Posh Doc, Society Wedding (14 page)

BOOK: Posh Doc, Society Wedding
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Ross squeezed Izzy, holding her close as she looked up at him. ‘I think I’m the happiest girl in the world,’ she told him.

There was a loud rapping on the outer door, and she frowned. ‘Who could that be?’

‘That will be someone I’m expecting,’ Ross said. ‘I believe it’s our first-footer, come to see in the New Year with us.’

They went together to open the door, and there stood Jason Trent, the actor, tall and dark-haired, bearing gifts.

‘I’ve brought coal,’ Jason said, ‘so that your hearth will always be warm, bread so that you will not go hungry, and a silver coin so that you may be prosperous into the New Year.’

‘Come in,’ Ross said. ‘In return we’ll give you whisky and good cheer, and food to fill you up.’

‘Exactly what I wanted,’ Jason said. ‘And Lorna, of course. I take it she’s here?’

‘She is. She’s waiting for you in the Great Hall. You know the way, don’t you?’

Jason nodded, and grinned. He knew better than to expect Ross and Izzy to follow him. They were far too busy kissing.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-4858-2


First North American Publication 2010

Copyright © 2009 by Joanna Neil

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