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Authors: Katie McCoy

Play Maker (4 page)

BOOK: Play Maker
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t wasn’t
until we got into the elevator that I realized I didn’t know her name.

“This might seem a little belated, but,” I held out my hand, “I’m James.”

She smiled. Fuck, she had a great smile. It seemed to light up her whole face.

“Nicole.” She gave me a firm shake. Her hand was small and smooth in mine. I didn’t want to let go. In fact I wanted to take her right then and there. Against the wall of the hotel elevator. Just lift her up, wrapping her legs around my waist, my hands under that round, gorgeous ass and—

The elevator dinged and the doors opened on my floor. I was still holding her hand. Clearing my throat, I gestured towards the left, where my suite was. As we walked, I placed my hand on the small of her back and it felt right, like it belonged there.

“I hope my teammates didn’t give you too much trouble tonight,” I said, thinking of how confident she had seemed behind the bar all night. “They can get a bit rowdy.”

“They were no trouble at all,” she told me. “I love working parties like that.”


“Absolutely.” Her eyes seemed to sparkle. “There’s nothing better than helping a group of people have fun.”

“That talent of yours definitely comes in handy, then.”

“It certainly does,” Nicole told me. “And people love talking to bartenders. I get all the juicy gossip and best stories. And advice.” She gave me a playful wink. “You wouldn’t believe what people say about professional

I placed a hand on my chest as if I had been wounded. “Soccer players? Look, just because you Americans decided to call something ‘football’ doesn’t mean the rest of the world is going to do the same.”

Nicole laughed. “And so they were right.”

“Right about what?”

“That the easiest way to get a football player riled up is to call him a soccer player,” she teased as we reached my hotel room.

“Trust me,” I leaned in and whispered in her ear. “That’s the not the easiest way to get this footballer riled up.”

She laughed. “What position do you play?” she asked.

“Forward,” I told her.

“That’s for damn sure,” she winked.

I reached around her, and unlocked the door.

When we entered the suite, I expected the usual reaction women had when I brought them up to the kind of hotel rooms I tended to be booked in. I expected the same wide-eyed, slack jawed astonishment that I had probably given the first time I had entered one of these rooms. But Nicole didn’t even seem to notice the room. Nope, she was still smiling up at me.

It was a smile that had a touch of wickedness to it. That lift of her eyebrow, that quirk of a dimple in her cheek. I had to bite back a groan. I was ready to fall headfirst into the glory that was this woman.

But I wasn’t about to rush it. As far as I was concerned, we had all night and if we could catch our breath, all morning as well. Besides, I had asked her up here for a drink, hadn’t I? And in my experience most women preferred a drink to help them relax, to get them in the mood. Though Nicole didn’t look like she needed any help in that area. I had never met a woman so comfortable and confident in her own skin. It was unbelievably sexy.

“My bar is nothing like yours,” I gestured toward the still decently stocked mini bar. “But can I get you anything?”

“Sure,” she said, not really answering the question. “Do you mind if I use your bathroom?” She lifted a hand to her hair. “I’m a little beer-stained, if you know what I mean.”

I gestured towards the enormous bathroom, and as Nicole passed me, she placed a hand on my chest. I felt the heat of her palm throughout my entire body. It burned and it burned good. It felt like I had been waiting for this moment for years, instead of only a few hours.

“I won’t be long,” she murmured, her voice throaty and full of promise.

Fuck yeah. The click of the door closing pulled me out of my temporary haze. I shook my head roughly, trying to clear my head, but this woman was a heady drug. One I was happy to indulge in. I headed towards the bar to pour myself a glass of whiskey, when I remembered that Nicole hadn’t told me what she wanted.

“I never got your drink order,” I called out, hoping she could hear me in the bathroom.

“Surprise me.” Her voice was muffled through the wall.

Considering how well she had proven at guessing my drink of choice earlier, I sensed this was a bit of a test. A playful one, but one I planned on winning regardless. After all, I liked to win. And I usually did.

I scanned my selection of booze. Nicole had taken the whiskey I offered her at the bar, but I didn’t think that was her favorite drink. Though she seemed like a girl who would have no qualms doing tequila shots, I didn’t think they would be her first choice either. Probably not gin, considering how many martinis she had been making that evening. And vodka was far too ordinary for someone like her. No, she struck me as the kind of woman that liked to savor her drinks. And hopefully her men. Then I spotted the perfect choice.

I was pouring a glass when I heard the bathroom door open. A drink in each hand, I turned, speaking before I saw her.

“I hope you like—”

The words died on my tongue as I took in the sight of her. Her blonde hair had been released from its bun and tumbled down her shoulders in loose waves. Gone was the vest. And the pants. Nicole stood in front of me in nothing but her black shirt, which barely covered her incredible ass, the buttons undone to her navel. All I could see was creamy pale skin against dark satin. My brain completely short-circuited.

She stepped forward, her bare feet sinking into the carpet, and took the glass from my extended hand. Sloshing the amber liquid around, she sniffed it first and then took a small sip. Her eyes closed as she let out a moan of pleasure. I nearly dropped my own glass at the sound.

“Cognac.” Her red lips curved up into that wicked smile. “How did you know?”

“I guessed,” I croaked, my voice clearly in as much shock as the rest of me.

“Mmmm,” she took another sip, running her tongue over the lip of the glass. At that moment, I would have given my left foot to be that glass. “Good guess.”

Nicole wandered over to the enormous windows at the other end of the suite, giving me a great look at her barely covered ass. I couldn’t tell, but I was pretty sure there was a thong under there. I clenched my fist, not sure how I was standing there, not touching her. Then again, once I touched her, once I kissed her, there was going to be no stopping me and it would be ungentlemanly of me to not let her finish her drink. And I prided myself on being a gentleman. At least once in a while.

“Great view,” Nicole said, looking out at the twinkling lights of downtown Los Angeles, one hand on the curtain. I had never thought much of the city, but with her as part of the scenery, I could definitely get used to this place.

“Amazing view,” I readily agreed, though my tone made it clear I was talking about much more than the city. “Fucking gorgeous.”

She looked back over her shoulder, hair falling over one eye. She looked like the pin-up of my dreams.

“I hope you don’t mind.” She yanked the curtains that extended across the large window, pulling them closed. She turned back to me. “I don’t like an audience when I’m fucking.”

My blood went red hot and I was pretty sure my cock was going to explode through my jeans if I didn’t touch her soon. Luckily, I didn’t have to worry about that as she placed her drink on the table and came towards me. I quickly put my own glass down.

“I don’t think I’m thirsty anymore.” Nicole slid her fingers up my chest, fisting my shirt in her hands. I felt myself shudder, my entire body wound tighter than it had ever been, desire coursing through me.

“Oh no?” I smoothed my hands around her hips and down over her amazing curves.

“No,” she whispered, her head tilting up towards mine, one hand curling up behind my neck. “At least, not for what’s in your bar.”

And with that, she pulled my lips down to hers.


kissed James hard
, every molecule in my body crying out for his touch. Immediately he matched my passion, kiss for kiss. I was dizzy with desire. He kissed like a man who knew what he wanted. And what he wanted was me. His tongue was hot in my mouth, tangling against mine, needy and greedy and perfect. My whole body felt this kiss, sensations flooding me, my skin tingling. My entire core was hot, my clit throbbing, desperate for his touch.

His mouth was demanding, unrelenting, and I returned the favor, thrusting my tongue against his, my fingers fisted in his hair. His own fingers were gripping my ass with such intensity that I wouldn’t have been surprised if he left his fingerprints. I didn’t mind. I couldn’t get enough of him.

And I knew he felt the same, not just from the way he was kissing me, but from the hard ridge of his cock throbbing against my belly. I leaned forward, pressing my full body against his, needing that thick length inside of me. The sooner, the better.

I felt James groan into my mouth, and the sensation made my toes curl, the carpet thick beneath my bare feet. We were wearing too many clothes, the both of us.

I broke apart and went for his shirt. He was breathing heavily, his gorgeous blue eyes dilated. Pushing my hands away, he reached back and grabbed the collar of his shirt, removing it swiftly and efficiently.

“Holy. Shit.” I couldn’t help exclaiming. He laughed, but I was spellbound. I had seen a lot of half-naked (and fully naked) men, but I had never seen one with a chest as gorgeous as his. It was rock hard, every single muscle perfectly chiseled as if he was a statue. The tattoos on his arms, all variety of shapes and symbols extended across his chest. If only I had time to examine them all. And then there was the dusting of hair, spreading across his chest and traveling down his belly and disappearing into his low-slung jeans. Unable to help myself, I grabbed for his belt.

But this time, when James pulled my hands away, he didn’t let go to finish what I had started.

“Darling, there’s no rush,” he said, his accent making every thing he said even more sexy. God, I hoped he liked to talk dirty. “We can go nice and slow.”

I pressed my hips against his, undulating against his still-clothed cock. I didn’t have time for slow. I had already squandered enough time in the bathroom and by the window. For the first time ever, I felt the impulse to ignore my curfew. But I couldn’t. No matter how badly I wanted to savor this evening. “But what if I want it hard and fast?”

James groaned again and this time when I reached for his belt, he didn’t stop me. In no time, his jeans and briefs were in a pile on the floor and he was naked and I was speechless.

He stood there, letting me take in the gift to womankind that was his body. Fuck. If I had thought his chest was amazing, then the rest of him defied description. Every inch of him –
inch – was rock hard. And all mine. At least for tonight.

I thanked every god I knew of for this moment and then, breaking my own rule to never go down on a guy first, dropped to my knees in front of him, ready to take those perfect extra inches into my mouth.

But James stopped me, his hands on my shoulders, pulling me back up to my feet.

“You first,” he ordered, his fingers making quick work of my barely buttoned black shirt. My nipples were already rock hard when the satin slipped to the floor, leaving me in just my black lace thong.

“Bloody gorgeous,” he muttered, as he smoothed his hands down my shoulders, to my arms. I squirmed under his gentle touch, wanting to feel him against me. Inside me. If he noticed my impatience, he ignored it, continuing his exploration, his eyes taking me in. His fingers traced the waistband of my thong, a chuckle leaving his throat as he reached the two condoms I had tucked there.

“Only two?” James asked, quirking an eyebrow at me.

Before I could respond, he had captured my mouth again, his tongue twisting with mine as his fingers made quick work of the thong. It, along with the condoms, fluttered to the floor. I tried to grab for them, but he took my hands and placed them against his chest. His muscles flexed underneath my hands.

“Like I said,” he muttered against my lips, “I’m in no rush.”

James kissed me hard, my hands pulling his perfect body closer, his cock hot and heavy against my stomach, his fingers smoothing down my hip, around to my belly and then down, down, until…

I gasped against his mouth as his fingers slid into my wetness, finding my clit immediately. He stroked me there, the heat of his hand burning me from the inside. He knew exactly what he was doing, his thumb rubbing against my clit while his long fingers thrust inside me. I moaned, my head falling back, giving his mouth access to my neck, where he kissed a trail first to my collarbone before dipping his head and taking one of my nipples into his mouth.

My body exploded with the dual sensations. The hot wet tug of his mouth against my nipple and the smooth, unrelenting strokes of his fingers. A cry of pleasure burst from my throat as my body tensed in that all too familiar way.

“Don’t stop,” I managed and he didn’t, his fingers moving faster and faster, his tongue sweeping across to the other nipple and when he drew it into his mouth, his teeth scraping just perfectly against my eager flesh, I came, screaming and shuddering in his arms.

My legs were jello, and I didn’t object when he swept me into his arms and carried me to an enormous plush chair next to the bed. I didn’t understand at first, but then he settled me into the deep cushions of the chair, draping my legs over the arms, my body open and more than ready for him.

Then James left me there, turning back to our pile of clothes on the carpet. I was still feeling the aftershocks of my orgasm, so I was perfectly content to lounge there and enjoy the view. And what a view it was. I admired his muscular back and tight ass as he stooped down to grab the condoms from the floor. But instead of coming right back, he took a detour, grabbing my glass of cognac from the bar.

As he approached, my entire body went hot with delicious anticipation. I was ready for him. Ready for him to sheath his gorgeous cock in latex and thrust deep inside me. But instead, he knelt down in front of me and gave me a wicked smile. Then he lifted the glass of cognac.

“Bottoms up,” he winked and took a drink. “Mmmm,” he closed his eyes and I could imagine the liquid warming his throat. “Now,” he dipped a finger into the cognac. “I wonder…” he leaned forward, wetting my lips with the expensive liquor.

Before he could withdraw, I opened my mouth, taking his finger inside. I licked the length of it, my eyes fixed on his. If he wanted foreplay, I’d give him foreplay. Heat flickered in his eyes, his gaze never wavering as I swirled my tongue around the tip.

Slowly he withdrew his hand and I licked the remaining cognac off my lips.

“Tastes good,” I murmured.

“Yes,” his voice was tight with desire, but the condom remained on the floor next to him. Instead, he dipped his finger in the glass again. I parted my lips, but he shook his head, that mischievous smile returning.

I gasped as he drew the wet finger along the inside of my thigh, starting at the knee and moving up. His mouth followed the trail of liquid, hot and eager and then just as he reached my center he stopped and moved to the other leg, doing the same thing, my entire body arching up towards his tongue, needing to feel it against the part of me that burned for him.

Finally, there it was, the sweep of his tongue, hot and wet against my clit. I moaned, my hips rolling towards him. He clutched my ass in his hands and raised his head.

“Tastes good.” James licked his lips.

And then, with his fingers holding my hips in place, he lowered his mouth to me and thrust that magnificent tongue deep inside me.

“Ooooh.” My head fell back as he worshipped me. His lips, his tongue, his teeth, all dedicated to my pleasure. My hands reached down, tangling in his hair as I held on for dear life as he brought me back to the brink of orgasm. Then, just as I was trembling on the precipice, my entire body straining for relief, with his mouth still on my clit, he slid a finger inside me.

I shattered, a jolt of pleasure shooting through my entire body. I came, my moan echoing through the room, stars bursting behind my eyelids. When I finally returned to earth, he was there, a satisfied grin on his face.

And even though I had just had my second orgasm of the night, my body still ached for him. I slid from the chair, grabbing the condom from the ground. Standing, I took his shoulders and directed him to sit. He did, our positions now reversed. He was exactly where I wanted him.

The cognac was still on the floor. I raised the glass to him and took a sip. Then I did as he had, dipping my finger in the liquid. He raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. I kept my gaze on his as I knelt in front of him, taking that finger and drawing a line up the side of his cock. A line that I then traced with my tongue. His head fell back, a groan rippling through him. Payback was a bitch, I smiled to myself as I took his hard length into my mouth as deep as it would go.

Now it was time for his hands to tangle in my hair as my lips rode his cock, loving the way the ridges of his desire felt against my tongue. Then his fingers stiffened and I heard him choke out a single word.

“Stop,” he managed and I did, looking up at him.

His eyes glittered with desire. “I want to be inside you,” he growled, sitting up.

But before he could stand, I had my hand on his chest.

“Allow me,” I reached for the condom and ripped it open. Carefully I smoothed it down on his length. Then, placing my knees on either side of his hips, I lowered myself onto him. He slid inside me like we were made for each other.

“Fu-uck,” James groaned, his fingers digging into my hips. “You’re so wet.”

Slowly I began to ride him, my hips rolling forward, lifting myself up before his hands plunged his cock back inside me, each time going deeper.

“Oh my god,” I moaned, pleasure already beginning to build. His hands moved up to my breasts, lifting and teasing them, his thumbs circling my rock hard nipples. Then he lowered his mouth to one, using his tongue and teeth to make me shudder. I rode him faster and harder, feeling my orgasm gather inside me. One of his hands slid downwards, his thumb finding my clit. I undulated against him, his cock so deep inside me, my entire body filled with nothing but the sensation of his body against mine.

When I came this time, I collapsed against his chest, our bodies slick and hot. Through the haze of release, I sensed his own tension, his entire body held perfectly still as he waited for my shudders to stop. When they did, he wrapped his arms around my waist and with a single fluid movement, stood. He was still buried deep inside me and I locked my legs behind his back, somehow pulling him even deeper. He froze.

“Careful,” James warned, clearly on the edge of his own release, but I didn’t care. I wanted to feel him come.

Somehow he got us to the bed, and the moment my back hit the luxurious mattress, I grabbed his hips.

“Fuck me,” I ordered. “Hard.”

He grinned down at me, a lock of hair falling across his damp forehead.

“Whatever the lady wants.”

And with that, he braced his arms beside me. Lifting his hips, he pulled away, but before I could object, he thrust inside of me again. And again. And again. I moaned, feeling every glorious inch of him. My feet were planted on the mattress, my hips wide, wanting him deeper and deeper. I couldn’t get enough, my hands gripping his hips, his back, his ass. Every part of him was more beautiful than the next and I was greedy in my desire for him.

“You feel so good,” James’ breath was hot against my ear. “I could fuck you all night.”

But I could tell he was close. And I was too.

“I’m going to come,” I moaned, feeling my fourth orgasm building inside me.

“Fuck,” he groaned, his thrusting coming faster and faster. The bed shuddered with the intensity of his desire, as I grabbed fistfuls of bedding, sweat gathering at my temples. His own hands had pulled my legs up and around his waist. Each thrust hit my clit, and the pleasure was almost too much, too intense. I felt as if I might burst into pieces.

Suddenly James stiffened above me. With a roar, he threw his head back and thrust one last time, setting off his orgasm and mine. I cried out, pleasure rippling through my body as he collapsed against me, our limbs tangled together in the glorious aftermath of some truly incredible sex.

BOOK: Play Maker
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