Pierce My Heart (Women of Willowbrook Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Pierce My Heart (Women of Willowbrook Book 1)
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“I met her earlier today when Roc, Man, and I stopped by to see Grace and help her out,” he explains and, I note, evading Robby’s first question.

Apparently Robby did too.

“You didn’t answer my question, man. If you only met her today, why the hell does she keep looking at you like she’s half in love with you? Anna doesn’t get close to guys like that. Not anymore.”

What the hell?

No way.

I was
looking at him like I was half in love with him.

Was I?

I mentally shook myself.

Of course I wasn’t, that’d be crazy.

met him.

“I don’t know what to tell you, but I did. Can tell you she feels anything like I do that look is not a bad thing.”

My face scrunches.

What does

“What the fuck does that mean?” Robby snaps.

“Man, it’s none of your business. It’s between Anna and me.”


That isn’t going to go over well with Robby.

He’d always been protective of Nate and me growing up, but especially me, and it only got way more intense after the whole Xavier thing—how that was possible I wasn’t sure, but it did.

“It sure as hell
my business. That’s
sister. I know how you are with women, J.T., and Anna is
one of those bitches. No fucking way. If you think for one minute I’m gonna stand by and let you fuck her over, you must’ve been hit in the head with a two-by-four one to many times. It ain’t gonna happen.”

Nope. Robby is not fucking around anymore.

I hear some shifting around before Jakes voice comes again.

“You think I’d come in your home knowing who she was to you, and I knew before I came tonight, then make a play and bail? Let me point out, man, you knew how I was in college with women, but you do not know how I am
. There’s rumors sure, but that’s all they fucking are. No way I’d make a play with your sister and not follow through with that shit.”

Suffice to say I’m not so crazy about him calling a play about me ‘shit’.

There’s a long pause.

Looking back, if I’d known what was coming next, I could’ve braced myself, run the other way, or jumped into the room and did a jig.

But, I didn’t.

Instead, I stand and listen while all the air leaves my lungs.

“She’s been hurt.”

“Rob, I got that,” Jake snaps in irritation.

“No man, she’s been fucking
,” Robby grinds out, the pain and anger in his voice is still as fresh as when he’d first seen my face after it happened.

I feel the air ping with something intense; even a little scary.

“Say again?”

“She’d kill me for telling you this,” he mutters.

He’s fucking right.

No one needs to know this shit, ever. Especially Jake. It’s over and done with. There’s no point in bringing it up when he’ll just end up looking at me different.

“Tell me,” he demands.

Robby sighs but tells him, “A few years back I get this frantic call from Evan, says Anna called her up crying, freaking out. Tells me to get my ass in gear and get up there. Nate was with me and heard the conversation, bitched at me until I gave in and we jumped in the car. When we got there, Jesus, man…” he trails off, likely trying to control his anger at the memory.

I, on the other hand, am using all my energy to keep my legs under me.

“What?” Jake bites out.

“The piece of shit hit her. Backed her into a fucking wall and punched her in the goddamn face.”

My heart is pounding so loudly in my ears I don’t hear a response, but Jake must’ve done something, made some sort of face, because Robby responds to it.

“Yeah, man, so you can see my dilemma when a guy who was the epitome of a ‘get him some’ guy comes sniffing around my baby sister after she’s already endured that shit. I’d rather some shy, balding, dull-as-shit guy who worships the ground she walks on go after her, but that’s a fucking dream. No way Anna would ever go after some boring, bald dude.”

I have to agree with him on that one.

A man who chooses to be bald and works it, yes. A man who is balding, chooses to hang on to his hair, and ends up going for the whole comb over look, not really my thing.

“Yeah, Rob, I can see your dilemma. Since you shared all that with me, I’ll give you something in return. First, I’m not backing off your sister. Yeah, I can see that displeases you, but I also don’t give a shit. Second, no fucking way I’d take in everything you just said and not go about this with the utmost care. You know she’s not
some woman and she’s not gonna be some woman who’s just gonna warm my bed for a night. There’s something there and it’s up to us to figure out where that’s gonna go, not for you or anyone else to decide. For us. The last thing I’ll give you is the same promise I gave her not two hours ago. No one is going to hurt her again, ever. Not one person. Doesn’t matter if what’s building between us goes sour, not a fucking person will hurt her again,” he finishes rocking my world, unaware he’s even doing so.

I decide now is the best time to make my move, so I do just that.

I hit the living room, trying to catch my breath while a small tremble works its way through my body from everything I just heard.

Nate and Dad are sitting on the couch watching some highlights, Juliet at their feet. Mom is sitting on the loveseat, a glass of wine in hand, Maddy next to her sans glass, and mine abandoned on the table from when I went to the restroom.

Feeling drained—emotionally, mentally, and physically—I decide it’s best to leave altogether.

It’ll also help in avoiding both the guys.

I wander over to the desk sitting behind the couch, grab my purse from where I’d dropped it after walking in, and scoop up Juliet’s leash. Moving in, I kiss Dad’s cheek, then Nate’s, clip Juliet’s leash, and walk over to repeat the cheek kisses on Mom and Maddy.

My quick getaway hits a snag when Maddy asks if I’ve seen Robby. I freeze for a second before trying to hide it and shake my head. She definitely doesn’t miss it, but I
don’t care. I need to get home where I can consume a full glass (or bottle) of wine and ignore everything.

I just make it to the door when two things happen.

The first being that Evan swings the door open and then stops in her tracks when she catches the look on my face, her eyes wide. The second is that I hear two sets of footsteps enter behind me.

Footsteps that come from the opposite direction of the living room.

I’ll feel rude about it later (maybe) but I don’t hesitate. I flick a finger wave over my head, shove past Evan and bolt down the walk to my car.

Juliet lets out a woof as a large hand closes softly around my own, halting my movements.

“Whoa. Where you going so fast, sweetheart?”

I avoid looking at his face (like the fraidy cat I am), scared I’ll see it loaded down with pity.

That is one emotion I never want to see from him.

“I’m going home. Early morning tomorrow and if I stay longer I’ll drink more and won’t be able to drive,” I tell him, putting pressure on his hold to see if he’ll release.

No dice.

“I can drive you home, Anna,” he offers.

“No, that’s okay.”

“It’s no big deal.”

“Then I wouldn’t have my car tomorrow morning and I’d have to call Dad to come pick me up so I could come get it,” I say shaking my head, still avoiding his eyes. “It’s just easier for me to go now.”

“Were you even gonna say goodbye?” he asks softly.

I blink at his change of tone and make the mistake of looking at him.

His eyes and face hold no pity, instead there’s sadness, anger, tenderness, and a seriously intense look that I can’t put my finger on.


“I asked if you were even gonna say bye, or just walk out?”

“Um,” I mumble, my eyes shifting to the side and catch sight of Evan standing outside the door watching us. I move my eyes back to him and see amusement and irritation has seeped in.

“Gonna take that as a no,” he answers for me, shaking his head while his thumb slides along my lower lip.

Juliet lets out a whimper and his hand falls away.

“I gotta get her home.”

“Yeah,” he says gruffly.

“I’ll see you around, Jake.”

“Count on it, Anna.”

I don’t know if it’s because of everything he said in the office coming at me in a rush, the memory from our first meeting earlier in the day, or the way he’s been looking at me, but I don’t care.

Taking a deep breath to calm the nerves I feel building (some of which have been lying in wait all night), I lean up on my tip toes and slide a hand around the back of his neck to bring him closer, and steady myself. The height difference between us means I need help, so I put a little pressure on his neck trying to explain what I need.

His lips inch up on one side as he leans forward, far enough for me to slide my cheek against his at the last second and plant my lips there, softly. I feel his fingers—which he dropped onto my hip when my hand went around his neck—flex at the contact of my lips and I fight hard to keep my smile to myself. Pulling back, I give him my eyes one more time—unknowingly showing him everything I’m feeling.

“Christ, Anna,” he rasps, his voice rough as it grates against my skin with that one word.

His fingers slide through mine and both hands give me a gentle squeeze before letting go.

“Bye, Jake,” I whisper, unable to make my voice louder as I start to drown under the feelings from the night.

I get Juliet situated in the back, my bag thrown on the front passenger seat, my ass in my own seat, and my door shut before giving him a finger wave out my window and starting my car to head home.

I need a drink (or four) and a good night’s sleep before I even think about processing everything.

Chapter Seven


His Business






I don’t bother opening my eyes, just grab blindly until I feel my phone under my hand. And, after successfully resisting the urge to hurl it against the wall, I bring it up to my ear, not bothering to look and see whose murder I’m plotting this morning.

“Hello,” I say groggily.

“We gotta talk.”

I heave out a sigh.

“Evan, what are you even doing up this early?” I ask, having no clue what time it really is, just knowing that there’s no way Evan would be awake before me.

Then again, the glasses of wine I downed last night probably didn't help.

“Early shift this morning at the store, inventory and all that, but that is
the point. I’m grabbing Mamacita some tea, coffee for me since you know I don’t drink that crap, so I don’t have a lot of time. I wanna know what your deal was last night. You looked like you’d seen the ghost of Bloody Mary before you practically ran out of there. Then Jake catches up with you and I don’t know what happened because I couldn’t see anything but his back, and I was too damn far to hear anything, but you didn’t run. You stayed. What the eff is up, woman?” she asks.

“Evan—” I start.

“Oh no. You’re not getting out of this. If I didn’t have to be at the store helping, you bet your ass I’d be beating down your door.”

“You have a key,” I say, monotone.

“Well, I’d beat on the door just to piss you off then. Now give up the goods or I’m revoking your discount,” she threatens.

I don’t say anything.

This goes on for a short time, mainly because Evan has no patience when she wants something and because she’s running out of time. So, she brings out the big guns.

“Anna, something looked seriously wrong. What happened? Talk to me, please,” she says softly, the sass gone as concern fills her voice.

My eyes shut tight until Juliet wanders in, from where I don’t know, and jumps on the bed, cuddling up to me with her head across my stomach. I slide my hand on her head, giving her scratches and taking comfort from her in return.

“When I was walking out of the bathroom last night, I heard what sounded like angry voices. Thinking it was Nate trying to taunt Robby into another wrestling match, I went to investigate so I could intervene. When I got there it turned out to be Jake and Robby arguing about
. Short version, Robby didn’t want Jake to play me, didn’t like the idea of it. Jake didn’t take too kindly to that and expressed it,
. Robby really didn’t like
, and then told Jake why he didn’t. In doing so, he told Jake about Xavier…” I trail off.

“Holy fuck,” she breathes.


“So then what happened with Jake by your car?”

“Nothing, we were just talking.”

“Girl,” she deadpans, the disbelief clear in her voice.

“I promise, that’s all it was.”

She goes silent.

Thinking she just needed a moment to digest everything, I keep silent, but then I hear her ordering her drinks.

Knowing how long The Bean can take early in the morning, I toss back my sheet, making Juliet jump off the bed, swing my legs over and slide my feet in my slippers before padding out my room and into the kitchen. Once I grab my happy liquid and pop the tab, I lead Juliet out back so she can handle her business.

Standing on my small back porch I take in the changing leaves on the big Apple tree in my backyard, letting my mind wander when I hear Evan shouting at me. I hadn’t realized I dropped my hand holding the phone and quickly bring it back up to my ear.

“What’d you say?” I ask her, my eyes zeroing in on Juliet.

She’s paws to the ground, chest low and butt in the air, looking ready to pounce. It’s not until I see the bunny go hopping that I realize what she’s going to do. I whistle for her, her head snapping to me before she reluctantly comes trotting my way.

“I said,” she draws out on an aggravated breath, “what are you going to do about Robby? Are you going to forget about it or confront him?

I shrug.

“I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet. A part of me wants to call him and just ask, ‘what the fuck?’, ya know, but another part of me knows all he was doing was trying to protect me. And as much as
a pain in my ass, I can’t fault him for it.”

I shake my head, opening the sliding back door open again so Juliet and I can head back inside.

“Would you have ever told Jake?”

I pause at her question.

Just last night I’d told myself I never would, that it wasn’t any of his business, but now in the light of day when I’m not so pissed and freaked out, I don’t know.

“I don’t know. I mean, I have absolutely no reason to and it’s not like I’m gonna go around advertising it all of a sudden,” I answer, walking to the counter to grab the bag of dog food and pour what’s left into Juliet’s bowl.

“Then maybe this is a good thing…” Evan trails off hesitantly.

At her response my hand freezes, bag midair. Juliet sees the food isn’t coming any closer and lets out a bark, unfreezing me. I pour the food in and toss the bag on the counter.

“Why would this be a good thing? He doesn’t need to know about my past and how I was weak. That’s not

“I’m pretty sure he wants you to be
business, babe. So in that sense, uh, yeah it is. Why you’re fighting what you know is gonna happen, I have no clue.”

“I don’t know why you think something is going to happen,” I fire back.

“Really, Anna?” she asks sarcastically.

“Really, Evan.”

I sit down at my breakfast bar, grab my laptop from the corner, flip it open and boot it up before taking another deep drink from my soda.

I need way more than caffeine to deal with this conversation.

“Fine. I’ve got less than five minutes before I hit the shop and you’re gonna hear this before I go. First, I
that man is gonna stop at nothing till he gets what he wants, and what he wants is
. He’s nothing if not determined. Second, I have no idea where that path will lead you. I’m sure he has ideas, and even though you won’t admit it, so do you, but from the looks of you two already there are some seriously good things in the future for you both. Last, and most importantly,” she pauses to take a breath as her voice gets soft. “I
you, honey. I know the last two men you gave a piece of your heart to. Neither deserved it, not even a pin pricks worth. I also know that someone with your sweetness and love for life, with everything you are, doesn’t deserve to be alone. They deserve to be happy and so filled with love they’re close to bursting every time they
. You deserve that, Anna. I know you hold back. I know you keep to yourself. I know you say you don’t do either of those things, and that’s bullshit, but
know that too. You’ve had the shadow of Xavier and then Dick over you for so long, I can barely remember what you were like with just the light. In the parking lot yesterday was the first time in a long freaking time I saw that shadow part. And when we were at your parent’s last night, from the minute you saw him to when I saw you bail from the house, there was no shadow.”

A shadow? I have a shadow over me?

I’m having a hard time breathing, the weight of her words tugging on something deep inside me.


“No, babe. Let me finish real quick.”

I stay silent.

She takes that as her cue.

“He’s good for you, Anna. If he was already willing to go toe-to-toe with your brother after one day, that says something about the man he is. The fact that he didn’t go out of his way to act like he’d never met you last night, but walked into your freaking parents’ house holding your hand says it even more. He already knew you were worth all that. Especially after finding out about your past and the challenges he might face, he
came rushing after you because he didn’t want you gone after knowing you one day, Anna.
One day
! All that tells me something’s gonna happen and that something will be
. You know I’m right, you’re just trying to bury all this shit deep, but I’m not letting you this time. This time I’m making you face it, making you
through it instead of watching it go by,” she says vehemently.  “I love you more than I’d love my own sister, if I had one. I want that shadow gone and your life so full of love that it’d never be possible for it to come back. Let Jake help you, honey.”

I know she’s right.

Not about the shadow (that was new), but that Jake was someone I should live through it with. I knew it the first minute I clapped my eyes on him but that’s also what’s so goddamn terrifying.

Xavier wrecked me after all the love I gave him, and Dick was a douche that I—mistakenly—chose as the first guy to give my time, attention, and affection to in years. Even after all the pain I’d faced, I know that Jake could positively

“I’m not promising anything, Evan, but if I see him again I’ll try, or something… I don’t even know when I’ll see him again,” I mumble, having no idea where that came from.

I wanted to tell her no way, that I didn’t want to risk the ruin he could cause, but obviously my mouth isn’t connected to my brain at the moment.

“Well, it doesn’t hurt that I gave him your number so you should be hearing from him soon,” she spouts offhandedly.

I blink at that.

“Evangel—” I start, irritation clear in my voice.

“Whoops, sorry! Mamacita’s outside looking for her dirt tea. Gotta go. Love ya, girl!”

Dead air.

Fucking Evan.   

I drop my hand to the counter, bring my other one up to rub my forehead before I close my eyes and sigh.

I can’t believe she gave him my number.

Okay, that’s a lie.

I can and it’s

What’s more annoying is that it hasn’t even crossed my mind when I should know she would jump at the chance to give it to him. And that now I’m wondering if he’d been the one to ask for it or if she’d offered it up. I’d text her, but I don’t want to give her the satisfaction of knowing I’m thinking about it.

Like she doesn’t already know.

Sighing, again, I hit the button on my phone to check the time.

Early, but not too early.

With everything that happened last night, I completely forgot to ask Maddy about going shopping for Juliet with me. I can’t put the trip off since I’m out of food. I decide to just shoot her a text; she’d see it when she got up, but I won’t wake her.

Some people are decent like that.

Go figure.


A: Hey, girl. I forgot to ask last night if you’d hit Petco with me today. You up for it?


Going back to my computer, I open up my browser and search for things new dog owners need to have. I figure having a list of some sort might at least get me started.

I’m scrolling through an article about things all dog owners need to know when my phone vibrates.

I look over, seeing a text from Maddy and swipe to read it.


M: I’d love to! What time?


Checking the time, I respond.


A: 10 work for you?


I see the three little bubbles pop up immediately at the bottom of the conversation, telling me she’s responding so I wait.


M: That works, I’ll meet you there.


A: Okey dokey, see you then.


I drop my phone back on the counter and finish the article, with a smile on my face.

But by the time I’m done, I’m kinda flipping out.

Having a dog was like having a freaking kid.

They can’t eat certain things, have to be exercised, need checkups and shots, have to be bathed, cleaned up after, and trained.

I turn my head to look at Juliet who's been lounging in the living room dozing on and off while watching me.

“Do you have your shots?” I insanely ask her.

She lifts her head and tilts it.

“Well, do you?”

She gets up and trots over to me, resting her head on my thigh.

I figure all the info is in the packet Grace gave me, but why isn’t there anything about the do’s and don’ts of owning dogs?

I hop off my stool, disturbing Juliet’s head, and go for the packet on the other side of the counter. Grabbing it, I reach in and pull everything out before flipping through it. When I see that she does indeed have all her shots, recently had a checkup, knows the basic commands of sit, stay, quiet, off, lay down, and understands that she potty's outside, I let out a sigh of relief.

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