Pinehurst: A Magical Olympian Adventure-Young Adult Romantic Adventure/Fantasy Novel (19 page)

BOOK: Pinehurst: A Magical Olympian Adventure-Young Adult Romantic Adventure/Fantasy Novel
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He released my lips reluctantly, but not his hold around me. His eyes dreamily stared into mine. He brushed several more kisses across my lips before he set me down.

My body cried as his arms threatened to leave. “No.” I shook my head, pulling him back to me. I couldn't look into his eyes. I didn't want to see into his thoughts. I just wanted Antonio to hold me a little longer. I nuzzled my head against his chest, listening to the erratic beating of his heart.

“Evie.” He pulled back and looked me squarely in the face. “You must know this changes nothing.” He sounded sad.

“The hell it doesn’t!” I challenged. “This changes everything!” He loved me! Well, he didn’t exactly say that, but I could feel it. No guy could kiss a girl like that and walk away.

Antonio’s face grew serious. “I’ll have to walk away. Evie, when the time comes, you must let me go.”

“No.” I shook my head again. “I can’t. I won’t.” Tears leaked out the corners of my eyes.

Antonio sighed deeply. “Oh, Evie.” A gentle smile swept across his face. His fingers brushed the tears from my cheeks before he leaned over and kissed me softly on the forehead. “You will have no choice.”

Chapter 16

A hysterical laugh broke the tension. We looked toward the source. I’d forgotten we weren’t alone.

“You’ve got to be kidding!” Havoc squealed. “You just planted a life altering kiss on her, and now you expect her to just let you go off into the fiery flames of Hell? Never to be seen again! Please. No man is

“This does not concern you,” Antonio said firmly. His arms were still wound tightly around me.

“Sure. I’m just the one who will have to listen to her blubbering the whole way back. But you’re right. It doesn’t concern me.” Havoc rolled her eyes.

“Evie will be fine. She understands. There is nothing to be done. We have to get her father back and this is the only way.” He spoke to Havoc, but his words were surely meant for me. Antonio was trying to convince me that any plan I might try to concoct to counter this was futile.

“Yeah, right.” Havoc jumped up, and dusted her skirt off. “Well, since nothing monumental is going to happen here, I think we’d better press on. The swamp is just over that hill.”

A feeling of dread came over me. I could feel it in my bones. Even my knees were shaking. Some fearless slayer I was.

“Can I have the staff back?” I asked.

I half expected Antonio to say no. Maybe even hell no! But he placed it in my hand. “Remember to hold it away from you this time.”

I stared at it apprehensively—debating whether or not I should even be holding it.

“Come,” he held his hand out to me. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

I nodded, and laced my fingers with his. I knew he couldn’t keep that promise, but the very idea of it was comforting. I felt safer already.

“How sweet. Too bad you won’t be able to offer her such comfort on the return trip.”

“Damn it, Havoc, will you shut-up!” It was the first time I’d seen Antonio snap. I mean, really snap. His grip tightened around my hand.

I hadn’t thought about the return trip. I’d assumed he’d be with me. It didn’t matter. I’d have my dad and somehow, I’d find a way to bring Antonio back with us too.

“Evie . . .”

“You think we might have a few minutes to practice?” I extended my arm and held out my staff, hoping to distract Antonio from anything he was about to say. I pressed the button. The blades shot out from both ends causing me to jump—again.

His lips curled up, his smile touching his eyes. I loved that smile—he didn’t do it nearly enough.

“I suppose we could spare a few minutes,” Antonio agreed, as he pulled his staff out from his pants waist and pushed the button—he didn’t even flinch. “Ready?” He lunged at me.

Clank, clank, clank!
His blade met mine again and again . . . so much for easing into it, I was already panting.

“We don’t have the luxury of ‘easing into it,’” Antonio breathed, swinging the end of his staff into mine again. I met the blow, staggered back, and landed on my butt.

Havoc, the witch, laughed, “Oh Child of Light, you look ridiculous!”

She should talk. I wasn’t the one dressed like Barbie and wearing an entirely too large hair clip on my head.

Antonio sheathed his staff, and then reached out to help me up.

I narrowed my eyes at him. I wasn’t sure if he was laughing at me, or with me. I took his hand.

“With you. Always,” he chuckled under his breath before he moved behind me. His arms came around my middle, pulling my body back into his. His hands met mine on the handle of my staff. “Move like this.” The words were ordinary but he made them sound sensual. My body moved with his as we whirled around, stabbing the air with the deadly points of the blade. I hoped my brain was paying attention because my heart was all a flutter from our close proximity. It was times like these that I forgot we were on a rescue mission.

“Now!” Antonio sprung away from me; his staff out once more as he came at me.

I blocked him as best I could. Sadly, my best wasn’t very good. I stumbled over my feet several times, nearly impaling myself. I’d only hoped I wouldn’t have a need to use this thing in battle—I sucked!

“It’s not something you can learn overnight,” Antonio addressed my inner thoughts. “Try, Evie. Concentrate. Block me.” He swung at me again, bringing the blade far too close to my neck. I cringed away. “You think the Daimonas will be careful with you?”

I thought about that. “No.” But was it too much to expect a little chivalry? I was a girl after all, and I couldn’t help but think Antonio swung a little too hard.

Antonio stopped abruptly. His staff once again aimed at my head. His eyes were wide with shock. “Chivalry? Are you kidding?” He lowered his staff.

I shrugged. Part of me, a big part in fact, figured the moment I took the first swing with the staff that it might be in everyone’s best interest that I just step behind Antonio and let him do his guy thing.

“My ‘guy thing’? Whatever happened to you taking charge?

“Well . . .” I looked down at me feet, kicking the loose dirt around them. I was feeling truly inadequate. The staff had been harder to use than I’d thought. I realized that I wasn’t going to be an asset after all. The extent of my Slayer training thus far, hadn’t prepared me for any of this. I’d probably get us killed!

“Evie.” Antonio’s expression softened. Although, he didn’t seem opposed to the idea of me taking a back seat. “You are more of an asset than you know. You’re wicked-good with magic, and that is a valuable weapon indeed.”

Magic defensively? I didn’t know if I’d be an asset there either. I never had to use magic for fighting—aside from the few little tussles I had with Antonio and the pranks I played on Stacy.

“Evie.” He sheathed his staff once again and stepped closer to me. His fingers gently lifted my chin—I had nowhere to look, except into those endless pools of chocolate . . . “This takes years to learn. I only gave you the staff to make you feel stronger. I never expected you to really have to use it. Not very much anyway,” he added, as an afterthought.

He placed his finger over my mouth, silencing me. The look in his eyes was pure determination. “I’ll protect you.” He leaned toward me, his lips brushing softly against mine.

Surprised, I found that my arms were wrapping themselves around his neck. His hands were on my waist again, gripping it firmly. My lips met kiss after blissful kiss. I never wanted it to end. I wanted everything around us to fade away. I wanted—

“Uh guys? You think you might want to wrap this up. We’re burning daylight here.”

I wanted Havoc to SHUT-UP!

I could feel Antonio’s lips smiling against mine now. “Come. The troll awaits.”

* * *


“Would any of you mind me hitching a ride?”

I looked down at Havoc. For the first time, I actually felt sorry for her. She looked so small and helpless. I picked her up and set her on my shoulder, wincing as she grabbed onto my hair for support.

We stood on a small hill, staring over at what appeared to be an endless swamp. Massive trees, with thick twisted branches stretched outward from the water, threatening to grab anything that got close enough, and bring it to its demise. The path, if you could call it a path, was hidden by murky, bubbling goo.

Antonio held my hand tighter.

“We'll have to wade through the water,” he said.

“Do we have to?” I could just imagine what sorts of creatures lived beneath the surface. I shuddered at the thought.

“It’s the only way through,” Antonio insisted.

I nodded and put on my game face—whatever that was. I had to be brave. If my dad had suffered this place, I could too!

“Once we enter the water, do not stop. Do not look back. No matter what you see or hear, you must keep moving.”

“Why?” I whispered the question, afraid to hear the answer.

“A spell,” Havoc interjected. “The swamp sleeps . . . unless you awaken it.”

I nodded again. I was more afraid now than I’d ever been. I squeezed Antonio’s hand. I didn’t want to be separated from him for one second.

We inched toward the water line, Antonio’s posture stiffing. A mixture of emotions swirled in his eyes. His hand was sweating as much as mine, but he didn’t let go.

“Remember. Do not stop for anything.” He stepped into the water. A loud boom, like thunder echoed around us. A large ripple moved from one end to the other like a sonic blast—so much for sneaking our way through.

I stepped in, shivering at the iciness of the water. How could a place so hot have such ridged water temperatures? Crap. I wished I wore pants instead of shorts. The slimy water coated my naked legs, wrapping itself around my skin, sucking the moisture from it. I followed close beside Antonio. My eyes darted around, taking everything in.


“What is it?” Antonio grabbed me, pulling me into his side.

“Something brushed my leg.” I cringed, remembering the snake-like texture that rubbed past me. Please don’t let there be snakes in the water, I silently prayed.

“Keep walking,” Antonio urged as he pulled me along. His arm had wrapped around my shoulders, offering what comfort he could.

“Vipers swim these waters,” Havoc whispered in my ear. “I hate vipers; nasty creatures.” If Havoc hated them, they must be bad.

Wait a minute? “Vipers don’t swim in water,” I noted.

“These do.” Havoc held my hair tighter. “Did I mention they have two heads?”

Oh my God! “Antonio . . .”

We were waist deep now. The sludge clung to my bare skin. “Gross. I’m going to need a bath after this.” I pulled a chunk of slime off my stomach. Eww, there was actual slime touching me.

“This place is disgusting, and it smells.” I felt my stomach heave. Please, God. Don’t let me throw up now. Although with the large chunks of I don’t wanna-know-what floating around, you probably wouldn’t notice anyway.

“It’s not much further, I can see the shore just around the bend,” Antonio urged me on again, promising a light at the end of this disgusting tunnel.

“I thought you said there was a troll?” I glanced behind us . . .

“No!” Havoc shrieked.

Damn! The water began to bubble all around. I looked at Antonio, meeting the same panic in his eyes. He shoved me behind him, his staff already drawn.

A small ripple of water moved toward us. I gripped onto Antonio’s shoulders, but he shrugged me off, stepping slightly forward.

“We’re dead,” Havoc moaned.

The ripple was followed by another, slightly larger, and then another ripple. I took up my staff, pressing the button and releasing the blades. What I planned to do—who knew?

A high-pitched shriek pierced my ears. I jumped, slashing the staff to my left.

“Ahahh!” Havoc pulled onto my hair so tight, I felt a few strands rip out.

I’d managed to cut off one of the viper’s heads—sheer luck. The other head was viciously snapping at me. I swung and stabbed at it.

Antonio was bracing himself for what rose from the water. My heart stopped. Before us, stood a figure that must’ve been at least 12 foot tall. Sunken red eyes peered through stringy tufts of hair that dripped like tentacles down a hideous, misshapen face. Its nose was long and crooked and when it snarled, bared teeth so stained, it looked as if it had drunk bottles of black ink.

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