Possessed by a Stranger (22 page)

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Authors: Jeny Stone

Tags: #erotica, #fate, #contemporary romance, #strong female, #alpha male, #dominate male, #99 cent book, #chance meeting

BOOK: Possessed by a Stranger
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Her lips followed the stream of water down
the center of his chest. His muscles twitched giving her a sense of
power. She caressed his manhood with both hands feeling the pulsing
in response to her touch. She ran her tongue around the tip and
rim. His deep groan sounded grunted, contained. The soft smooth
skin was in direct contrast to the rock it sheathed. His muscles
tightened in anticipation. Her lips slipped down his shaft as she
massaged the loose skin of his man sack. He thrust his hips forward
pushing deeper in her mouth. She sucked as she slid her mouth up
his powerful pole, teasing the tip with her tongue before he pushed
forward again. Every deep breath and twitching muscle she received
from him increased the heated need she felt. His hands grasped her
head and he guided her mouth off him. She slid up his torso,
running her hands up his sides over the river of water rushing over

He rolled her over, no longer able to control
his throbbing dick. She locked her legs around his waist as he
thrust himself inside her with a fierce need to consume her.
Nothing else existed except filling her with his shaft and
satisfying his urgent needs. He could feel the aggression in his
blood demanding total possession of her. Flesh-against-flesh. Each
thrust became more powerful and demanding. He was inflamed to the
core as the rain lashed at his back and her nails dug deep into his
flesh. She had ignited a lethal fire with her sensual display. An
unrelenting fire with a ferocious need to fill her warm, wet pussy,
he couldn’t get enough of her.

His mighty thrusts pushed them off the slick
mattress. He ground his teeth, tilting his head back releasing an
almost painful primal groan as he felt her convulse beneath him. He
violently exploded inside her in a heated eruption.

His head cleared. He lifted his weight onto
his arms. Panic ensued as he realized the roughness of his actions.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

The concern in his eyes warmed her heart.
Just moments before those eyes had pierced her soul. She had raised
his desires to a chaotic need to have her; it was incomparable to
anything she had witnessed in him before. Lustful was his normal
state of being but this time was different. This man would have
traded oxygen to fuck her. Knowing what she knew, seeing what she
saw in his eyes spiraled her into an orgasmic quandary. Every
thrust that pounded her womb, every guttural growl intensified her
never ending orgasm to best all other orgasms combined.

“NOOO, I think I just discovered your
Achilles heel. Was it the storm or just being outside?”

“Smart ass, you knew what you were doing to
me. I could have accidentally drowned you. I’ve never been that out
of control. Are you sure you’re alright?” He rose moving them back
to the mattress. He used the water on the mattress to wash the dead
grass from her backside.

“Oh yes, I’ve never been better.” She
snuggled into his arms.

He flipped her on her back. He shifted over
her to block her from the rain. “Hannah this is serious. I’m not
wearing a condom.”

“I know. I’m on the pill. You can get that
panicked look off your face. I’m not going to pop out a little
Presley in nine months.”

A wave of relief filtered out his panic. “You
better hope not. Ten pound Presley’s don’t just pop out according
to my mother.”

He moved her wet curls stuck to her face with
his finger. Her dancing eyes blinked away the rain streaming over
her face. Being outside, the rain, this beautiful woman squirming
beneath him and his dick begged for seconds. He slid inside her
touching her love tunnel bare skinned. His previous ejaculation was
slick, hot and sexy beyond belief. He had filled her with a special
part of himself he had never shared with any other woman. Rolling
over on his back he held her hips pressed inside her. She raised
herself to take control the way she knew he liked it.

“On baby, take it slow. Make it last

Hannah made love to Garret in a torrential
downpour concurrent with the love bursting her heart. Oh yeah, it
was love, no doubt. There wasn’t any use denying it any longer. Her
inane reasoning to protect her heart had failed miserably. She
existed only to love this man. He filled her heart, her thoughts,
and her dreams. After they came together she collapsed on his
drenched body. She wanted to cry, laugh, and scream her love. She
couldn’t, it would drive him away, prematurely. She laid in his
arms cherishing every second she had left before he moved on to his
next conquest and she ceased to exist.

He pushed her hair away from her face. “What
made you decide to go out in this storm? I didn’t think you would
consent to having sex outside.”

“Normally I wouldn’t. I don’t think I could
have relaxed enough thinking someone might be watching. But no one
in their right mind would be out in this storm … so it was

Garret laughed. She was right about the
storm. He had lost his mind in the storm because of her. She had a
hold on him he couldn’t comprehend. Well, he had better figure it
out soon before it got completely out of hand. The moment he saw
her, the second he touched her, she consumed him every single time.
What made her different than others that came before her? The
temperature had dropped. It was time to get indoors before they
both caught pneumonia. He stood on the ground offering her his
hand. She accepted the way she always did, without hesitation,
without reservations. They ran across the flooded yard with his arm
securely around her waist.

Warmed by the flames flickering in her large
stone fireplace Hannah was snuggled next to him on a pallet of
blankets watching a movie. The temperature plummeted forty degrees
in a matter of hours when the cold front swept over the area and it
continued to drop. The weatherman predicted the possibility of an
ice storm under variable circumstances. If the temperature fell
below freezing during the night and blah blah blah then blah blah
blah. The pasty faced weatherman should have just said “we might
have an ice storm, or not.” Mother Nature was the only one that
knew for sure so put her on the news.

His foul mood started after fucking in the
rain. That by far was his best fuck ever. She drove him out of his
mind and he lost control. He never lost control. Even drunk, he
hadn’t been that far gone. It was her. He had watched other women
do the same thing and more. He fucked them afterwards retaining his
composure. It was her. The combination of separate stimuli
colliding together pushed him over the edge. No, damn it, it was
her. She was the key ingredient. He was losing control of this
arrangement of pure sexual satisfaction.

The soft glow of the fire warmed the room.
The wind whistled around the cottage beating the rain on the window
panes. His head ached and his muscles cramped. His thoughts were in
turmoil over what to do about her. He felt her stir. He glanced at
her face quizzically staring toward his.

“Did I do something wrong today? You’ve been
in a bad mood all day. If you’re mad about something just tell me.
If you’re worried about not using condoms I will go get tested. ”
She was afraid he noticed the change; he had seen the love in her
eyes she could no longer deny.

“What am I going to do with you? Tested for
what? I’ve been tested which covers us both. And we are done with
condoms. You did everything right. Maybe, too right. I could have
hurt you this morning and I’m pissed at myself for losing control.
It’s not helping that you look so damn proud of yourself.” He
warmly smiled despite the doubts plaguing his thoughts. He couldn’t
even control the smile she invoked.

“Well, I kind of am. Knowing you wanted me so
badly was … I can’t even describe how wonderful it was. I wished I
could make you feel that way every time.” She snuggled into his
chest. There wasn’t any other place in the world she would rather

“Honey, you do. You make every time special
and I can’t ask for any more than that. I suggest you warn me if
you have any other tricks you want to try.”

“And ruin the surprise…where’s the fun in
that? What do you think about snow?” She twirled the hair on his
chest with her finger.

“I lived through lightening but I draw the
line on getting my dick froze off.” He placed his wrist on her
forehead. “I think you have a fever.”

“It’s the heat from the fire.” She answered
softly feeling the contentment of lying in his arms.

“No it’s not. You’ve got chill bumps yet
you’re sweating. I’m getting you something for the fever.” He
scooted her off his chest to sit upright.

Moaning her disappointment from being moved
she protested. “I’m not sick. I’m just getting ready to start my

“I know, but that won’t cause a fever.” He
rubbed her abdomen. “You won’t start for a couple more days.”

“Okay Doctor Presley, how can you tell when I
will start my period?” Her body was showing disturbing signs he
might be right about her being sick. Her muscles ached, her throat
hurt and she was chilly even in front of the fire.

“I’ve memorized every part of you. You’ve
just started to get a little puffy so I estimate you will start by
Tuesday. Come on, let me tuck you into bed.” He stood and offered
her his hand. “Have you been around anyone with the flu?” He pulled
her off the floor sweeping her into his arms. Her body heat was
concerning. Her fever was higher than he first suspected.

“No, and I don’t get sick.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck as he
carried her to bed. He tucked her in bed then went to find the
aspirins she kept in the medicine cabinet. She dozed until he
returned with the aspirins and a large glass of ice water. He
pampered her as if she were a sick child holding the glass as she
drank. She dozed off again as soon as her head settled into the

Garret slept restlessly. Hannah barely moved
except to shiver then snuggle closer for his warmth. Her body
radiated heat. Her feverish condition worried him. He woke early
finding her sicker than when he had put her to bed last night. He
woke her to force more aspirins and liquids into her. Scorched from
the fever, her lips and cheeks glowed scarlet red.

“How are you feeling? It doesn’t look like
your fever broke.”

She swallowed the pills forcing the water
down her swollen throat. “Better, I might live. I don’t want you to
catch this. You should go to your parents’ house while I

“No, you’re stuck here with me as your nurse.
The road is covered in ice. Luckily, we haven’t lost power. Do you
feel well enough to take a shower? I’ll change the sheets while
you’re up.”

“How much did I sweat? I’m soaked.”

“A lot, that’s why you need liquids. If your
fever doesn’t break soon we’re headed to the emergency room. Does
anything hurt?”

The only way to get her to the hospital was
calling nine-one-one which he wasn’t about to tell her. She could
discover that detail when the ambulance arrived, if that was even a
possibility under the current road conditions. Both their cars sat
in a huge chunk of ice frozen to the curb. The heavy downpour
hadn’t had time to drain before the temperature dropped below
freezing. Luckily today was supposed to warm enough to melt the ice
before refreezing again tonight.

“My throat. It hurts to swallow.” It felt
like she was forcing a baseball down her throat.

“Say ahhhh so I can look.” Garret tilted her
head with his finger on her chin. “Yuck, you’ve got blisters all
over your tonsils. Why do you still have tonsils? Doesn’t every kid
have them yanked out? I was bribed with promises of ice cream for
every meal. They forget to mention the ice cream freezes the

He scooped her into his arms to carry her to
the shower. Her arms loosely circled his neck. Her face against his
chest scorched his skin. She was weak, sick, feverish, and scaring
the hell out of him. Placing her on the side of the tub he adjusted
the water temperature.

“I want you to sit in the tub. You’re too
weak to stand. I’ll change the sheets then come back to help you
out.” After lifting his t-shirt over her head he helped her sit in
the tub. He handed her a wash cloth and soap.

Hannah rested against the back of the tub
after washing herself. The wash cloth had hurt her skin. The warm
water soothed her achy body. Admittedly, she was sick. Garret woke
her shutting off the water. She moaned as he lifted her out of tub.
In her feverish daze she was useless to help as he toweled her dry
then slipped something over her head. He threaded her arms through
the arm holes then tucked her back in the freshly changed bed. She
had no sooner fell asleep when he woke her again propping her
upright on fluffed pillows. Her eyes refused to stay open. Garret’s
voice forced her to open her eyes.

“Hannah honey, you have to take this
medicine. Stay awake long enough to get this down and you can go
back to sleep.” She just wanted to sleep and would if he stopped
waking her every few minutes. He gave her more pills that hurt like
hell to swallow.

After several more episodes of making her
swallow pills she woke on her own. Garret was sitting in bed
watching a movie. “How long have I been sleeping?” Her voice
startled him. The scratchy hoarse sound startled her too. His face
lit up with relief. He threw his feet to the floor to walk to her
side of the bed.

He was never happier to see her eyes, now
bright and clear of fever. “I’m glad to see you returned to the
world of the living. You slept all day yesterday. You scared the
hell out of me. It’s time for another dose of pills.” He fidgeted
with the lid of her medicine keeping a watchful eye on her.

“I remember you waking me every few minutes.
What am I taking?” He assisted her with the water making sure she
swallowed the pills.

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