Pinehurst: A Magical Olympian Adventure-Young Adult Romantic Adventure/Fantasy Novel (26 page)

BOOK: Pinehurst: A Magical Olympian Adventure-Young Adult Romantic Adventure/Fantasy Novel
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“Yes, I’m fine.” I couldn’t believe how happy I was to be back. I hugged her tightly.

“Thank you for bringing you-know-who back,” she added under her breath.

“You know who?” Oh, Havoc.

“She’s fine by the way.” Iris had read my expression. “But
friend is a little . . .

I laughed. Chaos would be an interesting addition to our clan. Maybe he could spend some time with Stacy—an idea to explore at a later date.

The Kitchen was buzzing about our adventures. Everyone somehow was under the delusion that Roland himself was actually fighting off the pixies when Antonio and I arrived to save him. Interesting . . .

“Evelyn.” A thick accent spoke from behind me. I spun around. “Do you have a moment?”

For Antonio? Forever! I hadn't had a chance to talk to him privately since we'd returned. I was anxious to make sure he was all right.

The girls all winked at me as I got up from the table.

“I'll see you later.” I winked back at them.

Antonio and I walked out into the yard, neither one of us speaking until we reached a bench somewhere in the common area. I couldn’t say where, I was too busy trying to read Antonio’s face. He’d changed his clothing since I’d last seen him. He now wore a clean blue shirt, and jeans that looked fashionably worn out. I wished I’d had a chance to change—I could only imagine how gross I looked.

“You struck a deal.” His words came out sharp and absolute.

“Yes.” Why lie? He could read my thoughts anyway.

No! God no!
He screamed silently as he ran his fingers back through his hair.

“I had to. It was the only way Satan would let you all go.” I held my chin up. There was no way I’d let Antonio make me feel guilty. He would have done the same if the roll were reversed.

“What did you promise him? And do not hold anything back.” His dark eyes held mine.

How much did I want Antonio to know? What would he think of me if he knew the truth—the whole truth?

If you do not tell me, I will sift through your mind and claim the knowledge for myself.

The hell you will.
There was no way anyone was taking any more from me than I’d already given. Evie was all used up . . . for now anyway.

“I’ll tell you,” I blurted out. “Not because you threatened me, but because I’d already planned to.” I took a deep breath. “In exchange for your safety and the knowledge to help restore my father’s health . . . I agreed to return to Hell every night at midnight to release a demon through the gates.”

Antonio’s mouth sprung open. He hadn’t seen that coming. “Evie! How could you promise such a thing?” He looked . . . what? Angry? Ashamed? Of me? Unacceptable!

“He would have killed you all on the spot and used me anyway,” I announced angrily. “With my cooperation I won’t age and die like my father in a matter-of-days; I’ll be able to save my dad’s life!”

Antonio looked sick.

“I didn't have a choice!” I yelled. “I’d do it again if it meant saving
. All of you,” I added quickly. Realizing I’d emphasized him above the others.

He took my face in his hands, his eyes watering as they looked into mine. “You’ve condemned your life to
. Do you understand that? For them . . . for
.” I could hear the heartache in his voice.

“For them, for you,” I breathed.
Always for you . . .
My hand reached up and touched his cheek, cupping it gently. “You went into the Underworld for
me . . .
I couldn’t leave you there.”

Antonio stared at me for what seemed like hours. The sadness in his eyes and the heartache in his thoughts were suddenly replaced with an emotion I didn’t recognize. Without care to any passersby, his arms drew me up, and his lips took mine, warming what was left of my soul. The night air I’m sure was cold, but I felt warm in his arms. I was always
in his arms.

I suddenly felt as though something were pulling at me,
at my soul. I looked at my watch. “Midnight,” I breathed, my eyes meeting his.

Panic swept across Antonio’s face. “No! I won’t let you go!” He grabbed onto my body . . . as if that would stop the pull. “Evie, please!” His lips touched mine as I disappeared . . .

Damn Satan had bad timing!


List of spells

Aperto: open

Acqua: water

Aeras: air

Anemos: wind

Chioni: snow

Elafry: light

Floga: flame

Fotio: freeze

Imobla: immobilize

Inabilitara: to incapacitate

Megalonoun: grow

Pagoma: petrify

Pagos: ice

Petra: stone

A Glimpse into Pinehurst book 2

The Search for the Oracle

Chapter 1


“Evie . . . back so soon?”

Like I had a freaking choice! I could hear the smugness in his voice. I had my hands on my hips surveying the area. “I like what you’ve done with the place,” I commented dryly. Truth. I
like what he’d done with the place. The thought of having to spend another minute in Hell, having to endure the heat, fire, and stone formations that gave the illusion they were closing in around me, was depressing to say the least.

But this wasn’t like that. I was in a spectacular garden. Lush looking foliage grew all around me. Up in the sky . . . sky? The moon hung full and bright. It’s light casting down upon us, illuminating the ground and flowers. My mouth popped open. The flowers . . . they glowed like fiber optic art: reds, blues, oranges and greens. Fireflies fluttered overhead. The garden flourished with life and color.

“I’ve pleased you. Wonderful!” the Prince of Evil remarked cheerfully.

Whatever! “Let’s get this over with,” I rolled my eyes, looking as put out as possible. I wasn't in the mood to play games. I'd literally been yanked from Antonio's arms and I was anxious to get back. I glanced around. No gate.

“May I offer you something to eat?” My eyes followed to where he was gesturing. A magnificent tree stood in the corner, brimming with apples. I bit my lip. I was starved. I hadn’t had a chance to eat anything since I’d been back from my earlier trip to Hell. My trip to Hell . . . now that’s something I never thought I’d say. Antonio had called me away from the table before I’d gotten my food, to discuss the “bargain” I’d struck with Satan.

Antonio . . . my hunky slayer boyfriend, at least that’s how I saw him, had finally admitted he loved me. It took a trip to Hell to do it, but hey, I wasn’t complaining. Antonio had looked heartbroken as I slipped through his grasp and disappeared into this realm.

“Do not eat the fruit.”

My eyes darted around me. Who said that? It wasn’t the first time I’d heard voices in my head here. Last time it had been Satan tricking me. Pretending to help me with spells I’d never used before in order to lure me to him. This was not the same voice.

“Perhaps a pear?” And just like that, the apple tree transformed into a pear tree.

I stood, almost too stunned to speak. “No thank you.” I didn’t know why I bothered with the pleasantries. He was Satan for crap sake. However, if stories were true, and I didn’t doubt that they were, it would be in my best interest to not piss him off. I smiled flatly.

“Look Satan. Let’s get down to it.” I put forth my best haughty attitude. I don’t wanna be here any longer than—”

?” he interrupted me. A confused look hung across his face.

I stared at him blankly. I looked around me once again. I was in Hell, I think? A tall, dark haired guy in his early twenties stood before me. He was super tan—my guess, the heat had singed his skin, and muscled like the eye candy in my beach volleyball magazines. He was hot. Way hot. I’d already scolded myself for even thinking he was attractive. I knew he was evil incarnate. I was so never getting into Heaven.

“You insult me,” he said. His tone indicating that I indeed
insult him. “As if I could be that evil; I'm

I opened my mouth to speak. Nothing! I continued to stare. My mind tried to wrap around his words. “Wh . . . what?” If he wasn’t Satan, then . . . who the hell was he?

“I see,” he said knowingly. “You assumed that because I greeted you in Hell, that I am—” He started to laugh.

“Aren’t you?” I challenged. I felt a surge of anger run through me. If he wasn’t Satan, then whom had I struck a deal with? Oh God. Who had I struck a deal with?

I doubled over in pain. Damn. I’d forgotten about that. Praying for divine intervention here, in the heart of darkness, was costly.

“I told you . . .
utter that name here.” His tone was sharp and severe.

“I didn’t!” I growled through the pain. “I just . . . thought it.”

His eyes narrowed. “You wonder now, with whom you struck a bargain?”

Duh! What the hell else would I be wondering. Idiot!

He grinned.

“Well? Who else would you be?” I snapped. “You had my dad!” How dare he look at me like I was a fool! I knew I was, now. But he didn’t have to openly agree with me.

“It doesn’t really matter, does it? You would have made the same bargain regardless. The stakes were too high.” He shrugged it off like it was no big deal. “I forgive your ignorance.”

He forgives my—“Who. Are. You?” I curled my fists, ready to give him a whooping of a lifetime. He smiled—mistake! I was on him instantly taking us both by surprise. No one screwed with me! I'd been through too much. I threw my body into his, knocking him down. If he wasn’t Satan, I had nothing to worry about. He was fair game! Just another demon who needed to be taught a lesson—a painful one.

Antonio would have been proud. All the endless hours of training I’d received during my Slayer classes had paid off. I brought my fist up into his jaw. A killer upper cut that I would pay for—immediately!

“Ahahh!” I cried out. I rolled onto the ground holding my hand against my chest.

“Foolish girl,” he murmured under his breath as he rose from the ground. “Let me see it.” He was completely unaffected by the damage I tried to inflict.

“No! Don’t touch me!” I yelled through the tears.

“You attacked
,” He pointed out coolly.

I stumbled to my feet. I was seeing spots! I’d broken my hand, I was sure of it. I swear it was swelling up before my eyes. “Where do you get off having a face made of stone anyway,” I cried, cradling my hand still. My vision blurred and I stumbled to the side.

“It’s not,” he said dryly, taking my hand in his—I hadn’t even seen him reach for it. “You just didn’t strike me properly.”

“I know how to punch someone!” I spat. “I’ve punched plenty of guys before.” It was true.

“I'm sure.” He put his hands around mine, cupping it. I started to pull away. “Stop!” He commanded forcibly. His eyes were dark and intense, staring into mine, challenging me to disobey.

I swallowed loudly, afraid to move.

He held my hand gently between his. A surge of heat moved through my skin, warming the muscle and bone. “It will be sore,” he said as he released my hand. “But the bones are healed.” He stepped back, his face paling a little. His eyes, still watched me intently.

I looked at my hand, tilting it back and forth. It still held the heat he’d given me. I closed my fist slowly. It wasn’t a tight fist, but the bones weren’t broken any longer. The pain had subsided somewhat, and the impulse to pass out was gone.

“Who are you?” I breathed.

He studied me for a moment, pondering. Perhaps debating a lie. “I am the Lord of the Underworld,” he declared, his arms out, motioning around him. “The King!”

“The what?” The Underworld had a king? Unbelievable. Another bit of need-to- know information I’d been denied. Havoc was so going to get her little pixie butt kicked when I got back.
I got back. “The King of the Underworld?”

He nodded at me.

“I don’t see what the difference is: Satan? Prince of Evil… Lord of the Underworld.
of the Underworld… it’s all the same!”

“It most certainly is not the same,” he promised darkly. “I am not Satan. If I were, you would not have been allowed to leave with your father and friends. You would not have been given a generous offer in order to save them.”

“Generous?” Now that was debatable.

“Can you not think who I am?” His eyes looked long into mine, as if he was passing the knowledge to me telepathically—a skill he did not know I already possessed. “Is there no one that you’ve heard of, that precedes Satan? I am the
of the Underworld!” he repeated with a hint of malice in his voice. The very air around us shuddered at his words.

Someone who precedes Satan? What was he talking about? No one preceded Satan. He was the head guy down here . . . or so I thought. Who would be older than—? My breath caught. “Wait . . . you don’t mean . . .
?” This guy had to be crazy. The very
crazy. I couldn't believe I'd even suggested it. Hades was pure myth. Like witches, and creatures from Hell, and pixies. Crap! My expression fell.

“You’ve heard of me!” He smiled.

Now, my Greek Mythology wasn’t up to par, but what I did know was that Hades didn’t just rule the Underworld he
the Underworld. Double crap! If this man was Hades, then I had an even bigger problem. Hades wasn’t entirely bound to this world. He could leave whenever he wanted. He could spy on me whenever he wanted. But if
was Hades, where was Satan? Never mind!
. I had no desire to tread there. I suddenly felt sick. “You’re Hades?”

He strode over to a garden bench and sat. “None other.” He leaned back, folding his arms behind his head, the picture of cool . . . or should I say hot. Bad Evie!

“As in
Zeus’s brother

“Pomegranate?” he offered. One suddenly materialized in his hand.

A story came to mind, reminding me that Hades had once given Persephone a pomegranate that she’d eaten and thereby bound her to the Underworld forever. “No fruit!” I jumped back, putting as much distance between us as possible.

He smiled knowingly.

A million things crossed my mind at once. The first and most obvious being—“You’re married!”

I swear he looked sheepish. “Would that be a problem?”

My mouth popped open again. “
that would be a problem!” I gasped. This was unbelievable. I looked around me, half expecting a jealous woman to pounce on me at any moment. And not just any old jealous woman, a Goddess!

“I’m not going to . . . you know . . . with a married man!” I could feel the hot heat of blush against my cheeks. I couldn’t even say it. How in the heck would I ever be able to do it? My shoulders slumped.

“She’s not here you know,” he said, answering my unspoken thought. “Persephone; she is no longer my wife.”

I sighed with relief. “You mean, you got divorced or something?”

“Or something,” he answered with a wry look.

I waited. That appeared to be all the information I’d be getting on

“So . . . you’re not married?” Not that I was interested in him. We simply needed to be clear on that point—very clear.

“Evie. You seem flustered.” He was enjoying this too much. “Fear not my dear. You are the only object of my attraction and I—”

“I never said you were the object of
attraction,” I blurted out before he could finish his cocky assumption. Another point we had to be clear on—very clear. Although, hindsight, I probably should have kept my mouth shut.

He stood. All amusement had disappeared from his face. “Our contract is binding,” he snarled.

I shivered at the thought. He was right of course. This “bargain” was worse than I could have imagined. I needed time to regroup—this would not be that time.

Dark shadow’s appeared around me, threatening to swallow me whole. “
think to cross me.” His voice deepened. “I
the Underworld and all who dwell here;
are part of this world now!” So much for being the caring guy that fixed my hand!
“You have promised yourself to
. Do not forget that,” he snapped.

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