Pleasing Sir (10 page)

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Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #BDSM

BOOK: Pleasing Sir
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“I wasn’t happy because I realized I didn’t explain one very important rule.” He bit her earlobe. “You don’t cross the threshold of our house wearing even a scrap of clothing.”

Raelie’s jaw dropped. That’s what he was pouting about? “What if you have guests?”

“Doesn’t matter. You enter our house, you come in ready to please me.”

Her breath caught. He’d said it twice—“our house”. It couldn’t have been an accident. Liquid seeped between her folds, and he rolled the tip of his finger in it, then brought it to his mouth and sucked it off. “I assume you don’t have any problems with that rule.”

“Are you gonna punish me even though I didn’t know?”

“Wouldn’t you be disappointed if I didn’t?”

Raelie smiled and dipped her head to try to hide it. “You said our house. Did you mean yours and mine?”

“Um, walk into the living room.”

His arms unwrapped from her waist, and she retraced her steps, Bryce shadowing her steps. Inside the large living room, two doors on opposite spokes had opened. She turned back to him, a question in her eyes then heard footsteps scuffle.

When she looked again, Billy stood in a doorway, unbuttoning his shirt. In another, Morgan leaned against the doorframe, wearing a smirk.

“Our home,” Bryce said. “Yours too. That answer all your questions?”

Raelie gave him a baleful stare. “Seriously? You all live here? And you want me naked when I step inside the door?”

Bryce lifted his chin toward the other guys who had moved deeper into the room, striding toward her.

Billy reached her first and stood so close if she’d breathed deeply the tips of her breasts would have been buried in his chest hair. “We’ve been looking for just the right…


Morgan tucked a finger under her chin to turn her face to him. “Bryce owns you, baby. But when he’s not here to guide you, you’re ours. Got a problem with that?”

Raelie swallowed hard, knowing her eyes were so wide they were swallowing her face, but she couldn’t help the excitement that hummed through her body. She glanced back at Bryce.

He lifted a brow. “It’s up to you, sweetheart. Will you be ours?”

Raelie’s heart nearly burst. Every secret dream she’d ever had, every longing she’d never had the courage to say out loud had been answered. She backed away from the three men whose set expressions reflected their shared tension. She had captured them all, and they didn’t have a clue. And since she was a very smart girl, she knew she’d never let them know it.

With a smile wreathing her mouth, she knelt on the floor, never looking up as she placed her clasped hands in the small of her back.

About the Author

Until recently, award-winning erotica and romance author Delilah Devlin lived in South Texas at the intersection of two dry creeks, surrounded by sexy cowboys in Wranglers. These days, she's missing the wide-open skies and starry nights but loving her dark forest in Central Arkansas, with its eccentric characters and isolation—the better to feed her hungry muse! For Delilah, the greatest sin is driving between the lines, because it's comfortable and safe. Her personal journey has taken her through one war and many countries, cultures, jobs, and relationships to bring her to the place where she is now—

writing sexy adventures that hold more than a kernel of autobiography and often share a common thread of self-discovery and transformation.

To learn more about Delilah Devlin, please visit S
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Mavericks of Space

An excerpt from ABDUCTION, the first story in the
Mavericks of Space collection

Max Cooper was hearing voices. The fact they woke him from a deep sleep—the only half-decent sleep he’d had in almost a year—didn’t matter. What mattered was that he heard them. Because eleven months ago, his eardrums had been shattered in a diving accident, and he hadn’t heard a thing since.

Despite the deep sleep and the disorientation he felt when he sat up in bed, he became instantly aware of two other things.

One, he was naked.

Two, he had no idea where he was.

Adrenaline pumped through his system as he scanned his surroundings. The room was like something out of a Star Trek episode. All smooth shiny surfaces and curved walls-simple, large, and luxurious.

Where the hell was he? There was no denying that wherever he was, this place was a far cry from his spartan bachelor pad.

He cocked his head to the side. And where the hell did the voices go? They’d been loud enough to wake him, yet he didn’t see anyone, or hear anything anymore.

Pulling in a deep breath, Max purposely calmed his heart rate and took stock of things.

He remembered sitting in the Ghost Zone sucking on some scotch and trying not to think too much when a super-sexy brunette sat down next to him. Her full lips had moved as she’d said something, but he’d just stared at her lips until she stopped. She hadn’t spoken again, but she hadn’t left either.

She’d sat next to him, staring [watching} as he drank for a time before reaching under the table and running a hand up his thigh. All the way up to his dick, which had jumped eagerly and rapidly filled his jeans to the point of pain, as she tested his size. And when she’d tilted her head and slid from the booth with an openly seductive look, he’d followed without hesitation.

What a fucking idiot he was.

Filled with lust, and mellowed by scotch, he’d followed her into the alley behind The Ghost Zone, where she’d pinned him to the wall with surprising strength. Her tiny body pressed full length against his, her lips on his and her tongue in his mouth were the last thing he remembered. Swiping his tongue across his lips, he swore he could still taste her flavor, so dark and erotic that his cock twitched just thinking about it.

Give your head a shake, man! Now is not the time to think about a little lost pussy.

He surveyed the spacious room.

One corner of the room housed a sleek lounger next to a window, out of which Max saw only inky blackness. He swung both legs over the edge of the bed, intent on looking outside and searching the room for a weapon—and maybe some clothes too. As soon as he stood up the wall on the opposite side of the room slid open, revealing a doorway. He stilled, poised and ready for whatever was coming.

A shirtless man strolled in. “Hey, Max. I was wondering when you’d wake up,”

he said before taking a big bite of the apple in his hand.

The shock of hearing the actual words made Max’s heart stutter. His throat tightened and he tasted tears when he swallowed convulsively. He’d heard the words, clear as a bell, and—the surfer dud had called him by name!

Reining in his emotions, he glared at the guy. “Where am I, and who the hell are you?”

Max’s voice was rusty from disuse, but talking, and hearing himself again felt so damn good. He hadn’t lost his ability to speak in the accident, but when he’d gone deaf, he hadn’t wanted to talk, for a number of reasons. He hadn’t had much to say to anyone, and when he did have something to say, he couldn’t hear himself, which made him feel like an idiot. So he’d write things on a notepad instead of trying to talk.

The guy’s eyebrows had shot up, and he swallowed quickly. “I’m Jason. You don’t know where you are? Didn’t you go through the tests like the rest of us?”

Max narrowed his gaze. He didn’t think this man posed a threat, but a tingle of unease went through him at the mention of any sort of testing. He hated tests; he never did well on tests.

Uncaring of his nudity, he met Jason’s curious gaze head on. “What testing?”

“The stamina and sensitivity tests?” When Max didn’t answer, Jason’s eyebrows rose. “The girls? You didn’t meet the girls yet?”

Hands planted on his hips, Max shook his head once. What was the guy talking about?

“The aliens?” Jason started to chuckle. “You haven’t met any of the aliens yet?”


He stared at the younger man and tried to come to grips with what he was hearing.

Max shook his head and started to brush past the loser.

“No wait!” Jason reached for Max’s arm.

Max didn’t wait for the hand to land on his arm. He sidestepped, grabbed Jason’s wrist, and stepped behind him. In the blink of an eye, he had one of Jason’s arm twisted up between his shoulder blades, while he was pinching off the guys air with the other. “I want straight answers and I want them now! Do you understand?”

“If you want straight answers, please ask me.”

The dulcet tones of a female voice filled Max’s ears. He spun around, keeping Jason between him and the woman that was suddenly behind him.

She was gorgeous. It was his first thought when he’d seen her in The Ghost Zone, and it was his first thought once again. Only now, she didn’t appear as small and delicate as he remembered. Actually, she looked lethal, her leanly muscled body covered by scraps of leather and metal held together with belts containing full weapon sheaths. Her brown hair appeared darker, her green eyes brighter, and her fair skin almost glowed silver. She looked less human than he remembered, and yet, even more beautiful.

Ignoring the lust stirring in his groin, Max smirked at her. “Well hello again, stranger.”

“Hello, Max. My name is Tyla, although most around here refer to me as Captain Natori.” Her lips tilted slightly, her voice soft and pleasant, contradicting the readiness of her stance. “Please let Jason go. No harm will come to you while you’re in my care.”

“In your care?” He stiffened. “Exactly who and what are you, and why should I believe anything you say?”

“You haven’t been hurt yet. In fact, you’ve been healed, haven’t you?” There was a moment of silence as she studied him before warning softly, “I only ask once, Max.”

No way in hell was he going to release his prisoner, his shield, before he got some answers. He wasn’t the most trusting guy in the best of circumstances. Being kidnapped hadn’t exactly made him more inclined to trust, no matter that they hadn’t harmed him…

yet. The fact that he wasn’t deaf anymore only meant they had done something to him without his knowledge or permission, and that was all that mattered right now.

A grimace marred Tyla’s pretty face before she spoke firmly. “Ghost, please transfer Jason to the Leisure Room.”

Without a whisper of sound, Max’s hostage vanished, and he gripped empty air.

His heart stalled, then pounded like a hyperactive jackhammer. Sweat popped out on his brow, and he fought to stay calm. The guy had just disappeared into thin air!

“You are on my ship, Max, and Ghost is on a course to my home planet of Triton.

Don’t worry, though, you’re not alone. Besides you and Jason, there are seven other human males and four Durians. You, however, are the only one who has not gone through testing, as you are not to go on the open market. You’re to be mine…” a smile spread on her lips, “and I do my own testing.”

Max struggled to hear her over the roaring in his ears. Home planet? Testing?


As she talked, Tyla walked to a panel of buttons on the wall and pressed one. The wall shifted and a rack of clothing emerged. She selected a pair of pants similar to those Jason had been wearing earlier and held them out.

Unsure, but unwilling to appear anything but confident, Max took her offering.

“I’m yours?” A spaceship named Ghost? Humans, Durians, and home planets? His brain was starting to hurt.

Without taking his gaze from hers, he stepped into the pants and pulled them up.

They were like sweatpants, sort of. Dark green in color with a drawstring waist, they reminded him of the martial arts Gei he wore when he trained. Which was good. He’d be able to move in them, fight in them when the time came.

“Yes, mine.” She met his gaze, and waited.

Despite his anger and distrust, he felt his cock stir at the thought of being hers.

Alien or not, she was hot. “Let me get this straight. You’re an alien from another planet, and you came on to me in the bar last night in order to abduct me?” He paused and waited for her nod of confirmation. “And you have a dozen other men of various…

species also on board this spaceship of yours, and you’re taking us to your home planet where they’ll be put ‘on the market,’ but me—” he jabbed a thumb in his chest “—I’m to become yours?”

“Yes!” Tyla beamed, relaxing her stance.

He stared, unable to form any more words when he realized the woman was serious. This wasn’t a dream, and it wasn’t a joke. The shiny room, the inky blackness outside, the kid that had disappeared from right in front of him…it was all real. The super-sexy woman in front of him has sought him out, and…and, kidnapped him!

There was a roaring in his head and all the anger that had built up in him since he’d lost his hearing rushed to the surface, and exploded outward. “Screw that!” he ranted as he strode toward her. He stopped only when he was right in her face. “I’m nobody’s slave! I’m a man, a human being. You can’t own a human being. Slavery was abolished during the Civil War.”

“On Earth, yes it was.”

He opened his mouth to speak.

She put up a hand to silence him. “But not on all planets. As it is, Triton does not hold with slavery either. We do, however, have transplants. Males, like yourself, that we…invite to join us and live among us.”

“Oh? So this is an invitation?” He waved a hand, indicating the room. “I can say

‘no’ and you’ll let me go home?”

Tyla’s cheeks glowed brighter and her eyes answered him.

“Yeah,” he snarled. “That’s what I thought.”

He turned his back on her and took two steps toward the doorway before he realized he had nowhere to go. He could leave the room, but he couldn’t get off the ship.

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