Read Planning on Forever Online

Authors: Ashley Wilcox

Tags: #General Fiction

Planning on Forever (14 page)

BOOK: Planning on Forever
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I yell up to him. “What are you doing?”

see!” he yells back, sounding like a giddy teenage boy.

there is a huge, fluffy pile on the ground covering the blanket we were once
sitting on, he reappears next to me, rearranging them into a giant, fluffy bed.
He then goes over to the little stage area where the DJ equipment is and
presses a few buttons; a huge projection screen comes down.
Are you kidding
me? Is this guy for real?
He presses a few more buttons and the screen
brightens as the beginning credits start for the movie. He runs and jumps on
the pillows, again like a giddy boy. He pats the spot next to him for me to sit
down. Mimicking him, I run and jump on the pile of pillows. We laugh for a
minute, acting like two little kids. Just when I think that he picked some
romantic movie to snuggle up to, Billy Madison by Adam Sandler starts.

This is my favorite movie!” I comment, looking at him in shock.

lying,” he says, not believing that it’s truly my favorite movie.

swear! I know every word to this movie!”

just keep getting better and better, doll.” He leans forward, giving me a quick
peck on the lips.

spend the whole movie reciting our favorite lines, laughing when we say them at
the same time. We’re having so much fun together that my stomach is starting to
hurt from laughing so hard. When the movie ends, he looks over at me, staring
me in the eyes with admiration.

haven't had this much fun with someone in a long time,” Nolan says, placing a
hand on my cheek. My face automatically snuggles into his hand, loving the way
it feels against my skin.

like you Alexa...a lot.”

could cry. I am so happy. My body feels like a huge pile of mush and my heart
is so swollen that I feel like it could burst at any moment. The butterflies I
get every time we’re together, are flapping their wings as fast as a
hummingbird’s. The way Nolan makes me feel is unreal and amazing.

in, I kiss him softly. Nolan moves his hand to the back of my neck, and pulls
me slightly over to him, intensifying the kiss. Opening my mouth, I let Nolan’s
tongue explore mine and swing my leg over his body so that I’m straddling him.
His hands make their way down my sides and cup my hips. Wanting more, I pull
off his shirt, revealing his ‘to die for’ stomach. Needing to taste his skin, I
remove my mouth from his, trailing kisses down his neck, his chest, and all the
way to the top of his belly button. He moans in pleasure and then rolls out
from underneath me, pinning me down into the pillows. Aggressively, Nolan
immediately pulls my top off, revealing my white lace bra, my erect nipples
showing through. Both hands go directly for my breasts, tweaking my nipples
with his fingers. Not satisfied with the barrier, I reach behind me and unsnap
my bra. Nolan quickly pulls it off, and throws it to the side. Instead of
continuing with his fingers, he takes one breast in his mouth, and massages the
other with his hand. I arch my back, feeling the sensation moving from my
nipples down to my clitoris, making it throb with its own heartbeat. Feeling
the wetness building between my legs, I start rocking my hips, needing more
friction. He removes his mouth from my nipple, and lets out a sigh, noticing my
need for him. Nolan dives for my mouth, pushing his lips and tongue hard
against mine. He rocks his hips matching my rhythm; feeling his erection pushed
against me, sends my desire to have him through the roof.

Nolan,” I whisper against his lips, not being able to handle my overwhelming
desire for him.

you sure?” He whispers back.


wasting another second, he jumps up off of me, and drops his pants and boxers.
I gasp at the breathtaking sight in front of me. He is head to toe gorgeous.
While he fishes the condom out of his pants pocket, I push my panties off, and
place them on top of the growing pile of clothes. Lying back down on top of me,
he pushes my loose strands of hair behind my ear, then kisses me softly.
Wrapping my arms around his neck, a loose tear falls down my face.

What’s wrong, doll?” he whispers lifting his head up a little to look at me.

sorry. I just…I just don’t know if I should do this right now. I mean, I like
you. I like you a lot, but I kind of just got out of a serious relationship,
and just feel like this is too fast. I thought I was ready, but I guess I’m
not.” I admit still a little shaken up with how fast things were moving.

get me wrong, I was all there with him, and wanted it, but I just felt
overwhelmed. As soon as Nolan layed back down on top of me, seconds away from
having sex with me, I froze.

don’t be sorry. We don’t have to do any of this. We can take a step back–move
slower. Don’t feel bad. I wasn’t planning on this happening tonight either,” he
responds in a soft sweet voice.

you.” I smile at how wonderful he is, and how wonderful he makes me feel.




decide the next day that I wanted to get Summer's number myself. I rushed off
the last time I saw her, so I figure I will man-up and go see her again; prove
I’m not a prick instead of letting Troy do my dirty work. As expected, the boys
are down with going out again tonight. We all meet at Travis's and pre-game for
a little while. Once we all start feeling a little buzzed, we call a taxi and
make our way downtown.

is two for one drafts tonight, so it’s a little busier than last night. Matt
and Travis wait for a pool table to open up, while I go to the bar to get us a
pitcher of beer. Standing at the end of the bar, I get a full body view of
Summer. She has on a tight, black t-shirt with Sparky’s printed across her
chest, and dark fitted jeans with a bottle opener sticking out her back pocket.
Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, exposing her long, soft looking neck.
She has a real natural beauty to her, not at all made up looking. Catching me
out of the corner of her eye, she smiles quickly while taking another man’s
order. After taking a few more orders, she finally makes her way in my

right?” she asks, smiling at me. She has a real pretty smile. I swear I’ve
never seen teeth that white.

nice to see you again,” I reply, giving her a quick once over with a pleased

can I get you guys tonight?” she asks, shaking her head and smiling.

pitcher of whatever’s on tap, with three glasses please.”

nods and walks away to get my order. After filling the pitcher, I see her
quickly write something on a napkin. She returns back, placing the pitcher and
glasses down, and then hands me the napkin.

mentioned that you were looking for this,” she says, winking at me before
walking away to take more orders.

to myself, I gather our drinks and head towards the pool tables. By the time I
get back, a table has opened up for us. We play for a while, and every time
Summer sees me walking to the bar with an empty pitcher, she quickly fills another
one for us.

you get a break anytime soon?” I ask on our third pitcher.

I want one.”

thinking you need one.”

yeah, you think so?” she replies, arching her eyebrow.

I hear there is a good looking guy waiting to spend some time with you.”

maybe I'll have to come find him when I decide I need a break,” she teases,
giving me a cute grin before walking away.

to myself, I return to where the guys are starting another game. After a couple
more games, Summer comes over with another pitcher of beer and a single glass
for her. She pours herself a glass. “You ready to play some real pool,

She not only drinks beer, but she knows how to play pool? Most girls I know
drink those fruity drinks. This girl is unreal.

call dibs on this one,” I claim, loosely draping my arm over her shoulders.

do you know I don't suck?”

mind instantly goes in the gutter. Quickly snapping out of my visual, I reply,
“I'll take my chances.” Something tells me I don't have to worry, though.



is a shark. We kick their ass’ three games in a row and she put back almost the
whole pitcher of beer herself.

this has been quite entertaining, kicking a bunch of football player’s asses, I
have to get back to work.” She puts her stick back up on the rack and walks
over to me, resting her hand on my chest. “Call me,” she says, pecking my cheek
before she heads back to the bar. This girl is so different from any girl I
have ever met. Hanging with her is like hanging out with one of the guys, but
Summer is much better looking.




and I had such an amazing night last night that I’m surprised when I haven’t
heard from him all day. I have to work tonight, and although we are not
supposed to have our phones on us while we are working, I keep mine on vibrate
in my pocket. Just in case.

okay, Lex? You seem distracted tonight,” Nicole asks.

I’m not doing a very good job of hiding my concerns. “Yea, I'm fine,” I tell
her even though this is driving me crazy.

your date go last night?”

my god, Nicole, you’d never believe how amazing it was!” I respond with a sigh.

continue telling her about the romantic night; how we almost hooked up, and
that when he drove me home he wouldn't stop smiling at me and rubbing my leg.
It was almost too good to be true.

so jealous! When are you seeing him again?” And that's my current problem.

haven't heard from him all day. It's driving me crazy,” I say in a worried

call him,” she shrugs, like it’s no big deal.

it like a cardinal rule that the guy is supposed to call the girl the next day?
I don't want him to feel suffocated, and think I’m obsessive.

if he doesn't feel the same way, and that's why he hasn't called? Isn't the guy
supposed to be the first one to call?”

BOOK: Planning on Forever
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