Pierce My Heart (Women of Willowbrook Book 1) (30 page)

BOOK: Pierce My Heart (Women of Willowbrook Book 1)
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Hell, it was Marie’s fault I’d gotten so obsessed with Longmire that I entertained the idea of riding lessons.

My first time up quickly ended that fantasy.

“You never answered my question,” Mia says, bringing me out of my memory.

“What question?”

“Was it love at first sight?”

I think about it.

The reaction I had to him the first time.

The way his arms felt around me.

The way I felt cold every time I lost his touch.

The way jealousy had immediately come over me when I thought he was with Grace.

And every moment with him since.

My heart starts racing as I stare at Jake’s profile, a rush of feelings moving through me.


No way

Love at first sight was for movies and romance novels. It wasn’t real life.

Was it?

Thankfully, I'm saved from having to answer (or think any more about it) when I hear Gran complain.

“Oh, give it up you old coot. I know you’re only faking it.”

I swing my head to see Gran with an annoyed look aimed at Gramps, who looks like he’s been knocked back by a gust of wind against his chair.

His head flung back, one arm thrown out while the other clutches his chest, and a groaning noise that's a mix between a howling dog and a car trying to start, coming from his throat.

Dad, Mom, and Robby are deep in conversation about a client, Maddy and Grace have moved on to specific breeds of dogs and the pros and cons to each, Mia’s half watching, half texting, and half stuffing her face.

Obviously the scene is nothing new for my family.

Evan, Jake, and myself seem to be the only people really paying attention to what's happening. Evan (who always got a kick out of the shit my family pulled) is avidly watching.

This goes on for five minutes.

I know, I'm timing it.

Finally, Gramps sits upright in his chair, dropping both hands to the table with a bang causing all conversation to halt. “I coulda been dying, woman!”

“You weren’t.”

“And how exactly do you know that?” Gramps demands, giving her his own version of an annoyed look.

With a suffering sigh, she explains, nodding to Jake. “Because I just asked Hot Buns over here if he wanted a big family and how soon.”


“Ree, honey.”


Gran’s head swung to myself, Mom, then Dad, then back to me. “What? It’s something to know! I’m not getting any younger and I want some great-grandbabies running around soon.”

“It’s none of your business, Ree,” Gramps tries reasoning.

She waves her hand like she's swatting away his words. “Oh pish posh, Cammy. Anna’s my grandbaby, it’s certainly my business.”

I drop my head in my hands and groan, only lifting it when I feel Jake's hand rubbing my back. When I look at him, I see his eyes smiling. Moving my eyes further down, I notice he isn't doing a very good job of keeping said smile off his face.

“This isn’t funny,” I whisper.

“It wasn’t, babe, but now it fucking is,” he chuckles.

I roll my eyes and drop my hands.


I look around the table; Mia's busy typing away everything that's happening, Evan is still avidly watching but is chowing down as she does, Grace is giving me a sympathetic smile but can't disguise her amusement, Robby has a shit eating grin while Maddy looks like she's trying her hold her food down, and Dad just shaking his head.

Mom, though, looks a little wary.

Then again, last time Gran and Gramps argued over dinner, food was thrown. Her wariness is definitely justifiable.

I guess that's why Evan was working her way through her food. She’d been here last time too.

“No, Ree, it ain’t. Besides, you’ve already got one great-grandbaby, or did you forget Ty and Beth’s boy?”

“No, I didn’t forget about Lucas. I’m old, not senile, but I hardly get to see him. It’d be nice to have a one around close. I’m not getting any younger,” she complains.

“Actually, you have two. Or, you will,” Maddy speaks up.

The room goes totally silent as all eyes swing to her.

Robby has his arm wrapped around her, the shit eating grin he had on his face has turned into a smile of happiness that matches Maddy’s.

Mom’s the first to make a move.

Getting up from her chair, she walks to Maddy and pulls her gently up as she grabs her hands.

“You’re pregnant?”

Maddy doesn't say anything, just nods her head as a tear slides down her face. Mom beams then throws her arms around Maddy and hugs her tight.

Robby had gotten up to comfort Maddy, rubbing her back soothingly, when Dad got up and pulled Robby into a manly, back slapping hug.

“Happy for you, son.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

Mom pulled away from Maddy and swapped positions with Dad, framing Robby’s face and murmuring words before he closed his arms around her.

After a tight embrace, Mom throws her head back and shouts, “I’m gonna be a Grandma,” then proceeds to burst into tears (as does every woman in the room) and shove her face back in Robby’s chest.

I move closer to give my congratulations, but there's no way I'm gonna try to pry Mom from him, or a crying Maddy out of Dad’s arms. Instead, I stand to the side with tears sliding down my cheeks and look around the room.

Grace and Evan have an arm around each other’s waists, and even though Evan has known Maddy much longer, Grace shows just as much emotion and happiness for the two.

Gramps has corralled a silently crying Gran in his arms, his own eyes shiny with tears, as Mia rushes over and moves under his arms to join in the embrace.

It’s beautiful.

All of it.

Jake comes up behind me and cocoons me in his arms, my own coming up to cover his as he lays a kiss to the side of my head before resting his chin there.

“Guess you’re off the hook,” I whisper and feel his body shake with quiet laughter.

“Yeah,” he says, his voice low.

My body relaxes and I lean deeper into him, letting the feel of his arms, and the moment, seep in.

“This is love,” I mutter, referring to Maddy and Robby; to my family.

His arms tighten even more around me as he responds in a rough voice, “Yeah, Annie. This is love.”

Chapter Sixteen




Two weeks later


I’m late.


This time it isn’t my fault.

I look back over my shoulder and catch sight of the reason.

Jake is sliding on a thermal he’d pulled out of his bag.

Yes, I said bag.

After dinner at my parents place a couple weeks ago, things moved to a whole new level with Jake.

We spent time together every day; whether he was taking me out on our lunch break, hitting the dog park with Romeo and Juliet, grabbing a bite at
, or just hanging out at my place with Netflix and dinner, followed by some fooling around in bed.

Even with work during the week, dinner at my parents (which was weirdly, and awesomely, becoming a thing), spending my time with the girls doing our thing while Jake was out doing his, we found our time together.

One of my favorite times being the day Grace, Payton, and I stumbled across (more like Grace heard where they were and dragged Payton and I along) the boys playing basketball.


*              *              *


Payton and I were lounging around my house (still fully dressed) after a shopping trip through town ending at
Out of Time
, when I hear a knock on my door.

Juliet barely raises her head and Romeo doesn't even move as I push up from the couch and head towards the sound, trying to figure who it is.

Mom and Dad had gone down to Arizona for a couple days for some convention, Gran and Gramps were currently in Nevada visiting Uncle Will and his family, Evan was at work, Jake with his friends, Nate at school, and Robby and Maddy up in St. George shopping for baby stuff. Maddy was all over the baby stuff, and she was dragging Robby along for the ride, not that he minded.

Thinking it was a neighbor asking to borrow something or a delivery guy dropping off something I’d forgotten I’d ordered (which happened after one too many glasses), I'm surprised to see Grace standing on the other side of my door.

Grace who was bouncing on her toes with nervous energy.

“Grace? Is everything alright?” I asked, my gut clenching with nerves of my own.

Her brow furrowed. “Everything’s fine, why?”

“Well, you’re bouncing around like something’s chasing you.”

“Oh,” she mumbled with a blush, dropping on her heels as she nibbled on her lip.

Realizing I hadn't let her in, I back up a few steps and clear the way, throwing my arm out to indicate she should come in.

She gave me a grateful smile and moved towards the living room, stopping to give the dogs a few scratches before perching on the edge of my brown suede couch.

“Hey, Grace,” Payton greeted, giving her a smile as she turned away from the TV.

I plopped down next to Grace and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Until finally I couldn't take it anymore.

“What’s up, honey?”

Her head swung my way. “You guys feel like going to the park?” she asked, her foot resuming its bouncing.

“The dog park?”

She shook her head. “Summit.”

“You mean that huge recreational complex thing?” Payton clarified.

“Yeah. I heard they put a few trinket type shops, not to mention a Slushie Lushie. I thought about going over there, but I knew my brother was out with his friends so I thought I’d stop by and see what you were up to and if you wanted to go. The more the merrier, ya know?” she said, giving Payton and I a wide smile and a shrug.

I look at Payton who gave me a ‘why not?’ shrug.

Grace clearly caught it and her wide smile turned into a genuine one as her nerves seem to calm.

Okay, weird.

“Let’s go,” I said with a shrug of my own, standing up and moving to grab my purse.

I followed them out the door, locking it behind me, and head for Grace’s car.

Fifteen minutes later, we walked up the steps and into the huge complex.

With Grace leading the way (and seemingly on a mission), Payton and I followed a step behind, our heads swung back and forth as we took the place in.

I was just about to ask her what's really going on when I rocked to a standstill, the words dying on my tongue as my mouth went dry.

Behind a huge, Plexiglas wall was a group of men playing basketball. One of them a running, shirtless,

“Anna, what—” Payton started, but stopped when she caught sight of what I was looking at.

“Oh! Look who’s here,” Grace exclaimed in a voice that had me swinging my head her way, but her eyes were laser focused on what was behind the wall.

Or, I should say who.

When I turned back to look, I caught sight of both Manny, Rocco, and two other men—all shirtless and sweaty—huddled up with Jake, though Rocco was blocking the other two from sight.

Well, at least I knew why she wanted to come here.

“Holy fudge,” Payton whispered, drawing my eyes to her.

Her eyes were wide as she stared at the group of men.

Worry started to fill me until I noticed
she was staring at in the huddle.

One of the other men who’d been blocked by the wall that was Rocco, was upright and in the clear. I couldn't stop my own eyes from widening as I took him in.

He made Jake look lean, Rocco look short, and Manny look tame.

Tattoo’s covered both his arms, a few spots on his back, and a couple on his chest; his hair was cropped short, but his beard long and wild. A look that matched the rest of him.

I hadn't even known men looked like that in real life, but there he was, living, breathing proof, and my cousin was gazing at him like she’d found the answer to life.


While his wild appearance didn’t help (Uncle Eric was cool, but I wasn’t so sure how he’d react if Payton, of all people, were to bring him home), the fact that he looked at least ten years her senior had me ready to pull her away, but Rocco caught sight of us before I could make my move.

“Gracelyn, girls, what’s shaking?” he asked jogging over, his eyes flicking back to Grace every few seconds.

“I told Anna you guys were playing and she wanted to drop by and watch Jake,” Grace blurted.

My head whipped around to look at her, but she begged me with her eyes to go along.

Rocco saw Grace’s look and grinned, before he twisted and shouted over his shoulder, “Yo, Jake. Your girl’s here.”

Jake's head swung my way, his brow furrowed. He jogged our way, the tattooed hunk of man meat and Manny followed at a more sedate pace.

He dropped his hands on my hips and laid a sweet kiss on my lips. My arms tried to wrap themselves around him but he pulled back and shook his head muttering, “Sweaty.”

“Don’t care,” I muttered back, pushing myself against him.

I felt his smile on my mouth before he took the kiss deeper, only pulling back when a loud cough broke the spell.

“Fucking hell, Jay, trying to film a porno?”

I blushed and ducked my head, trying to pull away but Jake’s arms only tightened around me.

“Shut the fuck up,” Jake growled.

“Shit. Sorry, man,” the guy muttered, sounding like he meant it.

I peeked out from under my lashes and saw it was the other guy who’d been in their huddle that made the comment. When I fully took him in, my head jerked back in surprise as my eyes jumped between him and Rocco.

A grin hit his mouth and my eyes flicked up to see his on me.

“Name’s Luca, beautiful,” he said in a deep, scratchy voice, his eyes twinkling.

“Hi,” I wheezed out as Jake’s arms turned to steel around me.

“Luc,” Jake warned, shifting us so all I could see was the smattering of hair on his chest.

“Just introducing myself, Jay. Meant no harm.”

Someone snorted.

“No harm my ass.”

“Fuck off, Roc,” Luca snapped.

“Alright boys, let’s just chill out,” Grace waded in.

Sadly, I couldn't see anything since Jake still had us turned.

I poked him in the chest, drawing his eyes down to mine.

He raised his brows with a question.

I gave him a look.

He gave me one in return, then sighed and moved, keeping one arm wrapped around my shoulders as he settled me at his side.

Grace was standing between the two men with a glare aimed at Luca but her hand resting on Rocco’s chest.

I had to bite my lip to keep the grin from forming at her protectiveness
excuse to touch Roc, but the threat disappeared when I swung eyes Payton’s way.

Her eyes were still pinned on the hunk of man meat, and when I looked his way I saw the same. They were feet apart, not even close enough to mutter a word and be able to hear it over the noise of the place, but the words being spoken through their eyes had my body tensing.

Jake felt it and instantly took stock of the situation.

“I got it, sweetheart,” he said quietly in my ear.

I nodded in relief.

Visions of my experience at eighteen were flashing in my head and I wanted her to have no part in that.

“Let’s get back to the game,” Jake said aloud, as he dropped a kiss on my lips before shoved Luca and the other guy towards the court.

Rocco gave Grace an intense look before he brought her hand up to his lips for a kiss then jogged away, Manny just shook his head and followed.

I felt conflicting emotions as I took in both of the girls.

Grace had a dreamy, yet sad look on her face, and Payton had the same.

Payton’s look brought up bad memories and Grace’s just brought up confusion.

“Just wanted to check out the shops, huh?” I asked, breaking the silence that descended as the men left.

Grace turned guilty eyes my way.


I shook my head and took a step closer. “I don’t get it, why you two are dancing around each other the way you are, but it’s not my business. What is my business is offering an ear if you ever want to talk about it,” I said quietly.

A look of want flashed over her face before she wiped it off and smiled at me with gratitude.

“Thanks, honey,” she said, just as quietly.

I smiled back and slipped one arm around Grace’s and my other around Payton’s, startling her.

“Now, let’s go get some Slushie Lushie and check out those trinkets,” I bossed, hopefully distracting both girls from the men they’d been lost in.


*              *              *


With the weather getting colder and Thanksgiving coming up, Robby and Dad decided they’d push through till Saturday and then give the following week off for the holiday. They were luckily just about done on site, so the week wouldn’t set them back by much—if any—time at all, but Robby didn’t want to take chances. So him, Jake, and a handful of other guys were working longer hours to keep things ahead.

Because of this, Jake and I weren’t able to find our time till later in the night after he’d finished up, showered, and hauled it over to my place with Romeo in tow.

Most nights (okay,
nights) he’d ended up staying over.

Now I’d had no issue with this (and neither did Juliet since she got loved on by Jake and got a friend to play with in Romeo) but that meant we were staying up later to get more time together, and last night had been no exception.

After Juliet and Romeo had worn themselves out by running amuck in my house and wrestling with each other, they settled down in her bed, snuggled together.

In the middle of snapping a picture of them, Jake came up and wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in my neck.

But that was
what took my attention away. It was the something hard I felt pressing against my bottom that sent tingles straight to my core.

Even after working almost fourteen hours that day, it was evident Jake was by no means tired.

We still hadn’t gone all the way (why I wasn’t sure since I’d put all the signs out, but he always stopped us with a tender kiss to my lips before wrapping me up in his arms and settling) but last night things had gone further.

We were in bed, Jake in nothing but a pair of dark green boxer briefs and me in black lace boyshorts and a tank—that was by no means doing its job of covering me. Jake was hovering, weight on his forearms, while I had one leg wrapped around his thigh, the other bent, foot to the bed, and my fingers buried in his thick hair holding on for dear life as he licked, sucked, and nipped his way back and forth between my breasts.

He brought his head up but I was so gone in a haze of lust (and him) that I had one hell of a time trying to focus.

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