Power Play: Act 1 Svartalfheim (Ragnarok on Ice) (10 page)

BOOK: Power Play: Act 1 Svartalfheim (Ragnarok on Ice)
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Chapter 25 - Fates


So I’m not sure how long I sat there on the cave floor.  It could’ve been five minutes or it might’ve been five hours.  Rumil for her part didn’t let my silence kill her mood at all.  After the initial shock of, as she put it, ‘bonding with a human,’ she seemed to be very happy.  Apparently as the eldest child of the Darklighter clan, now that she had her marked soul mate, she was entitled to a higher position as soon as we went through the joining ceremony.  I probably should’ve stopped her and tried to temper expectations but shocked silence won the day! 

Finally, after she finished a very lovely speech about having many children and basically turning me into some sort of house husband, I had to burst the bubble.

“Rumil, I’m honored that fate thinks we’re a good match, but I’m pretty sure your entire race would frown upon you bringing a human back in any way alive for starters.  Then once you tell them that I’m to be your soul mate, I’m pretty sure that will be the end of both of us.”

You know how a dog cocks its head to the side when it’s confused by something you say?  And you know how it’s really cute and makes us all laugh and go aww?  That’s what Rumil did and I almost saw aww, which probably would’ve been really inappropriate. 

“Jack Skelton, why do you think that?  The dark elves only conflict at this time in the Aesir.  We hold no ill will towards the other races of the realms.  Well except the light elves, but no one likes those arrogant toe rags.”  Talk about venom!  She might’ve spit when she said the words ‘light elves.’

“Oh, really?  So your people have no problems with humans?”  I was starting to feel a little better now.  I was also a bit confused why Sif would tell me that they did.

“Considering we have never had a human in our presence, why would we be hostile towards you?  It is only because of the agreement we were forced to make with Odin many cycles ago that humans were considered off-limits and to never enter their realm of Midgard due to their physical disadvantages.  I assure you my people have always been interested in different races lives and cultures.  Jack Skelton you will not be an enemy of ours, you will be honored by us.”

Being honored would be a nice change of a pace from what I’d been experiencing so far.  The pleasant course our conversation had lulled me into a false sense of security which led to an inappropriate question.  “I know it’s not good to ask a lady her age, but just exactly how old are you Rumil?”

“I was born four hundred and thirty-two Asgardian cycles ago if you must know.  If it is my maturity you are in question, I am fully matured for a dark elf, thank you very much.”

This is why you don’t ask women their ages.  “No it wasn’t that.  Rumil, I’m not trying to be rude, but in terms of age I’m only thirty in Midgard cycles.  Humans, it would appear, don’t live even close to as long as elves do.  I’ll be lucky to make it to one hundred.”

“Oh my Jack Skelton, in my joy, I did not even think about such things.”  I could tell I totally killed what should’ve been the happiest day of her life.  Misleading her though would have been much worse.

“I’m sorry, I really am.  I know this is going to be hard to hear as well, but I want to go home.  I have people there who will miss me.  I think Odin was right when he said humans shouldn’t leave Midgard as we aren’t ready to handle the dangers.  I hope one day you can forgive me.”

“I am not mad and I certainly would forgive you if you did upset me.  The fates do things that we often do not understand and they would not have brought us together if they did not think it was not destined.  Unfortunately, I do not know how to get you home with the Bifrost being the only way I know.  Odin is the only one to give authority to cross, but I would put nothing passed the Trickster Loki.”

Of my two options, Loki is considered crazy and he’s the one who brought me here, so that idea seemed far-fetched.  Second, given Rumil’s clear disdain of Odin and everything associated with him; I wasn’t about to ask for any favors in that regard.  In other words, the Bifrost Bridge was out too.  “Rumil, I’ve made up my mind.  Until I can return to my home, I’d like to continue traveling with you.”

She moved so fast they I didn’t even have time to register, but this time I was locked into the most powerful (but also the best) hug I’ve ever felt.  When she pulled away, I could see tears were in her eyes and her smile was as big as ever.  After a few more minutes of reassuring her that I’d really being staying with her and letting fate play itself out; she calmed down and started up again on the happily ever after fairy tale.  Deep down, I knew it was probably impossible for a dark elf and human to work out, but I’d already killed the mood once.  She also was starting to really grow on me with her enthusiasm and overall cute personality that completed the package.

“Once we get back to Svartalfheim, the land of the dark elves, our King Oor and the court’s mage Azmodeous should be able to help you in some way.  Plus. there will be so much to see anyways!  I really cannot wait to show you the Darklighter clan’s stronghold.  It is positioned at the deepest part of Svartalfheim right before the entrance to Fenrir’s cave.  Only the strongest of clans would take the risk!” 

Fenrir, why did that name sound familiar?  I guess by the look on my face, Rumil took that as an opportunity to educate me once again. 

“Fenrir is the giant white wolf whose release is supposed to signal the end of our times, Ragnarok.  Some cycles ago he escaped and we all prepared ourselves for the Great War to start, but it never happened.  Fenrir simply vanished and no one knew where he went.  However, not that long ago Fenrir returned to his cave where he was once chained.  His mad howling went on for quite a time, but he stopped right before I left for Sif’s cabin.”

“Is he a danger to you and your clan?”  Being that close to an angry wolf seemed like a bad idea.

“We Darklighters are on peaceful terms with the wolf, as he likes the company we provide him, but since his return no one has actually seen him, just the howling.  It is almost as he is in mourning or maybe even in physical pain.  We fear what might have happened to him while he was gone.  It may have snapped what was left of his fragile mind.  If he were to escape again, I have no doubts that it would be the start of the end as prophesized.  Ragnarok would not be stopped again.”

Chapter 26 - History


Getting the feeling this was a terrible subject; I quickly did my best to bring the topic around to a happier one.  I asked Rumil when we’d be able to leave the cave we’d turned into a makeshift home and head off to Svartalfheim. 

She got up and went to the front of the cave and looked outside.  I went over to join her and it seemed while we were talking the rest of the daylight had given way to night.  While traveling at night was probably no problem for a dark elf, she looked exhausted and my night vision’s not good enough to go stumbling along in dangerous terrain. 

Rumil, already taking charge of the situation, decided that we’d stay here the rest of the night and travel in the morning.  She also had packed quite a few rations with her and handed me some.  The dried meat was apparently boar meat, which was quite tasty actually, and the flat bread was your standard affair.  As we ate, we started to get to know each other better.

“So Jack Skelton, tell me about your clan, I am most interested in the ways of humans.”

My family, that brought up the memories.  “Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve seen any member of my family.  My mom died a few years ago in a pretty freak accident.  After that, my dad just was never the same.  I can’t blame him, they were made for each other and I guess the grief got to him. 

Talking about this always gets to me.  “One day he stopped by my house to have breakfast and he seemed to be doing pretty well.  However, when he left, that’s the last time I saw him.  I went out looking for him of course, but I guess when a person wants to disappear from the world no one can find them.” 

Thinking about losing both parents so suddenly brought up all those feelings guys try to hide.  It was only a matter of seconds before I was losing the battle in holding my tears back.  Before I knew it, I felt myself in Rumil’s embrace and was able to get my wits back. 

“Other than my parents, the only family I had was my wife, or as you would say here your bonded.”  I knew this could get bad quick so I hurried into my explanation.  “We were too young at the time to understand what we were getting ourselves into and eventually we had a falling out.  She could no longer support my decisions and left me.  A few months later we were no longer ‘bound together’ so to speak.”

“Humans can get out of fate if they so choose to?”  I figured the pretty dark elf would be beyond confused by this situation.

“We don’t have rituals like you do Rumil.  Humans don’t really know if who they’re committing to is the right one.  We hope we’ve picked the right one and do everything we can to make it work but sometimes it doesn’t.  I hold no hard feelings about that, I just don’t ever want to make a mistake again and hurt someone I care about.”  I’ve slowly learned that the right answers are rewarded with hugs as she gave me another one.  I really could get used to this.

“Well Jack Skelton I…”

I cut her off.  “Rumil, please just call me Jack.  Skelton is like my clan name, like Darklighter is to you.  You don’t need to be so formal around me.”

“In that case, Jack do not worry.  I believe in the fates and they would not lie to us in this situation.  Whatever happened before does not matter as destiny has brought us together this day.  We have a long way to travel in the morning so let us rest.  Go on and go to sleep Jack.  I will tend to the fire once more before I lay down as well.”

“Before I go to sleep, what did Sif do to your people that made you want to capture her?”

“The Warrior Maiden is guilty of killing and torturing dark elves as she sees fit.  She must be held accountable for her crimes.”

The hard feelings between the Aesir and dark elves ran pretty deep it appeared.

“What happened is nothing for you to concern yourself with.  Let us only worry about relations between our people for now, shall we?  Now, please rest for me.”

Rumil handed me a roll of animal fur and it would seem that was to be my bed.  I unrolled it, took my sneakers off, and laid down.  It was at that moment it hit my just how tired I was and fell asleep. 

I probably slept for about two hours when I woke up to the feeling of something moving against my back.  I looked over and saw Rumil curled up against me.  She was so warm and soft that I took her arm and laid it over me.  That seemed to be an invitation she was waiting for even while sleeping.  She pulled up close against me and I began to drift back to sleep. 

Before I closed my eyes and drifted off I prayed.  I figured asking for help in this situation and for clarification would be a good idea.  I also started thinking about what I’d told Rumil.  It was a nice sentiment that I needed to go home because people there would miss me.  Sure there were a few people like Stansky, but with mom and dad gone and my marriage over it begged one question.  Just who’d really miss Jack Skelton if he never came home?


Chapter 27 – Assassin


The next day, we got a quick start to the day as soon as the sun was up.  After a light breakfast and getting all of her belongings packed, Rumil and I headed out into the cold and snowy forest.  She warned me that we’d be headed north and that along the way if we could hunt a deer or even a dire wolf, that the fur would be great to make me warmer clothing. 

I surprised myself by keeping up with her as we hoofed it through the forest.  I knew I was getting further from my buddy Thor going this way, but after last night and how everything turned out, this felt right. Not wanting to bring any unwarranted attention to ourselves, we kept quiet to the point of just using hand gestures and reading each other’s expressions. 

Rumil cautioned me that the direction we were headed could lead us into troll territory if we weren’t careful so I followed her lead perfectly.  After a few hours of tracking, we made it out of the forest and to the base of the mountains.  We saw no game that could be used for clothing or food, so I was still freezing.  Rumil noticed this and soon found a shallow cave that seemed to be perfect to set up shop for a little while to rest.  She was a real girl scout and got us a fire going which brought about comforting warmth.

“We made it Jack!  These are the Dokkalfar Mountains which will lead us to Svartalfheim.  I must ask you though that when we leave the safety of this cave and begin our trek through the paths, please continue following my lead.  These mountains may lead to my home but they also go straight into the heart of Jotenheim, the realm of the ice giants.”

Of course, ice giants, why didn’t I think of that?  “I’m guessing these guys aren’t friendly to strangers then are they?” 

Even as I asked the question Rumil’s head was shaking no. 

“Well in that case you are the boss.  What are your orders, captain?”  I was really starting to enjoy the way she laughed at my jokes.  Then I did something I hadn’t really planned on but at that moment it seemed like the right move.  I kissed her.  Not one of those tiny pecks and hope for the best, but a real honest to goodness kiss, the type you give after a very successful first date.  I’m pretty sure I surprised her at first but then after a second she reciprocated in kind.

What started as kissing was so slowly turning into two consenting adults letting go.  It’d been so long since I’d broken down the wall and fully embraced the idea of being with a woman and here I was, not just with a woman, but something entirely different and amazing. 

It was right as my shirt came off that I heard the sound which would bring a sudden end to things.  It was such a loud, echoing noise that I couldn’t even imagine where it came from.  Rumil, however, had her shirt (which was three quarters of the way off only seconds ago) back on and she went into total badass elf mode.

“Jack,” no louder than a faint whisper, “I need you do be completely still.  That was an ice giant you just heard coming down from the mountains to take patrol.  If he does not hear or smell anything he will be gone in no time.  If he finds out we are here, I do not believe I can protect us.  If the time comes for me to tell you to run, you must run.  Promise me that.”

Running and hiding was all that I seemed to be good for in Asgard.  I was starting to get agitated of being the helpless human who couldn’t even defend himself.  That being said, I also knew that the situation outside was probably not the best time to man up and show these people how a human fights.  “Okay Rumil, I promise.  Just don’t try to be a hero for my sake, got it?”

She once again softly laughed at my joke and from that point on we stood in complete silence.  After the tensest moments of my adult life, the sounds of the footsteps got further away.  It seemed the ice giant was heading towards the forest we just came from.  I saw the look on Rumil’s face that this concerned her.

“Ice giants rarely leave the mountains.  The fact that this one is leaving the realm and going into the forest is certainly not a good sign.  I need to report this to King Oor at once.  There have just been too many oddities to happen for all of this not to be suspicious…”  She trailed off deep in thought; something must have seriously been bothering her.

“I know I’m new here, but whatever I can do to help you I will.”

“Thank you Jack, but even if I knew where to begin I could not ask that of you.  For right now though, let us concern ourselves with making it to our destination safely.”

That sounded like a good plan to me.  She’d given me plenty of reasons so far to trust her judgment and I knew her intentions would keep me alive.  I was getting ready to ask her about maybe letting me try to hunt for some fresh food, when she sprang forward towards me.  In the midst of a very acrobatic roll, she grabbed me.  Twisting through, we landed back on our feet.

Right where she’d been was a man completely decked out in black fur and leather with a sword that was quite evil looking.  His face was wrapped completely except for a slot for his nose and eyes.  He was maybe an inch shorter than me, but the feeling radiating off of him told me that this was one guy not to mess with.  It looked as if he had tried to slice her in half with his dark blade of doom and gloom.

No one said or did anything in the moments that followed.  He looked from her to me and then back again.  Without warning, he started his attack.  Rumil had pulled a long wicked looking knife out of her boot and was able to match the speed of the man’s attack.  His long sword helped him compensate for the fact she was taller than him and kept her attacks at bay. 

As they kept up the fast paced attacks on each other, the man seemed to forget I was there.  Rumil was obviously trying to lead the attack outside away from me but because of how good he was with the sword it wasn’t working so well.  The only good thing was he had to keep his focus on her; he didn’t see me move around the cave and get into his blind spot.  Rumil, however, saw me and if I’d given her the chance, I’m pretty sure she’d have done something to stop what I was planning, even at the cost of her own life.

I didn’t give her that opportunity and using proper form that even old Norm Clayton would’ve been proud of, I shoulder checked our attacker right in the back.  All that fur probably kept him warm, but it offered little resistance to my surprise blow.  As he stumbled forward, Rumil delivered a vicious kick right under the jaw and the man fell backwards hard. 

As he went down, something fell from his belt and clattered on the cave floor.  Fortunately for us, he fell and was able to tuck himself into a roll the put him in front of the opening of the cave.  He popped up, gave us a look of pure contempt and then left as quickly as he could. 

My impression from him was that he was only scouting, wanting to see what we could do.  The element of surprise from my involvement was probably unexpected and was something he would not forget. 

To the surprise of no one, Rumil quickly turned on me and told me what she thought.  “Jack Skelton, you could have gotten yourself killed!  What in the name of Hel’s realm were you thinking?”  I don’t think she was as mad as she was scared for my well-being.

The biggest problem was no one here could understand how I felt.  “Rumil, I get that you were worried about me and didn’t want me to get hurt.”  I put my hand up to stop her argument.  “I’ll tell you exactly what I was thinking.  I’m tired of feeling useless.  I’m tired of being the one who needs protecting and knowing I can’t help.  Most of all, what I was thinking was I saw you were being attacked and I wanted to be able to protect you somehow.”

I must’ve said the right thing again, because before I knew it we were back to where we were before we heard the ice giant.  This time though there was no interruptions to stop us.  Actually if there was, I’m pretty sure Rumil would’ve killed them no matter who or what they were.


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