Playing with Fire (13 page)

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Authors: Renee Graziano

BOOK: Playing with Fire
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“About it, yes. But if anyone knows anything they are keeping it to themselves. We’re all puzzled, Fattelli. First a try at a Grazi, then someone almost takes out an Ariano. Logic tells me maybe the Grazi family blamed the Ariano family for the first hit attempt and retaliated, but my gut tells me that there is a third party involved.”

Nick’s instincts were in agreement. “You owe me, so keep me posted, okay?”

He hung up and, after a brief hesitation, pushed another button. When she answered, he said abruptly, “Dinner tonight?”

“A ‘hello’ might be welcome. Not the smoothest invitation ever, Fattelli.”

He knew she was at her studio. It wasn’t actually that far from where he had his office. He glanced out the window, tapped a key on his computer to send an e-mail, and tried again with exaggerated politeness.

“Ms. Grazi, I think you are the most enchanting creature on this planet, and if you would have dinner with me this evening, I would be honored.”

“This isn’t 1815, but that
better. I’m still at my studio. I’ve got something to finish up and then I need to go and change. I’m still staying with my sister.”

He thought uneasily about her phone, her studio, and her sister’s house. “We’ll go have a drink or something first. Leave your cell behind, okay? You might want to change purses.”

“What? Why?”

“It could have a passenger. I’m wondering how the hell they found you on that yacht. All I said was that I was bringing a date. It’s been bothering me.”

“A what? Oh fuck, really? Now you sound like Sal. Am I putting Maria in danger?”

“Maybe. But if so, if someone is looking for you, they are already aware of the location.”

Silence. Then she asked, “Is there some new information?”

“No. I’ve just been thinking about it, asking around a little bit.” And he had been thinking. All day, staring moodily out the window instead of caring about what was happening on Wall Street. He was doing that now, watching the traffic crawl along, his focus elsewhere.

“What about my son?”

Good question. If he were in her position, he’d wonder about that too. “I don’t think he’s the target. If this was a revenge deal, they’d have gone after him already.”

“That’s reassuring,” she muttered. “I’m a mother. Unless you have kids, you have no idea how much you’re scaring me.”

“It’s a big bad world out there, but I think it’s you they want. Tell him to stay in Long Island for a while. That possible?”

He might have added he knew for certain she was the target, since he’d been approached to take her out.

She said abruptly, “I’ll get another phone to call Vince and give him the number.”

“Not necessary. I know people. I’ll get you a new phone, and I might carry yours myself for a while, just to see what happens.”

“Shit, Nick, don’t challenge them.”

“Ms. Grazi, I’m interested in
them. Got it?”

There was a slight pause. “I do get it.”

“Be ready about six?”

“I was planning on staying late but I can finish what I’m doing tomorrow.”

When he ended the call, he checked his Glock, slipped it into his shoulder holster, and put on his tailored dark gray suit jacket. The ingrained habit of always wearing a suit came from his father, along with the legacy of his occupation. He looked professional because he was.

Both occupations.

Forty minutes later, he pulled up to her office building—he got out of the car as Reign came out of the glass doors, his gaze brushing over the street, assessing each vehicle parked there, his hand slipping into his jacket.

Just in case.

But he didn’t sense or see anything out of the ordinary—so when she came down the steps, he went around and politely opened the passenger door. “Nice evening for a date.”

“Is that what this is? A date?” She slanted him a sardonic glance before she got in. “You know how I like a man with a

He laughed. Reign had a lot of noticeable qualities, but her sense of humor was right up there. “Then you’re in luck. I have two.”

“Uhm, sounds promising.”

She was wearing a strapless sheath in black and really, really had the body for it. Reign caught his appreciative stare as he started the car and lifted her bare shoulders. “I just assumed this would not be a pizza night. I had about two minutes to change. Luckily, I just finished this dress last week and my assistant is a wizard with her sewing machine.”

“You assumed right. You look … great.”

She did, hands down. Those beautiful breasts were displayed in a manner that both tantalized and captured a little too much of his attention. Her cleavage alone might cause an accident. He needed to look away.


*   *   *

“Thank you.”

“Here.” He handed her the burner phone and pulled away. “Until we figure all this out. Give me yours.”


“Let me call Vince.” The set of her mouth spoke even more than the tension in her body. When the brief conversation was over, Reign visibly relaxed. “He’s going to stay at the beach house with his friend. The family gets it.… We’ve known them for years.”

“Your sister?”

“Decided to visit a friend in the Hamptons.” Her smile was ironic. “The timing couldn’t be better. I totally encouraged her to go. Maria works too hard anyway. A long walk on the beach and cocktails on the veranda would do her good.”

“Smart girl. So you’re all on your own?”


“Not anymore.”

Reign sent him a look. “Oh?”

“We’re just getting started.… How about you stay at my place?” He negligently shrugged. “For a week or so. Good food, great sex, what’s to hate?”

“I hope, Fattelli, you’ll be providing the food?” She deliberately stretched out those glorious legs.

“If you provide the sex, sure.”

Reign gave a muffled laugh. “I meant that you aren’t expecting me to stay with you and wait on you hand and foot.”

“Neither my hand or foot are all that interested. My dick, on the other hand—”

“Yes, I kind of guessed that.” She sat up a little, her profile suddenly remote. “I truly do not know what is happening. Do you believe me?”

He did. “Absolutely.” He didn’t know either. That was the problem. Not that she was lying, but she had the key to the lock and just couldn’t put her finger on it yet.

“How often does that happen?”

The Bentley rode smoothly around a corner. He’d loved how the car handled from the minute he’d taken it out for a test drive. He took a minute to answer. “How often does a target not have any idea who is coming after them? I don’t know. I’ve never taken a survey.”

She said softly, “That wasn’t the question. I wanted to know if you

*   *   *

Reign was trusting a man who couldn’t be trusted. With her life. It was still surreal to think she’d been a witness to two shootings in such a short span of time, and the sight of Sal in that hospital bed had shaken her to the core. It was all happening too fast, and she didn’t really know where to turn. At least Nick was willing to take care of her.

Wait, amend the statement. Was it just the sex?

He’d saved her life once before, so maybe she was being judgmental, and maybe the attraction was part of the problem.… But still.

Nick looked fantastic, but he usually did. Gray suit, red tie, dark hair just ruffled a shade more than fashionable, his blue eyes shadowed as he escorted her into the bar. It was dark, but the wall with all the bottles was illuminated, and he settled into a seat with a diffident air she was sure would not last. Then, without asking, he ordered them both Johnnie Black on the rocks.

Okay, big conversation coming.

All her life she’d dealt with alpha males. She knew the signs.

“Let’s talk about it and then just have a nice evening,” he told her, resting his arm on the polished surface of the bar.

Yes, big one
. The bartender set a glass down in front of each of them.

“Tell me more about your ex.” Nick’s gaze was straightforward. “Could all this be him?”

“No. He was a dishonest asshole and I divorced him. End of story.” Reign took a drink and gave him back a challenging look. “What about you? Ever been married?”

“No. Back to my question. How bitter was the divorce?”

“If you are suggesting he could be the one who fired those shots … I really doubt it. And he’s far too cheap to pay someone to kill me. Besides, he doesn’t care enough to bother. Trust me on that point. Besides, he’d never risk pissing off the Ariano family.”

“You sound sure.”

“Because I
sure. I know the animal.”

“What does your son think about your attitude toward his father?”

“That’s a fairly personal question, Nicky. And it isn’t an attitude, but an observation.”

He quirked a brow. “I think you and I have been fairly up close and personal before, and I’m kind of hoping it will happen again.”

She gazed at him. “Like tonight. I’m kind of looking forward to it myself.”

“So nice we get along.”

So nice he was there, with those wide shoulders and a protective air she found a little surprising but was welcome, if she admitted it. Between him and Sal she was feeling a little bit … cherished.

Except for that person who apparently had contracted a hit on her.

Soft music played in the background. Something jazzy, no lyrics, just instrumental. The bar was filling up and she noted that Nick took a look at every single person who entered the place. It was well done and casual, and if she hadn’t been sensitive to it she might not even have noticed he was that good, but yes, he was

And pretty much every woman that walked in at least glanced at him. Why not? He was handsome and polished and even the way he lifted his drink to his mouth was somehow sensual.

She considered him. “Ever even thought about getting married? Surely you’re … hmm, I don’t even know how old you are.”

“Never said.” He laughed lightly. “But you didn’t ask either.”

“If I asked?”

“I might tell you the truth, but only because I’m trying to get you into bed again. It doesn’t matter, does it? You would never know unless you were able to get a copy of my birth certificate, now would you?”

“All the way from Sicily?”

“Might be a bit of a problem. How do you know that?”

“Sal told me.”

“He has a big mouth. How was he when you visited him?”

Reign remembered his ashen color, but also the strong grip of his hand. “Doing pretty well. He told me to stay with you. He’s jealous, but worried about me.”

“What a coincidence, I’m jealous but worried about you too.” Nick ran his finger along the rim of his glass. The lighting sent shadows along his cheekbones. “All right. I’m thirty-seven going on about a hundred and thirty-seven. I was born in Sicily and my parents brought me here really young. Now it is your turn. Give me something personal about you.”

like a date.”

“Only I’m not just pretending to be interested to get you into bed. I really want to know you.”

Reign finished her drink—she noticed he was a bit slower about his—and said provocatively, “You aren’t trying to get me into bed?”

“Was I dreaming or didn’t you already agree?”

“No, you weren’t dreaming.” She shook her head. “Get me a refill and I’ll do my best to answer the question. I just have no idea what it is you want to know.”

He leaned forward. “The woman. I want to know the real woman. The mob wife. The fashion designer, the mother … the sexy lady wearing that dress. You’ve got to admit there’s a lot going on there and I’m trying to put it all together.”

She was sure he was going to kiss her then and there. His mouth was inches away. The music hummed in the background.

But then he straightened and signaled the bartender. “Think about it for a minute. I want a clever answer. Something you wouldn’t just tell anyone.”

“Think you’re special, Fattelli?” Was she disappointed or just intrigued by his sudden withdrawal? It seemed like he checked himself at the last minute.

“I’m sure trying to be. Let me order you another drink.”

Reign watched him move smoothly down the bar, thinking about her answer. When he came back a few seconds later and looked at her expectantly, she said casually, “Maybe when my drink actually arrives.…”

“Stop putting me off. Give up one thing.”

“I gave up my virtue already.” Her reply was dry.

“I appreciated it too. One thing,” he coaxed, and he really had the most gorgeous eyes and that killer sexy smile.

Reign decided to compromise. “One small thing since you are so damn curious about me.”

“I’ll take what I can get.”

“I love sushi.”

“Hmm. Nice start. Not that surprising, I suppose. Italy is surrounded by water. We are a fish-loving people.”

“Your turn again.” She accepted another glass from the bartender with a smile of thanks.

“I hate spiders. Creepy-crawly things. No thanks. Go. What’s your favorite color?”


“Like your eyes? Mine too. That exact exquisite shade.”

“Are you trying to flatter me?” The scotch had at least taken the edge off of what had been a stressful day.

“I doubt I need to. You know you are beautiful.”

It was time for this conversation to be over. “So where are we going?”

“As it happens I’m taking you out for sushi. I hadn’t picked a restaurant yet, so you see, that little tidbit made my life easier.”

“Sounds delicious.”

“And then back to my place.”

She took a sip of scotch. “Very smooth.”

“Thank you.”

“I was talking about my drink.”

He lifted his glass to his mouth and murmured over the rim, “How I love a woman with a smartass sense of humor.”




He practically backed Reign through the doorway of his apartment because he was that damn hungry for her. She made the mistake of turning around to ask him something after he stood back to let her go inside first, and Nick caught her around the waist. “The answer is whatever you want it to be. I’ve been waiting all night to touch you. Have I mentioned you look sexy with chopsticks in your hand?”

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