Planning on Forever (16 page)

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Authors: Ashley Wilcox

Tags: #General Fiction

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after my morning workout to see what her plans are for tonight. I dial her
number, and she answers right before the fourth ring. “Hello?” she says,
sounding like I just woke her up. Looking at the clock it reads nine–it's not
that early.

this Summer?” I ask, making sure I have the right number.

who's this?” she replies, still not sounding happy about being woken up. I'm
not doing very well with first impressions with this girl.

is, uh, Collin. Did I wake you?” I ask, even though I am pretty sure I did.

I’m a bartender. We don't get home until at least three in the morning.” I
can't tell if she is saying this sarcastically or if she really is mad at me.

sorry about that. I’ve been up since six, so nine is kind of late for me,” I
say, letting out a nervous chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

aren't you an early riser?” she kids, sounding a little more perky.

by choice, I have a strict workout schedule for football.”

yeah, forgot you are one of those football jocks.” Now I know she is being

I wanted to see what you’re doing tonight.”

actually have to work, you guys should come down. Wednesdays are trivia night.
Maybe you can prove the “dumb jock” stereotype wrong.”

since you asked so nicely,” I reply in a sarcastic tone. “I was going to see if
the guys want to come over and fish today, so I’ll ask them then. I’m sure I
won't have to twist their arm.”

live on the water?” she asks in an eager voice.

we live on the lake with a long dock, so it's good for fishing. Have you ever
fished before?” If she says yes, I may just marry her tomorrow.

father and I use to fish all the time before he got sick. I used to love it–so
relaxing, ya know?”

want to ask more about her father, noticing the sadness in her voice when she
mentioned him, but I think it is too soon to go digging in her personal life. I
take note for the future, but fishing–she likes to fish, huh?

if you don't have any plans today, I’d love for you to join me. I have no
problem ditching the guys for a beautiful girl,” I ask, crossing my fingers,
hoping that she says yes.

is a long silence, and I could have sworn I heard a sniffle.

she crying?

sure. That would be awesome; I haven't fished in so long.”

this is amazing; she plays pool, drinks beer, and now I find out that loves to
fish. I didn't know girls like this existed. Alexa watched me fish once while
lying out in the sun on the dock. She kept complaining about the “fishy” smell,
and feeling bad for the fish getting hooked in the mouth. It was probably my
least favorite fishing experience and one that never happened again.

I’ll even make you lunch too. Where do you live? I can pick you up,” I say,
super pumped for today.

can drive; that’d be stupid for you to drive here and then back to your house.
Just text me the directions.”

actually works out great so I can go to the store and get what we need for
lunch. “Can do. What time should I expect my new fishing partner?”

just have to take a quick shower and make a quick stop somewhere, so probably
an hour and a half,” she answers.

I should let you go then. See you soon!”


didn't really expect our first date to be fishing, but I'll take it. I quickly
hop in the shower, and get dressed so I can get to the grocery store to buy
what we need for lunch.

an hour and a half later, I get a text message that she is about to pull in the
driveway. Opening up the front door, I see an older Jeep Wrangler, with the top
off, pull in. I signal for her to park in the turn around since our cleaning
lady is expected to come today, then walk over to greet her.

your house is beautiful,” she says, motioning to the exterior of my home.

I can’t take much credit since my parents designed it. I just live here.” My
pretty awesome. Living on the water in a house like mine feels
like you’re on vacation twenty-four seven.

have everything set up out back,” I say, taking her hand, and leading her to
the back yard.

is so simple, and just naturally beautiful. She doesn't have on a shirt that
tries to make her boobs look bigger,
they are a perfect size anyways
, no
makeup on that I can see, and no heels trying to make her legs look longer. I
think that’s what makes her more appealing to me.

out on the dock, I see her face brighten when she sees the view. I have to say,
it is probably the best view you'll find of the lake.

do you like to fish with a lure or a worm?” I ask, reaching down to my tackle

down next to me, she examines my collection of fishing tools. She picks up my
favorite lure, indicating that this is not her first rodeo; she knows a good
lure when she sees it. I can’t help but chuckle while leaning over to grab one
for myself. How many girls know the difference in lures? None that I’ve met.
Until now.

so funny?” she asks.

I just have never met a girl like you,” I say, shaking my head and smiling.

that good or bad?” she questions.

Definitely good,” I assure her, casting out my line.

fish for a while, talking and teasing each other. We talk about school, and how
she goes to the same local college that Travis will be attending. We talk about
her job at the bar and how she works five nights week, so she can afford to pay
for her apartment and schooling. She doesn’t mention her family, so I don’t
ask. I tell her how I’m going away to college at the beginning of next month,
and that football is pretty much my life.

how much she has to work to support herself, I feel bad telling her that I’ve
never worked a day in my life. My parents have always encouraged me to focus on
school and football, saying that I’ll have the rest of my life to work. A
couple of years ago, they opened up a debit account that they deposit money
into each month for me, kind of like an allowance. Summer didn't seem too
phased by it, though. She just said, “must be nice”, with a smile. After we eat
lunch, I ask her if she wants to fish a little more, but she tells me that she
actually has to get going, she has some things to do before work tonight.

you guys coming in later?” she asks, helping me clear the table from lunch. I’m
happy to know she isn't sick of me yet.

be there,” I reply.

my wrist up to look at my watch, I joke, “And, it looks like I’ve got some time
to brush up on my trivia.”

Trivia night can be very competitive,” she says sarcastically.

do you get for winning?” I ask, hoping that the answer is her.

guess you’ll have to make sure you win to find out.”

Win. Trivia Night!




nothing like waking up in the arms of an incredibly sexy, almost naked man;
especially, one that wakes you up with soft kisses along your neck and spine.
Although I feel like I’m floating amongst the clouds in my own piece of heaven,
I know that I need to get up and get home before my parents start worrying.



remainder of the week consists of only work and Nolan. Any free time we have
outside of our jobs, we spend together. And when we aren’t together, we’re
texting each other. Nolan has swept me off my feet; he has become my world
within a blink of an eye.

today is a Saturday, Nolan has to work at the club. As disappointing as it is to
not be able to hang out with him, it does give me an opportunity to catch up
with my girlfriends. Nicole, Amanda, and I have plans to go to a house party of
a friend of Nicole’s after we get out of work. Even though Nicole and I live in
the same town, she goes to a private school, so I don’t really know many of her
friends. The majority of the student body at her school are wealthy, and known
to throw some killer parties, so I’m pretty excited to go.

Nicole and I get the ice cream stand cleaned and closed up, we head over to
Amanda’s house to get ready to go to the party.

bitches!” Amanda yells out the front door as we walk up the driveway.

I reply, laughing at her. Her craziness still makes me laugh after knowing her
all these years.

just made a fresh batch of daiquiris, I love this thing,” she says, pointing to
her mom's smoothie machine as we walk in the house.

a sip, I realize they aren’t like the virgin ones she made us last time.

think we should establish who is driving,” I point out, knowing that it won’t
take long before I start feeling the effects of these drinks.

home for the weekend. He can drive us. We just have to get a taxi home.”

is Amanda's older brother. He and his wife live downstate. “So we’re good
ladies...cheers!” she says, clicking our glasses together.

three more daiquiris, things start to get a little fuzzy and I suggest we
should probably get going to the party, otherwise I’m going to be passed out on
the ground soon. Although my tolerance for alcohol is getting better, it still
isn't that high.

all pile into Jesse's car. Nicole sits in the front to give directions and
Amanda and I are in the back. Apparently, the house is on the lake near
Collin's house; we actually have to drive right by it to get to the party.
Seeing Collin’s house is a little bittersweet. I have some wonderful memories
that I’ll forever cherish from that house, but it is also the same place I
found out that Collin cheated on me. Unfortunately, that is a memory...nightmare
that I’ll never forget. Although I have marked it as one of the worst days of
my life, I now have to agree that it is also one of the best days. If that day
had never happened, then I may have never met Nolan.

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