Pieces of Him (29 page)

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Authors: Alice Tribue

BOOK: Pieces of Him
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“Baby, relax. Hannah is bringing him over in a minute. Let’s get you settled in bed first.”

“I don’t want to go to bed. Can’t I hang in the living room?”

“Sure.” Sighing in mock frustration, I lead her over to the couch and help her down. She’s still sore, so I’m careful when I lift her legs onto the cushions.

“Are you hungry?”

“No. I just want to see Xander.”

“You can’t pick him up. You know that, right?”

“I know, but he can sit here with me for a little while.”

“I’ll text Hannah and tell her to bring him over, but we have to talk first.”

“About what?”

“I talked to the landlord yesterday. I gave him your notice and he agreed to let you out of your lease early. He was going to keep your security deposit, but I explained that the fact Garrett got into your apartment through your window was not good. Especially since that window is supposed to have an alarm sensor on it. He said that as long as you’re out by the first of the month, he’ll return your deposit. Apparently, he has a waiting list, and he’d like to have someone in there as soon as possible.”

“What do you mean you gave him

“It means I told him you were moving out.”

“I know what it means but why? Why would you do that?”

“Because you live here now. You’ve been living here for months as it is, we’re just now making it official.”

“So you’re not asking me to move in, you’re telling me.”

“Wasn’t it you that said that you wanted to be a full-time mother to Xander?”

“Well- yes but …”

“How can you do that if you don’t live with us?”

“I’m just saying …”

“Em, construction on
house is going to start soon, so we’re moving in together anyway.”

“I know but-”

“Unless you don’t want to live in that house anymore. I know you’re used to living in a bigger home, but I don’t think I could swing that right now. Not that money is an issue for you, but I want to live in a house that I pay for.”

“Max, would you please shut up and listen to me?”


“Of course, I want to live in that house with you and Xander. I can’t wait. And no, money is not an issue for me, but I don’t want it to become an issue for us. Are you going to be okay with the fact I have this money?”

“I’ll be okay with it, Em, as long as you let me provide for my family. If I ever get into a bind, I’ll know I have a backup, but for the most part, I want things to stay the way they are.”

“I can do that.”

“So you’re moving in with me?”

“You just told me I was, so I guess I am.”

“Good girl,” I say, and I can tell she wants to smile at me, but she glares anyway. Pulling my cell out of my pocket, I shoot a text over to Hannah, and within minutes, she’s here with Xander, who immediately goes to Em. He goes to her because he needs her love and I’m happy for my boy that he has that. I love that I gave him that, I love that I gave him to her, and I can only hope that Keri is up there somewhere watching over us and smiling at the fact that our boy got everything she wanted for him. It might not have been exactly how she planned it, but I think she’d be happy nonetheless.

Hours later, after Xander’s gone to bed for the night, after Hannah and Colin have gone back across the hall to Em’s place after I’ve intercepted multiple calls from her mother, my girl lays in bed snuggled into the crook of my arm and it finally feels like this nightmare is over. Em’s home and her wounds will heal, and for that, I’m so fucking grateful.

“Baby,” she calls to me quietly, and at the sound of her soft voice, my cock stirs to life. Some things never change, but I do my best to ignore my urges.


“It doesn’t matter if I’m across the hall or here, or in a new house, you and Xander are my home.”

“Do me a favor and don’t say shit like that right now, Em,” I tell her, and yes, I’m fully aware that I sound like a dick, but she doesn’t have to deal with a serious case of blue balls. Besides, I’m pretty sure my asshole tendencies don’t even faze her anymore.

“Why not?”

“Because it makes me want to fuck you and you’re out of commission right now.”

“Says who?”

“Says the contusions, concussion, and fractured ribs you have.”

“So don’t fuck me, Max. Make love to me.”

“Em, I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t. I want you to, baby. I need it.”

Who am I to deny her what she needs? I can do this and make it good for her … I hope.

“You’re sure?”

With a seductive smile on her face, one that she pulls off well even with the bruises, she grabs hold of my hand and slowly pushes it inside the hem of her pajama bottoms. She leads my hand down to her pussy, and I can’t deny an invitation like this. I run my finger through her already wet folds.

“You feel that?” she questions, and I practically growl in response. “I want you. I need you. I’m very sure.”

I love when she does this, when she initiates sex, because it doesn’t seem like anything she’d ever do. Em is the walking talking poster for innocence but don’t let that fool you. She can get down and dirty with the rest of them. It’s one of the reasons I fucking love her so much. And since she asked so nicely, I decide to make her first orgasm happen nice and quick. I focus on her clit, rubbing gentle circles on it to begin, increasing my pace when I have her worked up and whimpering. With just a little more pressure, she’s gone, coming hard and loud, as she rides my hand and I watch her as she comes back down.

“You okay?” I question, wanting to make sure she’s not in any pain after that.

“Mmm,” is the only confirmation I get as she slides her hands inside my shirt, her warm hands exploring my abs and chest. Getting a little bolder, she pushes it up and I assist her in getting it off me.

“Relentless,” I whisper in her ear as she slides her hands over my ass.

“Mine,” she returns. I want to laugh because she’s so fucking cute, but I love that she considers me hers. No one has ever claimed me before, and I kind of like it. With a kiss on her forehead, I pull up off her, quickly undress, and with one quick tug, I have her out of her pants and undies. I leave her shirt on because I don’t want to jostle her too much, knowing that her ribs still hurt her.

“Can you spread your legs for me, baby?” I ask as I position myself over her. She slides her legs open for me. Her eyes flash with an openly lustful desire, and I slide inside her groaning at the feel of her surrounding me.

“Fuck.” I grunt, loving everything about being this close to her. Feeling her safely positioned underneath me, where no one can touch her. Where she belongs to me and only me. Her whimpers fill the room, driving me to speed up my rhythm. Her hands grip my ass as she fights for movement, wanting to rock her hips, but I keep her pinned to the bed.


“Do. Not. Move,” I command, and she stops instantly, my girl always loving when I take control.

Carefully, I lift her legs, wrapping them around my waist, and when I’m sure I’m not causing her any pain, I begin to move again. My thumb finds her swollen clit and with a few circular motions, she’s coming for me again. I’m lost in the familiar buildup in the pit of my stomach, and I know I’m close. I want to increase my pace, but I don’t want to hurt her. I move to pull out, but she presses her hands deeper into my ass.


“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Harder, Max.”


“Harder. Please,” she begs, and against my better judgment, I give in, accelerating my pace just enough to send me over the edge. My body shudders from the sensation of my own climax surging through me as I keep thrusting inside her. Her lips at my neck are the first thing I register as I begin to slow down, as the orgasm runs its course. With ease, I slide out of her careful not to give her any of my weight as I move off her, falling onto my back on the mattress.

“Did I hurt you?” I ask, slightly out of breath.

“No. It was perfect,” she says, and I turn to my side, running a hand through her pretty brown locks.

“Maybe I’ll tie you up and keep you chained to this bed forever.”

“A love slave?”

“Yeah. I like that.”

“I’m already your love slave.”

“Yeah, you are.” I kiss her forehead. “Fucking love you, Em.”

“I love you too, Max,” she returns, letting her eyes flutter shut. I relax next to her thinking that I should get up and get cleaned off, take care of Em, and then I can go to sleep. That’s the last thing I think about before I shut my eyes and fall asleep.


“I told you that you’d be a great dad.”

“Keri?” I call, surprised to see her, her long curly hair blowing lightly. “I never thought I’d see you again.”

“I know.”

“Miss you, babe. I …”

“It’s okay to be happy, Max. She’s beautiful and she loves you. She loves Xander. It’s all I could’ve asked for.”

“Part of me was scared you’d think I betrayed you.”

“You were never mine to keep. You’re exactly where you belong now. You’ve given our son a family. ”

“I’ll make sure he knows you, Keri, I promise you.”

“I know you will. Be happy now, Max. Tell Xander that I love him,” she says before she fades away.


I wake with a start looking around the room for signs of her, for signs of Keri.

“Max?” Em calls sleepily beside me. “You okay?”

Lying back down beside her, I take a moment to let my labored breathing go back to normal.

“I dreamed of Keri.”

“Do you do that often?” she questions inquisitively, and I can’t blame her for being curious. I don’t know how I’d feel if she told me she was having dreams about some guy she once had relations with.

“I had a few after she died. I know it sounds nuts, but in them, she’s always talking to me. We have conversations.”

“I don’t think that’s weird at all. I think it’s real. It’s her way of communicating with you.”

“You believe that?”


“In the beginning, she would tell me that I had to take care of Xander, that I had to keep him with me and take care of him. This time, she told me that she was happy for me. That I did good and that I found the perfect mother for her son.”

There are tears in her eyes, and I catch them with my thumb as they slip free. She smiles at me, partly sad, partly happy.

“I’m so sad that she didn’t get to raise her son, and it makes me feel guilty because I feel like I’m taking her place.”

“I think she wouldn’t think of it that way. You’re doing something for her. You’re giving her son what she wanted to give him. He’ll never miss out on having a mother because of you. We’ll always make sure he knows her, and that’s all she really wanted.”

“We can do that. We’ll make sure he’s the happiest little boy in the world and we’ll do it for him and for her,” she declares resting her head on my chest.

God, I love her. There’s no one who I’d rather spend my life with, no other woman I would consider letting raise my son. Everything that was broken in me, all the self-doubt that I had about my abilities as a man and as a father, slowly healed and was washed away with every touch of her hand, every kiss of her mouth, every smile. She changed me without even trying; she and Xander helped me become a man, one I don’t recognize, but someone I like a whole hell of a lot more than the shell I used to be.




Six years later



“Keep your eye on the ball, Xander. Don’t swing if it’s too low,” I call from my spot by the dugout. I’ve been coaching Xander’s team since his first year, back when he was only playing T-ball. This is his second year in regular Little League, and it’s hard to believe he’s already seven years old. The pitch is thrown, and he takes a swing and misses. I want to yell and tell him he’s doing a good job, but I don’t want anyone to accuse me of favoritism.

He looks over at me, and I give him a nod, a silent show of approval. Sometimes, I can’t believe how much he looks like me, he stands like me, the kid even sleeps like me. He still kills me with how cute he is.

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