Read Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance Online

Authors: Abbi Hemp

Tags: #Bad Boy Sports Romance

Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance (58 page)

BOOK: Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance
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After parking in his circular drive at the front of the massive house, I got out of my car without caring if it was in the way or not. Would he have the decency to answer the door and talk to me? I wondered why I hadn’t called as I approached the front door.

Before I had a chance to knock on the expensive wood, it swung open. I saw Brent, handsome as ever, standing with a faraway look in his eyes. He tilted his head and grinned as he admired me. Seriously? My anger flared up as we stared each other down.

Without a sound, I stepped forward. He did the same. A moment later, I wrapped my arms around him, holding tight as our lips met in a passionate kiss. The words would come later, I hoped as my hands cupped his tight ass, pressing his body closer to mine.

He pulled back and took my hand. I followed as he ascended a grand staircase to the second level of the three-story mansion. None of the fancy paintings on the walls or anything else mattered as my heart beat faster the closer we got to our destination.

We reached a door, which he opened with his free hand. I glimpsed a bedroom bigger than the homes of most people. He pulled me in and shut the door behind us. Our eyes met. Another kiss. His lips pressed against mine, parting them as his tongue slid in.

I moaned, unable to stay angry with a man who made me so wet in such a short period of time. His hands squeezed my ass, pulling me closer to him. I felt the bulge in his pants. Impatiently, I grabbed him through the thin material of his designer slacks.

It’s so big. And fits so well…

He grabbed one breast, massaging it with his massive hand. At the same time, his kisses moved to my neck then lower. I sighed as he unbuttoned my blouse, kissing each piece of exposed flesh. As he took off my top, I ran my fingers through his hair.

If this is wrong, why does it feel so right?

With the pleasure pulsing through my entire body, I did not need to come up with any justifications for sleeping with him again. It was the worst thing I could do for my career – especially if he turned out to be guilty – but I did not care. Not in that moment.

After he removed my blouse and bra, his mouth moved over my left nipple, getting it harder as he sucked gently. He did not neglect my other breast, teasing the nipple with the tip of his tongue. All the anger I’d brought with me had disappeared.

The smell of marijuana lingered in the air, which meant he was probably high, but I didn’t care about that either. My priority became pleasure as he kissed his way back to my mouth. He grabbed my arms tightly and kissed me on the lips.

I flexed my knees to avoid falling down. As we kissed, he unbuttoned my pants. I did the same to him, both of us racing to get the other naked. The four days between the time we had first fucked in the hotel room no longer existed as we picked up where we had left off.

Once entirely naked, he led me to his ginormous bed and laid me down. I willingly spread my legs, wanting to feel his warm, wet tongue against my pussy lips. He did not disappoint, laying on his stomach between my legs, his rough hands moving up and down my soft body.

As I stared down at him between my breasts, I wondered briefly why I kept jumping into bed with him, especially if I was investigating him. The thought fluttered away as he inserted two fingers inside me, wiggling them while pushing them in and out.

I squirmed and pinched my nipples, pleasure building up all over my body. The rest of the world faded away. His flesh against mine drove me wild with ecstasy. Slowly and surely, I found myself transported to that special place right before an orgasm.

While I desired release, I also never wanted the moment to end. Perpetually on the brink of orgasm.

“That’s it,” he said, moving his fingers faster.

As I came, I arched my back, thrusting my pussy up as my body shook. He took his fingers out and lifted his head, looking up at me with a look of hunger in his eyes.

“Fuck me,” I begged. “Fuck me now.”

He crawled up my body. Holding himself up with one hand, he used the other to maneuver his hard cock, rubbing the bulbous head against my pussy. I breathed in deeply as he pushed the tip inside my tight pussy, filling it perfect.

“Yes,” I cooed as it slid in.

Inch after inch, he pushed it all the way in. He stared into my eyes while holding himself up with both hands over me. Ever so slowly, he pulled out his marvelous cock, stopping before it left me completely. With a look of intensity on his face, he thrust in again, this time faster.

“Oh, Brent,” I moaned, clutching his back.

He picked up speed, fucking me harder and faster. I loved when a man lost control and fucked like an animal. Making sweet love was nice once in a while, but I wanted him to keep banging me hard and fast. Friction built up, sending tingling sensations through my body.

Am I going to come again? So soon?

I stared up into his eyes, his face contorted.

“Fuck me,” I said.

The sound of my sexy voice sent him into overdrive. He pounded his cock into me relentlessly, pushing me over the edge. I cried out in pleasure as I came, my pussy tightening around his thick dick as it continued to slide in and out of me.

“Oh, fuck!” I yelled, the world fading away.

I felt him throb deep inside me as he thrust one last time. His eyes squinted and he grunted loudly as he came. A smile settled on my face as joy rushed through my entire body. I never wanted to fuck any other man as long as I lived.

He pulled out and settled on the bed next to me while taking off his condom. I hadn’t even noticed him putting it on. I rolled on my side and pressed my body against his.

“We can’t keep doing this,” I said.

“What? Having fun?”

“Is that what we’re doing?”

“I mean, it’s fun.”

“Right, but you know what I mean.”

“I do, but I’m trying to avoid the conversation.”

He grinned.

“Yeah, I noticed.”

As I ran my fingers over his stomach, it growled.

I giggled. “Have you eaten today?”

“I skipped lunch to get some work done, and you came over…”

“We should eat,” I said. “But I don’t want to move.”

“I’ll have someone bring something up.”

“This late?”

“I pay quite a few people to take care of my desires.”

“I bet you do,” I said, pulling my hand away and moving to the edge of the bed.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.

“Can we not fight again? Please? We had such a great night, and it’s not over yet.”

He took a deep breath.

“I get cranky when I’m hungry.”

“Oh? Really?”

I smiled. He rolled over and got out of bed.

“I’ll call the kitchen and have them make something while we take a shower. Any requests?”

“Something light?”

“Got it,” he said. “See you in the shower shortly.”

“Can’t wait,” I said in a sexy voice as I walked into the master bathroom.

He joined me a few minutes later, soaping me up and getting me so clean after being so dirty. I hadn’t been so happy in a long time. Too long. Maybe Brent would turn out different than all the other men I’d met. Would I be so lucky? Only time would tell.
















Used and Confused



In his formal dining room, a five-star chef served us the best steak I’d ever eaten with a potato and carrots on the side. Another expensive bottle of wine showed up, but I decided not to drink any alcohol. He tilted his head to the side slightly and stared into my eyes.

“You feeling okay?”

“I’m not some sort of lush,” I said.

He smiled.

“No, of course not, but…”

“Water is fine. This steak is so good.”

“Charles does a great job,” he said then picked up a piece of meat with his fork.

“I don’t think I can finish it all.”

I put my fork on the plate and pushed it away.

“You eat like a bird.”

“You sound like my father.”

“I’d like to meet him some day.”

My heart skipped a beat. I had introduced the two, but still hadn’t told Brent about my father or the fact I worked for the DEA and wasn’t a reporter for High Times. With all the resources at his disposal, I wondered if he had looked into my identity at all.

“You okay?” he asked then took a drink of wine.

“Yeah,” I lied then smiled to reassure him.

Meanwhile, a thousand different thoughts went through my mind. I had to tell him the truth, but the time wasn’t right. Instead, I beat myself up in my mind over the matter.
Why am I so weak all the time? If this guy is the one, I need to tell him the truth.

“You’re getting that look,” he said.

“What look?”

“Like you’re about to run away again.”

“No,” I said then stopped, unsure of what else to say.

“Great. I want to get your opinion on this new weed your grower gave me.”

“Is he working out?” I asked, hating myself for the lies.

“Yeah, so far. He’s outdone himself with what he gave me. I’m definitely going to win the Cannabis Cup this year.”

“That’s great,” I said. “I’m not sure if I should smoke again.”

“Come on,” he said. “It will be fun. I promise.”

I thought about his body moving against mine.


He pushed his chair back then stood up and clapped his hands together.

“Charles will take care of this for us. Let’s go out back in the garden and watch the sun set.”

“You’re so romantic for a businessman.”

“Well, before I got into the burgeoning weed industry, I painted.”

“Get out of here,” I said, standing up.

“I’m serious.”

“You have to show me some of your paintings.”

“Maybe,” he said. “First, let’s toke up.”

“Lead the way.”


* * *


Half an hour later, we sat next to each other at a metal table with an umbrella over it. The small, fat candle he had lit sat between us.

“You sure you’re ready for this?” he asked. “It’s powerful stuff.”

“I’ll be fine.”

He took a hit off the portable vaporizer in his hand then passed it to me. I knew my dad was working on a potent strain of marijuana, but I had no idea he’d gotten so far. After a single toke, my body relaxed. The scent of the candle – cranberries – hit me.

“Wow,” I said.


We each took a few more hits. If I got high enough, maybe I would have the courage to tell him the truth or at least have it slip out of me. The ludicrousness of the whole situation caused me to giggle.

“Don’t start giggling,” he said with a chuckle.

“Laughing is good.”

He laughed out loud at my pointing out the obvious.

I smiled and looked across the table at him, admiring the fierce features of his face. His eyes alone made me melt when he pointed them at me like laser beams of love. I laughed again.

“What?” he asked.

“Laser beams of love,” I mumbled.

“Okay,” he said, smiling. “I don’t understand, but okay.”

I stood up, never the type of person who sat around after getting high.

“Your yard is so beautiful,” I said, glancing around. “Is that a bush maze?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Bet you can’t catch me!”

I darted away toward the entrance of the maze.

“Hey!” he cried out, chasing after me.

Feeling like a teenager again, I dashed into the maze, turning left and running. The tall bushes blocked everything from sight as I ran.

“You’ll never catch me!” I yelled.

“Just wait until I do!” he called.

I sped up, making a left then a right, already hopelessly lost.

“Where did you go?” he asked from a row over.

My laughter gave me away.

“I know this maze better than you.”

After taking off running, I made a few more turns, ending up in a wide grassy area in middle of the maze. A marble statue of a half-naked woman in a toga stood in the center of the open space. I ran to the statue, stopping and leaning against the base.

He came into view as I caught my breath.

Why does he make me feel so young?

My heart beat quickly as he slowly approached. Step by step, he got closer to me.

“I found you,” he said.

“You did. Now what?”

“You know what,” he said, stopping in front of me.

BOOK: Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance
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