Plague Land (13 page)

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Authors: S. D. Sykes

BOOK: Plague Land
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‘What should I do then, sire?’ I noted his arms were folded and his head cocked.

‘Wait here!’

I returned to my bedchamber, threw the stinking leather tunic onto the chest and changed into my best hose, tailored cotehardie, and finest cloak. This time I wouldn’t cower in the porch. I would get past the church door and speak to the men. I would be their lord.


As we reached St Giles, Cornwall’s familiar bellowing could be heard echoing about the gravestones. But I could bellow myself, if adequately provoked. And Cornwall had provoked me. The village must surely know by now that Joan Bath had been arrested on suspicion of the murders, so why was he persisting in his scaremongering?

I threw open the heavy door, and Cornwall’s words trailed away to silence. This time there were both men and women in the congregation, and as they turned to look at me, they appeared as uneasy as a herd of cows regarding a stranger in their field.

Cornwall’s cheeks were suddenly patched with red.

‘I have an announcement to make to you all,’ I said, striding through the nave towards the chancel. Turning to address the congregation, I suddenly felt self-conscious, but it was vital not to falter though the wooden Virgin peered at me, still holding out her empty arms, devoid of the Christ child. I took a deep breath and held my nerve. ‘As you do not seem to have heard, I have arrested a woman for the murders of Alison and Matilda Starvecrow.’ My words were met with murmuring and whispers. The villagers then rotated towards Cornwall.

‘Whom have you arrested,’ said Cornwall, and then remembered to add, ‘sire.’

I cleared my throat. ‘Her name is Joan Bath.’

This time the faces broke rank from their uniform movement and turned in all directions to speak to a neighbour or a friend behind them.

Cornwall raised his voice loudly to be heard above the uproar.‘What makes you so certain of this woman’s guilt, sire?’ The faces fell silent again. They knew it was insolent of Cornwall to question me so openly.

‘I am more convinced of Mistress Bath’s guilt than I am of the existence of dog heads.’

Cornwall spread the wings of his cloak. ‘My lord, I would remind you I have prayed to God for the answer to this mystery. And He has informed me the agents of Satan are to blame.’ A few elderly heads nodded at Cornwall’s words. The others remained perfectly still, unsure which breeze to catch. ‘I suggest that you think again,’ he added and then pointed a finger at me.

This was the final provocation. I could tolerate this man no longer. ‘Then I suggest
round up your dog heads for trial, Father John,’ I told him. ‘The Hundreds court will visit the estate shortly. Then your suspects can answer to the crime in the same court as Mistress Bath.’ Some muffled giggling broke out, which Cornwall was unable to stifle with the swing of his cloak or the flare of his nostrils.

A local wit called out, ‘They can bark for mercy, sire!’ The crowd burst into laughter. And soon other jesters joined in, with suggestions of tails wagging at the verdict or arse sniffing in the dock. I couldn’t help but raise a smile despite the crudity of their comedy, because Cornwall and his ignorance deserved to be laughed at. The Plague had wrung the spirit out of England. These people needed hope, not more tales of damnation.

But Cornwall would not easily be quelled. ‘The beasts can only be judged in Heaven by God himself,’ he called over the merriment. ‘You must all continue to pray for deliverance.’ But, for once, the priest was ignored – and though he tried repeatedly to regain his position at centre stage, it seemed his flock had abandoned him and his nonsense.

Finding his words were drowned, he strode past me with fanned robes and only the most cursory of acknowledgements. But I cannot claim to have felt entirely triumphant at this moment, for my victory over Cornwall was pyrrhic. I knew that. We had been opponents, but it seemed we were now enemies.

Even so, I must admit to feeling rather pleased with myself.

Once the clamour had subsided I sought out Featherby at the back of the church beside the doom painting – a vivid depiction of Hell that had been painted on the lime plaster many years ago by an artist who had given Beelzebub a pair of cross eyes and the buck teeth of a rabbit. Featherby was leaning over a young woman who seemed relieved by my intervention, for she seized the opportunity to escape from his overbearing attentions and scamper away to her mother. I told Featherby to organise the shearing immediately on the demesne now that the drama was over, and for once he didn’t offer me any objections or unsolicited advice.

And then as I watched the villagers leave the church, bobbing their heads or muttering their respects to me, a sideways smile caught my attention. It was Mirabel, her head covered modestly with a hood.

I bowed, causing her to giggle and then curtsey. It seemed my encounter with Cornwall had impressed her. I would even say she liked me.

But there was a boy behind Mirabel who seemed not to like me at all. He was tall and broad, with hair as orange as a weasel’s. Not that he looked like a weasel. I might even have called him handsome, had he not barged through the crowd to take Mirabel’s arm before throwing me a look of hostility.

I was pleased to see that she shrugged him away.


Returning to Somershill I found Clemence standing by the main door waiting for the rain to stop. She wore a fine velvet riding cloak – an outfit I had not seen since before the Plague. I could smell she had been chewing cardamom to sweeten her breath. Her devoted servant, Humbert, lurked behind her, staring at the elaborate braids and jewelled pins in her hair without blinking.

‘You look elegant, Clemence,’ I said, mindful of my insults to her at breakfast. ‘Are you expecting guests?’

She eyed me suspiciously. ‘In my riding clothes?’

‘Are you making a visit then?’

She snorted and pushed past me. ‘None of your business.’

‘Clemence,’ I shouted after her. ‘I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to upset you. I wish we could be friends.’

I waited for a reply, but she was gone.


Piers returned in only two days from Canterbury with a letter from the sheriff. The date for the next Hundreds court would be the seventeenth of July, assuming a royal judge could be spared. This gave me just over a month to prepare my case against Joan Bath. A case that, even I had to admit, currently lacked sufficient evidence to convince a jury.

Needing to find Matilda’s body, I sent men out to search for Joan’s sons in the hope they could be persuaded to reveal the location of her corpse. But the boys remained elusive, probably hiding in the forests and living by their own stealth and ingenuity. This was not surprising, as they had been raised by their mother to be hardy, self-reliant children, and Kent is a large county to hide in.

I interviewed the villagers about Joan in order to understand her character a little better. But it seems she kept to herself, and soon it became obvious that the only people willing to talk about the woman were the disgruntled wives of her customers – and they shed no light on this particular crime whatsoever. My progress was frustratingly slow, but in truth I was wasting my time.

For, if my first mistake had been to let Cornwall have his way, then my second was to have my own. I squeezed what information I had gleaned into a story that suited me, but was truly only conjecture. In truth, the facts fitted into my case as badly as I fitted into my father’s leather tunic.

The signs were there. With care and attention I might have seen them. But I became distracted, as a new storm blew across my path.

And suddenly I was caught in its eye.

Chapter Eight


It was a few days later and I was enjoying a rare hour of peace in my bedchamber, reading a text on geometry to try to stop thinking in antitheses. One moment I was concerned with the dark fate of Matilda Starvecrow, only to lurch into lustful thoughts about Mirabel and the way her breasts moved to and fro beneath her tunic. My mind was rather fixed on Mirabel’s breasts when Mother burst into the room like a blizzard, and I quickly had to hide my embarrassment under a bed sheet.

Not that she noticed. ‘I’ve just heard the news, Oswald. Clemence and de Caburn! At her age as well.’ She whipped the book from my hand and flung it onto the bed. ‘Our two estates linked. How clever of you to arrange it.’

‘What are you talking about?’ Mother’s dog Hector had raced in behind and jumped onto the bed covers. He, at least, seemed to understand what I had been up to. ‘Get off!’ I said, trying to push him back onto the floor.

Mother did nothing – even though Hector was now trying to wriggle under the sheets. ‘I do hope you haven’t agreed too much of a dowry,’ she said. ‘Our income is a little fragile at the moment. And the ceremony should be a simple affair. I will insist on that much.’

‘Mother. Please listen to me,’ I said, trying once again to push the dog from the bed. ‘I haven’t the slightest idea what you mean.’

‘And we shouldn’t invite too many guests to the wedding. Clemence may be something of a boiling fowl, but we wouldn’t want to make a spectacle of her. But, if we’re too secretive, the gossips will say she’s with child. And that sort of news would fly up to court like a—’

‘I think you have dreamt this up, Mother. The story is nonsense.’ Hector was once again attempting to burrow under the bedclothes. ‘For God’s sake get this damned creature off me!’ I shouted.

‘Never mind the dog, Oswald. I want to talk to you about Clemence and de Caburn!’ Her voice was suddenly shrill, and caused Hector to shoot off the bed, as if he were fleeing thunder.

I sat up fully now the dog had gone and spoke calmly, so Mother couldn’t misinterpret my words. ‘I don’t know what you’ve heard, but I have not arranged a marriage between Clemence and de Caburn. Do you understand?’

She frowned. ‘You haven’t?’


‘Oh.’ She sighed. ‘But Clemence has just told me the news herself.’

‘She has?’

Now Mother pulled a face. ‘Yes. Why do you think I rushed in here, Oswald? I’m not the Delphic Oracle.’

‘Clemence herself? Are you sure?’

‘Yes. How many times? Oswald? Where are you going?’

I got out of bed. ‘To find Clemence.’


There was a tale often told in taverns about my neighbour de Caburn – that he was a man who loved his horse more than his wife. I don’t suppose the two unfortunate women who had married him found this story entertaining, the latest dead from birth fever. She might have survived, but de Caburn had refused to send for the physician on the grounds that she looked healthy enough to him. More likely, in my mother’s opinion, it was to punish the woman for producing another daughter.

The baby died within days, also without the attendance of a physician, though I heard from his bailiff that de Caburn did summon a surgeon only a week later, although this time it was for himself, as he needed somebody to sew up the fistula that was hanging out of his arse. Too much time in a wet saddle, joked the bailiff. But I didn’t laugh. I wished de Caburn’s whole backside had become infected, so he could never get in a saddle again. These days he rode his horses over my land a little too often.


It wasn’t difficult to locate my sister. When Clemence wasn’t tormenting some piece of linen with her needle, then she was usually to be found in the stables with her stallion, Merrion – the only beast she considered worthy of carrying her noble personage about the estate, regardless of the fact that he was every bit as unpleasant as my own horse Tempest, and as likely to buck my sister off as he cared to discharge any other member of the family.

It should come as no surprise that my sister was so devoted to such a crabby and haughty creature, however. And her attachment was certainly fortunate from the horse’s point of view, since no servant, not even Piers, the stableboy, was keen to see to him. After Merrion had drawn blood by biting Gilbert’s shoulder, our servants had more or less refused to groom the beast, so Clemence had taken it upon herself to perform the function, boasting about the shine of his coat, or the sway of his mane.

I opened the stable door to find her singing to the horse, as if that might temper the creature’s bile. As ever, Humbert waited but an arm’s length from my sister, his hands full of summer hay and his eyes constantly focussed upon his mistress.

‘Clemence. I need to speak with you,’ I said.

She was startled by my words, evidently lost in some sort of daydream. ‘Don’t creep up on me, little brother.’ Her scowl returned. ‘You’ll unsettle Merrion.’ The horse whinnied obligingly. ‘See what I mean.’

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