Political Order and Political Decay (106 page)

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I'm very grateful to a number of people and institutions that have helped me in the preparation of this volume, as well as its predecessor. I have found a wonderful institutional home at the Center for Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) at Stanford's Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, under the leadership of CDDRL's director, Larry Diamond. There are many people who read parts or all of the manuscript and provided comments as well as valuable insights into the many issues covered. My wife, Laura Holmgren, read the manuscript early on and has been completely supportive over the years it has taken to write this book, as well as in all of the ones preceding.

I would like to pay special thanks to David Abernethy, the late Joel Barkan, Margaret Boittin, Bruce Cain, Gerhard Casper, Roberto D'Alimonte, Tino Cuéllar, Larry Diamond, Giovanna Dore, Peter Duns, Karl Eikenberry, Don Emmerson, Morris Fiorina, Adam Garfinkle, Elira Karaja, Eric Kramon, Steven Krasner, Melissa Lee, Peter Lewis, Reo Matsuzaki, Ian Morris, Paul Ockelmann, Dan Okimoto, Elena Panaritis, Minxin Pei, Marc Plattner, Alastair Roberts, Richard Roberts, Eric E. Schmidt, Jim Sheehan, Landry Signé, Peter Skerry, Melissa Thomas, Lucan Way, Daniel Ziblatt, and research assistants Jason Wu, Purun Cheong, Priscilla Choi, Kamil Dada, Nicholas Dugdale, Alana Kirkland, and Devanshi Patel. Samantha Maskey and Lauren Weitzman both helped on research and on the production of the book as a whole. Parts of this book were presented at the Berkeley Global History Seminar, the University of Puget Sound, the Belfer Center at Harvard's Kennedy School, the Center for Global Development, and the Europe Center and CDDRL at Stanford; I'm appreciative of the comments received.

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