Pirated Love (15 page)

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Authors: K'Anne Meinel

BOOK: Pirated Love
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Claire was amazed to see the Black Betty moored around a promontory, just out of sight of her father’s private beach.  Rowboats awaited the pirates and were soon in the water around them as they rowed hard for the ship.  Claire looked about her, amazed at how well the men had cleaned up for the occasion.  It was no wonder they had fit in as servants and guards.  Their beards were trimmed; a few were clean-shaven, their tans shown off prominently where their beards had been.  They looked fine in the liveried clothes they had stolen from the mansion’s servants.

“If I did not know better, I would swear you men look ready for a party,” she teased, as she looked on with wonderment at how fine they all looked.  The men started to laugh and shared her sally with the ones in the other boats until they were all laughing.  The escapade had thrilled them all, and the few who had the privilege of knocking out guards had their blood lust appeased by the violence.

Claire gazed at Tina in the most wonderment.  She had never seen her dressed so fine.  Her red hair was perfectly coiffed and the dress as elegant as anything she had seen at a London party.  In fact, if she did not know she was a pirate and had not seen her dressed in men’s clothing, she would swear she was a lady.  Tina caught her looking at her and blushed as she rowed hard for their ship.  The soldiers would be called out, and the navy looking for them on the high seas.  Death was the best Tina could hope for if they found her.

“You look wonderful,” Claire told her, admiringly, as she gazed at how striking the woman appeared.

“Yeah, well, I had this laying around,” Tina teased in return, indicating the dress she was wearing.

“It suits you,” Claire laughed with her, delighted to be released from the horror she had been about to enter into with Sir Edmund.  That Tina had managed to marry her meant that she loved her, did it not?  No words of love, though, had been spoken between them.  Tina caught the gaze and looked back just as intently as she rowed hard for the ship.

Using a boatswain’s chair for Claire who could not climb the Jacob’s ladder with her full wedding regalia, they were soon on board and loading the boats.  The men quickly got to work to set sail so they could be far away from the island of Baleniesia before the governor’s men could get organized and come after them.  With the wide open ocean before them, they knew they would only be caught if they delayed.

Claire was amused to see the pirates in their wedding finery going about their duties.  Many had already kicked off the shoes they had stolen in favor of bare feet to work on the slippery decks and ropes.  She was thrilled to watch Tina, her
, take command and direct them.  It was impressive to see her standing there in her fine clothes and have them soon on their way.  Claire kept discreetly out of their way as she stood quietly near Tina and observed.

James proudly took the wheel after they had been underway for a time so the captain could go below with her bride.  The pirates cheered when Tina, in an impulsive move, took Claire in her arms and carried her off the deck of the ship down to their cabin.  Putting her back on her feet, she smiled and went to a box she had on a shelf.  Opening it, she took out a smaller box and presented it to Claire.

“This was my mother’s wedding band and I would be honored if you would wear it,” she told her as she offered it.

Claire’s first impulse was to pick up the ring from its box, but she slowly removed her fine gloves that were now dirty and smudged and, presenting her hand to her wife, she said, “Put it on me.”

Tina smiled in return.  “The priest never did ask for an exchange of rings did he?” she asked, as she gently took the delicate hand in her own and equally as gently slid the ring onto the third finger.  She was thrilled that it was only a little large, but otherwise fit.  “Do you like it?”

“I love it,” Claire told her truthfully.  “I will have to find you a ring...” she began, but Tina stopped her.

“I have here,” she interrupted, reaching for another box and flipping it open. “My father’s wedding band.  If you do not mind, I would like to wear it to honor him and to remind me that I am married to you.”

“No, I do not mind,” the blonde told her honestly.

“Then will you put it on me?” Tina asked, handing her the box.  Her own hands had been free of gloves because she had needed to be able to draw the hidden sword easily and gloves could have hindered her speed.

Claire removed the solid gold band from the box and, pulling Tina’s hand towards her, she pushed the ring solemnly onto her ring finger.  It was a little large too as it was made for a man’s hand, but Tina was thrilled to see it there.  “I, Claire Von Hagen, take thee Bettina Carmichaels, to be my lawfully wedded wife.  This ring is a symbol of that love,” she paraphrased the wedding ceremony and then she blushed, at confessing her love, even unintentionally.

Entering into the spirit of it, Tina began, “I, Bettina Carmichaels, take thee to be my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, ‘til death do us part.  This ring,” her fingers touched her mother’s ring on Claire’s hand momentarily, “is a symbol of that love.”  She smiled at their silly rewording of the vows they should have taken before the priest, but neither set of vows meant any less to them at that moment as Tina leaned down to kiss Claire.  Having been parted for weeks, they were both eager to consummate their marriage.

“Oh, God, Tina, I have missed you so,” Claire gasped against her lips, determined to kiss her, and hard!

“Only as much as I have missed you,” Tina mouthed back as she kissed her deeply.

“But you were so mean!”  She wondered about that, and had thought perhaps the hatred she had felt had been because Tina did not want her after all.  She had played those last hours over and over in her head and had come to that conclusion.

“I did not want to feel, to hurt.  I did not want to lose you!” the redhead told her earnestly, begging for forgiveness with her eyes.

“I did not want to leave,” Claire told her desperately as she held her close and tried to begin to undress her.

“Wait,” Tina told her, and finding the ties and buttons that held her skirt together and up, she quickly stepped out of it, then turning her back, had Claire unbutton her dress.

“Who helped you into this?” Claire asked her, wondering at the outfit.

“Frank,” Tina said, grudgingly.

Claire could feel the laughter bubble up at the thought of the gruff old man being a lady’s maid.

“Help me out of this,” she ordered, indicating the elaborate wedding gown her dressmaker had insisted on.  Her father did not know anything about fashion, but as he was footing the bill, he had insisted she listen to the woman.

“How in the world do you breathe in this?” Tina asked, as she tried to figure out the elaborate ties and buttons that held the wedding dress together in layers.

“I do not,” she confessed, and she sighed gustily once the blouse and the matching corset of the dress were loosened.

“It is no wonder women faint wearing these things.”

They were both having trouble getting the wedding dress off and Tina offered to cut her out of it.  For emphasis, she reached down into her knee-high black boots, the ones that had been worn
her gown, and pulled out her dagger.  Claire laughed at finding out her fine feathered wife had brought a knife along to her own wedding!  “Do not do that, I want to keep it for our daughter someday,” she told her as she figured out how to remove one more item of the dress.

Tina looked at her strangely for a moment and then shrugged before going back to helping her, leaving the wicked-looking dagger on the table.

They were soon standing there in their shifts, and this too amused Claire as she had never seen Tina in such a garment.  No one could doubt she was a woman as the formfitting garment molded her womanly curves.  Claire found it very arousing.  She could not help but lean up for a kiss, which Tina easily gave in to.

“I have missed you,” she said meaningfully, and Tina grinned.

Leading her to their bed, she stopped at the sight of the box lying in the middle of it.  She glanced down at Claire to see if she noticed it.

“What is that?” Claire asked, reaching for it.  Tina stayed her hand as she sat down on the edge and took the box from her.

“It is a wedding present from the crew,” she told her, seriously.

“Oh, a wedding present!” she said excitedly, and then realized all the fine presents she would have received were back at her father’s mansion.  She sighed.  It was all in the past.  Her future was with this woman.  She had truly burned her bridges behind her by marrying her so publically.  Legal or not, the spectacle had been observed by enough people that her father would never live down the gossip.

“What is it?” she asked, as Tina continued to stare at the box in her hands.

“A phallus,” she told her, and looked to see if she understood.

“What is that?” she asked, clearly not understanding.

Tina licked her lips, trying to think of how to explain.  She knew Claire was not as worldly as she and she wondered how she would react to the crew’s present.  She had recognized the box, but it did not mean she had to use it.  Taking a deep breath, she began, “It is something that eunuchs use sometimes.”

“What is a eunuch?” Claire interrupted to ask.  She was trying to understand, but could see something was making Tina uncomfortable.

Tina nearly rolled her eyes, she had not wanted to explain that either.  Sighing deeply, she began again.  “A eunuch is a man that has been rendered man-less by removing his man parts.”

Claire was trying to pay attention, but she was distracted by Tina’s form-fitting shift and now the subject of the present in her hand.  She could not understand why this discussion was including man-less men.  “They remove their...?”  she repeated the last part of what Tina had just said.

“Aye, when they are young, they render them so they cannot reproduce.  Some do not survive, but some only have the sacks removed,” Tina was blushing at this indelicate conversation.

Visualizing sacks that flour came in, Claire was confused.  Having only seen glimpses of male anatomy, she had no idea what Tina was speaking of.

Tina continued, blushing her way through it.  “Well, eunuchs and certain women use this present.”

Claire sat up straighter, feeling a little less confused as to why they had been speaking about male parts.  She wanted to see what the present was.

“It is for...penetration,” she continued to explain, and with that she opened the box for Claire to see what was inside.  Nestled within the box was a phallic-shaped dildo made out of fine skin and looking remarkably like a man’s erect penis.

“Is that...?” Claire gasped as she realized what it was.  Nestled next to the large thing was a set of leather straps.

“It is called a phallus or a dildo,” Tina blushed harder as she continued her explanation.  “It is so that a female couple can fully penetrate or for a eunuch who cannot perform as a normal man.”

“So we are supposed to use...” her finger pointed at the contraption, “to perform...” she blushed as she realized what it was really for.

Tina shook her head.  “No, only if you wish to.  We can continue as we have, but some women like a bit of variety and like to use these.”

“So you just stick that inside and...” she could not continue, it was too much for her to understand, and embarrassing besides.

“Or you can ride it,” that part of the idea really appealed to Tina.  It would leave her hands free to roam on Claire’s body.

“How does it go on?” she was suddenly curious.  She had not missed the slight tone of interest in Tina’s voice; she was that in tune with her.

“It wraps around the waist with these,” she said, showing her the straps.  “It sticks out here, and you usually lubricate it to make it fit easier.”

“What is it made out of?”

“Sewn leather, but see here
there is a seam and it is wrapped over carved wood,” she said, showing her, as they looked at it closer.

“And you want to use that on me?” she asked.

“Only if you want to,” she assured her.

“You are saying I might want to?” she asked, remembering many of the other times they had made love.  She had wondered if having a man would be different.  She now wondered, with such an item, if she would need a man for such an endeavor.  She could find out and appease her curiosity without having a man actually touch her.

“Sometimes a little variety can be fun,” Tina repeated what she had said earlier.

“Are you getting bored with me already?” Claire teased in return.  It was, after all, their wedding night.

“Not at all,” she laughed at her woman’s teasing, pleased that they could talk about something so uncomfortable and still laugh together.

“Have you ever used one before?” she thought to ask next.

Reluctant to talk about her past lovers, Tina nodded once.

“Have you used it or had it used on you?” she clarified.

“Both, so I could learn,” she confessed, feeling uncomfortable once again.

“Did you like using it or having it used on you?” she now asked

“Both,” Tina blushingly admitted.  “Love play could be complicated.”

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