Player: A Secret Baby Sports Romance (69 page)

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helsea frowns into the phone
, chewing on her lip as some asshole on the other end of the line screams at her. It's probably that dickhead Koufax she's been talking to, the guy that keeps jerking us around; telling us to lie low, then jump the country, and who even knows what next.

“Yes- yes sir, of course.”

, I can't even imagine using words of respect and power like “sir” with fuckwits like Koufax. I guess this might be a pretty sure sign of what they like to call my “problem with authority”, but it's also one of the reasons I guess I've never had a “real” job. I can stomach a lot of bullshit, and I can and have gone up against some seriously hard-as-nails motherfuckers. Shit, I've even been in the military. But saying “yes sir” and “no sir” to some asshole you can't even try to respect? No fucking way.

Chelsea's eyes are blazing with all the stuff I'm sure she
to say to this prick, but she bites her tongue, figuratively, and chews her lips quite literally in this adorable way that gets me smiling and my cock twitching.

Ok, she's also sitting in bed next to me without a single piece of clothing on. I also can't keep my eyes off those perfect fucking tits just
me to play with them, phone-call to the C.I.A. or not.

I slide closer to her, running one hand up her spine and making her shiver as she whips around to grin at me silently as she nods at something that asshole on the phone is saying. But then my hands slide further around, until my fingers trace over the side of her breast, teasing the skin there until I move them to her rosy nipple. Chelsea’s eyes snap back to mine and she quickly shakes her head “no”.

I just nod a yes in response.

“Wha- oh, yes of course sir.”

I run my hands down to her hips flipping her onto her side and pulling her ass back towards me in one motion.

“What are you doing?!”
She hisses, covering the phone with her hand;
“Javier, let me talk on the-”

She gasps as my fingers slip between her legs and find her wet and ready for me, and when I push a finger deep inside of her, she bites her hand hard before turning her broken attention back to the phone.

I use my other hand to continue to coax and pull her hips back, until somehow I've got her face down on the bed with her perfect apple ass up in the air right in front of me.

It’s the best view in the fucking world, and it’s exactly where I want her.

I tease the flushed skin of her ass with my fingertips, and she chokes back a whimper as she nods at something on the phone. I'm leaning down then and using my hands to spread her wide open for me, and I groan as my cock throbs at the sight of her like that.

She gasps again as my tongue slips into her folds, teasing her and tasting her sweet honey as I push it deep inside of her. I'm using one hand to pull her by the ass back against my tongue while the other slips beneath to rub my thumb across her clit in slow, teasing circles.

“Are you fucking crazy?”
She hisses, trying to look back at me while she covers the phone;
“Get your tongue away from me!”

“Get your pussy away from my tongue then, princess,” I growl, before dragging my tongue across her clit and making her shudder against me.

I want to make her come like this; I want to make her explode on my tongue as she does everything in her power not to let the douche on the phone know she's orgasming at the hands of the very man she's supposed to be arresting. But my cock is almost painfully hard, and right then, I want to bury every single inch of it into this perfect girl lying ass up in front of me like some sort of perfect offering.

She hangs the phone up and arches her ass back towards me as I start to tear open a condom and line my cock up with her opening.

“Wait.” Her cheeks are bright red as she bites at her bottom lip, her eyes full of heat as she looks at me; “No, never mind.” She says, her cheeks glowing darker as her eyes scan over my face.

Ok, now I’m curious.

I ease the head of my cock between her lips, making her moan softly; “Spit it out, princess,” I growl, teasing her clit with my head.

“I want you to be bad,” She says quietly, her eyes darting across my face as her cheeks flame with red; “And I want to be bad for you.”

“You have my full and undivided attention.” I say thickly, aching to burying every inch in her molten center, but dying to hear what she’s trying to say.

“Tie me up again; like last time.” Her voice is tight, her face flush with desire; “Tie me up, tie me down, and make me yours.” Her voice is barely above a whisper, but it
has my cock harder than it’s

Chelsea yelps as I grab her wrists and pull them behind her back. I can feel her breath catching quicker and faster as I snatch up her panties from where we’ve previously discarded them amongst the sheets, and start to wrap them around her wrists, pulling them together and knotting them.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.”

She’s moaning out words and I’m still barely even touching her. I grab the belt from my shorts and start to loop it around her ankles, pulling it tight as she moans into the sheets until I cinch it tightly and sit back to admire my handwork; it’s one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.

My blood is pumping like fire as I move back behind her, holding her by her tied and trussed wrists as I ease my cock against her dripping wet pussy. She whimpers as I start to push in, and I’m choking out a gasp at how
tight she is as I slowly slide every inch of myself into her.

“So good!”
She moans out, unable to move and impaled on my shaft.

Jesus Christ this girl is fucking perfect.

She writhes and undulates beneath me as much as she can as I start to fuck her like that; perfect, prim Chelsea Archer tied up and at my mercy and whimpering for my cock. The pure rush of it sends a charge through my whole being, and I start to rock in and out of her faster and faster. My muscled hips pummel and slap against the sweet curve of her ass, and her moaning cries of pleasure are like a symphony in my ear as she melts under my touch.

“Faster! Oh fuck yes!”
She cries out, arching back into me as much as she can as her body begins to tremble. Her cheek is against the sheets, her eyes squeezed shut and her mouth parted as her breath pants through her perfect lips. I grab her hips tightly in my hands as I thrust into her hard and deep, moving my hips faster and faster in time with her angelic cries. She’s so impossibly tight with her legs strapped together like that, and I’m gritting my teeth as I slide my cock in and out of her faster and faster, down to the very base on every thrust.

“Fuck me harder! Oh GOD yes!”

And when she comes, it’s like a bomb going off as she absolutely
around me. The shockwaves of her orgasm rock through me as she clamps down tight around my cock, and I roar out her name as I erupt inside of her.

* * *

he’s curled
in my arms later, nestled tight against me as we lie on the bed and look out the open balcony doors at the ocean.


We’ve been talking about whatever; about life, and funny stories from her childhood and my smuggling days, but she’s gone suddenly quiet halfway through talking about the time she sprained her wrist as a kid.

I lift my head off the pillow and look to find her eyes closed and the quiet sound of her breathing the only response to my question. I grin to myself as I lean down to kiss her eyelids before settling back and looking up at the ceiling.

God what the
is happening to me with this girl? I’m
kissing eyelids
, and telling stories about childhood; I’m fucking
. I’m fairly positive I’ve never cuddled in my whole damn life. Part of me is freaking out, and wondering when the other shoe is going to drop, but I quickly shove that negative asshole part of my inner voice out of my head.

Because call it whatever you want; maybe it’s some sort of Stockholm Syndrome thing where I’m actually falling for my captor, or maybe I’m just out of practice of being on the run.

But no, fuck that. It doesn’t matter what the
is, because the only thing that matters right then is this angel safe in my arms.

And I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure she stays just like that; safe, and in my arms.


'm toying
with the last of my late breakfast, pushing the eggs and fruit around my plate as I let my mind wander to what might happen in the next twenty-four hours.

Because in twenty-four hours, this whole thing - whatever this
may be - officially has an expiration date.

Koufax's words echo emptily around my head; “
Keep him in place and stay where you are. I'll be down by tomorrow with a team for extraction.” He chuckles quietly, almost to himself; “You've done a hell of a job, Agent; a hell of a job. Just stay where you are.”

Except staying where I am is pretty hard when I've already been hurling so fast from where I
a few days ago. At this point, I don't even know if I could stop if I wanted to. And quite suddenly, I don't
this to end. Whatever this thing is between Javier and I - the criminal and the cop like some sort of cliche from a movie - I want to see where it goes and what happens next.

I don’t want it to end in less than a day.

You could run

. Besides the ramifications of losing my job and probably going to federal prison, I couldn't
talk to my sisters about this. I owe them that, even if they're going to hate me for it. I'm not even sure how I'd
to tell them that I'm falling-
- that I'm...
tangled up in confusing ways
with the one man on Earth I should hate the most. How do I tell them that the devil that almost destroyed our family has somehow saved me in more ways than I can count?

Javier clears his throat, startling me from my thoughts; “Daydreaming?”

“Something like that,” I smile, sipping the lukewarm coffee in my cup.

“You know, you can just say the word, princess, and I'll drag you upstairs and tie you back up again if you don't think you've gotten enough.”

He winks at me, the dimples of his grin curving up and making me warm in all sorts of places beside the blush on my face.

Uh, yes please.

I'm about to open my mouth and tell him to throw me over his shoulder, take me upstairs, and fuck me like he just did before; where I could barely remember my own name afterwards. But he stands from his chair before I can say a word.

“Let’s go for a drive. I want to show you something.” I'm frowning at him quizzically, but he grabs me by the hand and leads me out of the hotel garden, through the lobby, and out to the battered pickup from yesterday.

The one I assumed is his. Or maybe stolen. I realize I don't know anymore and I that I also don't really care, because I'm too busy caring about - well - something else. I'm tied up and twisted around with this man who is the single last person I need to have any of these feeling for. This whirlwind of whatever this is has me looking at things differently; has me seeing

Yikes, three days in paradise and I’m falling for a criminal. What is fucking wrong with me?

* * *

e leave
the bigger town around the hotel and the beach scene behind as we drive up the coast and into the trees. Javier hasn't said a word since we left the hotel, but I'm too preoccupied with staring out the window at the villages, the towns, the fields, and the incredible vistas that pass by as he he switches us off paved roads to less paved ones to a deeply rutted dirt one.

Thirty bumpy minutes later, we pull into the main square of a village that time and people seems to have forgotten. Javier shuts off the engine and jerks open the creaky, rusted door of the truck, stepping out on the hot-baked earthen ground of the village square. I climb out, standing there in the deserted town, silent but for the wind rustling through the empty windows and the ocean waves in the distance. The whole place is empty, but it's almost beautiful in it’s silence and it's emptiness.

“Where-” I look around, finally turning back to meet Javier's eyes; “Where are we?”

“We're home,” He says quietly, a sad smile on his face as he looks across the crumbling town, the houses with the caved-in roofs and the forest slowly reclaiming them, and the sprigs of weeds growing through the stone of the square; “

My eyes go wide as I stare at him.

“I grew up here, a long
lifetime ago. My mother, she- well, she couldn’t take care of my anymore, back in Spain. So I came here to my
house; my dad’s parents.”

I guess whatever “this” is, it's intimate enough that he's taken me here.

It's intimate enough that I'm so glad he did.

He turns and smiles at me, before stepping around the truck and taking my hand; “Want the grand tour?” he says with a wink.


* * *

e finally make
our way to the old, steepled Spanish-style church perched on the edge of a cliff at the far end of the main square; its crumbling glory looking out over the rocking waves of the ocean.

“What happened here?”

He shrugs; “Governments change, people change; people move on.” He nods somberly as we stand on the church steps, looking out over the ancient ruins of his youth; “I moved on long before the rest of them did, but you sort of always think someone will be there with the lights on when you come back someday.”

“Why'd you show me this?”

He chuckles; “I thought you needed a change of scenery from just the ceiling above the bed back at the hotel.”

I stick my tongue out at him and punch him playfully in the arm; “Dick.”

“Oh, tired of that already?”

Uh, no

All this charm and this sarcasm is just a covering though; I know that. I can see that it's the armor he wears to protect himself, to always stay aloof and one step ahead of whatever fate he thinks he's shackled to, or whatever demons from his past are still chasing him.

“You know, you can drop it around me.”

He arches a brow at me; “What?”

“The whole bad-boy thing.”

He grins as he grabs my hand and brings it to the front of his pants, making me grin as I feel him; “You think I'm a little boy, princess?”

I blush and roll my eyes; “Hardly. C’mon, you know what I mean.”

“I know what you mean.” He says quietly, dropping the cockiness as he moves closer to me, kissing my cheek and making me close my eyes and lean into him.

“What are we doing?” I whisper quietly into his ear as his lips move to my neck and nibble at the skin there.

“I have no idea, beautiful, but I don't care.” He husks back, kissing my ear.

“Well- I mean what happens next?”

He pulls back and shrugs as he meets my eye; “Why worry about it when we have right now?”

“Because you need to think about the future, Jav-”

He silences me with a soft, perfect kiss on my lips, and I melt.

“Sometimes it's best just to live in the now, Chelsea,” He says gently as he pulls back from my lips; “And the now, here with you, is the only place I ever want to exist.”

* * *

, we sit on the crumbling altar steps inside the church, watching the sun set over the ocean through the missing back wall of the building. With how nature is slowly reclaiming the place, it's almost like being in a cave, with the moss creeping up the sides and the tropical birds quietly chirping in the rafters.

We're sipping on rioja and munching on the cheese and crackers that Javier surprised me with as I let myself lean back into him.

“You know I talked to Koufax yesterday.” I almost want to swallow the words back up the second they leave my lips. Somehow it seems even worse saying them here in this perfect setting, even if they are inevitable.

“I know, and I figured the clock was ticking.”

“I don’t want it to.”

“Death and taxes, princess,” He chuckles behind me, “The only two certainties in this life.”

“There are others, you know,” I say quietly, slipping my fingers into his; “Certainties, that is.”

Javier growls and rolls me over on top of him, my legs around his waist and his hands on my hips; “Oh, I can definitely think of some other certainties, beautiful.” He leans up to gently bite my earlobe, making me groan against him; “Certainties, like me making you come like you’ve never come before.”

He starts to slip his fingers into the waist of my shorts, and my eyes go wide as I stare down at him; “What,
” I say, biting my lip and darting my eyes around the space where we are. I’m hardly the most religious person in the world, but it seems like
somehow, to do that here.

Javier laughs; “What, never had sex in a church before?”

” I say, blushing before I look at him; “Wait, have

Javier makes an exaggerated face like he really has to think about it, and I punch him in the arm before he starts laughing and leans up to kiss my pouting face; “I’m kidding, Chelsea. No, I’ve never done that.” His fingers grip my skin harder, and I can feel his cock pressing hot and hard against me through far too many layers of clothes; “Too much?” He says, nodding at the church around us.

I shake my head, trying not to moan as he grinds his hardness into my mound.

“Good,” He growls, fire sparking in his dark eyes as he starts to push my shorts off  the curve of my ass; “Because I’m going to make you see
, princess.”

He rolls us over as he pulls my shorts off my legs and runs his fingers over the damp gusset of my panties. He’s pushing my tank top up over my body, his lips hungrily moving to my sensitive nipples as they’re freed to the air. I gasp as his tongue flicks across one and then the other, sending bolts of electric desire buzzing through me as his fingers begin to move in circles around my pussy through my panties.

His mouth trails down my body, biting and licking and dragging his tongue down my skin until he gets to the waist of my panties. He growls like an animal as he strips them off of me, and I gasp as his tongue finds me dripping wet and ready for him. He’s slow and teasing with his mouth, despite the fierce look in his eyes, and he’s got me riding that wave higher and higher as he slowly guides me towards my release with his tongue working magic across my clit. When I come, it’s his name I’m crying out, raking my nails across his scalp and shoulders as he licks me all the way through my orgasm.

“Get up here,” I gasp, dragging him up my body and mashing my lips against his. I’ve never tasted myself before, but I find my body reacting with even deeper arousal and need for him as I taste my sweetness across his lips.

I’m spreading my legs wide for him as he yanks his shirt and shorts off, revealing that chiseled, hardened body that has me question my very sanity. Because whatever happens next - whatever happens later - we’ve got right here and right now. And as crazy as it sounds, and
, I just want to exist right here with this man that has me looking at the world in entirely different ways.

He reaches for the pocket of his shorts, but I grab his wrist; “Wait, no.” He turns, a questioning look on his face; “Leave it,” I say quietly.

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