Plague (24 page)

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Authors: Victor Methos

BOOK: Plague
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“I don’t know, man.”

“Oh, you’re confused

Another crash of the cylinder, this one on his other wrist.

“All right! Just stop,


“The school
man, the fuckin’ junior high. Lotta their parents died from the coffee lung and they was stayin’ there. That’s how we get our girls, man. From the school.”

“Coffee lung?”

“Yeah, man. The sickness.”

Robert remembered reading a report on the plane over to Hawaii stating that victims of Agent X were vomiting blood that had mass in it that resembled coffee grounds.

lever name. So how many girls do you have?”

“I don’t know, a lot. We got ‘em everywhere. We need a lot of ‘em.”

“Why do you need a lot of them?” Robert asked. The man remained silent and Robert said, “Oh, people with coffee lung have sex with
them and then
girls get it too and can’t work anymore,
is that it?”

He nodded
. Unable
to hold his feet with
broken wrists
, his weary head
to the side.

“Amazing,” Robert said, “people that ill, vomiting life out of them, still want to have sex. That’s fascinating. I wonder if Freud was right and sex is our primary motivation in all things? We have the power to explore the atom and distant galaxies and we use the majority of our brains to find sex. What a sad little species we would be if that were true.” Robert was silent a moment as he thought about this. He decided it was an issue he would consider later and pushed it aside in his mind. “So, the question is, what are we going to do? I’m assuming your operation is larger than the six of you I found here
, so if I were to kill you it probably wouldn’t stop much.”

“I swear, man,” he said out of breath and going into shock
“I swear, you let me live and I will never do that shit again. Never.”

“Never ever? If we pinky swear?”


Robert laughed.
“No, you’re going to have to do better than that.”

“What do you want?”

“What do I want? Hm, well, there’s a house not two block
from here with two Iranian fellows. I want you to knock on their door and when they come out I’m going to shoot them.” Robert looked into the garage. “By the way, whoever’s back there, I can see your shoes underneath the car. Come on out and join us.”

There was a moment of quiet before the shoes shuffled across the cement and a young girl emerged. She was perhaps sixteen and shivering from fear. She stood there looking at the ground, not making eye contact.

“What’s your name


do you want to be here?”

She glanced up and then back down to the ground. “I’m his girl.”

“You’re his girl, you’re his girl.” Robert looked down to the man. “So are you going to knock on that door for me?”

“I think you broke my ankles, man. I can’t walk. But she could do it. It’ll be better

cause they won’t be expectin’ nothin’ from a girl.”

“Hm, not a bad idea. You’re right, I will use her.” Robert lifted his weapon.


He fired one round, the slug entering just to the right of the nose into the corner of the eye
. The man fell back as it
in his skull, having the velocity to enter but not the velocity to exit.

Robert smiled at the girl. “You’re not his girl anymore. Do you understand?” She nodded. “Randi, I’m guessing
a lot of you girls around here
is that right?” She nodded
. “Everyone here is dead. Get the girls and clear out. Find somewhere nicer.
There are
shelters set up farther in town, go there. Or go to a church. But stay away from men right now. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Good. I’m sure
there are
guns in this house. After you do what
I’m going to ask you to do
, come back and carry one or even two with you at all times.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Very simple. We’re going to walk to a house two blocks away. You’re going to knock on the door and tell whoever answers that you need help and that you need two people to help you. Don’t tell them what help you need. Just panic and scream. Scream as loud as you can.
As soon as the men come to the door, you jump down onto the ground.
Do you think you can do that?”


“Good. Let’s go.”

“What are you going to do to those men?”

“I’m going to be hiding and then I’m going to shoot them in the heart. Is that something you have a problem with?”

She thought for a moment and then shook her head.

“Good,” Robert said with a smile, “then you and I are going to get along just fine.”

He held out his hand and she took it.





Samantha waited outside the conference room at the
as two MPs cleared her identification with someone on the other end of a radio.
They eventually nodded her in and she saw a room packed with men. She looked over them and recognized only Duncan who was busy at work on an iPad.

“Hey,” she said, sitting down next to him.

“Hey. I tried calling you.”

“My phone died and there’s no power at the hotel anymore.”

“They have a generator here. I switched hotels yesterday.”

“So I’m being shipped out tonight.”

Duncan nodded, glancing at the document he had up on his iPad. “You leaving on the eleven or one o’clock?”

“One. You don’t seem too surprised.”

“I’m on the one too.”

“Duncan, what are you talking about? Ralph told me he chartered a military plane to get me out of here.”

He gave her a quizzical look, and then understanding lit up his eyes. “Oh my gosh, he didn’t tell you, did he?”

“Tell me what?”

walked into the room with the
behind him and several men in suits surrounding him. He took his place at the front of the r
oom and waited until there was
quiet before speaking.

“Thank you for being here
gentlemen. I
don’t have much but I
do have
a few quick items of logistics to go over

Duncan leaned over to Samantha and whispered, “Sam, the data came back. Agent X is a T-6
—they’re shipping out all non-essential personnel tonight. The United Nations and World Health Organization are sending down specialized units.

Samantha comprehended the words but they didn’t sink in right away. T-6, T-6

it was something that had only been theoretically possible. Like absolute zero Kelvin or stopping time by traveling the speed of light. T-6 was a thought experiment; how long would it take to wipe out a
species with an infectiousness rate of T-6? The answers were always interesting
a quick exercise to warm up the mind before getting down to real work.

“Are they sure?” was all she managed to say.

“I ran the data myself and sent it back to USAMRIID to have my biostats guys run it. It’s legit.

Ralph continued spe
aking and then sat down as the
took to the front of the room. He began by answering questions and issuing orders. Ralph looked to her and had a bittersweet smile
his face, as if apologizing.

When the
had completed his Q and A the room began to clear out. Sam sat quietly until everybody but Ralph and Duncan had
She noticed the FBI agent from earlier, Billy Donner, standing near the entrance
smiled to her and she smiled back before he walked out.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Sam said.

Ralph rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. His eyes had black
circles under them and
were rimmed red. “Because you would’ve wanted to stay.”

“I do want to stay.”

“Out of the question. You both are on that plane at
a.m. Don’t miss it because there
isn’t another one for three days.”

Ralph stood up without another word and walked out of the room. The door shut behind him and Sam and Duncan were left alone, the sound of vehicles outside as military officers
shuttled to the airport to prepare for the eleven o’clock flight off the island. The room was hot and Sam felt as if she were in an oven that was just beginning to warm. There was no air conditioning
as power was conserved wherever possible.

“I think he should’ve asked for volunteers,” Duncan said.

. I don’t even really know what that means, Duncan. We’ve never dealt with anything like this. He’s just taking every precaution. I don’t think it’s his fault. Besides, I think the military’s calling the shots now. I doubt Ralph could’ve stopped this if he wanted to.”

Duncan shrugged. “So where to for you when you get back?”

“A hot shower and a good meal with my mom. How about you?”

“There’s a restaurant in Baltimore called Faustina’s.
They have a turkey burger that’s delicious and you get strawberry bread pudding after the meal. Then after that I’m going to the movies. I really miss going to the movies.

“I used to go every few days. I’d sneak out from work for lunch and just buy a hot dog at the theater. There’s something calming about watching movies in a dark theater by yourself. It erases you for a little bit
. No
one comes to talk to you or ask you questions. All your worries and fears and problems disappear for that little bit.” He waited a beat and then said, “Sam, I’d really like
if you
up to Maryland and we
to the movies together.”

She laughed.


“No, it’s nothing. You’re just really cute when you don’t know what I’m going to say. There’s something really 1950s about you. I feel like this
how someone back then would’ve asked me on a date.”

“Would you prefer something more modern? I could send you a tweet.”

“No, Duncan.
very sweet that you asked. But I’ve been away far too long as it is. I don’t think I can take any trips for a while.”


“But, why don’t you come down to Atlanta? We have movie theaters too.”

“Sure, why not?”

They rose and Duncan gathered a few papers. They walked out of the room together and down the hall. The linoleum floors were filthy with black boot prints and dirt that had been brought inside. There was no cleaning crew anymore.

They got outside and past the MPs when a man walked toward them from an awaiting car. Sam recognized him as Ben Cornell. She noticed that Duncan folded his arms and gave him a disapproving look.

“Doctors,” Benjamin said, “how we doing tonight?”

“Better once we leave our present company.”

“See, that’s what I’m talking about. Dr. Adams, you don’t know anything about me. We haven’t really even been introduced. And for some reason you hate me. And because you hate me
you won’t hear anything I have to say, even if I’m right.”

“You’re not right. You
campaigns against vaccinations kill children. How do you possibly sleep at night?”

“We all have to do what we think is right. I don’t know if vaccinations do or don’t harm us. But what I do know is that they won’t fund any
major studies to see if they do
. My son has autism, Dr. Adams. He began displaying symptoms right after his vaccinations. Do you know what autism is like? He can’t form social bonds. It feels like he doesn’t love or care about me or his mother. It’s a pain
I can’t even describe. Some days

some days I think it would be better if he would’ve just passed away. Or
I should be the one to pass away.”

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