Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance (23 page)

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Authors: Abbi Hemp

Tags: #Bad Boy Sports Romance

BOOK: Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance
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“I’m going to get into position. I’ll wait for you guys to make a move.”

“It’ll be soon,” he said, wearing chainmail armor. “We have to save Haley.”

“Save Haley!” the others in the group shouted.

It quickly devolved into a chant as I jogged toward the trees to find a good spot to hide and wait. Once the medieval reenactors did whatever they were going to do, I would sneak up to the RV from behind. Most of them had an entrance on top.

The plan wasn’t the best one, but time was short. I had no idea why they had kidnapped Haley or what they were going to do with her, but I knew it wouldn’t be good.


* * *


I heard the group of men and women in armor before I saw them. They hollered loudly, whooping and whistling as they charge into view on the field opposite the RV.

This is it
, I thought, mentally preparing myself. With a bunch of crazy people in armor charged toward them, I hope all of Tabby’s friends were distracted.

If they weren’t, I was ready to protect her with my fists, my feet, and even my head if it would help me win a fight. I watched as a few of the people around the TV noticed something was up.

When the man with a Mohawk exited the RV, I took off running through the woods. My plan was to come out on the side facing away from everyone, but I left the woods early.

No one noticed me as the armored distraction did their job. I saw a lot of the other people moving toward them hesitantly. Fifty yards away, I increased my speed.

I heard both groups of people yelling at each other. Forty yards. Just a little bit longer. The thought of Haley in trouble gave me a burst of energy. Thirty yards.

A gunshot rang out.
What the hell?
I didn’t slow down. Everyone scattered in different directions
. Fuck!
Twenty Yards. Ten. Zero.

I rushed up the ladder on the back of the RV, staying low as I crawled across the roof. The yelling and commotion from the others helped hide the noise I was making.

When I glanced out at the field, I saw the Mohawk man brandishing a gun. He waved it into the air and fired again, laughing hysterically.

“I am the law!” he shouted.

At the center of the RV’s roof, I saw a hatch.
Please be open
. I pulled the handle, sighing in relief as it swung open. I glanced down, but didn’t see anyone.

Here we go!

I sat in opening and grabbed the other side with my hands to hold myself as I jumped down. As soon as I landed, I crouched into a fighting stance.

When I didn’t see anyone in the front half of the RV, I rushed down the hall to the back.

“Haley?” I called out.

No answer. I kicked the bathroom door open and glanced around. Nothing.


I looked down the hall toward the front. Still seeing no one, I moved to the very back of the RV with a door to what was probably a bedroom.

“Haley?” I called out, turning the doorknob.

The door was locked. I took a few steps back then rushed toward the door. It opened when I hit it with my arm. I saw Haley passed out on a bed.


I went to her.

“Haley?” I asked, lightly slapping her cheek. “Wake up, Haley.”

She was still breathing, which was good. Had they drugged her? Before I figured it out, I heard the Mohawk man calling out from the front of the RV.

“Come on out, football boy. I want to play with you.”

I stood up and glanced down at Haley. If I rushed the freak with a gun and he shot me, my football career might be over forever. On the other hand – Haley.

The thought of her made up my mind in less than a second. I took a deep breath, preparing to run down the hall and tackle Mohawk before he got a shot off.

If I got lucky, it might actually work.

One more breath. You got this.

“I’m coming for you!” Mohawk yelled in a sing-song voice.

Before I had a chance to take off toward him, I heard another voice.

“Police! Drop the weapon!”

“Fuck you!” Mohawk yelled.

He then screamed bloody murder.

“You tazed me bro! Why did you taze me?”

“Anyone else in here?”

“Back here,” I yelled. “My hands are up, and I don’t have a weapon. Someone is hurt.”

A second later, two officers entered the bedroom.

“Hands up,” one shouted.

“They’re up!” I said, moving them for emphasis.

“What did you do to her?”

“I was here to save you because when we called you guys, you wouldn’t come right away.”

“Hey, aren’t you James King?”


“Wait a minute…That’s Haley, isn’t it? The woman you love so much you gave up football?”

“Yes,” I said. “Will you please call someone to help her?”

“What’s wrong with her?” he asked.

“I have no idea.”

“There’s an EMS crew outside.”

“Well bring them in!”

“Watch your mouth, son!”

“This is fucking insane,” I said, dropping my arms.

“Raise ‘em back up! Now, mother fucker!”

The officer pointed his tazer at me.

“I told you who I am,” I insisted.

“Comply! Comply!”

When I didn’t raise my hands, he fired, the thin wire hitting me square in the chest.

“What the fuck!” I yelled as I went down, my body flopping.

I hit my head on a wall. Everything went dark.




















When I opened my eyes, I found myself laying in a hospital bed. I saw Haley standing next to me, looking down. She smiled and squeezed my arm.

“What happened?”

“You hit your head. Do you remember anything?”

“Yeah, the cop came in and tazed me instead of getting help for you. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” she said. “You’ve had me so worried.”

“How long have I been asleep?”

“Two days,” she said.

My eyes opened wider. Pain shot through my face.


“The doctor said you might never wake up. Your coach is here.”

“He is?”

She nodded.

“He apologized to me, said his thinking on football players being in relationships was all wrong.”

“It only took all this, huh?”

I laughed until it hurt, which only took a second.

“Rest,” she said. “I’ll be here.”

“My career is over…”

My eyes closed by themselves as my voice trailed off. I heard her talking, but it sounded like she was at the other end of a long hallway and walking in the other direction.

Blackness hit me.


* * *


The next time I opened my eyes, I didn’t see anyone. Lifting my head sent pain shooting through my entire body, but I did it long enough to see Haley huddled in a chair, fast asleep.

My eyes closed again as sleep overtook me. Whatever drugs they had me on were working as prescribed. Crazy dreams kept me entertained for what felt like years.

When I opened them again, sunlight streamed in through the only window in the room. Haley was talking to Coach near the door of the room. I watched in silence.

“You’re up!” Haley said when she noticed me.

Both of them walked over to my bed.

“Am you going to let me play, Coach?”

“If the doctor gives you the all-clear, I want you on my team. You showed a lot of leadership and initiative the other day.”

“I did it for her,” I said, turning my head slightly to look Haley in the eyes.

Tears were streaming down her face.

“I’m so happy…I thought…”

“It’s okay,” I said, smiling even though it hurt.

“You rest up, son. We’re going to need you in peak condition when you get out of here.”

“If the doctor says he can play,” Haley said. “I’m not losing him to a concussion on the field.”

While I knew there were risks involved with football, it wasn’t the time to explain it to her.

“Come see me when you get out,” Coach said. “I’m leaving now. The team is getting off easy with me gone.”

“Thanks for stopping by,” I said.

“Ah-ha! You didn’t say Coach that time.”

I grinned.

“You got me, Coach.”

He smiled, the first one I had ever seen on his face, then waved and walked away.

“He’s crazy,” Haley said.

“He is, but he’s a good man.”

“You’re a good man. I can’t believe you saved me.”

“Me, Teddy, Brian and a bunch of geeks in armor.”

She smiled, wiping the tears out of her eyes.

“I love you, Haley. Since the moment I laid eyes on you that night.”

“I’ve been so much trouble…”

“No. I wouldn’t change a thing. What happens to us is what shapes us. And we’re becoming better people, a stronger couple.”

“Did that bump on the head turn you into a philosopher or something?” she joked.

I smiled.

“It’s just the love I have for you.”

“I love you too, James.” She kissed me. “Now get some rest. We have finals coming up too.”

I groaned.

“Don’t remind me.”

“You got this,” she said.

“We got this,” I corrected.


* * *


The final play of the final game of the year, and we were down by three points. I scanned the end zone, looking for someone open. Gonzales waved his hand like a madman, but I waited a moment, not trusting his catching skills. Curtis held back the opposing team, giving me a few crucial seconds.

I saw a guy break through and come toward me.
Here goes nothing
, I thought, throwing the ball toward the end zone. I dodged out of the way of the man who had broken through while keeping my eye on the football arcing gracefully through the air.
Come on, Gonzales! Catch the damn ball!

He raised his hands, looking at the ball and running back and forth to line it up. Two other players rushed toward him
. Catch the ball!
At the last moment, he jumped up about a foot and caught the pass, which had been a bit too high.
Oh shit!
I thought as he danced around, slamming the ball to the ground.

“We won!” I shouted, soaking up the cheers from the crowd of easily twenty-thousand people.

Haley sat in the crowd somewhere. She was the only one I really cared about, but I lifted both arms into the air with my index fingers pointing to the sky. The fans ate it up, cheering even louder.

I made my way to the locker room with the other players. We were all exhausted, but we had won. A headhunter was in the stands from what Coach had told me.

Hopefully, he wouldn’t mind my last pass, which had been too high. Even if I didn’t make it to a pro team, my college career was nothing to laugh at.

Curtis ran up and slapped me on my back shoulder pads.

“What’s up, bro?”

“Good job keeping them away from me. Maybe we’ll get drafted on the same team next year.”

“I don’t think I’m going pro.”

“Don’t sell yourself short.”

We entered the hallway leading to the locker room, walking side by side. After four years of playing and living with him, it felt odd to think of our last game together.

The thought passed quickly as I thought about Haley and our future together. No matter what happened, we would be together. After having been through so much together, we trusted each other completely with no questions asked. I would die for her, and she would do the same for me.

We loved each other.




I told Coach and the rest of the team I would see them later that night before leaving the locker room. Freshly dressed, I went straight to the parking lot.

Haley sat on the hood of my black and yellow Camaro, looking as beautiful as ever. She smiled and waved as I walked over, stopping in front of her.

“You’re going to dent my hood,” I teased.

“I didn’t think you would mind.”

Her legs dangled over the side above the wheel well.

“If it’s you doing it, I don’t mind.”

I stepped in between her legs. She wrapped them around me as I leaned forward and kissed her perfect lips. We knew each other so well, each kiss reminded me of our first.

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