Positive/Negativity (31 page)

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Authors: D.D. Lorenzo

BOOK: Positive/Negativity
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“I know what I’ll wear, and it will be based on a few things,” I said turning to Aria.

“What?” she said. “I don’t know what I’m wearing yet.” I started drawing circles in her palm to distract her a bit.

“Beautiful, I’ve taken the liberty of choosing three gowns from my favorite designers. I want you to look at them and try them on. It’s my hope that you’ll choose one of them to wear, and I’ll choose my outfit based on what you wear.”

Aria searched my eyes. “Declan, that’s too extravagant.”

“No it isn’t. You’ll be the belle of the ball that evening. None of this would have been possible without you,” I insisted. “At least take a look at them, please?”

Her eyes changed right in front of mine as her emotions showed her mood. I could see her struggle to agree with me in them. It only took her a moment, and as she accepted the sincerity of my offer, they cast the deepest shade of the ocean, and their corners almost touched the sides of her smile.

The evening would be perfect.



“I’m coming down!” I called to Declan from the second floor.

Being a bit uneasy with my appearance, I looked at myself in the full length mirror as if I were Cinderella going to the ball. The woman reflecting back at me was beautiful. My long, dark waves had been done in a way that part of my hair was up, and some hung down. I had a sparkling starfish clip in my hair. It was fashioned from a broche that belonged to Declan’s Grandmother. My make-up had been artfully done by Aimee several hours before, and my eyes had been done in the smoky style. It made the blue of them so much more intense and featured how they constantly changed; something that always amazed and fascinated Declan. My lips were garnet red, as was my gown.

My gown was designed by none other than Michelle Nagem. It was the deepest shade of garnet; a shade that carried much blue, strapless and looped the top of one arm. At the waist, the fabric seemed to split into two pieces, with one side appearing gently pleated. Both sides flowed to the floor in an elegant puddle. My matching sandals could be seen as a peek-a-boo element as the gown sashayed when I walked. I wore simple diamond earrings to complement the ensemble.

Yes, the woman staring back at me was surely Cinderella. I only hoped that amongst all of these people, some of the world’s most beautiful, she didn’t turn into a pumpkin.

Declan said nothing for several minutes as his eyes rested on me. He’d never seen me so dressed up like this before. I was unsure of his reaction. When his eyes met mine, I was surprised to see them misty, and my heart softened at his display of emotion.

“How did I ever get so lucky?” he said in a voice that betrayed his sentiments.

He lifted my hand and kissed the back of it, a gesture that never failed to make me feel cherished.

“I know the answer to that,” I answered softly. “You happen to like the beach…and coffee.”

With that, he broke into a grin and used the hand he held to pull me closer to him.

“I have something for you,” he said, reaching into his pocket, and he pulled out a box. “Open it.”

I opened the box to find a bracelet with a diamond starfish.

“Oh, Declan! It’s
Can I wear it tonight?”

“I was hoping you would,” he said as he removed the piece and placed it on my wrist.

“It sparkles so prettily, and it isn’t overdone. I love it.” I tilted up to kiss him. “Thank you.”

“Everyone will be looking at you tonight; you do realize that, right?” He narrowed his eyes, smiled and warned “I may become violent if anyone gets too close…”

I shook my head and laughed at him.
Did he even hear the statement he just made?
The most elite and beautiful people in the fashion industry would be in attendance tonight, and I seriously doubted that I’d be a visible threat in a room filled with supermodels. Declan was partial because he loved me. The old saying “love is blind” came to mind, but I went along with his frivolity and continued to laugh. He became serious and gave me a very stern look. Obviously, he didn’t think the idea was as ludicrous as I did.

“You truly don’t see just how beautiful you are, and that’s another ‘beautiful’ element about you.” Looking in my eyes he confirmed his statement by nodding. He then tilted my chin up toward him and placed his forehead on mine. “At times, I feel almost ashamed to be in your presence, you are simply the most genuine person I have ever known, and I love you.”

I could feel the honesty in his words, but now wasn’t a time for my appreciation and affection to unravel. This was his night. I wanted him to have fun, so I attempted to detour the route we were taking.

“You’re sweet, and a little crazy, but stop. We have a party to attend!” I tried to lighten his sudden serious mood as I was uncomfortable with his praise.

“Don’t tell me to stop. You have no idea how superficial the world I used to live in had made me. You’ll get a taste of it tonight, so be prepared. There will be some people there that are beautiful on the outside, but trust me; there are monsters inside of them, they just hide them well. I know that you don’t see yourself the way that others do, so I wanted to tell you before we get there.” He pulled me close to him and spoke his words against the pulse of my throat, causing it to beat faster.

“I feel like the luckiest man to be taking
to the gala. You
beautiful on the outside, but it’s your inner beauty that makes the total package so desirable.
why other women see you as a threat.”

With that, I laughed.

“I’m telling you the truth, baby,” he said, smiling at me. “There will be women tonight who will wish they were
,” he said, coming closer to my face.

“Yes, Declan, they will, because I’ll be with
,” I corrected him.

He shook his head at me to correct me. “I love you, you know that?”

His eyes held the promise that he was
Prince Charming for the evening.

“Give me just one minute to say this to you. Any woman can put on make-up and clothes, Aria, but you can’t beautify an ugly soul.” He placed his arms around my waist; comforting and making me feel loved and treasured. “I’m glad your
.” Declan moved his hand up to my chin and tilted my face up to look into his loving eyes as he spoke, “Now let’s go show everyone what a lucky man I am to be with the most glamorous girl in the world.”

With that, he lifted my arm and placed it through his; then he looked me over, top to bottom.

“Yes,” he said. “I’m a lucky, lucky man…”



…and as The Studio became an enchanted castle, Cinderella was whisked away on the arm of her Prince to experience a real fairy tale evening…



The Only Thing That Looks Good on me is You – Bryan Adams

Black Sheep – Gin Wigmore




Hollywood came to the ocean for one night as Declan and I pulled up to The Studio in our stretch limousine. That was what Declan had decided to name his business—The Studio—as if it were the only one in existence, and to us it was.

For tonight, I felt like a movie star draped on the arm of my handsome escort. He just happened to be a world famous model—
lucky me!

Photographers were everywhere, and for a brief time, I imagined what it must be like to have paparazzi constantly calling out your name and following each move you made. I couldn’t envision a daily life mimicking this.

As Declan and I walked the red carpet, I could hear the news reporters, both local and national, calling his name. Their attempts to get his attention for a photo or a brief interview were relentless. Our little beach town was also descended upon by the various entertainment shows. It was invigorating and frightening. The air felt electrified, but Declan remained calm and composed. He was in his element. Several times, he leaned in to kiss my cheek or nuzzle my neck to give them a dazzling photo op of the two of us. One thing was for certain—if anyone, anywhere was unaware that Declan was in a relationship, after seeing his public displays tonight, there would be no doubt.

Upon entering The Studio, we were impressed with the fabulous job Katherine had performed with this evening’s details. Her hard work had made The Studio an East Coast showpiece. Declan and I immediately sought her out to commend her for her hard work. He made it a point to specifically tell her how impressed he was with every detail she handled, and I could tell that his praise meant a great deal to her. As we went to greet the other guests, he confided to me that he’d be showing Katherine his appreciation in a more practical way. I loved that about him; he was a kind and thoughtful man.

Blake Matthews approached us. He looked more the model this evening than a modeling agent, and he was escorting Marisol Franzi for the evening. As one would expect of a supermodel, she was stunning in an ice blue gown, which showed off her dark Latin looks. Much as I hated to admit it, she was simply breathtaking.

“This is an impressive gathering, Declan,” Blake praised. “The buzz I’ve heard is that you’ll do very well here. Some of the clients have been discussing plans for various photo sessions, which will involve a considerable cost savings to them with regard to travel and location. You should be very proud of the job you’ve done. You know how discriminating the clients can be. If you’ve gotten their approval, then it shows you had the right idea.”

Declan appreciated the comments of the man he’d worked with and admired for so long. He pulled me in close and beamed with pride as he too took in the beauty of the building.

“Thank you, Blake. The dream was mine, but I can’t take full credit for all of this,” he said, shifting his gaze to me. “The appeal of this building is the vision of Aria. She conceptualized all of this and shared it with me. Once I agreed, she carried through her vision. Describing to her what I was hoping for, she brought it to life. Her talent and ability is really what deserve your praise.” He gazed at me with love and pride.

“If that’s true, then you’re a talented woman,” Blake praised, “and beautiful as well.” He nodded his head and winked at me as he raised his glass.

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