Playing His Game (The Reynolds Brothers) (13 page)

BOOK: Playing His Game (The Reynolds Brothers)
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Me: And what if
I don't want to see you tonight?


Scott: I have a
way to convince you that it's a good choice. Just be there to let me in.


Me: Okay <3


I don't know why I
added the heart at the end of that last text. Scott's made it clear over the
last several months that what we have is just physical, so a heart gives the
wrong impression, but what I feel for him is more than physical. Or maybe it
isn't. Seeing Scott in person again is just messing with my head. I've got to
get my feelings under control and soon. I'm strong; I always have been so I
should be able to defeat these feelings that have started to stir for Scott




I'm giggling
hysterically on the full size bed in the guest room Autumn set me up in, second
door on the left. Apparently, she is hiding all of the Christmas gifts in the
first bedroom on the left so it was off limits. I tried texting Scott to let
him know, but as I found out just a second ago, he accidentally left his phone
back in his car.

"This is all
your fault," he hisses, as I fail at trying to stop my laughter. It's just
too funny. He was stuck outside waiting for me to open the window when the sprinkler
system turned on, exactly at eleven pm. It took another ten minutes for me to
open the window and look outside to see where he could possibly be. When I saw
him standing under the other window, drenched with his clothes sticking to his
body, I couldn’t control the laughter that erupted out of my mouth.

"How is this
my fault," I say a little more calmly, only letting a small giggle out.

"I said the
first room on the left. Not the second."

"And if you
would have been responsible and brought your phone with you, you would have
seen my text saying that I was in the second bedroom instead." My laughter
increases as I watch the water drops drip down his face from his damp hair.

"Oh, you
think this is funny?" Scott asks but before I can reply he is lunging across
the bed for me. I fall down on my back and he stretches out on top of me,
getting my clothing and the comforter wet in the process.

"Not so funny
now, huh?" He shifts slightly, lining his hips up with mine and my
laughter subsides. I look up at him as the mood shifts in the room. His hard,
wet chest feels good against my breasts, causing them to swell with desire. He
must feel it too, because I can feel his large, thick friend rising up to play
with me.

"Now let's
see how quiet you can be while I make you come. We wouldn't want to wake up
your parents."




Scott's breathing
finally slows and I know he's asleep. Moving his arm from my shoulder, I slide
out from under him and slowly get off the bed. It's sometime in the early
morning hours. Scott and I made it through four rounds of passionate, wild sex
where Scott was forced to cover my mouth the entire time. I may have left
permanent bite marks.

I can honestly say
I'm spent. Scott's an animal in bed. He's sexually compatible with me in every
way and by far the best lover I've ever been with. I know when I wake up in the
morning I'm going to be sore in areas I didn’t even know existed.

It's easy for me
to find clothes to wear because I purposely put my suitcase in a visible area
so I could grab my pajamas in the dark. It's the one rule Autumn has at her house.
I'm not allowed to sleep in the nude.

Once I'm dressed I
slip out of the guest bedroom and move down the hallway. Jared and Autumn's new
place is much easier to find things in. It's one level so all six bedrooms are
on one floor and I know for a fact that the guest bedroom next to the office is

I tip toe down the
hallway so that I don't wake anyone up, especially my father. He's a light
sleeper. Once I'm in the guest bedroom by the office I shut the door and plop
down on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed. This is the smallest bedroom in the
house and Autumn wanted it to be designed for children, just in case any guests
that stay with them have little ones. She had it designed to look like you're
outdoors and the bedding is a winter green.

This may be cute
for children, but it's freaking me out in the dark.

I get back up and
move over to the door, searching the walls for a light switch. When I find it I
flick the lights on.

Much better. I may
be able to sleep tonight.

I lay back down on
the bottom bunk, not bothering to get under the bedding. I'm too physically
exhausted and every time I move I'm reminded of that, and reminded that Scott
is the reason my muscles hurt in the most delicious way. Closing my eyes, I
can't help but think about his hard chest, chiseled arms, the way his lips feel
against my skin, the way he holds me tightly after we've come, as if to make
sure I'm okay. His hard cock and the way he loves to stroke the head across my
clit several times, making me go crazy until he finally enters me. The way he
hits me in just the right spot, over and over again, until I'm ready to come
and then he stops, making me cry out in frustration before he starts the
teasing all over again.

My thoughts get
away from me and it's not until I feel an orgasm approaching that I realize my
hand is underneath my panties and rubbing me to ecstasy. I have a decision to
make. I can stop and leave myself frustrated, which is probably the smarter
decision since I've already come several times tonight. Or I could quickly let
myself finish so that I'm not miserable before I fall asleep.

I go with
satisfying myself and continue to rub circles over my clit. My breasts are full
and my nipples are aroused and dying to be played with. If I would have stayed
in the room with Scott tonight I could easily wake him and have him help me out
here, but I chose to leave for a good reason. I don't want to embarrass myself
in front of him. My nipples are just going to have to wait until tomorrow when
Scott can give them his undivided attention.

I picture him
licking them softly at first as he looks up at me hungrily, slowly teasing me
with his tongue. Then he'd probably palm my ass, squeezing it hard and I'd
probably moan, equally satisfied and frustrated. He'd then take as much of my
tit inside his mouth as he could before starting to suck on it. His other hand
would probably slide lower into my pants until he was gently finger fucking me.
Then his lips would release the suction on my breast and he'd move them
together, grazing his teeth across my nipples before biting down hard.

It's this last
thought that has me hit my climax. I raise my other hand to my mouth and bite
down gently so that I don't make any noise. Once I've recovered completely, I
remove my hand from my panties, roll over on my stomach and close my eyes,
falling asleep instantly.




The next day is
hectic, as Christmas usually is. I'm woken up by a frantic Autumn. She's
yelling at me about not waking up to help her in the kitchen and how I wasn’t
supposed to sleep in this room.

"If Scott
decided to spend the night you should have made him sleep in here. I love him
but you're our guest, not Scott. I didn't even realize he came back last night
but he's a big boy. You should have made him crash on the bunk bed," she
says to me as she pulls me out into the kitchen, still in my pajamas.

Since I woke up
late I'm in charge of making breakfast as Autumn and my mother finish getting
the ham prepped and in the oven. I whip up some scrambled eggs, bacon, and
cinnamon buns and serve it out to everyone. Everyone's cheery and excited about
the day except for Scott. He's glaring at me between bites and I can't quite
figure out what has him in such a sour mood.

After breakfast I
clean up and Scott leaves to go home, change and grab his gifts. Throughout the
morning and early afternoon I hear nothing from him. Not even a text. This has
me worried because even thousands of miles away he texts me often throughout
the day.

I don't dwell on
it too much in the afternoon because after we've all washed up and gotten
ready, the Reynolds family starts to arrive and so does Tawny. Tawny is her
usual bright, energetic self and oddly this makes me feel a little better. It
had been an awkward several months between us and all because of me. I just
couldn’t figure out how to get things back to normal between her and me.
Thankfully it's never been an issue for Tawny. It was a fun night to her,
nothing more, and I'm starting to look at it that way, too.

A little later
Kelly shows up and so do Coral's parents and brother, Kellan. I know about some
of Jared's past involving them, but not all of it. It's a story I'll learn one
day, I guess.

arrives last and is dressed in dark denim jeans and a green sweater. Not his
regular attire, but he looks gorgeous. All of his brothers are here with their
families, but he chose to come by after everyone else arrived. It kind of
pisses me off.

What was he doing
all day?

I want to talk to
him and see what's wrong but before I can Tawny walks over to him and gives him
a hug. He laughs at whatever she says and they start to talk so I decide to
leave it alone for now. I mingle with his family, getting to know Elijah and
Garrett, and... fuck, if I know all their names. There are too many Reynolds
boys in one household when my mind is distracted with Scott's behavior.

It's not until after
dinner that I have a chance to be alone with him. After cleaning the dishes and
loading the dishwasher, I walk down the hallway to use the washroom. As I'm
passing the second door on the left, someone grips my arm and pulls me into the
bedroom, closing the door behind me. I scream in shock but the hand that covers
my mouth muffles it.

"Be quiet.
Someone will hear you," Scott whispers in my ear from behind me. He slowly
removes his hand from my mouth and lets me go.

Turning around to
face him, I glare up at him. "What the hell?"

"We need to

Oh, dear God. A
conversation starting out with those four words is never good. It's usually the
beginning of the end to a relationship, and this definitely is not a
relationship. Sometimes those words end with a pregnancy announcement, but I'm
not pregnant, or someone coming clean about being unfaithful, but we don't have
that kind of relationship. We're allowed to fuck whoever we want.

I reply hesitantly. "Where were you today? If you had stuck around we
could have talked then."

He fidgets on his
feet a little. It's small and to the untrained eye unnoticeable, but I've been
studying every inch of him for months. He's nervous.

"I had to
shower and change and then I had to meet up with some friends for a little
bit... to go surfing."

Surfing my ass.
The water is freezing this time of year and even I know he thinks it's too cold
to get in there. He hangs out at the beach every morning in the winter, but not
to surf.

I move to sit down
on the bed, crossing my legs in front of me and looking back up at him. "I
don't mean to sound insecure because I'm not. You're allowed to do whatever you
want and I'm okay with that, just don't lie to me. You weren't surfing so if
you were with another girl that's fine, just say so."

His entire
expression changes and softens towards me. He moves to sit down on the bed next
to me and turns his body to face mine. "I wasn't with another girl, I
swear. You're right though. I wasn't surfing. I left here to clear my head and
then a buddy of mine called me to come play in a Christmas day poker tournament
with him. I went for a few hours but I lied because I don't want you telling

I look up at him
confused. "Why can't Jared know?"

He drags a hand
through his hair before responding, "Because Jared can be no fun. He
doesn’t like the idea of me gambling. Let's just leave it at that."

I know there is
more to the story but it's clear that Scott doesn't want to talk any more about
it. "Okay," I reply.

He looks over to
the pillow and I follow his movement. There's a wrapped present lying on the
pillow. It's the size of a shoebox. I hadn't noticed it before.

"I see you
never opened my gift."

I look at him
puzzled. "I didn't see it until now, Scott. I thought we promised no

"Relax, Winn.
It cost me nothing." He reaches for the box and then sets it in my lap,
waiting for me to open it.

"Is it weird
that I'm frightened to open this?"

"To open a
Christmas gift? Yes, Winn, I'd say that's weird. Just open it."

I look down at the
golden wrapping paper and start to rip it open. I toss the paper on the ground
and a
shoebox sits on my lap.

"You bought
me shoes? We had a deal-"

"Just open
it," he says, cutting me off.

I lift the lid of
the box and look inside. It's shells, a lot of different seashells. Each shell
has a post-it tab stuck to it with Scott's writing on it. I pull out the first
shell and read the post-it. It's a description of the type of shell it is. I
pull out a second, then a third, then a fourth and each shell is different. The
post-its describe each type of shell. Scott took the time to collect probably
fifty to sixty shells and find out each of their names.

"Wow," I
whisper, still in complete shock. I look back up at him as he sits, looking
uncomfortable on the bed. "You did this for me?"

"It was no
big deal. Like I've told you before, where I usually surf is unpopulated. It's
very easy to find different types of shells. Googling them was even easier. It
took me only a few minutes."

I know he's
downplaying the time he took to do this, but I won't call him out on it. This
is the most thoughtful gift anyone has given me.

BOOK: Playing His Game (The Reynolds Brothers)
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