Read Play Maker Online

Authors: Katie McCoy

Play Maker (8 page)

BOOK: Play Maker
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he last person
I expected to see at the bar tonight was the very person I was most hoping to see. After Maya’s slut-positive pep talk, I was seriously regretting turning James down and by the time I got to work, I was wondering if it was too late to go up to his room after my shift and see if he’d give me a second chance. Even though breaking my self-appointed rules still scared the crap out of me, I kept reminding myself what Maya had said. That this could be whatever I wanted it to be. It could be a one night stand. Or two night stand. Or every single night until he left night stand. Because he was going to leave. But why not have fun while he was here? As long as we kept it fun. No sleepovers, no snuggling, no pillow talk. Just sex. Lots and lots of sex. Just thinking about what we could do to each other got me all hot and bothered. I felt like I was crawling out of my skin I was so horny.

So when he sauntered into the bar an hour before I was scheduled to leave, every inch of my body was craving his touch. I was ready to beg for another sexy romp if I had to. But I didn’t think any of that would be necessary. The way he was looking at me made it clear that he was still interested. And that the only begging either one of us would be doing would be for release, our bodies naked and heaving as we collapsed on his bed. Or against the wall. Or the chair. I wasn’t picky. I’d let him take me anywhere.

It took a moment for me to realize that his friend, Ethan, was with him, though he seemed completely focused on his cell phone, and from the gleam in James’ eyes, I could tell that nothing was going to stop him from coming over. Sure enough, he sauntered over, though he took his sweet time getting there. Not that I minded the view, because damn, he was nice to look at. More than nice. Hot. Fucking hot.

And he was looking especially gorgeous right now. I had only seen him in jeans and t-shirts, and buck naked, which was my favorite, of course, but him in a well-fitting gray suit, his crisp white shirt unbuttoned just enough that I could see the top of one of his tattoos. Me-ow. How had I been able to resist him? I must have been out of my mind to say no to that. Well, I wasn’t going to make that mistake again.

It wasn’t until he got to the bar that I noticed he was carrying a bag emblazoned with the logo for a very well known and expensive liquor store. What was he up to?

I raised an eyebrow as he placed it on the smooth wood.

“I don’t think I’ve known many people who bring their own booze to a bar,” I commented, trying to sound calm and collected, even though I really wanted to rip off my shirt and shout “take me now!”

“I doubt you’ve met many people like him, period,” Ethan remarked dryly before James could say anything.

I laughed. “Good to see you again, Ethan.” But he had returned his attention to the phone in his hands. I might have been offended, if my own attention wasn’t so focused on the gorgeous guy in gray that stood in front of me.

James had yet to say anything, but was looking at me like I was the best whiskey in the world and he was dying of thirst. And oh boy, I was ready for him to lap me up. I remembered what that man could do with his tongue and I was ready to settle back in that armchair he had upstairs and let him go to town. A favor I would return with enthusiasm.

“Should I even ask what’s in the bag? More gum?” I leaned forward on the bar, glad that I had left one extra button undone tonight. I was gratified by the way his gaze darted down and then held. My skin burned, his stare so intense that I could feel it sliding down my cleavage. Was it hot in here or was it just us?

Finally he lifted his eyes. “It’s better than gum,” he told me.

My eyebrows went up. “Better than gum? Impossible.”

He grinned at me. “Well, let’s hope this is comparable to gum,” he said and pushed the bag across the bar towards me. “For a woman who knows how to appreciate the better things in life.” Oh, I could appreciate the better things in life. I could appreciate them. All. Night. Long.

I reached for it, but his hand stopped me before I could see what was hidden in the brown wrapping. His touch made my pulse jump in my throat. Or maybe that was my stomach. Or my heart. No, I pushed that possibility aside immediately. Definitely not my heart. That was the one part of my body that was completely off limits. The rest of me, however, oh boy. He could do whatever he wanted with it. I wouldn’t put up a fight. Unless he wanted me to.

His hand was still on mine as he guided it back to the bar, next to the gift. “Wait until later,” James told me. “Let it be a surprise.” His eyes never left mine. “Do you like surprises?” he asked, the question full of possibility.

“Oh yes,” I breathed. Would anyone care if I leapt over the bar, grabbed him by the collar and dragged him upstairs? I glanced around the room, finding it full of mostly women, all of whom were not even bothering to hide their interest in James. Not that I could blame them. They might care if I mauled him in public, but I had a feeling they would totally understand.

I cast a quick glance at Maya, who was shooting me mental thumbs up from the other side of the bar.

“Think of it as an apology,” James said, drawing my attention back to him.

“An apology?”

“For my presumptiveness the other night,” his accent was intoxicating, the meaning of his words slowly puncturing the sexual haze that seemed to surround us. I didn’t understand. What was he trying to say? “I just wanted you to know that I completely understand wanting to keep our…encounter simple and uncomplicated. Limiting it to a single night is probably the most effective way to uphold that.”

WHAT? No. Wait? He couldn’t be saying what I thought he was saying. Was he rescinding his offer from the other night? Had he brought me a gift to soften the blow when he blew me off?

Then I saw a smile curling the corner of his mouth. He was fucking with me! I tried to be angry, but I couldn’t even muster annoyance. I supposed I deserved to be messed with a little, especially considering how I had turned him down before.

“Unless…” His hand had found its way across the bar again, his fingers now brushing against the inside of my wrist, the touch so simple and so seductive that my knees buckled. Still, I tried to keep my expression neutral. If he wanted to play games, I could play games. Hell, I was made for playing games.

“Unless?” I batted my eyes at him and his grin grew wider. He was such a fox.

“Unless you think it’s possible for two people such as ourselves to enjoy each other’s company in a casual, yet attentive fashion.”

“Hmm.” I put a finger on my chin, as if I was thinking. Then I gestured for him to come near. He leaned in, and I put my lips close to his ear. “If you’re asking if we can fuck all night and still say goodbye in the morning, the answer is yes.”

His fingers stilled against my wrist. He leaned back, his expression all hunger, all desire. I wasn’t sure that he wasn’t going to grab me and kiss me right there. But then, someone cleared their throat.

The spell was broken and we both glanced over to find Ethan with an extremely bemused look on his face.

“You know,” he said. “The service here is terrible. I think I’ll order a drink from the other end of the bar.” He gave James a pointed look. “You might want to order a cold glass of water, though. A big one.”

James gave him the one-finger salute, which Ethan returned as he pushed back from the bar and headed over to Maya, who greeted him with a flirtatious smile. Hmmm, I thought as Ethan returned the smile and put his phone in his back pocket. That’s interesting…

But my interest in the potential at the other end of the bar dissipated pretty quickly as I felt James’ finger drawing a circle in the middle of my palm. It was amazing how much a single digit turned me on. I couldn’t wait to get the rest of them all over me. My attention returned to him immediately and forgot not just Maya and Ethan, but the existence of everything else around me. There was nothing but James and his blue eyes and the way he was looking at me. The way a lion looked at a deer. Like something he wanted to devour. And this deer was more than ready to be eaten up. In all possible ways.

“When do you get off?” he murmured.

The second you touch me, I thought. “In an hour,” was what I managed to say.

He smiled and, reaching into his pocket, took out a room key and slid it across the bar, leaving it next to the gift. “I’ll be waiting,” he said, straightening. He gave the bag a tap. “You might want to bring this with you. I have a feeling we’ll both be thirsty tonight.”


check my phone again
, unaccustomed to this combination of anticipation and nervousness. At least when it came to women. This was how I usually felt before an important game – and I had been feeling it less and less lately – another sign that I needed a change in my life. I knew from experience that feeling this way usually ended in me playing better than I had played before. I could only imagine what it might result in when Nicole finally came through the door.

I grinned, remembering how she had melted under my touch. Even the simple brush of my fingers against her wrist had made her pupils dilate and my cock harden. She was like expensive whiskey and my entire body warmed thinking about how receptive she had been in the bar. She wanted to fuck all night? Oh baby, I was more than up for that. Several hard inches of me were
for that right now.

What had changed her mind? As much as I wanted to take credit, it was pretty obvious that she had come to a decision before I even entered the bar. It was probably best not to read into it too much. We were both going to get what we wanted and I was going to take advantage of the situation as long as I could.

I heard the buzz of the keycard in the door and took several long strides towards the door. The anticipation was killing me. Clearly Nicole felt the same way, since she stepped inside, her bag dropping to the floor as she moved to meet me.

Her lips were on mine before I could say a word, her hands fisted in my shirt. She tasted like whiskey and peppermint. My own hands twisted in her hair as I angled her mouth upwards, my tongue finding hers, the hot, wet tangle making my blood boil. We were both wearing too many clothes.

I fumbled with the buttons of her top, unwilling to stop kissing her. She took it one step further, grabbing the front of my shirt and giving it an aggressive tug. I heard buttons spray across the room and felt her smile against my lips. Then her hands were on my bare chest, splayed across my stomach. But as they slid downwards, towards my belt, I shifted my own hands, moving away from her half-undone shirt and curving down around her gorgeous ass. Her arms immediately wrapped eagerly around my neck as I hoisted her into my arms, aligning her perfectly with my rock hard cock.

“Ooo,” she moaned, tearing her lips from mine, her head falling back as I thrust against her. Beneath my hands, I could feel her hips roll forward, her body straining for mine. I placed my mouth against the hollow of her throat, tasting her there, like she was the salt lick before a tequila shot. I couldn’t help taking a bite, a gentle nip just beneath her ear. Her hips thrust forward and I smiled.

“You like that?” I bit again, a little harder this time and she responded in kind, her nails digging into my shoulders. “I love the way you taste,” I told her, my mouth hot against her ear.

“Tell me more,” she moaned.

My grin grew. It was the accent. Ladies loved it when I talked dirty with the accent.

“You want to know what I’m going to do to you?” I asked, nibbling across her jaw. “First I’m going to take you to the bed.” My hands had pulled her shirt from her pants, and were working their way down along the soft skin of her back and lower. “Where I’m going to take off all of your clothes.” She fit perfectly in my arms, the front of her body pressed sinfully against my bared chest. “I’m going to touch every inch of you. First with my hands,” I slid my fingers downward, finding the lacy line of her thong. “And then with my tongue.” I nipped at her earlobe. “And then, I’m going to fuck you,” I swept my tongue into her mouth, kissing her until we were both breathless. “I’m going to bury my cock inside you until you scream for release. And then I’m going to fuck you again.”

“Oh James,” Nicole moaned and my name had never sounded so good. She drew back her head and her eyes were fire. “Don’t tease.”

I grinned. “But baby.” I cupped her bare ass, pulling her even harder against me, my cock pressing against her sweet spot. Her eyes fluttered closed. “You like being teased.”

Grabbing my hair, she pulled my mouth back to hers, her tongue thrusting into my mouth, her kiss frantic with need. I was starting to feel a bit frantic myself and somehow I navigated us towards the bed. I wanted her naked and spread for me. And I wanted it now.

But when I laid her out on the bed, she grabbed the collar of my torn, button-less shirt and pulled me down on top of her. I didn’t resist, savoring the way her soft, supple curves felt against me. And for a moment, I lost myself in the sensation of her hips arching up against me and the press of her perfect tits against my chest.

But it wasn’t enough. I needed those clothes of hers gone. Now.

She let out a moan of frustration as I braced my arms on either side of her body and lifted myself from her, from the bed. Somehow, she had managed to get my belt unbuckled and pants unbuttoned. I didn’t have any qualms about getting rid of both, also tossing my ruined shirt onto the pile of clothes at the foot of the bed.

My ego – and other parts of me – swelled as Nicole’s eyes widened. Her hands reached for me, but I was more interested in finishing the work I had started with the buttons on her shirt. Grabbing her wrists, I locked my fingers around them, stretching them over her head, pinning them to the mattress. Then with my other hand, I made quick work of both her vest and her shirt. When the black fabric finally fell away, revealing the gorgeous round curves of her breasts, nipples alert and straining against the red lace bra, my heart damn near stopped.

“You like?” Nicole asked throatily, arching her chest up towards me, her tits fucking perfect.

I groaned and immediately lowered my mouth to taste them. I swirled my tongue over the lace, feeling the pearled tip of her nipple grow harder against my mouth. The sensation of lace and skin against my tongue was intoxicating and from the way Nicole moaned and undulated beneath my touch, I could tell it was just as intense for her. Unable to get enough, I moved to the other nipple, my free hand lifting and cupping the abandoned breast, my thumb strumming the pearled tip, damp from my ministrations.

And still, I wanted more. Sliding my hand down her tensed stomach, I found the button of her pants. With a flick of my finger, I undid the black slacks. I traced the line of her thong and I hooked a finger against the lace, revealing that it was the same red as the bra she wore.

“You look good in red,” I told her, her heavy lidded eyes watching me, her lips parted and panting. Then I slipped my hand lower, finding the fabric between her legs soaked. This time, however, I didn’t want anything between my touch and her body. I released her hands and made quick work of her trousers and thong, tossing them onto the pile of growing clothes. She shed her shirt, vest and bra, lying back against the bed, perfectly and gloriously naked.

I could have drank her like a good wine, the sight of her caused my cock to strain against my briefs even more then I thought humanly possible. Her body was a wonder, all smooth skin and dangerous curves. I was starting to think I’d never get enough of it.

My hand returned to her smooth stomach, my mouth to hers. Our tongues tangled as my hand reached downward, seeking and finding her ready for me. My finger teased the crux of her thighs before slipping inside. She moaned, her mouth torn from mine.

I found her ear, my tongue tracing the soft shell. “You’re so wet,” I murmured, another finger sliding inside of her. “So fucking wet.” My thumb found her clit and she arched off the bed, her hips thrusting my fingers even deeper. I stroked her, lowering my head to take a nipple into my mouth. I wanted to taste every inch of her, and she seemed more than eager to let me, her hands digging into the bed, her body undulating under my touch. My thumb pressed against her clit, my fingers riding the thrust of her hips, until I felt her body clench and a moan erupted from her mouth.

“Oh fuuuuuck,” she cried out as her orgasm hit, a shudder rushing over her body, a shudder I could feel deep inside her. Goddamn. If I hadn’t been hard as hell already, that sound would have done it.

I didn’t even wait for the aftershocks to pass before I moved down the bed and resettled myself between her knees. This time, it was my tongue that found her clit.

Her fingers fisted in my hair, her greedy hands pressing me against her as I eagerly lapped at her wetness, my mouth making a feast of her body. My tongue lavished attention on her clit, her arched back and breathless sighs, indicating her enthusiastic approval. I could have gone down on her all night, but it wasn’t long before another orgasm tore through her, my fingers clutching her hips as I licked and nibbled until she collapsed on the bed, her legs limp around my shoulders.

I didn’t even bother to hide my satisfied smile as I lifted my head. We were nowhere near done and the way Nicole was eying me, her expression a combination of bliss and desire, I knew there was no rest for the wicked.

“Come here,” she ordered, and I obeyed, settling my body on top of hers. Her pert nipples pressed against my bare chest, her legs already spread wide, hands guiding my hips between her own. She protested when she realized I was still wearing my briefs.

“Off,” she demanded, but I wasn’t quite ready.

“We can have a little fun first,” I insisted, pressing my cloth-covered cock against her wet, eager opening. I rocked the ridge of my desire against her and her eyes rolled upwards, my body stroking her still-sensitive clit. It felt amazing, but I realized very quickly that I was on the verge of losing control. And when that happened I needed to be deep inside of her. So this time, when I withdrew, it was to grab a condom.

Within seconds, I had ripped open the package and rolled the latex onto my eager cock. Then, I settled back between her welcoming thighs, my sensitive head nudging against her wetness. Nicole sighed, tilting her hips upwards, her body seeking mine. Pleasure coursed through me and I grit my teeth.

“I want you inside me,” Nicole’s voice was breathy and full of desire.

Unable to resist, I thrust forward, my cock sliding smoothly inside her.

“God almighty,” I choked out, buried balls deep. Had it been like this before? My entire body was on high alert, sensation rippling through me. But I held myself still, knowing that I had to be careful. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been this turned on.

Nicole spread her legs wider, and I slid deeper.

“Yesssss.” The sound was a hiss of pleasure from her lips as she hooked her ankles behind my back. “Fuck me,” she begged. “Fuck me now.”

I began to move, slowly easing out of her and sliding back in, inch by impressive inch. Had I ever been this hard? I wanted to feel everything, I wanted to savor the moment. But Nicole wasn’t interested in savoring anything. Her nails dug into my back.

“Harder,” she pleaded. “I want it hard and I want it fast.”

I had intended to take my time, but the words coming out of her mouth, and the feel of her around my cock had me ready to explode. I began to pick up speed, my hips thrusting to meet hers as she arched against me. She was panting, our bodies wet with sweat, my cock slamming in and out of her.

“Yes,” she cried. “Oh god, yes!”

My rhythm became frantic as I lost myself in the pleasure we were creating, the intensity of her moans, the sheer thrill of our bodies coming together. She was so close, I could feel it. I didn’t know if I could control myself, but then I remembered how much she liked it when I talked dirty. I knew I could make her finish before me.

I fisted my hands in her hair, tilting her head back. “Come on my cock,” I ordered.

And she did, screaming and shuddering, the ripples of her orgasm rocketing through her entire body. It set off my own climax, and gripping her hips, I thrust as deeply as I could inside her, Nicole’s cries of pleasure echoing in my ear as I came harder then I ever had in my entire life.

BOOK: Play Maker
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