Playing My Love (25 page)

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Authors: Angela Peach

BOOK: Playing My Love
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  I sipped my small glass of champagne and watched as Darcy picked and strummed expertly on her guitar.  At this particular moment I was glad we'd been caught holding hands and been teased out of the party, because we were now relaxing on a blanket on the same private beach we'd been to before, listening to the waves.  I felt truly happy, and for once I was allowing myself to without feeling guilty about it.

  After Darcy had played a few songs, I put my glass down and held out my hand.

  "May I?"


  She passed the guitar to me and waited patiently while I warmed my fingers up over the strings.  When I felt ready, I placed the capo on the correct fret and took a few deep breaths, trying to feel the song before I sang it.

Quand tu es pres de mois…"  I sang, my voice quiet and shaky.  Even though I'd played in front of her many times, I'd never sung for her.  But I'd practiced this song almost obsessively over the last month, until my fingers moved over the strings without my having to concentrate.  It was our song and I was finally playing it for her, playing my love for her, letting the emotion in my soul flow through me and into the song. 

  I got through it with only a couple of very minor stumbles, but they were easily covered up.  I was almost afraid to look up when I'd finished, but I had to see her face.  Still, I wasn't prepared for the look of pure awe on it
As I watched her struggle for words, I felt my resolve disappear and I knew.  I knew what was about to happen, and from the way Darcy was looking at me, she knew too.  The air around us was charged and almost tangible with our heightened emotions.  I put the guitar carefully to one side.

  "Lay with me a while?"

  Slowly, she came and lowered herself down onto the blanket beside me and for a moment, we both just watched the night sky, neither of us eager to force things.  We just knew and accepted that whatever would happen, would happen naturally.

“Alison?  What’s your favourite piece of sky?”

“Hmm, tough question.  It’s all so beautiful.  But I guess if I had to choose a piece, it would be…that bit there.”  I pointed to a section above us and she leaned her head close to mine to see.

  "Why that bit?"

  “Well, I think because there’s all that darkness surrounding it, but then there are just two bright stars huddled together in the centre, ignoring the rest of the sky.  Sort of like us, tonight."

She raised her arms and used the index finger and thumb of each hand to create a frame around the two stars.

   “I am going to buy that piece of sky from the universe for you!”  she said.  “Would yo
u like it gift wrapped?"

I smiled, glancing sideways at her.                                                                  

  "Sure, why not?"

With her hands still in the air, she cupped them around the area of sky as if it were a delicate butterfly, then lowered them down.                                              

“Where would you like to keep it?”                                                                

“Um, here.”  I tapped my heart and she gently placed her hands over it, as if releasing it into my chest.  I put my hand over hers, and she sighed.                           

  "Was that too cheesy?"
  she asked, smiling.  I shook my head, turning to face her.

  "No, it was perfect."

  She stroked my cheek.

  "I can't believe you learned our song!"  she whispered.  Then, before I could reply, she
leaned forward and put her lips to mine.  It started slowly, our tongues caressing as our lips moved sensually together.  But, as before, it deepened quickly into something more, something hungrier.  Full of longing and feeling bold, I rolled onto my side and placed my leg between hers, nudging my thigh gently up until it was touching her warm groin.  The contact of our bare legs was just exquisite and I moved mine against hers, teasing her as her hips rocked, trying to create much needed friction, but not giving her quite what she wanted.  She moaned in frustrated pleasure.  I drew back to look at her, mesmerised by her beauty as she frowned, her flushed cheeks evident even in this light.  Then suddenly, I found myself being rolled onto my back and Darcy straddling me.  We both seemed to be gasping for air as we stared deeply into each other’s eyes and I strained my neck forward to reach her mouth for another kiss.

“No more teasing”  she said huskily.     

  "No more teasing"  I whispered back.

  Satisfied, she pressed her lips to mine, devouring me gently as I finally gave my hands free reign over her body.  But her clothes were getting in the way and I tugged at them.  Darcy sat up and frantically removed the offending articles then, much slower, lifted my dress up and over my head, relishing what was underneath as she gently undid my bra and discarded it to one side.  My underwear was tugged off my legs and then we were both finally naked, staring hungrily at each other.  Darcy closed the gap between us, lowering herself down on me.  An intense thrill of pleasure coursed through my body, creating a pulsing that consumed me and made me gasp.  I’d always imagined her skin would be soft, but my previous musings paled in contrast to the reality that was currently writhing gently on me.  I ran my hands up and down her back, marvelling at the smooth skin that felt like the softest satin.                                                                                   

Every nerve in my body was sparking and I rubbed my legs against hers, loving how perfectly we fit together.  Raising my hips, I tried to find some relief by rocking my swollen wet lips against her thigh, feeling her do the same on mine, and oh!  The sensation of her hot silky wetness rubbing up and down on my leg was just incredible!                                                        

“My god, I can’t believe how good you feel!  I want to taste you”  she gasped, her eyes dark with lust as she seemed to check I was okay with this.  As if I was going to say no!  I nodded and she kissed me passionately.  Then her soft wet mouth was on my neck, a mixture of whispered and devouring kisses that made my eyes roll and my jaw fall open.  The anticipation that was building inside was a completely new feeling for me.  I’d never felt this aroused before, nor such a burning and overwhelming desire to touch and be touched.  Jesus, if the coastguard were to rock by now, they’d be free and welcome to watch because there was no way I was going to be able to stop now!

Darcy’s mouth had reached my breasts and was savouring each one.  I held her head firmly with both hands as I moaned and gasped.  I pushed my fingers through her hair as she sucked and swirled my nipple with her tongue, causing small eruptions around my groin.  I was so turned on it was almost unbearable.

She moved back up to kiss my mouth and our tongues were more forceful with each other now, our lips bruising together as we let the pent up desire rage out of control.  When she pulled away, I struggled to open my eyes and found her gazing at me dreamily.

  "I love you Alison."

  "I lo…"

Not now”  she interrupted, and I remembered-only say it when she was the only one I was saying it to.                                                                 

“Okay”  I said.  She smiled, and with one final kiss, she continued her descent.  I arched my back as she traced her fingertips lightly over my stomach, each hair and nerve ending rising to greet her.  I watched, my breathing shallow and ragged as she whispered her face against the sensitive skin around the top of my thighs.  She kissed each one a couple of times before focusing on my throbbing, pulsing and just about ready to explode clit!  Her eyes flickered up to look at me briefly, and in them I saw the hunger, the desire, the love, the consuming need that must surely have been reflected in my own.  Holding my gaze, she lowered her lips to mine and I felt them parting for her, hot, wet and very, very ready.  The first touch made my body jerk with its intensity and I cried out.

  "Oh my god!"

  Whatever it was she was doing to me was just incredible.  I arched my back and raised my hips from the ground, feeling completely out of control.  She gently sucked my clit, running her tongue around my swollen lips and pushing it inside me every so often.

Then she hooked both her arms around my thighs, drawing them in around her head and taking my lower body weight on her shoulders.  Her face, especially her jaw as she licked and sucked me, moved against my inner thighs, heightening my arousal if that was even possible?

  “I don’t think I can
hold on…I’m gonna come…”  I flung my arms out to find something to hold on to as my orgasm approached.  Noises escaped me that I’d never made before.  I opened my eyes to look at her, held my hand out for her to take.  She took it, linking our fingers and squeezing tight, keeping eye contact the whole time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

  But t
hen she slid two fingers inside me, and it was just too much.  I screamed as the orgasm exploded, hitting me like a tidal wave of intense pleasure and my thighs unconsciously clenched around her face, much like I was clenching around her fingers.  She pushed them deeper, grazing against my g-spot and another wave crashed over me.

  When she came back up to kiss me, she positioned herself across my thigh and rocked back and forth against me while staring into my eyes.  We linked both
hands and the intensity built, although she kept her rhythm slow and gentle.

  "I want to please you as well"  I whispered to her.  She kissed me.

  "You are."

  "No, I mean I want to touch you
.  I want to taste you"  I said shyly.

  "We've got all night.  Just relax."

  She gazed deep into my eyes for a very long time, then pulled back slightly to get a better look.  It was so intense, like nothing I'd ever felt before and neither of us said anything as we gazed into each other.  After a long time, she took a shaky breath.

  "Alison…this is crazy…"


  "I don't know.  For a second there, I felt like I was looking into your soul."

  I stared back at her, feeling the power of the moment.  I fully understood what she meant as I'd experienced it too.  We stayed that way for a while, just lying together and gazing into each other's eyes or souls, or whatever it was that was happening between us.

  We spent the next couple of hours touching each other and kissing, sometimes just holding each other as we looked up at the stars or listened to the waves.  I nervously made love to Darcy, loving how soft and smooth her body was and how it responded to my touch.  Just whispering my fingertips down her arm or her back would make her gasp.  A gentle kiss on sensitive areas around her body would create intense goose bumps of pleasure.

  When we saw the sky start to lighten, we knew our evening together had come to an end and reluctantly put our clothes back on before heading back to the jeep.  We drove home in silence, holding hands and occasionally glancing sideways at each other, smiling secretly.     

  But inside I was hurting.  Tonight had changed everything for me, and there was something I knew I had to do, to say to her.

  I waited until we pulled up on the road outside her flat, then killed the engine.

  "Darcy, I need to ask you to do something for me"  I said, already feeling my heart break.  She sensed something in my tone and stiffened.


  "I need you to give me some time.  When I get back from this holiday I can't see you.  Not after tonight.  I don't think I'd be able to stop myself and I can't do that to Gray
.  I know it's not what you want either.  But we've both crossed a line and I think we need to step back for a while."

  She nodded gently.

  "How long are we talking about?"

  "I don't know.  I'm sorry."

  "Just…promise me it's not permanent time you need?  Please?"

  "I promise."

  "Okay then.  I'll wait for you."

  "Thank you."

  We hugged hard, and I buried my face in her hair, breathing in its scent.  When we pulled back, I could see tears on her cheeks.  With one final kiss, she got out of the jeep and ran into her flat, clutching the bag I'd given her.

  I drove home, but sat outside for five minutes before going in, letting my own tears run their course.  I felt such a sadness in my heart
at the thought of not seeing her for the foreseeable future, it was almost unbearable.

  Then, when I thought I had my emotions in check, I went inside and took a quick shower before waking Gray up.

  I tried to push the guilt aside, but it was hard when all I could think about was Darcy.

  It was going to be a strange holiday.

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