Plague (27 page)

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Authors: Victor Methos

BOOK: Plague
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“What do you want me to do? Go back to Atlanta and do phone interviews of flu patients in Arkansas?”

“That’s exactly what I want you to do.”

“Ralph, you’ve abandoned those people. If Agent X doesn’t abate on its own
the entire population of the island could be wiped out.”

“You think I don’t know that? You think I’ve actually slept these past three days and haven’t been in the bathroom vomiting? I’m sick with myself, Sam. I hate this. I’ve se
riously considered quitting
but in the end, I knew it wasn’t the best thing.”

“Why not? Quit and come with me.”

He laughed. “Impulsivity’s the kingdom of the young and I’m not young anymore. We have to be utilitarian in this; the greatest good for the greatest number.”

“Why were we allowed to leave? Any one of us could be infected?”

“No one that was allowed to leave showed any symptoms of infection for longer than the incubation period.” He hesitated a moment before speaking again. “Where are you right now?”

“Hopping onto a flight in LAX. Why?”

you heading after that?”

“Florida and then Peru. I should be back to work within a week. If there’s work waiting for me.”

He paused a moment.
t’ll be waiting for you. Just be careful out there.”

“I will, Ralph. Thanks.”

As she hung up, Benjamin noticed that she had been speaking on the phone and he walked over.

“Who was that?”

“Ralph. Why?”

“You didn’t tell him where we are
did you?”

“I told him we were boarding a plane.”

“What are you so interested in that for?” Duncan said.

Benjamin said, “So
whole island was abandoned on the off chance one person might bring the disease onto the mainland, right? How do you think it is
that they’ve just let us fly
out without so much as a doctor looking

“No one on that plane showed any signs of infection,” Duncan said. “Why wouldn’t they let us leave?”

Sam said, “No, he’s right. They’re sentencing people to death and they just let us walk away.”

“I don’t understand the big deal.”

Benjamin said, “The big deal is that they shouldn’t have just let us walk away. By right, we should be in quarantine.” He looked to Sam. “Did you offer where you were or did he specifically ask?”

“He asked.”

“If they wanted us in quarantine,” Duncan said, “they’d just ask us to go. We’d all comply.”

“Not if it was indefinite,” Benjamin added.

“They wouldn’t do that. That’s not quarantine, that’s prison.”

“Let me ask you this, Dr. Adams: is there anything the government is forbidden from doing in the interest of national security? Dick Cheney, Bush
and then Obama and Holder made sure that the government has unlimited power as long as they say they’re doing it for the interest of the greater good.”

“Within reason. Anything else is just basement conspiracy theory.”

Sam said, “Why would they book us a flight on a military charter?”

“Maybe someone was supposed to meet us when we landed that didn’t show up?”

Sam stood
. “
, l
et’s get to our flight.”





Ralph Wilson raced through the Hollywood International Airport in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Several military police surrounded him, their rifles held low. The airport was busy with summer travelers and they had grown infuriated at the cancellation, at least temporarily, of all incoming and outgoing flights. The military, FBI,
Homeland Security,
and Fort Lauderdale Police had commandeered the building and evacuated all the patrons. The airport was now only filled with men in uniforms; Ralph was the only one in a business suit.

In one sense, it sent a shiver down his spine. He had seen what occurs when
people are granted too much power
. But he had also seen what happens when
Mother Nature
gets out of control and her attacks are not contained. It was the greater danger, and had to be stopped. At any cost.

They finally came to terminal 3 and Ralph looked out the window to see a US Airways concord landing and running the course of the tarmac before turning and slowly making its way to the terminal. It was flight 1237: Samantha Bower’s flight.

The decision not to quarantine them on the island was one Ralph had to fight for.
Now t
hey would be quarantined in a house
on the outskirts of LA County
and all their needs would be provided for. But he knew Sam and to a lesser extent Duncan Adams. Not to mention the dozens of other military and federal government employees that had been ordered quarantined. They would object and put up a fight. It was much better to simply drive them from the airport to the quarantine zone rather than have some
one pull a favor with a
Colonel and have all of them released.

But Sam, Duncan, Benjamin Cornell, one of his
, and Special Agent Donner had made it through. Donner was the one Ralph was most interested in. He didn’t act like a federal agent and Ralph had known dozens of federal agents in his twenty-three years as a federal employee. Ralph still had friends at the
; many of his military buddies had joined the bureau after serving their stint
in the Armed Forces. He called a
special agent
out of Chicago and within minutes had Billy Donner’s file emailed to him. It was identical in content to what Billy Donner had told him, except for one thing: the photograph of Special Agent
Henry Donner was not
a photograph of the man Ralph had interacted with in Hawaii.

The Army’s biohazard unit rounded the corner. With the space suits, thick Kevlar gloves, and plastic faceplates, they appeared like aliens casually strolling through some intergalactic spaceport. It would have made Ralph smile if they weren’t about to forcefully detain one of his most dedicated employees.

The plane would be stopped outside of the terminal and the biohazard unit would go in and explain the situation to the passengers. It certainly wasn’t the best way to maintain calm, but he couldn’t risk any of them stepping off the plane into the airport. If the media ever found out that a possibly infected patient ever came into the airport, there’d be a shit
-storm of blame-
game, everyone looking to find a scapegoat
the fault
would probably land on his shoulders.

The biohazard unit walked by, one of them turning and giving a thumbs up to Ralph. He nodded in response and watched as the plane slowed and stopped at the gate. It connected to the terminal and the unit went in.

He couldn’t hear anything and so his eyes were fixated on the
windows. The two pilots were speaking to each other as someone from the unit came in and spoke to them. There was some nodding and hand gestures, but the pilots didn’t seem terribly surprised. After 9-11, Ralph guessed, nothing surprised them.

The bus had arrived and was pulling near the plane. It would take the passengers to the makeshift medical clinic that had been thrown together on the outskirts of town. They had built it in an abandoned factory and it would have minimal staff, but they would only spend double the incubation period sequestered. No more than twenty days. Sam, Duncan
and the rest would be heading off to the mansion Ralph had lined up for their quarantine
: a six bedroom home complete with swimming pool
. In time, she would forgive him and understand. Perhaps with age or a couple more promotions.

The bus came to a stop next to the plane and there were several MPs
in full biohazard gear
outside as the
biohazard unit began helping the crew disconnect from the terminal so a set of stairs could be brought to get the passengers onto the tarmac.

The passengers eventually began filing out one by one. Ralph had his eyes glued to them. The MPs had photographs of the five men and women he wanted separated from the rest. They would stop each passenger before they boarded the bus and compare the photos with the person standing in front of them.

But Ralph didn’t see them
man began arguing with one of the MPs and appeared to be refusing to get on the bus. He pushed one of the MPs and they froze, uncertain what to do. One of them spoke into
comm on his shoulder.

The comm on the shoulder of the
standing next to Ralph crackled to life. “Sir, he’s refusing to get on the bus. Please advise.”

The Sergeant looked to Ralph. “What do you want me to tell him?”

“Tell him to put him in cuffs and get him on the bus, Commander. If he is infected, we have to get him quarantined as quickly as possible.”

relayed the instructions. Two MPs grabbed the man on the tarmac and spun him around as a third slapped cuffs on him. The man was fighting and yelling and kicked one of them in the shin. They took out a long plastic cord and tied his legs. They lifted and carried him, hog-tied, onto the bus. The rest of the passengers were not as difficult.

A woman stepped off the plane and climbed gingerly down the stairs. No one followed behind her.

“Where’s everybody else?” Ralph said to the sergeant.

The sergeant said into his comm, “Anybody else on that plane, Griffith?”

“No, sir. That’s all of ‘em.”

Ralph’s face grew hot. He turned and began to pace. He looked back to the plane. “Sergeant, have your men go through that entire plane. Then send some men we have in LA through the airport. Notify the LAPD too and get them looking for the five people we have missing.”

“You got it.”

Ralph walked to the glass and watched the passengers on the bus. They appeared terrified and a woman near the front was holding a young girl that was crying. He felt a twinge of remorse in his gut, but he pushed it
and turned away from the window as he took out his cell phone, and placed a call to the FBI.





Samantha Bower stepped off the plane onto the tarmac in the cool night air. With two layovers, the flight from Los Angeles to Florida had taken eleven hours. She looked back
to the small charter plane that Agent Donner had found and paid for. It was a bucket with wings but Agent Donner had insisted they not fly commercially. Sam thought it odd. Even if Ralph meant to find and quarantine them, why would a special agent of the FBI be worried? She had seen agents stop entire airports and force all the passengers to wait until they arrived for their flight. They had power; Agent Donner had nothing to fear from a bureaucrat at the CDC.

“That was seriously cramped,” Duncan said as he stepped off. “I think my ass fell asleep.”

“Where’d you find that plane?” Benjamin said to Agent Donner.

“Called in a favor to a friend. It’s for the best.” He stretched his neck and his back and twisted his hips in a side-to-side motion. “Well, we’ve got an
hour layover. I was thinking I would go for a run and rent a hotel room for a few hours to sleep and shower if anyone would like to join me.”

Cami said, “I would sell my body to anyone that could get me a shower right now.”

Samantha glanced around the small, private airport and realized there were no cabs waiting here for passengers. She googled the local cab company and asked for a large van or two cabs.

“I could use a
Diet Coke
,” she said to Duncan. “Want to come with?”


They left the others on the tarmac and went inside. The building was circular with windows that appeared unwashed. It was em
pty and the humidity and heat from
outside filled the building as if the walls didn’t exist.

“Do you think anything’s weird about Agent Donner?” Sam said.

“Like what?”

“Why does he care if Ralph tries to quarantine him? He could get out of it.”

“You don’t know that. We all work for somebody. Maybe Ralph has deeper connections than we think.”

They found the vending machines and Sam checked her pocket for change. She had eighty-eight cents and the bottled drinks were a dollar.

“Do you have any change?” she asked.

What is this, 1995? Who carries around cash anymore?”

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