn’t about to let it down.  Scooting forward, I wrapped my lips around the head and started licking and kissing the tip. 

When I sucked the tip into my mouth, I heard Flynn’s growl and it made my nipples throb painfully as my sex clenched.  “Baby, we need to get on the bed.  That hot mouth of yours is making me crazy and my fuckin’ legs are about to buckle.”

Before I had time to think he was lifting me in his arms and setting me on the bed.  Climbing on, he looked at me as he traced my face with his fingers.  “Where do you want me babe?”

Smiling at him, I patted the bed and said, “On your stomach.  Lay down.”

I loved that he did what I asked him to do without any kind of argument.  The few times I’d tried to do any exploration with Lee, he’d told me I was annoying because I didn’t “know what the fuck I was doing.”

Flynn didn’t seem to be having any issues with my skill level.  If anything, he looked like he was as desperate for me to touch his body, as I was to do so. My mouth watered looking at his naked form.  There wasn’t an inch of his body that I didn’t want to explore. I decided to start at the bottom and work my way up from there.

I gently ran my nails over the bottoms of his feet, smiling when I heard his sexy growl.  I massaged and kissed my way up his legs
, stopping when I got to his delectable ass.  I’d never been much for a man’s ass, but Flynn’s ass deserved its very own Facebook page.  I traced it with my fingers before I leaned in and started to kiss and lick my way around his beautiful cheeks.  After I’d finished exploring there, I placed a kiss at the base of his spine before tickling it with my tongue.  His entire body shivered beneath me, and I did it again and again as he shifted and ground into the bed each time I did it. 

“Oh fuck… Tess!”

Yep, I’d found one of his sweet spots, which was good to know for future reference.

I kissed my way up the rest of his back, stopping at the back of his neck to scratch him gently with my fingers before giving him a few gentle love bites.

“I’m finished back here, so it’s time for you to turn over.”

His face was a mask of pure pleasure as he complied, and I gave myself an inner high-five that I was turning him on.

Once again, I started at the bottom and worked my way up.  He cried out when I licked his inner thighs, and I watched in wonder when his cock leaked pre-cum when I scratched my fingers gently over his stomach.

Fisting the base, I began licking his cock.  I found that he went especially wild when my tongue traced the vein that ran along the underside of his shaft or when I tongued the tip.  Opening wide, I started to take him into his mouth for a proper blowjob.  He was taut as a bowstring below me and his breathing was harsh as I began to suck him.  As I sucked, I worked the bottom of his shaft with my fist.  I gloried when he fisted his hands in my hair and groaned.  It was such a turn on to know that he was enjoying it.  I’d never thought the sound of giving someone a blowjob would be arousing, but I was discovering that it was making me unbeliev
ably hot.  My sex was on fire, and every slurp and suck I made as I worked his shaft made me wetter.

Catching me by surprise, he sat up and flipped me onto my back before getting on top of me.  “Babe, I’d fucking love to come in your mouth, but tonight I want us to come together.  Not going to go inside babe, but I am going to ride your clit.”

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