Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance (55 page)

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Authors: Abbi Hemp

Tags: #Bad Boy Sports Romance

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Cannabis Cup Semi-Finals



I received a text message from her at the last minute, letting me know she would be at the hotel for the Cannabis Cup Semi-Finals to do a story for High Times since I’d already reserved a room for her. The whole day, I looked for her among the attendees, but I never found her.

As expected, my latest super-strain won first place. To win the finals I’d need the help of the grower, but things were going great. I stepped out onto the stage and raised an arm into the air with a smile on my face. Applause continued a few seconds after I reached the podium.

“Thank you,” I said then adjusted the microphone, causing it to squeak. “It’s an honor to be deemed the best weed in Colorado. I’ve got some surprises in store to make sure we win the finals. Until then, keep smoking and thanks for all your support!”

The crowd stood and applauded as I lifted my arm and waved before walking off the stage. I saw her, and my spirits were lifted even more. She smiled and waved as I walked over.

“You made it. How’d you get backstage?”

She lifted a press badge on a lanyard around her neck.

“I’m press, remember?”

“That’s right. I’m glad you could make it.”

“You’re going to give me an exclusive interview, right?”

“Yeah, but only if we do it in the bar. They’ve given me a private booth in the corner. We can have a celebratory drink or joint and talk about my win or anything else you want.”

“Even your backroom business deals?”

“Whoa,” I said, putting my hand on her arm. “Slow down. Backroom business deals? Where are you getting your information? Competitors?”

“It’s just a rumor, but I wanted to see your reaction.”

“You’re a sneaky one, aren’t you?”

I took my hand away from her arm.

“Or a good journalist. Names don’t bother me.”

“Well, what do you say? Have a drink, smoke and talk with me?”

“I’m not drinking tonight, but yeah, I’d like to ask you some more questions.”

“Only if you have a drink.”

“Okay. One drink,” she relented.

I smiled, knowing one would lead to another. We made our way to the bar in the lobby of the hotel. It took everything not to kiss her in the elevator on the way down. The touch of her lips hadn’t left me since our first kiss.

“I’m sorry about running out the other night,” she said, not turning to me.

Both of us stared forward at the dull grey elevator door.

“It’s fine. You’re here tonight, and I’m happy to see you.”

“Well, my boss wanted me to ask you more questions.”

“I bet. I’m the richest legal marijuana operation in the entire state. Another few years, I’ll be biggest in the world if everything goes to plan.”

“Sounds ambitious.”

“Go big or go home,” I said.

The elevator door slid open. I stepped aside to let her walk out first. In the bar, I led her to my reserved booth with a hand on her back. Her plain red dress looked spectacular, fitting her body perfectly. I couldn’t help but notice her ass looked nice as well.

She sat down on one side of the booth. When she didn’t scoot over, I took a seat on the bench across from her. A waiter arrived almost immediately, knowing I was the man of the hour and had money to spend.

“How are you this evening?” he asked when he reached us.

“Good, good,” I said. “Bring us a bottle of your best red and a few spliffs.”

“Of course, sir. Right away,” he said, scurrying off.

“I didn’t say I’d be smoking,” she said. “I can’t drink and smoke.”

“No pressure,” I said. “But I could use a toke of the winning bud. You should have one to make your article on the Semi-Finals even better.”

“Fine. You talked me into it.” A smile spread over her face. “I do think that new grower is going to be able to help you come up with an even better strain. Just make sure you treat him right.”

“I treat all my employees well,” I said.

The waiter returned with an open bottle of wine, two glasses, and three spliffs. The cigar paper shells contained my award winning weed.

“Thanks,” I said, looking up at him.

“If you need anything else, let me know.”

After he walked away, she said, “People treat you like a king.”

“I’m the king of marijuana at the moment, and I’d do anything to keep it that way.”

“Anything?” she asked.

I nodded. “Anything it takes.”

She reached forward and poured herself a glass.

“Light it up, then.”

After lighting one up, I took a big hit, holding the smoke in as I passed it across the table. She took it, our fingers brushing against each other for a split second, sending electricity through my body. I exhaled a large cloud of smoke to the left as she inhaled.

To my surprise, she didn’t cough or take a small hit. I accepted the spliff from her then took another small hit. She exhaled then picked up her glass of wine to take a drink.

“Have you smoked my super-strain before?” I asked.

She shook her head.

“No, first time. It’s smooth.”

“Damn straight. I’ve been perfecting it for over a year.”

“Well, it won’t be able to compare to what that new grower gives you.”

“I can’t wait.”

I took another hit then passed it to her.

“No thanks,” she said, shaking her head.

She took another drink as I exhaled and put the spliff down, the high-grade marijuana relaxing me.

“That’s pretty good stuff, though,” she said.

“Well, like you said, I’m going to need something even better if I want to win the Cannabis Cup finals and remain king of the hill when it comes to weed. Hopefully, they’ll legalize it at a federal level, and I’ll be able to expand the business.”

“Fast growth is hard,” she said.

The word hard coming across her lips turned me on.

“Yeah, but I’m experienced.”

Did she even get that I’m flirting with her?

She nervously took another drink of wine. I filled up the glass halfway after she set it down then filled my own. Winning the Semi-Finals meant nothing compared to spending time with her again. I lifted my glass into the air.

“To beauty and power,” I said.

“You’re the beauty, huh?”

I grinned as she lifted her glass and clinked it against mine.

One drink led to another. We discussed everything from politics to sports to religion briefly, anything but me or her. She didn’t say anything when I ordered a second bottle and lit up the spliff. A few hits later, we were both laughing at something. I couldn’t remember what exactly, but I didn’t care.

The dim lights in the bar hit her red hair in a way that made it radiate, a glow framing her perfect face.

“Quit staring at me,” she said at one point. “It’s rude.”

“How can I not stare at you? So beautiful…”

She rolled her eyes.

“It’s true,” I insisted. “I’ve met a lot of women, and…”

I cut myself off, but it was too late.

Damn red wine!

She yawned and stretched.

“This has been fun, but I should get some sleep.”

“I’ll walk you to your room,” I said, scooting over to stand up.

“That’s okay.”

“I insist.”


Once she got to her feet, I took her hand in mine. As we walked to the elevators, I strived to maintain my balance with the THC and alcohol both flowing through my system.

“You okay?” she teased once we were safely inside and on the way up to our rooms.

“Yeah. That last glass hit me hard, I think.”

“Remind me never to take you out drinking for real.”

“You’re a little giggle princess yourself right now.”

She laughed. “Giggle princess?”

“Hey, I’m trying to be witty.”

I smiled as the elevator door opened.

“Ladies first.”

As she stepped out into the hallway, I took another look at her shapely ass so well fitted in the tight, red dress. She had to have known the effect it would have on me. I lifted the elbow of my left arm out, and she put her arm through it.

We made our way down the carpeted hall toward her room. Time slowed down as I wondered what she would say once we got to our destination. Would she invite me in? Can I control my urges around her? She stopped in front of a door.

“This is me.”

“My mission is complete,” I said. “You’re here safely.”

I smiled as our eyes met. She bent her head to look at the floor. Not wanting to frighten her again, I put my hand on the back of her neck and gave her a peck on the lips, nothing wet or sexual at all. As I pulled back, I studied her reaction, wondering if I should go further.

“Goodnight,” she said. “Congratulation.”

“Thanks,” I said. “For the drink and smoke too. It was nice to relax and laugh a bit.”

She nodded. “I’ll call you.”

“Yeah…” I said, turning and walking away.

If I had stayed one more moment, I would have not been able to resist hugging her tight while kissing those delicious, red lips. With each step down the carpeted hall to my room on the other side of the building, my feet dragged, as if they wanted me to stay.


















Sweet, Green Love



After he kissed me on the cheek, I thought I might melt. He walked away like a true gentleman, but I wished he would kiss me forcefully again like he had done at the restaurant. As a DEA agent, feelings for him were out of the question, but I couldn’t help myself.

From his muscular arms to his toned body under carefully tailored shirts, every inch of his body intrigued me. I had convinced myself to come to the Cannabis Cup Semi-Finals with him to see if I could dig up any dirt on his business, but as he walked away, I realized I had feelings for him.

“Wait,” I called out.

He stopped, turned, and briskly walked back toward me. I took a deep breath, my heart beating so fast. When he reached me, he wasted no time, throwing an arm around my waist and pulling me close. I felt so safe in his arms. Our heads tilted and our lips met.

I sighed as our delicious, wet kiss continued. The weed downstairs had turned me on. He pulled back and looked into my eyes, asking questions without saying a word. I nodded my head, ready to submit myself to him in every way we could imagine.

“Open the door,” he said.

He put his hand on the small of my back as I scrambled to get the door unlocked. After it clicked and I turned the handle, he pushed it open. I stepped inside with him close behind me. The door swung shut as he put his arm around my waist and pulled me close again.

I felt his huge hand on my ass, squeezing it in just the right way as our lips met once again. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, making it dance against mine. At the same time, I reached down and grabbed his crotch. Ever since he’d pulled me down on his lap, I couldn’t wait to see it.

While it may not have been the smartest of ideas because I worked for the DEA, none of my leads had turned up anything. As far as I could tell, Brent did everything above board and according to the law in
Colorado. I hadn’t planned on this happening, but I couldn’t resist.

He made me feel wanted as his hand roamed up my back. I put my hands around his waist and squeezed tight, never wanting to let go. When he stopped kissing me, I didn’t know what to expect. While staring in my eyes, he got down on his knees. My heart skipped a beat as he lifted my dress.

I ran my fingers through his hair as he pulled my panties aside, almost losing my balance when he bent forward and ran his tongue over my pussy lips. I took a deep breath as he explored every inch of my outer lips with his tongue, making me wetter by the second.

He stood up suddenly and kissed me again, the taste of my juices on his mouth. I pushed on his shoulders to get him back on his knees, but he had other ideas, picking me up in his strong arms. At the bed, he set me down gently, bending over to kiss me again.

While we kissed, I lowered the straps of my dress and pushed my dress down, exposing my breasts. He wasted no time moving his kisses to my nipples. They got hard in his mouth as I moaned in pleasure. Why does it feel so good to be with him? He’s dangerous and not my type of guy. As he pulled my dress down the rest of the way, I got my answer. He was in control, a man on a mission. My panties came off next. I spread my legs wide as he looked down at my naked body, a look of hunger on his face.

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