Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance (29 page)

Read Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance Online

Authors: Abbi Hemp

Tags: #Bad Boy Sports Romance

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Her voice trailed off.

“After our phone fun?”

“If that’s what you want to call it, yeah.”

“It was fucking amazing is what it was,” I said, shaking my head. “I’ve not touched myself like that since I was a teenager.”

“Where are we staying this weekend?” she asked, suddenly changing the subject.

“It’s a cabin I rent sometimes.”

“You bring a lot of women up there, do you?”

“No. Actually, you’ll be the first. I usually go up there alone to get away from people and reconnect with nature.”

She tilted her head and peered at me. I reached over and moved a strand of her auburn hair out of her eyes.

“You don’t seem like the nature-boy type to me.”

“Well, it would be a nature-MAN, but yeah…I like the outdoors.”

“Me too. I love being active, but I can’t ski.”

“There’s more to do in the mountains than just skiing.”

She turned to look out her window. I sat back and stretched out my feet, happy to be spending some time with her. If all went to plan, I’d fuck her and be able to finally get her out of my mind.

“Are you from Colorado?” I asked.

“No,” she answered, still looking outside. “I’m from Ohio.”


“Not really. Ohio is crazy. It’s why I came out here.”

“Let me guess. Right after they legalized weed?”

She turned to me.

“No. I don’t like weed or other drugs. A little alcohol now and then.”

I nodded, unconsciously falling a little deeper in love with her.

“It’s important to take care of the body.”

“You’ve taken good care of yours,” she said, stealing a quick glance at my crotch.

“You’re not too bad yourself, Andrea.”

She smiled before turning to look out the window again. We drove the rest of the way to the airport in silence, which was perfectly fine with me.




♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥




As the helicopter flew toward the private cabin I occasionally rented, I watched the joy and excitement on her face as she stared out the window at the ground below.

“This is so beautiful,” she said.

“Nature in all her glory. No cell signals or electricity up here either.”

She turned to face me.

“What? You didn’t tell me that.”

“I forgot,” I lied. “You can go a couple days without modern conveniences, right?”

We stared at each other in silence for a moment.

“Yeah, I guess,” she said, turning to look out the window.

“Trust me. You’re going to want to do this even more once you experience it.”

“I’m just worried about my boss at work,” she said. “If he calls, and I don’t answer…”

“He calls you after hours?”

“I’m a journalist. He can call me whenever he wants. As a woman in the sports department, I’m still not given any respect. At least not easily. I have to earn it, which means doing whatever it takes.”

“Sounds horrible.”

She turned back around.

“What about you? Are you saying you have freedom at work?”

“Well, no, but…”

“But nothing,” she interrupted. “All you football players are the same.”

“Wow. I didn’t expect that from you.”

“What?” she asked. “The truth.”

“The blunt truth, I guess. It’s nice.”

“Get used to more of it.”

“I will.” I pointed out the window. “There’s the cabin.”

We both watched as the cabin grew in size as we approached.


* * *


She stood next to me on the back patio of the cabin, watching as the helicopter rose into the air and flew away. I bent to pick up her suitcase and mine.

“I forgot how cold it gets up here,” she said, rubbing her gloved hands together.

“Let’s get inside. I’ll start a fire.”

“Sounds good. You were kidding about the no electricity, right?”

I laughed.

“Yeah, but there’s no cell service and no computers.”

“That’s fine with me. I brought a paperback or two.”

“I’ll have to borrow one from you,” I said, stopping at the back door to the cabin.

“They’re romance novels. I don’t think you would get into them.”

“I’ll read anything if I’m bored.”

After setting the suitcases down, I retrieved the key to the cabin out of my pocket and unlocked the door. She walked into the darkness as soon as I opened it. I followed her, carrying out suitcases.

“There should be a light switch to the left,” I said as the lights came on. “You found it.”

“Nice kitchen,” she said, looking around.

“I’ll take these to our rooms.”

She nodded as I walked past her. One of the reasons she had agreed to come with me was the fact there were two bedrooms on the second floor of the wood cabin.

I dropped our suitcases off into our respective rooms then went back downstairs. She was bent over the fireplace in the living room, stuffing crumpled paper into the bottom.

“Let me get that,” I said, walking over.

“It’s fine. I’ve started plenty of fires before.”

I bet you have
, I thought, admiring her ass as she worked.

“You better not be staring at my huge ass,” she said as if she could read my thoughts.

I chuckled.

“I’m not, but it’s not that big.”

She straightened her body and turned to me with a hand on her hip.

“Excuse me? It’s huge and you know it.”

I raised my hands.

“You win. It’s a fine, huge ass.”

“Remember, I want the truth.”

As she returned to the fire, I went into the kitchen to make sure the shelves and refrigerator were stocked. We both worked quietly.


* * *


We sat next to each other on a comfortable cloth couch facing the fireplace. Shadows danced around the room as the flames flickered and the wood popped and snapped.

“This is so beautiful,” she said then took another sip of wine.

“I told you.”

“You always have to be right, don’t you?”

“Not always, but I usually am.”

“You’re so confident. I wish I could be like you.”

“No, you don’t. Trust me.”

She turned to look at me, half-full wine glass still in her hands.

“Yeah? Why not?”

“I’m a dumb jock, right? That’s what you and everyone else thinks about people like me.”

“That’s not true,” she said.

“How do you see me?”

She giggled. I smiled.

“What’s so funny?”

“You, silly. People think you’re this tough bad boy, but you’re not.”

“What am I?”

“You’re sweet and thoughtful.”

I watched as she turned her beautiful head toward the fire and took another drink of wine.

“Well, I’m not sure I agree with you, but thanks.”

She yawned.

“We should get to bed. I want to show you the sunrise in the morning.”

“I’ve seen the sunrise before,” she giggled.

I turned to look into her eyes.

“Have you seen it in the mountains? It’s stunning.”

“If you can wake me up that early, I’ll watch it with you.”

“Deal,” I said as she stood up. “I’m going to have one more drink.”

She walked away toward the stairs leading up to the second level. I watched her ass sashay back and forth, wondering why she wasn’t coming on to me.

Should I take control and go to her?

The thought intrigued me. Ugly Anthony stirred between my legs.



















I grabbed the railing to steady myself as I climbed the stairs. At the top, I peeked into the first room and saw my suitcase laying on the bed. Why did I even come here?

The question went unanswered as I opened the brown, leather suitcase and took out my silk pajamas and one of the romance novels I’d brought along.

As I dressed, I remembered Scott’s warning that I had to come up with a sensational story about Tony Carlotti. With school loan debt hanging over my head, losing my job wasn’t an option.

At the same time, I did not like the idea of screwing over Tony for personal gain. He was turning out to be different than I had imagined. For one thing, he hadn’t made a move downstairs.

One glass of wine had given me a decent buzz, which always made me horny.
Who needs him
, I thought as I got under the covers. The lamp on a nightstand to my left let off just enough light.

I flipped the book open to where I’d left off and began reading. With each word, I forgot about Tony downstairs and was drawn into the story on the page in front of me.

The author, one of my favorites, knew how to create a mood with sensual words and phrases. I read, turned a page, then read some more.

When I reached a passionate spot in the story, I slowed down to savor each and every word. At the same time, I slipped my right hand under the covers.

My fingers passed over my breasts and stopped to rest on stomach. Words painted a visual picture in my mind as the hero made a move on the woman he loved.

I had grown up with classic romance novels that used flowery language like manhood and special flower, but I enjoyed the modern books that used real language.

Cock. Pussy. Thrust. Moan.

The words leapt from the page to my mind, turning me on even more than the wine. I slipped my hand down the front of my silk pajama pants, feeling my neatly trimmed bush.

No panties at night made me feel dirty in a good way. His cock grew. Her lips quivered. I moved my fingers lower, rubbing myself gently as I read, the tension building up.

Suck. Fuck. Tight. Wet.

All the wonderful words with a sway over me melted into my mind as I lost sense of time. I flipped the page with my left hand, not wanting to stop for a moment.

Groan. Slow. Fast. Pet.

I moaned myself, hoping he didn’t hear me downstairs as I pleasured myself. My heart beat more quickly, my chest rising and falling as I tried to concentrate on the words.

All of a sudden, as I moved toward an orgasm, I heard a quick knock at the door before it opened. I threw the book across the room and stared up at him looking so damn guilty.

“Knock much?” I snapped.

He didn’t say a word, his eyes locked on mine. I saw a look of hunger and lust on his face, making me even more wet between the legs.

I watched as he crossed the room, still staring at me as he bent down. Our lips met, touching so softly before he pulled back and looked deeper into my eyes.

Unable to resist any longer and not thinking about anything but the present moment, I lifted my head and kissed him again, this time more urgently.

As our wet, soft lips moved against each other, I felt his strong, powerful hand cup my breasts under the covers. He squeezed it while sticking his long, thick tongue into my mouth.

I sighed, wanting to give myself to him completely.
What would that monster-cock feel like inside me?
I wondered as he stood up and threw the covers back.

He bent down to kiss me again, his hand moving under my shirt. When he squeezed my breast again, I thought I would melt. I unbuttoned my top, giving him even more access.

The smell of the fire downstairs combined with his man-scent, getting me even more excited. He followed what he had told me on the phone earlier, kissing my neck.

I ran my fingers through his short-cropped hair, pushing his head lower. He licked one nipple then moved to the other. All the while, his hands moved over my body, feeling me up.

Wrapped up in the pleasure of his mouth on my breasts but wanting more, I pushed his head lower. He stood up, looking down at me with that look of hunger on his face.

It’s happening. It’s really happening.

My heart beat faster as he took off his shirt. At the sight of his hot, hard body, I slipped a hand down my pajama pants again, rubbing myself.

He grinned as he took off his pants. Standing only in his underwear, I couldn’t take my eyes off the massive cock barely covered by the blue material of his bikini briefs.

I watched his lithe body as he moved to the foot of the bed. He climbed on between my legs and pulled my pants down while kissing my stomach.

My hands moved to my nipples, pinching them as he got back off the bed to get my pants off all the way. I spread my legs wide with my knees bent.

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