Positive (16 page)

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Authors: David Wellington

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t was, of course, inevitable.

I had hated Adare by the end, thought everything about him was foul and wrong. I detested the way he put the girls in danger when he went looting, staying in the SUV himself all the time where he was safe. I'd loathed and feared the looter camps where he did business.

If I was going to survive in the wilderness, though, if I was going to help the girls survive, I had to admit he'd known what he was doing.

I was going to have to become a looter.

We looted three streets in a suburb that day, places whose names I found in the atlas, places Adare hadn't marked as dangerous. Which could mean nothing at all.

I did my best to make the looting as safe as possible. Heather could drive, so I had her stay with the car while Kylie, Mary, Addison, and I went all together into each house. Before moving on to another house I made sure no zombies were coming.

Adare's way had been much faster and more lucrative. But we got out of there with no casualties, so that was something.

By the end of the day we were down to only what fuel remained in the SUV's tank, and it was only about three-­quarters full. There was no other option. We would have to go to a looter camp and barter for more fuel.

It would be dangerous, I knew. I was not enough of a fool to think the looter camps were safe for us. Adare's reputation had kept us from being victimized, or robbed, or much worse. Nobody had dared to take what was his, because they knew what he would do to them.

I wasn't going to inspire any such dread.

Still. It would be good to be behind walls, in a place where we could sleep for the night without worrying about red-­eyed faces peering in our windows. It would be good to see other human beings, even.

I had Kylie drive us to another parking lot where we wouldn't be surprised by zombies. Then we switched off the SUV to conserve fuel. While the girls waited I studied the atlas for hours, trying to make sense of where we were. We were somewhere near Trenton, I knew, still close to the turnpike. Earlier I'd seen an off-­ramp for Route 1. That helped me triangulate our position on the map.

Adare's annotations showed a vast region south of us where there was nothing but zombies. The big red
through Trenton worried me—­I had no idea what it meant, but it looked like something to avoid. Just a little to the north, though, assuming I knew where I was, there was the tiny circle of a looter camp called Prince­ton. I knew nothing about the place except one thing: we could get there on the fuel we had left.

I turned around in my seat to face the girls. They were all looking at me.

“I'm not like him,” I said, meaning Adare. There could be no other “him” now. His absence from the SUV seemed to take up all the extra space—­so big in life, it seemed even death couldn't erase him from the space we inhabited. “I'm not like him at all.”

They stared back at me, either disbelieving what I said or so numb they didn't care. Heather turned her face away from me.

“I'm going to keep you safe,” I said. “I'll get us to Ohio. We'll be safe there. But I need you all to trust me and help me out the best you can. If you do that, we'll all be okay.”

None of them bothered to respond. I waited for a while, then turned to Kylie and told her to get us moving, headed north. I looked across her lap, at the gas gauge on the dashboard. The needle had sagged even lower than I thought.

I really hoped I hadn't just told these girls a horrible lie.



e rolled into Prince­ton with just fumes left in the tank.

It was hard to find the looter camp. There were no signs up anywhere telling us where to go, and none of the girls had been there before. I realized then just how much Adare had kept in his head all the time—­all the lore and experience he'd stored up over his years in the wilderness. As naive and ignorant as I was, I was likely to get us stranded just miles from the camp as we wandered the streets of the empty town, looking for any sign of life.

Instead, of course, we found signs of death—­the usual pile of zombie bones piled up outside the camp. Mary spotted them from blocks away.

The Prince­ton camp was built into a giant spiral parking structure, a helix of concrete rising from a block of abandoned office buildings. A gate made of hammered metal blocked the entrance, while bored-­looking snipers looked down on us from a curving ramp overhead. Kylie honked the horn, and they let us in without question.

If only it could have stayed that way.

We edged up the spiraling ramp, threading our way past the makeshift hovels of what Adare called “retailers”—­mechanics, car washers, ammunition sellers. They had been built into the parking spaces, and some spilled out into the ramp itself. Two levels up we found an open parking spot, between a bunch of dusty motorcycles and a hearse with a chrome skull mounted on its grille.

The driver of the hearse was working on his car, polishing its fender when we pulled in. He called out “Hey, Adare!” and straightened up, waving his rag. I saw he had his hair sprayed up into two wings above his forehead, and that he had filed his canine teeth down until they came to wicked points. “Long time no . . .”

He stopped and squinted at the SUV. Then he ducked and bobbed his head around, looking in all our windows.

I tried to ignore him as I climbed out onto the ramp, but clearly he wasn't going to let me get away without asking.

“Where's Adare? That's Adare's ride. You steal that from Adare?”

I tried pushing past him, intent on getting a better idea of the amenities available in Prince­ton—­where best to buy gasoline was uppermost in my mind.

He grabbed my shoulder, though, and gave me a good shake. “I asked you a question, kid.”

He had a pistol on his hip and the hilt of a knife sticking out of his boot. I opened my mouth to say something, to tell him what had happened, but just then Kylie jumped out of the driver's side of the SUV and came over with a big smile. I could hardly believe it—­I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen her look like that.

“Zombies,” she said. “Hi, Justin.”

The guy with the hair wings let go of my shoulder and nodded at her. “Hey, K. What do you mean, zombies?”

“Zombies got Adare.”

Justin shook his head. “Nah. After all this time? I don't buy it.”

Kylie kept up her big smile and shrugged theatrically.

For a second I thought Justin was going to draw on us, or ask more questions, or start some kind of trouble. But he just kept watching Kylie's face, as if it might change. It didn't.

“Zombies,” he said finally. “Goes to show you never can tell.”

I nodded agreeably and walked away, pulling Kylie after me. As soon as we were out of view of Justin and his hearse, Kylie's smile vanished. It just fell right off her face. It had been an act, all of it.

“Why did you lie to him?” I asked.

Kylie didn't even shrug as she answered. “Adare didn't have friends, really. But a lot of ­people respected him. If I told ­people I killed him, they might try to hurt me. Or take me for their own.”

“Maybe they would respect you for standing up for yourself,” I said.

She seemed to consider the possibility, at least. Then she said, “No. I'm a girl.”

I shook my head. “You could tell them I killed him.”

That made her shake her head. “Oh, no, Stones. Nobody would ever believe that.”



e headed up and down the ramp, looking to trade our meager loot for gasoline, but nobody would deal with us. They all wanted to hear about how Adare had died. Many of them refused to believe it on principle—­Adare had been out there surviving zombie attacks since day one of the crisis. I began to suspect that Kylie had picked the worst possible story. If she'd said a bear killed him or he died of an infection, ­people might have believed that.

Still—­she'd had to come up with an explanation for his disappearance on the spot. I couldn't have done better.

Not everyone we met was sad to hear the news. We found an old woman living in a shack made of rusting car fenders, up on the top level of the garage. The sun beat down on the metal, making it very warm inside her hovel, and it didn't help she was brewing tea on an a little alcohol fire. She kept cooing over Kylie, brushing her hair with one wrinkled, leathery hand, telling her how happy she was that Kylie was free now.

I looked between the two of them. “Do you know each other?”

“I don't look like much, now, do I?” the old woman asked. “I was a doctor once, though. Adare brought Kylie to me once, long time ago now. She'd been running from some zombies and she sprained her ankle. He had me set it for her, and the whole time he kept saying, ‘See how I take care of mine? See how I treat my girls?' But everyone knew what he got up to.” She poured us each a cup of tea and smiled at us when we drank it. It tasted like dirty water, but I didn't say anything, of course.

“Ma'am,” I said, “we're in kind of a situation here, and—­”

The old woman laughed. It was a warm sound. “Now this one has some manners!”

I smiled at her and said, “I'm afraid we've run out of gas. If we're going to get anywhere, we need to trade for some more.” I sincerely doubted she had any—­I didn't see any fifty-­five-­gallon drums sitting outside her hovel—­but maybe she knew who to talk to.

“Oh, son, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for that,” she said. “The helicopter came a while back, but everyone's already traded for fuel. I doubt there's a drop to be had anywhere in this camp.”

I thanked her for the information. I offered to give her something for the tea—­a ­couple of pills, maybe a mostly empty liquor bottle—­but she refused. “You just take care of Kylie,” she said. “And remember—­if you aren't good to her, one of these days a ‘zombie' is going to get you, too.”

I stared at her, but she just looked away, smiling. She knew we were lying. Did everyone else know, too? Nobody had questioned us too hard, but maybe because they knew we weren't going to give them a straight answer.

The news she'd given me wasn't good, either. It could be days before the army came back to the Prince­ton looter camp, days before I could trade our loot for fuel. In that time, anything could happen—­and we had no way to escape.

Little did I know we weren't going to have a chance to stay in Prince­ton for long.

When I got back to the SUV, it was to find that all the girls had gotten out to stretch their legs. Mary and Heather were both leaning on the edge of the ramp, looking out at the sunshine. I didn't see Addison at first. As we got closer, though, Kylie went stiff and her face froze—­even more than usual.

I tried to follow her gaze, and then I saw where Addison was. She was sitting in the front seat of the hearse. Justin, the guy with the filed-­down teeth, was leaning in his driver's-­side window, talking to her and grinning a lot. Addison looked scared, but she had her hands folded in her lap and wasn't moving. After so long with Adare, she'd probably learned to just do whatever older men told her to do. I have no doubt that Justin had simply asked her to get into his car, and she'd done it.

Maybe she would listen to me, too. “Get out of there, Addison,” I said, storming up to him. He gave me a nasty look, then went back to talking to Addison in low tones.

“Get away from her,” I told Justin.

He didn't look particularly scared of me. “I've been thinking,” he said. “Word is you guys need gas. I can spare a little.”

I narrowed my eyes. I had a feeling I knew what he wanted in exchange.

“I know a guy in Rahway. He's always looking for little girls. Young enough they can be trained. And this one don't even need much training, I think.” He gave Addison a big smile. “My friend's real nice to his girls. Doesn't put them to work until they're thirteen or so.”

I felt rage boiling inside my skull. “Get the fuck away from her.”

“Or what?” he asked.

I stood there and fumed.

“Maybe a zombie'll get me,” he said, and laughed right in my face.

I wanted to look at Kylie, to see what she wanted me to do. But I knew that would just make me look weaker. Instead I headed around the back of the hearse, intending to open the passenger-­side door and pull Addison out of there if need be.

I never got there.

The hearse had a back hatch door that opened on good steel springs. It popped open as I walked by, nearly clipping me in the head. Inside, another looter was lying in the red velvet upholstery. He had an eye patch and a little pistol in his hand, which he pointed right at my face.

“Maybe you want to think again, city boy,” Justin said, with a chuckle.

I remembered the attack of the road pirates, when I failed to fire my weapon. I remembered not fighting back when Adare tried to castrate me. I had always assumed I was a coward and I would never be able to fight.

Lucky for me, my body didn't remember those things. My hands moved without any thought required. My knife came out of my belt and slid across the looter's arm with one effortless motion. The pistol spun out of his hand and clattered on the ground. I scooped it up in the time it takes to say so.

If I'd let myself think about what I was doing, none of that would ever have happened.

The looter curled up, moaning, inside the hearse. His blood was very bright on the dark red velvet. I slammed the hatch down again, sealing him away. Then I lifted the pistol and pointed it at Justin. “Kylie,” I said. “Go get Addison.”

Justin frowned at me. “You know what happens if you kill somebody in a camp like this?” he asked. “Every looter in here is going to come down on your ass.”

“Yeah, but you know the problem being the guy they avenge?” I said back. “He's still dead.”

Justin didn't have a comeback for that.

I, however, had a brand-­new idea. “I couldn't help but notice when I looked inside your vehicle. You've got a bunch of spare gas cans. I believe we'll be taking those.”

His eyes went wide. I came closer to him, got the pistol right up in his face. His eyes went even wider.

In a minute's time, we had gasoline. I got everybody into the SUV and told Kylie to get us the hell out of Prince­ton.

Nobody tried to stop us.

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