Polio Wars (65 page)

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Authors: Naomi Rogers

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“Kline, Humphrey Step up Drive at Meeting”
Minneapolis Star-Journal
June 3 1943. For the debate around who deserved credit for promoting Kenny's work see F. J. Kottke, letter to editor, “Sister Kenny and the Kline Administration” [Minneapolis unnamed newspaper] June 19 [1943], Box 19, Sister Kenny Institute 1938–1946, Myers Papers, UMN-ASC; Editor's response to F. J. Kottke, letter to editor, “Sister Kenny and the Kline Administration” [Minneapolis unnamed newspaper] June 19 [1943], Box 19, Sister Kenny Institute 1938–1946, Myers Papers, UMN-ASC.

Ben Phillips “Kline Tells How City Won Kenny Institute”
Minneapolis Daily Times
June 3 1943; “Kline, Humphrey Step up Drive at Meeting”
Minneapolis Star-Journal
June 3 1943; Harry S. Sherwood “Kenny Report Awaited By Doctors”
Baltimore Evening Sun
October 31 1944.

Kenny “Data Concerning Introduction of Kenny Concept and Method of Treatment of Infantile Paralysis into the United States of America” [April 1944] Board of Directors, MHS-K.

Memorandum Re Conference On Kenny Program, February 10 1944, Am. 15.8, Folder 23, [accessed in 1992 before recent re-cataloging], UMN-ASC.

Harold S. Diehl “Summary of the Relationship of the Medical School of the University of Minnesota to the work of Sister Elizabeth Kenny,” May 1944, Public Relations, MOD-K; “Sister Kenny's Work”
Hartford Courant
February 9 1944; “O'Connor Denies Foundation Break with Sister Kenny”
Hartford Courant
February 6 1944; “University Willing To Aid Sister Kenny”
New York Times
February 5 1944.

GBD [George Darling] “Preliminary Thoughts for a Tentative Draft: Special Committee for Investigation of Kenny Institute Request,” [September 1944] Review Committee, 1944, NAS, 2; hereafter September Draft.

“Kenny Work Is Defended”
Minneapolis Star-Journal
[June] 1944, Poliomyelitis (Reprints, 1955–1964), MHS-K; “Institute Leader Comments”
New York Times
June 16 1944; September Draft, 2–3. See also John F. Pohl to Dear Mr. O'Connor, March 8 1943, Box 4, Basil O'Connor Papers, Manuscripts and Special Collections, New York State Archives, Albany; James S. Pooler “Kenny Complaint Based on Money”
Detroit Free Press
March 31 1945.

Miland E. Knapp “Observations on Infantile Paralysis: Its Symptoms and Treatment”
(May 1944) 64: 164–168.

Harold S. Diehl to Dear Don [Gudakunst], August 3 1944, [attached with] O. H. Perry Pepper to Dear Doctor Winternitz, November 10 1944, Review Committee, 1944, NAS; “Kenny Method Again”
New York Times
September 10 1944; “Kenny Treatment Results”
Science News Letter
(September 16 1944) 46: 183.

Kenny “Data Concerning Introduction of Kenny Concept” [April 1944], Evidence, Reports 1943–1952, MHS-K.

Kenny to Dear Dr. Diehl, May 8 1944, Dr. Harold S. Diehl, 1941–1944, MHS-K.

“A.M.A. Meeting”
(June 26 1944) 43: 50.

“Doctors Criticize Kenny Publicity”
New York Times
June 15 1944. The committee had also sent questionnaires to 900 orthopedic surgeons but did not include this information for “no definite conclusions could be drawn from the reports they submitted,” a vague explanation suggesting that very vehement conclusions may well have been made but not in ways that could be easily integrated; Ralph K. Ghormley, Edward L. Compere, James A. Dickson, Robert V. Funsten, J. Albert Key, H. R. McCarroll and Herman C. Schumm “Evaluation of the Kenny Treatment of Infantile Paralysis”
(June 17 1944) 125: 466.

J. Albert Key “Reasons Why the Orthodox Is Better than the Kenny Treatment of Poliomyelitis”
Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics
(October 1943) 77: 389–396; Key “The Kenny Versus the Orthodox Treatment of Anterior Poliomyelitis”
(July 1943) 14: 20–31. See also H. R. McCarroll “The Role of Physical Therapy in the Early Treatment of Poliomyelitis”
(October 17 1942) 120: 517–519; Lois Maddox Miller “Sister Kenny vs. The Medical Old Guard”
Reader's Digest
(November 1944) 45: 41.

Robert V. Funston [Report] in “Reports on Meeting of Committee to Investigate the Kenny Method of Treatment, Sunday and Monday, November 22 and 23, 1942, Minneapolis, Minnesota,” Dr. R.K. Ghormley, 1943, MHS-K; “Doctor Favors New Paralysis Treatment”
Washington Post
August 24 1942; Robert V. Funsten “The Influence of the Sister Kenny Publicity on the Treatment of Poliomyelitis”
Virginia Medical Monthly
(October 1945) 72: 403–406. Robert Vivian Funsten (1892–1949) was the chair of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Virginia (1932–1949); with Carmelita Calderwood he wrote
Orthopedic Nursing
(St Louis: C. V. Mosby, 1943).

Ghormley et al. “Evaluation of the Kenny Treatment of Infantile Paralysis,” 467.

Ghormley et al. “Evaluation of the Kenny Treatment of Infantile Paralysis,” 468.

See Key in Miller “Sister Kenny vs. The Medical Old Guard,” 41. Key was said to be quoting an “Australian critic”; Funsten “The Influence of the Sister Kenny Publicity,” 404. See a reference to a “Cynical Taunt by an Australian Medico Many Years Ago,” Albert Deutsch “The Truth About Sister Kenny”
American Mercury
(November 1944) 59: 610.

Ghormley et al. “Evaluation of the Kenny Treatment of Infantile Paralysis,” 466–468.

Ghormley et al. “Evaluation of the Kenny Treatment of Infantile Paralysis,” 467–469.

Ghormley et al. “Evaluation of the Kenny Treatment of Infantile Paralysis,” 469. This point was reiterated in the media; see “Doctors Criticize Kenny Publicity”
New York Times
June 15 1944.

Ghormley et al. “Evaluation of the Kenny Treatment of Infantile Paralysis,” 468–469.

Deutsch “The Truth About Sister Kenny,” 613. Polio historian Tony Gould claimed that the AMA report was “retribution” by the specialists; Gould
Summer Plague
, 105.

Albert Deutsch “Why Not a Scientific Test Of Kenny Polio Treatment?”
June 20 1944.

“Paralysis Method Held Overpraised”
New York Times
August 11 1944; “Sister Kenny Treatment Hit by 7 Doctors”
Chicago Daily Tribune
June 16 1944.

Basil O'Connor to Peter J.A. Cusack, June 23 1944 [notice]
National Foundation News
(June 1944) 3: 1.

“O'Connor on Western Trip”
National Foundation News
(June 1944) 3: 1.

Editorial “Muscle Spasm in Poliomyelitis”
(May 6 1944) 125: 35.

Fishbein “Facts About the Kenny Treatment”
(July 1944) 22: 573.

Thomas Parran to Miss Elizabeth Kenny [telegram], July 18 1944, Government—Misc., 1942–1951, MHS-K. Telegram in capital letters in original.

Howard Smith to Dear Sister Kenny, August 1 1944, Smith, Howard R., 1944, MHS-K.


See Michelle E. Osborn “Visscher, Maurice Bolks”
American National Biography Online
(February 2000),
, accessed 1/16/2009. See also “$322,450 Grant to U. of M. Will Spur Kenny Program”
Minneapolis Star-Journal
June 21 1944; “New $320,000 Polio Grant Received by U”
Minneapolis Daily Times
June 21 1944.

Maurice B. Visscher to Dear Dr. Moldaver, June 5 1944, Minnesota Poliomyelitis Research Committee, Box 1, UMN-ASC.

A. B. Baker “The Central Nervous System in Poliomyelitis and Polio[-]encephalitis”
(July 1944) 64: 224–233; Arthur I. Watkins “Electromyographic Studies in Poliomyelitis”
(July 1944) 64: 233–236; Berry Campbell “The Physiology of the Spinal Cord with Relation to Poliomyelitis”
(July 1944) 64: 236–239; Harland G. Wood “Metabolism of Nervous Tissue in Poliomyelitis”
(July 1944) 64: 240–242; Ernest Gellhorn “The Effect of Muscle Pain on the Central Nervous System at the Spinal and Cortical Levels”
(July 1944) 64: 243–245.

Editorial J. C. McKinley, Irvine McQuarrie, W. A. O'Brien, and M. B. Visscher “The Present Status of Poliomyelitis Management”
(July 1944) 64: 249–250.

Lloyd [Ziegler] to Dear Chanley [McKinley], July 29 1944, Minnesota Poliomyelitis Research Committee, Box 1, UMN-ASC. See also H. M. Hines to Dear Dr. Visscher, July 31 1944, Minnesota Poliomyelitis Research Committee, Box 1, UMN-ASC; A. C. Icy to Dear Dr. Visscher, July 29 1944, Minnesota Poliomyelitis Research Committee, Box 1, UMN-ASC.

Thos. P. Bonner to Dear Madam, July 3 1944, Ray of Light Letters, 1944, MHS-K.

Otto E. Emrich to Dear Madame, June 27 1944, Ray of Light Letters, 1944, MHS-K.

H. A. Cosler to Dear Sister Kenny, June 23 1944, Ray of Light Letters, 1944, MHS-K.

[Reverend] F. E. Farrell [Minneapolis] to Dear Miss Kenny, January 9 1945, Churches, 1943–1946, MHS-K.

Harold S. Diehl, “Memorandum of Conference Concerning Future Plans for the Kenny Teaching Program of the Medical School” July 10 1944, Am. 15.8, Folder 16, [accessed in 1992 before recent re-cataloging], UMN-ASC

Roland Nicholson “Nurse Has Waged 33-Year Battle To Prove Ideas”
Washington Times-Herald
August 27 1944; “Medical, Govt. Experts Hosts At Dinner for Nurse Tonight”
Washington Times-Herald
September 1 1944; Dorothy Williams “D.C. Mission to Kenny Clinic Called ‘Unnecessary Waste' ” [Washington paper, c. August 1944], Supporting Data, Review Committee, 1944, NAS.

“Public Invited to Polio Forum Tomorrow Night at Statler”
Washington Times-Herald
September 1 1944.

“Notables View D.C. Premiere of Kenny Film”
Washington Times-Herald
October 23 1944.

J. E. Hulett, Jr. to Dear Sir [Peter Cusack] June 28 1944, Public Relations, MOD-K. Hulett wanted to do a study of the “sociological aspects” of Kenny's campaign “to gain professional and lay approval of her ‘conception' of infantile paralysis.” He assured Cusack that he would not be “making a judgment regarding the scientific validity of the ‘Kenny method.' ”

Howard Smith to Dear Sister Kenny, July 26 1944, Smith, Howard R., 1944, MHS-K.

Elizabeth Kenny to the President NFIP [telegram] July 8, 1944, Dr. Wallace H. Cole, 1940–1947, MHS-K; Elizabeth Kenny to My Dear Dr. Cole, July 11 1944, Dr. Wallace H. Cole, 1940–1947, MHS-K.

Elizabeth Kenny to Ladies and Gentlemen, [July 1944], Am. 15.8, Folder 23, [accessed in 1992 before recent re-cataloging] UMN-ASC

Lewis C. Mills “Sister Kenny Gives Answer to AMA in Dramatic Exhibition”
Minneapolis Star-Journal
June 20 1944.

“Notables View D.C. Premiere of Kenny Film”
Washington Times-Herald
October [23] 1944.

Elizabeth Kenny to Ladies and Gentlemen, [July 1944]; Albert Deutsch “Sister Kenny Again Engaged In Battle With Medicos”
February 6 1944, 9; “Surgeons ‘Severely Criticize' Claims Made for Her ‘System”—She Calls Their Statements ‘Most Criminal Thing' ”
New York Times
June 16 1944.

Edward L. Compere to Dear Miss Kenny, July 10 1944, Edward L. Compere, 1942–1945, MHS-K.

Elizabeth Kenny to Dear Dr. Compere, July 12 1944, Edward L. Compere, 1942–1945, MHS-K.

Edward L. Compere to Mr. E. E. Burr, February 28 1945, Edward Compere, 1942–1945, MHS-K.

Edward L. Compere ed.
The 1950 Year Book of Orthopedics and Traumatic Surgery
(Chicago: Year Book Publishers, 1951).

Charles J. Frankel and Robert V. Funsten “Use of Neostigmine (Prostigmine) in Subacute Poliomyelitis”
Southern Medical Journal
(June 1946) 39: 482–483; see also Funsten “The Influence of the Sister Kenny Publicity,” 404–405; Charles J. Frankel “The Treatment of Acute and Subacute Anterior Poliomyelitis”
Virginia Medical Monthly
(September 1944) 71: 451–452.

Marvin L Kline to Dear Mr. O'Connor, July 18 1944, [attached with] O. H. Perry Pepper to Dear Doctor Winternitz, November 10 1944, Review Committee, 1944, NAS; “Yearly Program for Kenny Institute” [proposal enclosed in] Marvin L Kline to Dear Mr. O'Connor, July 18 1944, Public Relations, MOD-K; Marvin L Kline, Henry W. Haverstock, and John F. Pohl to Dear Mr. O'Connor, July 28 1944, Public Relations, MOD-K.

Harold S. Diehl to Dear Don [Gudakunst], August 3 1944, [attached with] O. H. Perry Pepper to Dear Doctor Winternitz, November 10 1944, Review Committee, 1944, NAS.

O'Connor to Diehl, May 18 1943, Dr. Harold S. Diehl, 1941–1944, MHS-K; Diehl to Dear Mrs. Miller, August 19 1944, Morris Fishbein Collection, vol. 77, Folder 8, Joseph Regenstein Library, University of Chicago.

“Kenny Methods Placed At Top”
Minneapolis Morning Tribune
[June 1944], Minnesota Poliomyelitis Research Committee, Box 2, UMN-ASC.

Mary Pohl, interview with Naomi Rogers, August 21 2003, Tallahassee, Florida. Pohl's awareness of gender discrimination in medicine had first been raised, according to his daughter, when he applied to the University of Minnesota's medical school under his childhood name “Florian Pohl” and was rejected because the medical school thought he was a woman.

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