Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance (22 page)

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Authors: Abbi Hemp

Tags: #Bad Boy Sports Romance

BOOK: Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance
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That scared me as much as the thought of not having him in my life anymore. Had he been kicked off the team?

Maybe Teddy will know more
. I wasn’t sure how I would get through the rest of my classes that day, but I had to try.



















After my last class, I headed to Papa Jack’s to meet with Teddy. I’d thought fate had brought us together, but maybe my destiny was to be with his roommate instead?

When I walked in the busy restaurant alone, it felt a lot different than when I had come in with James at my side. No one looked up at all as I stopped and glanced around for Teddy.

He raised his hand from a booth in the corner near the plate glass windows facing the street. I shuffled over, forcing myself to smile. When I got closer, I noticed he had company.

“Oh, hey Brian,” I said, sitting across from them facing the window.

“Hi, Haley.”

“I hope you don’t mind,” Teddy said. “He’s always complaining I don’t take him out in public.”

“I do not,” Brian said, hitting his arm.

“Have you talked to James yet?”

“No. Have you?”

He shook his head.

“Did you try to call him?”

“No,” I said then sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Teddy asked.

“That was a damn romantic letter,” Brian added.

“I know, but…I’m just not sure about him or anything anymore. He wrote that letter, sure, but what if he’s just confused and doesn’t really love me? I’m afraid to find out.”

“Uh oh,” Teddy said. “You need a drink, a little liquid courage to call him.”

“I don’t know…”

A waitress walked up.

“Two pitchers of beer and a vegetarian pizza, large.” Teddy said to the waitress then turned to me. “That okay with you?”

I nodded. The waitress left. Glancing outside at all the people walking by the front of the restaurant, I longed to be with James. Teddy and Brian were okay, but I wanted the man who loved me, the amazing man I loved back.

The waitress returned with two pitchers of beer, which I thought was way too much for three people until I saw Teddy and Brian both down a glass quickly.

Before the food arrived, my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and glanced at the screen.
I tapped the screen and put it to my ear.


“Yeah,” he said. “I’ve been waiting for you to call me.”

“I’m sorry. I saw your letter, and I don’t know what to say. Did you get kicked off the team?”

“Coach isn’t happy, but I don’t think he can throw me off the team. Whether or not he helps me get into the pros is another matter entirely.”

“We’re going to be okay,” I said confidently. “I know it.”

“Me too. Where you at? Home?”

“No, I’m at Papa Jack’s with Teddy and Brian. They’re giving me moral support and advice.”

“Ah, like they did for me last night. Tell them I said hey.”

“James said hey.”

“Hey, James,” they said in unison.

“You want to come join us?”

“No. I’m not really in the mood to be in public right now?”

“You okay?” I asked.

“Yeah. Can you come over after you guys are down there?”

“Yeah. I’d like to see you. We should talk.”

“I’ll see you soon,” he said.

“Bye, James.”

I ended the call, wishing the pizza would hurry the hell up.

“He loves you,” Teddy said.

“Oh yeah? How do you know this?”

“Just the way he looks at you when you’re together. He’s not said anything, but I can tell.”

I smiled.

“He said come over after we’re done. Are you two going back home?”

“We were going to go out, but we can walk with you. It’s getting late.”

“Perfect,” I said. “You two are the best.”

Derek the frat-fuck walked up as a finished my sentence.

“They’re the two biggest faggots on campus. That’s what I’ve heard.”

He cackled with laughter, obviously drunk.

“Get out of here,” I snapped. “You’re an asshole.”

“Watch it, bitch,” he said. “I still owe you one.”

Teddy stood up, puffing out his chest.

“She asked you to leave, asshole.”

Our waitress returned with our pizza.

“No fighting in here,” she said. “Take it outside.”

“Let’s go,” Derek said, thumping his chest with his fist. “I’ll fuck you both up then take her home with me and fuck her up in another way.”

“You’re not even making any sense right now,” I said.

“Fuck you too,” he said, slurring the single syllable words.

“I’m calling the cops,” the waitress said.

“Shit, I have to get out of here,” I said, looking at Teddy. “Can we leave now?”

The waitress turned to me.

“You better pay your bill first.”

“We’ll pay it,” I said. “Let’s go, Teddy. And Brian.”

I walked over to the counter to pay my share. Teddy insisted on paying for the whole thing. Apparently, the people in the newsroom liked that he knew me, the target of James’ affections. We were the talk of the entire school.

“I’m not done with you guys,” Derek yelled from the door.

Two of his frat brothers dragged him outside.

“I’m sorry,” I said to the woman behind the cash register.

“You didn’t do anything from what I saw,” she said. “Have a good night.”

“Let’s go,” Teddy said. “He better not jump us.”

“If he does, James will end up going to jail for demolishing his face.”

“Yeah.” Teddy chuckled. “Let’s go.”

I followed him and Brian outside. We peered down the street, one direction then the other. Not seeing any sign of Derek, we headed toward the house they shared with James, the love of my life. I had read the letter he wrote so many times, I almost had it memorized.

“Let’s go this way,” Teddy said, nodding toward the path around campus. “It’s quicker.”

“Are you sure? It’s getting late.”

“You’ll be safe. Don’t worry.”

I clutched the strap of my backpack tightly as we walked down the dimly lit path with trees on both sides. What had been meant as a means to beautify the path had turned it into a dangerous area for anyone after dark.

Halfway to James’ house, I began to relax until Teddy shouted, “Watch out!”

Electricity coursed through my body. I saw a look of surprise on Teddy’s face as I blacked out.



















I sat in the living room, staring blankly at the television while waiting for Haley and the others to return. Many different emotions, some I’d never felt before, whipped through my mind.

When the door opened, I sat up, desperately wanting to see her face. Teddy came inside, followed by Brian. They both rushed by, heading toward their bedroom.

“Hey, what’s going on?” I called after them as I stood up. “Where’s Haley?”

I glanced at the open door, hoping she would walk through. After walking over and looking outside, I realized she hadn’t arrived with them.

As I ran to Teddy’s bedroom, I saw him standing with a tablet in his hands. Brian stood at his side, peering at the screen. Both looked up as I came in.

“Sorry, James. I tried to stop them, but there were too many of them.”

“Who?” I asked, ready to bash skulls. “Was it that frat-fuck and his friends?”

“No,” Brian said. “Some guy with a Mohawk and a bunch of other people.”

I tilted my head to the side and looked at Teddy for clarification.

“Don’t worry,” he said, still looking at the screen. “I dropped my phone in her backpack before we ran.”

“How the hell is that going to help?” I asked.

He held up the tablet.

“I’ve got an app that tracks my phone in case I lose it.”

“He loses it a lot,” Brian added.

I walked over to them.

“Where is she now?”

“It’s not super exact, it’s a free app, but I think she’s in the park.”

“The big one?”

I saw a red, flashing dot on the map.

“There?” I asked.

He nodded.

“Let’s go,” I said.

“Wait.” Teddy pulled his phone out of his pocket. “We need to call the police.”

“There’s not time.”

I headed toward the bedroom door.

“Hold on, bro,” Teddy said. “Let me call some SCA people to come with us. We can cause a distraction while you rescue her.”

“Yeah,” Brian added.

“Tell them to hurry. It sounds like the guy who rushed into her house the other day. I took him out with one punch. He’s not going to be a problem. I’m going.”

“He’s got dozens of people with him. Some of them had bats.”

“I don’t care. She means more to me than anything else in the world.”

“Okay,” Teddy said. “I’ll send an emergency notice to the SCA group, and we can all go over together. Strength in numbers.”

“There’s not enough time. I’m afraid they’re going to hurt her.”

“You go scout it out, and we’ll meet you there,” Brian said. “We got this, bro.”

Did Brian just call me bro?

“Alright,” I said. “But if you guys don’t show up, I’m going to get her myself.”

“We’ll be there,” Teddy said. “The message is already out.”

I left the house and ran toward the park north of campus. With each step, my love for her grew even deeper. If something happened to her, I would be devastated, crushed, no longer able to function in society.
Nothing is going to happen. Run faster!


* * *


After walking the long way around, I carefully made my way into the group of trees at the edge of the park. They were nowhere in sight as I crept forward, keeping hidden from view.

Was Teddy wrong? Maybe the app…

I spotted them building a fire in the burn pit a few hundred yards away. An RV was parked in the grass. Loud music blared out of it.

Where is she? Dammit!

My anger and frustration grew as I watched them. My phone rang, startling me.

“Shit,” I mumbled.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey, James. It’s me. We’re ready. Where you at?”

“Trying to hide,” I snapped. “I should have turned my phone off. You have the map of where they are, right?”

“Yeah, but where are you?”

“I’m in the trees on the north side of the park. They’re a hundred yards away, maybe more. I’ll meet you guys in the north parking lot, okay?”

“Yeah, we’re on our way.”

I ended the call and turned my phone off. After watching another few seconds and not seeing any sign of Tabby, I walked to the parking lot to meet up with Teddy and Brian. I seriously doubted any of the SCA members would show up on such quick notice.

To my surprise, when I reached the parking lot, I saw two full-size vans and at least five cars. A large group of people had gathered. Some of them were in armor.
What the hell?
I saw Teddy and walked over to him, still amazed at everyone who had shown up.

“What the hell is this?” I asked.

“We called the cops,” Teddy said. “But they said they’ve gotten too many false reports lately, and they’ll come when they damn well feel like it.”

“They actually said that?” I asked.

“Well, no, but close enough. They were dicks, but…” He turned and waved his arm through the air. “Some of our medieval friends are ready to go medieval and rescue her.”

“This is nuts,” I said.

Teddy smiled.


“I have a plan,” Brian said seriously.

He had managed to don a pair of leather armor, making him look more kinky than dangerous, but I appreciated his help.

“Talk to me,” I said.

“We’re going to create a diversion. You sneak around the back and see if you can find her.”

“They have an RV.”

“She’s probably in there,” Brian said. “That’s where I would keep her if I was dumb enough to kidnap someone.”

“There’s some crazy people in the world,” I said, shaking my head. “The plan sounds solid.”

“It’s a longshot, but it’s all we got,” Teddy said.

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