Pink Butterfly (14 page)

Read Pink Butterfly Online

Authors: Geoff Lynch

Tags: #club, #sex, #fantasy, #erotic, #panty, #dance, #girl, #stripper

BOOK: Pink Butterfly
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“Lots of things are legal that aren’t necessarily right would you agree?” Antonio asked. “Smoking is legal, drinking is legal, and both are major health hazards. Neither of them are looked upon with favor either. That’s why they have bars.”

“You can’t smoke in most bars now,” Phoenix stated. “And you can’t drink alcohol in the nude bars where I work.”

“Exactly my point,” Antonio stated firmly.

“I’m proud of what I do. I pay my taxes. I’m not a bad person.”

“One more question,” Antonio stated. “Do bad people lie?” he asked.

“Objection!” Oscar yelled from his table. “The witness is not on trial here.”

“Sustained,” the judge said. “You may be excused, call your next…”

Just then the doors at the back of the courtroom burst open and a tall thin man dressed in a t-shirt and jeans walked briskly towards the front of the room past the gallery of spectators. The man opened the gate and stopped between the prosecution and defendants table holding several sheets of white paper with pictures printed on them. The bailiff took a step towards the man and stopped when they made eye contact. It seemed they knew each other. The room was hushed and the judge seemed unusually nervous.

“What the fuck are these?” the tall man asked the judge waving the papers in the air for everyone to see. “Come on Andy! Do you have something you need to tell me?” he asked louder.

The judge sat dumbfounded and a nervous smile crossed his face. “I’m in court, we can discuss this later.”

“No, I don’t fucking think so, why? Are you too embarrassed to talk about what you were hiding on your hard drive?”

The judge looked at the bailiff but was frozen and didn’t know what to do. The scene in the room was quite odd and no one really knew who this guy was, what he was doing here or why the bailiff refused to escort the man from the room.

“How long have you been fucking the help?” the tall man asked looking over at the bailiff.

“The court is in recess until tomorrow!” the judge yelled and slammed down his gavel, nobody left because they wanted to see what was going to happen. The judge stood up and headed away from the bench towards his chambers door.

“That’s just like you, running away when the shit gets real! No wonder you can’t keep a man for more than a month, you cheating whore!”

The judge turned back and pointed at the tall man holding the papers. “If you think coming here and making a scene during my court is going to make your life better, you’re in for some harsh reality!” the judge barked back

“Why don’t you have your boyfriend arrest me?”

“I don’t need him to arrest you!” the judge yelled back jumping the rail. With his robes flapping in the breeze, the judge ran over to the tall man and stopped short of punching him in the face.

“What’s wrong Andy? Too scared to hit me?”

The judge, gasping for air from his short sprint bent over and put his hands on his knees.

“Is that how your boyfriend and you like it? Do you play judge when he’s ass fucking you? Does he put his handcuffs on you?”

The bailiff was long gone by now, heading out the door to his car. The crowd in the courtroom was stunned to watch these two men fighting next to the lawyers tables and nobody bothered to intervene.

“Vern,” the judge said catching his breath. “I never told you we were exclusive. I know that’s what you wanted, but I never agreed to that. I’m sorry I had to hide this from you, but I knew you wouldn’t go along with it and I wasn’t about to commit to anyone.”

“So you used me?” Vern asked upset and almost in tears.

“Yes, I used you,” the judge replied. “I can’t help it, I have a sexual addiction.”

Vern dropped the papers on the floor and stood looking at the judge for a few moments. In a way he felt sorry for this man and for what he had just done to embarrass him. “Why didn’t you say something before?”

“I did, I told you I liked to get laid as much as possible. Hell, you only let me fuck you three times a day. How can a man live like that?”

“How much sex do you need?” Vern asked.

“If you have to ask, then you’ll never understand.” the judge replied now able to speak without panting.

“I love you,” Vern said sadly.

“I think you’re alright,” the judge replied.

“You don’t love me?” Vern asked.

“In the sense that I love all mankind yes, but romantically no.”

“So all I am is a butt hole sperm dumpster?”

“Sorry, but yes. You and anyone else I could find.”

Vern stood dumbfounded and felt like used toilet paper. He turned to look back at the gallery of spectators and shook his head in disbelief. The lawyers on both sides at their tables sat silent waiting to see if Andy would go nuts and start shooting up the place. Instead, he hung his head and almost started to laugh. Andy spun back around to face his former lover, dressed in black robes and said, “You’ll find your shit on the lawn when you get back to my place.”

Melvin sat quiet at the defendants table, wearing prison orange and shackles. He looked over at the two sheriff’s deputies standing along the wall who were supposed to be guarding him and wondered why they hadn’t intervened. They stood there like they were watching a train wreck or professional wrestling match and enjoying the show.

The judge looked at Andy with a tinge of anger and replied, “Most of your shit we bought together. Make sure I get that stuff back as well.”

“Oh, don’t worry your honorable highness, you’ll get all your shit back, and more.” Andy replied while stooping over to pick up the papers he let fall to the floor. “Since you want to be such and asshole, why don’t I share a few chat room posts I also found on your personal account? I know you think I’m as dumb as a tree, but finding your password was pretty easy with the key logger software I installed. “

”Don’t” the judge said holding up his hand. “Don’t make this any worse than it already is.”

Andy turned to face the gallery and held up the first sheet of paper. Taking a quick look, he read the first chat log out loud. “I was thinking about shaving my mustache,” Andy said to the crowd. “That’s from his boyfriend who you all saw running out the side door.” Andy continued, “No, I love the way it tickles my asshole when you lick my crack.” Andy looked back at the judge and smirked. “You didn’t like the way I licked your asshole?”

“That’s enough,” the judge said pleading for Andy to stop reading.

“Oh, but it gets better,” Andy replied and read on. “I will keep it just for you my sexy lawman. I think you’re so hot when you ass fuck me wearing your robes.”

A collective gag came from the gallery as Andy continued to read the chat log out loud.

“When are you going to dump that looser Andy?” Andy read on.

“He’s good for washing dishes and vacuuming the carpet, I don’t want to get rid of him.”

“So he’s just your servant?”

“He’s my idiot slave, too stupid to figure it out.”

“How do you keep him around?”

“I let him suck my toes once and a while and dry off after my shower so he can watch, that’s about it.”

Andy shook his head in disgust. “What a bunch of bullshit,” he said looking at the judge. “You didn’t bother to tell your boyfriend that we showered together I see, and you conveniently forgot to let him know that it was you that was sucking my toes, not the other way around you pervert!”

“Andy!” the judge pleaded. “I’m sorry it turned out this way, I’ll get my stuff from your house on Saturday. I need time to get a truck and find some guys to help move me out.”

“Saturday?” Andy scoffed. “I hope it doesn’t rain in the next two days because your shit will be outside by the time you get back.”

The judge hung his shoulders in despair and gave up on trying to convince his former house mate to take him back. “Fine, I’ll try to find a truck tonight. Just be careful with my stuff, a lot of it is expensive.”

“Could you at least tell me what your boyfriend had that was so special? I mean, we lived together for six months.” Andy asked.

“He was good in bed, plain and simple,” the judge replied. “I like a man that takes charge and he took charge. Most of the time when we were done I was so sore I couldn’t pee for an hour. He did things for me and to me that no man has ever done before.”

“But did you have to do it in our bed?” Andy asked in disgust.

“It’s just a bed, a place to sleep.”

“To you maybe, but to me it was our special place, the place where we talked about work, and friends and made plans for the future.”

“Would you have preferred we fucked on the couch instead?”

“I would have preferred you didn’t fuck him at all!” Andy barked back. “I loved you!”

The judge stood silent and looked at Andy almost feeling sorry for him. In the back of his mind he knew Andy was a play toy and someone he could easily manipulate and use as needed. Not really wanting to move his furniture and find a new place to live, the judge thought for a second on how he could manipulate Andy into letting him stay. “What if I break up with him?” the judge said with an odd sad smile.

“I thought he was just sex to you?” Andy asked in reply.

“That’s what I meant, break up sexually.”

“What’s to keep you from finding someone else? What guarantee do I have that you will be faithful?”

“All I have to offer is my word. Remember those nights spooning in bed talking about getting a house of our own and maybe getting a cat?”

Andy, now sentimental began to break down and his anger faded. “Yeah, we were going to name it Fluffy,” Andy said with a smile.

“You, me and fluffy. What do you say?” the judge asked holding out his hand to Andy.

Andy stepped in close and gave the judge a hug and a sloppy kiss that grossed out most of the people still watching from the gallery of the courtroom.

“What do you say we go back to my chambers and get in a quickie?” the judge said grasping Andy by his ass.

“Only if we do it that one way,” Andy said with a smile.

“You bet Andy,” the judge said like Andy Griffith and the two walked hand in hand back to the judge’s chamber door and found it locked. “What the fuck?” the judge asked. “This door doesn’t even have a lock on it.”

“Why don’t you two fuck birds go have a seat with the rest of the crowd,” boomed a loud low voice from behind the bench. Everyone looked up to the spot where the judge normally sits behind his bench and were astounded to see a large black man with dark sunglasses, smoking a cigar and playing with the gavel. The man, almost seven feet tall was dressed in a dark business suit, sported a goatee and was hiding his bald head under a grey stocking cap folded up around his ears. The crowd was stunned as no one had seen him enter the room or walk up to the bench and sit down. It was as if he had just appeared out of nowhere.

The judge and Andy slowly stepped away from the chamber door, walked past the jury box and back to the gallery finding a seat by the wall. The man with the stocking cap watched patiently as they sat down and got comfortable.

“Who are you?” Antonio the prosecuting attorney asked.

“My name is Stone Jackson,” Stone Jackson replied.

“Are you a member of the court?” Antonio asked. “I thought we were in recess?”

“I am the court,” Jackson replied. “For now.”

“May I see your credentials?” Antonio asked.

“That is a valid request, sorry, I don’t have anything to show you. But, I will let you know that there is no court higher than me.”

“Until I see something in writing stating you have some authority in this court, I will be taking my client back to his holding cell.”

“You can try,” Jackson stated.

Antonio motioned for Melvin to stand and together they stepped over to the main door to the courtroom. Antonio pulled on the door handle but it wouldn’t move. “What’s wrong with this door?” Antonio asked the sheriffs deputies standing guard a few feet away. The closest guard tried the door and couldn’t get it to budge either. “What did you do to the door?” Antonio asked Jackson who was still playing with the gavel.

“It’s not a door,” Jackson said reading the writing on the gavel handle.

Antonio turned back to the door and it was gone, only a blank white wall was where the door once was. “What the hell?” Antonio asked in disbelief.

“Told you,” Jackson replied now shaking his head at Antonio.

“What is going on here?” Melvin asked now realizing his restraints were gone.

“What we have here is a situation,” Jackson tried to explain. “As you know, Mr. Skankmeyer here was once sentenced to death for the killings of a woman he had stalked and killed and her boyfriend. Melvin somehow mysteriously survived the electric chair only to be accused of a second murder for which he is on trial for now. Problem is, Melvin is way too important to go back for a second round of executions.”

“Important?” Antonio asked. “How?”

Your client survived his electrocution because he’s not the same as the rest of you. During his visit to the Emergency room, the doctor found that his heart was different from what a human heart should look like. The CT and MRI scans where electronically sent to two different cardiologists for evaluation and neither one of them had a clue as to what they were looking at. Only one of the men took the information, used a simulation program and rebuilt the heart in the computer. Turns out it wasn’t a heart at all, it was some sort of information processing unit tied into his circulatory system.”

“I have no heart?” Melvin asked dumbfounded.

“I didn’t say that,” Jackson replied. “All he found out was that the thing in your chest wasn’t a heart.”

“Are you saying I’m some sort of freak?”

“I’m not saying anything of the kind. But I am saying that because of your unique design, you won’t be heading back to the chair, or to the gallows or firing squad anytime soon. Something about the design or workings of your system insulated you from the shock of the electric chair. That’s doesn’t mean that a bullet would have the same effect and judging from how your trial has been going, I felt it best to intervene now before we take that risk.”

“Who are you to intervene?” Melvin asked. “And how did you change the door and get rid of my cuffs?”

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