Plus One (4 page)

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Authors: Brighton Walsh

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Plus One
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Chapter Eight

She’d only made Ian listen to her chick playlist for an hour, for which he was incredibly thankful. He had started to worry that his balls were going to actually crawl inside his body from all the estrogen exposure.

After she’d had her fun and made her point, she let him pick the music. This far into the car ride, though, they were in full conversation mode, and the muted tones coming from her speakers only served as background noise.

“So, how are you taking all this time off from the bakery?” he asked as he mindlessly tapped his fingers on his knee to the rhythm of the song playing.

She shrugged. “I got really lucky when I hired Susan. She’s fabulous and I trust her implicitly. Granted, I’m still working sixty-hour weeks, but I can at least get a weekend off when I need it and not worry about my business going down the drain while I’m gone.”

“That’s great,” he answered honestly, thrilled for her that she was able to live out the dream of owning her own business and still have a little time for herself. “I’m glad it’s all working out for you, Liv.”

She smiled over at him, and he loved seeing the genuine look of happiness on her face. “What about you?” she asked before turning her attention back to the road. “How’s your job going?”

He hummed noncommittally, and she immediately called him out on it. “What’s that hum for? Aren’t you happy there anymore? I thought you loved it.”

Ian glanced at her, noticing how she’d gone from pure happiness to honest concern, before he looked back out the passenger’s window. He hadn’t planned on sharing this with her just yet, but he knew he couldn’t lie to her.

love my job. It’s just...” He paused, searching for the right words. “I guess after going back for all these weddings, I’ve realized how much I’ve missed being near home. I miss my parents and sisters.” What he didn’t tell her was that over the weekends he’d been home, he’d come to the conclusion that it didn’t matter if he was ten or a hundred miles from Liv, he’d always feel a pull, and he was only making himself unhappy by being that far from his family. And from her.

Liv gave him a cheeky smile and reached over to poke his leg. “And me, too, of course.”

It took him a moment to realize that she was responding to what he’d said and not the thoughts floating through his mind. “Of course,” he answered honestly. “But that goes without saying.”

“So what are you going to do? Are you going to start looking for a job in The Cities?”

Ian couldn’t help but notice the barely restrained excitement in her voice, and he took comfort in it. He cleared his throat. “Um, I’ve actually already started looking. I have an interview scheduled next week.”

?” she screeched and shot him a look with narrowed eyes. “When did you do this? How long have you been looking? Does Emma know?” He could hear the unanswered question, though.

The truth was, he didn’t know why he hadn’t told her—hadn’t told anyone, actually. Instead of contemplating that, he answered her questions. “Last week. About a month. No.”

She snorted and shook her head. “Don’t elaborate on it, Ian.”

He sent a smile her way, then turned his attention back to the passing scenery. “Well, you know how my mom is. Emma, too. If I tell them, they’ll get all excited, and it could be over nothing. I might not get the job.”

“Oh, yeah, that’s probable, Mr. Four-Point-Oh and Valedictorian. You had, what, like five companies jizzing all over themselves to get you to work for them right out of college?” She rolled her eyes before reaching over and patting his leg. “You totally have this.”

He smiled at her confidence and hoped she was right. For so long, he hadn’t allowed himself to think about living back in Minneapolis, but ever since the idea had entered his mind, he could think of little else. He wanted back there, badly.

“Will you come see me?” she asked.


“When you’re in Minneapolis for your interview. Will you be there for the day? We could, I don’t know, grab lunch or something.”

“You know I wouldn’t come up and not call you.”

“How am I supposed to know? Apparently you’ve been living this whole secret life that I haven’t been privy to.”

He laughed. “It’s hardly a secret life, Liv. It was one interview. It’s not like I hid that I’m secretly part of a BDSM community.”

“Oh my God!” She turned to him with wide eyes. “Are you?” The seriousness of her expression and tone of voice had him snickering as soon as she leveled her stare on him.

“You ass.” She reached over and slapped his chest, and he caught her hand before she could pull it away.

“I’m sorry,” he said through his chuckles.

“You don’t sound sorry.” She tried futilely to pull her hand away, but he just held on tighter.

Quelling his chuckles, he tried again, attempting to sound more sincere. “I’m sorry I made you think I was a Dom, Livvy.” He couldn’t help it, though, and he laughed as he got the last few words out.

Obviously not enjoying his amusement at her expense, she glanced over at him, quirking a single eyebrow. “Who said I thought
be the Dom?”

Well, if that statement didn’t dry his amusement right up. He stared at her profile—at the small smirk playing on her lips as she focused on the road. He loved this flirtatious side of her, and if she could play, so could he.

With her hand still in his, he traced the lines on her palm and watched her breathing change. Then, with a low voice, he said, “While there’s nothing wrong with a woman having her way with me, I prefer to be the one calling the shots in the bedroom.”

Chapter Nine

As they rode the elevator up to the room she’d reserved, Olivia could practically feel the sexual tension bouncing off the reflective walls surrounding them. Or maybe that was just the overwhelming erotic need she was putting out. Ian’s words in the car had done a number on her, and she still hadn’t recovered.

The remainder of the trip had been one giant blur to her after Ian had basically told her he knew how to take charge in the bedroom, and that he preferred it that way. Of course, her mind had gone wild with his admission, coming up with dozens of scenarios where he could do just that to her. It was a wonder she’d been able to navigate them there in one piece.

With a ding, the elevator doors opened, and Ian put his hand out to hold them as he gestured for her to go ahead. Mutely, she walked down the long corridor to room 1452, pulling her suitcase behind her as Ian followed. After swiping the key card, she pushed open the door and reached for a light switch, illuminating the small, immaculate space.

The hotel room was lavish, all sophistication and modern lines. Everything was sleek and upscale, including the single king-size bed dominating the room. When she’d first asked Ian to come, he’d insisted that sharing a room was fine. After all, you could practically sleep four in a king-size bed, and they were both adults.

But now...

Ian dropped his bag at the foot of the bed, bringing her attention back to him. She knew her cheeks were heated from her thoughts, from the fantasies she’d been living out in her head for the past two hours. The way he was looking at her now didn’t help, either.

With a barely noticeable quirk of his eyebrow, he asked, “What time do we need to leave for the wedding?”

Olivia glanced at her watch, noticing it was almost four. “Um, I don’t think the ceremony location is far from here, so we have a little bit.” She put her suitcase on the bed and opened it, pulling out her garment bag to hang her dress. “I do have to shower, though.” She turned her attention to him, noticing he was staring intently at the bag she’d just hung up. “How about you?”

His eyes shifted to hers. His gaze was full of searing heat, and she felt her face warm even further. “Yeah, I’ll shower before we go, too.”

That handful of words somehow managed to reignite the low, crackling fire in her body. Her brain immediately went to her land of fantasies, picturing exactly how he’d look under the shower spray, rivulets of water cascading down his toned chest and over the hard ridges of his abdomen, then disappearing even lower...

The room suddenly felt stifling, with his large frame filling up so much of it and his piercing eyes focusing directly on her. She needed some space to regroup.

“I’ll hurry then.” Without another word, she grabbed her toiletries bag and headed into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her before collapsing against it. Her breath left her in a deep sigh, and she closed her eyes.

“Oh, sure, Liv. An overnight trip sounds just great,” she mumbled quietly to herself. “Just what you need to stop thinking about him naked.” Shaking her head at herself, she turned the water on and again tried not to imagine what it would be like to share the space with Ian. To trace the water as it flowed over the muscles of his back. To be flush with him, naked flesh to naked flesh. To feel him pounding into her from behind while her hands pressed against the tile wall.

With a quiet curse, she undressed, silently hoping that the shower head was detachable.

* * *

Sitting on the bed, Ian listened to the water splash against the shower walls and couldn’t help but picture Liv in there. Over the years, she’d starred in more of his fantasies than he could count, but somehow they’d become so much more vivid over the past three months. Probably because he could recall in perfect detail just how her body felt pressed against his, even through their layers of clothes. It didn’t take much for his mind to strip her of her offending garments and have her naked, writhing beneath him as he did things to her body he should be ashamed of thinking about.

He thought back to their car ride and how smooth it had been going until he’d gone and opened his mouth. After the words about his preferences in the bedroom had left his mouth, her lips had parted and a flush had worked its way up her neck, pooling in her cheeks.

It was the first time he’d allowed himself to think about the possibility that
she was attracted to him. That her reluctance wasn’t because of her disinterest, but rather her uncertainty. Could she be as scared to lose what they had as he was? Could that be why she was avoiding the situation?

The hour and a half they’d had left of the trip had been spent mostly in silence and had given him plenty of time to think. He realized that even though he absolutely didn’t want to lose what they had, he had to
with her. All he needed was a little sign from her that she was interested in him that way. Because if she was attracted to him, all bets were off. He would do whatever he needed to pursue what he could with her, whether it be a single night in her bed or more.

The thought gave him pause, simultaneously scared and aroused, as he dropped his head to his hands. Fuck, but he wanted so much more from her than only one night.

He’d been denying it since the first wedding, but the truth was inevitable. If he was honest with himself, he wanted
with her.

Chapter Ten

Given how their afternoon had unfolded, the heat that ricocheted between them throughout the evening really shouldn’t have been a shock. Olivia had felt Ian’s want since she’d emerged from the bathroom, dressed in a sleek, fitted, black dress. Through the wedding ceremony, tucked into his side as his arm rested innocently against the pew behind her, she thought she’d burst at the feel of his finger tracing her bare shoulder. It had been a mindless touch, something she hadn’t even been sure he’d been aware of, and yet it had set her entire body aflame.

And now. Now, she was pressed against him as they danced, his hand touching her bare skin thanks to the low, open back of her dress. He held her close, closer than he ever had before, and even though she was two martinis into the night, she still found herself tongue-tied.

His fingers slowly slid up her back, following the line of her spine, and though she tried to hold it in, a shudder ran over her body. Her nipples hardened, and a tingle grew low in her belly. All from a single caress against her bare back. Jesus, if an innocent touch like that had her wet and ready to go, what would happen if he stroked her not so innocently?

She looked up into his eyes to find him staring directly at her. His eyes bounced over her face, no doubt taking in her heated cheeks, eyes heavy with desire, and parted lips. He pulled her close, and brought their clasped hands up toward her face. He brushed a single finger down the line of her jaw, and instead of moving away, swept his finger over her lips. It was scarcely a brush of skin on skin, but she moaned. It was low and breathy, and barely loud enough for her to hear, let alone Ian. Yet she knew the exact moment he did.

His eyes, scorching with a want she knew all too well, bored into hers.

“Liv.” He managed to convey so much want and need with that single word.

She swallowed, her throat suddenly dry, and tried to not sound breathless when she answered. “Yes?”

Ian’s finger was still on her lip, caressing it back and forth, and his focus switched between her mouth and her eyes. When he didn’t say anything more, she couldn’t take it any longer. Her tongue darted out, lightly brushing against his finger. With their eyes locked, she took the tip of his finger into her mouth and sucked gently.

“Jesus Christ.” It was a low rumble, spoken under his breath, but she heard it clearly. With a soft pop, she released his finger, her eyes imploring him.

“Liv,” he said again. “I think...”

And suddenly, it was as if everything in her mind cleared. She didn’t know why she’d been so worried. They were both adults. They were obviously attracted to each other. Why couldn’t they have sex and maintain their friendship?

A flicker of doubt in the back of her mind told her there were plenty of reasons why that couldn’t happen, but she was too far gone to pay attention to that.

“I think so, too.”

It took him about three seconds before her words registered, and then he moved swiftly, grasping her hand as he pulled her behind him, pushing through the crowd on the dance floor. They got to the elevator just as a group was exiting, and he quickly moved them into the small space.

Once the doors closed, he was pressed against her, her back to the mirrored wall. His hands cradled her head, his thumbs running against the underside of her jaw as his fingers splayed in her hair. Though he didn’t voice his questions, she could see them brewing in his eyes. But she was done questioning herself, and she didn’t want him to question it either.

She reached up and gripped the back of his head, bringing his lips to hers. Without an ounce of hesitation, he met her eagerly, his lips soft, yet insistent, against hers. His fingers tightened in her hair as his tongue traced the seam of her lips. Moaning, she opened to him, their tongues meeting in the middle in a smooth caress of wetness and heat. Christ, but this man could kiss.

It had been so long,
long, since she’d felt a kiss all the way to her toes. In fact, she wasn’t sure she’d ever felt it in her thirty-two years. But with Ian’s lips pressed against hers, his tongue working magically inside her mouth, she swore she saw stars behind her eyelids. Her entire body was lit like a firecracker, and she was ready to go off like one, too.

She barely registered the ding of the elevator or how Ian guided her out into the hall, her backward steps clumsy and awkward as he continued raining kisses over her face and shoulders. Only when he stopped did she open her eyes, catching him fumbling with the key card to their door. After three tries, the green light finally blinked on, and they moved into the room. Once again, their hands grasped for the other, their lips meeting instinctually.

Olivia slid her hands up Ian’s chest and under the suit jacket he wore, quickly ridding him of it. Once she’d thrown it off to the side, she brought her fingers back to his shirt and began working the buttons. His mouth was unrelenting on her skin, tasting every inch that was bared to him.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” she murmured, her head tilted back as he ravaged the column of her neck.

Ian pulled back, his shirt now open as her fingers traced the dips and valleys of his chest. He held her head, his thumbs tilting her chin up so he could look her in the eyes. “I need you to be sure about this, Livvy.”

She swallowed at the sincerity she saw in his eyes and nodded. “I’m sure. Are you?”

He laughed, almost as if she was missing an inside joke. Tightening his grip on her face, he pulled her to him and set his lips to hers, speaking against them. “I’ve never been surer of anything.”

His hands trailed down her neck to her shoulders before slipping to the open expanse of her back.

“You’ve been killing me with this dress tonight.” His voice rumbled lowly, his lips pressing kisses just below her ear. “All night, I’ve watched you, knowing you didn’t have a bra on, and wondering if your nipples were hard.”

Olivia’s breath hitched, his words sending a jolt of passion straight to her sex. Her nipples were, in fact, hard, just as they’d been for most of the evening. They brushed almost painfully against the satin lining of her dress. With more gumption than she usually exhibited in the bedroom, she grazed her lips against his ear, saying, “Why don’t you find out?”

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