Powerful Moves [L.U.S.T.] (Siren Publishing Classic) (27 page)

BOOK: Powerful Moves [L.U.S.T.] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Elena raked a finger between her pussy lips and then, wanting more, she delved the finger inside her pussy, scooping at her pre-cum before pulling free. She met her own gaze in the mirror as she brought the finger to her lips. Then she focused on her mouth as she licked the finger clean.

Geezus, that’s amazing

It would be more amazing if it were your cock I was licking, my love
. She thought it because her mouth was too busy licking her finger clean of her juices.

The sound Tavius made at that put her in mind of a wounded animal.
One day soon, muirnin. You are going to drop to your knees, and I’m going to fuck your lovely mouth until I come down the back of your throat

“Promises, promises.” She tsked and lowered her hand. She didn’t wait to hear what he wanted her to do next. Her body took on a command of its own. She burned from the inside out, needing to feel, needing to imagine his hands on her, his cock inside her as she tumbled over the edge.

Do it. Finger that soaking pussy until you spew juices all over your hand for me

“And what are you doing while I’m doing all this work?”

He laughed, the sound breathless and thick.
My hand is curled around my cock. Remember the way you watched me in your guest bedroom

Almost every single minute. She couldn’t have forgotten the sight if someone paid her a trillion bucks.

It’s okay to think about it as long as you keep your eyes on what you’re doing in the mirror. When you touch yourself like that
—he paused as she watched her hand disappear between her legs again—
it makes my dick weep in jealously

“Now that’s poetic.” She grinned and angled her hand so that he could see exactly what she was doing as she drove three fingers side by side into her fiery pussy. The thrust made them both cry out, the pleasure swirling deep and powerful. The ever-present energy between them, even despite the distance of the realms, was so strong and all consuming it stole her breath.

Keeping her eyes open when they wanted to close on the onslaught of erotic passion might be the hardest thing she ever did. She managed because she wanted him to see. She wanted to share this vision and all her thoughts it spawned with him.

Sweet, muirnin. Darling, Elena
. He whispered softly in her mind as she fingered herself closer and closer to the edge of release.

“Tavius.” She locked her gaze with her own for one heart-stopping second, letting every ounce of love she felt for him shine in her eyes. “Go with me.”

I’m there, my love. Now

Elena came in a series of violent spasms and cries that sent her head spinning and her body collapsing. She sat flat on her bottom, her fingers still lodged deep in her core as her inner muscles convulsed.

Only when the roughest of spasms passed did she find the strength to pull her gaze back to the mirror. She lost him. She stared into the eyes looking back at her and knew the connection had been broken.

Shattered and spent, Elena fell back on the floor, drew her knees to her chest, and cried.


* * * *


When the call came from Gideon informing her that he and Michael wanted her for a new assignment, Elena felt both surprised and relieved. She didn’t expect them to send her out again so soon. Forget that nearly two months had passed since the night in the woods. They knew how distraught she’d been. What they didn’t know, and she was so not about to tell them, was about her mind fuck with Tavius.

He’d made her hope they could be together. He’d made her expect to hear him the next night and the next until one day he’d be there in the flesh for her to see, to touch, to hold. He’d made her miss him badly enough that she tried on many unsuccessful occasions to make that connection again herself.

Club LUST had just opened doors for the evening, and already a line of waiting partiers snaked down the sidewalk. She cut through them, giving the door attendant a slight nod as she passed him on her way inside.

She didn’t think about the night she brought Tavius here. She kept her mind clear of him, her attention focused on her reasons for winding through the crowd to the stairs that would lead her to LUST HQ.

She needed to get back in the game. Damn Tavius Zolan for making her want to wait around until the blasted world came to an end just to hear the sound of his husky voice, to see his perpetually mussed dark hair, to stare into the electric blue of his do-me eyes, to…

“Fucking stop it already,” she ordered herself hotly.

She didn’t bother to knock on the agency office door. She simply walked right in. Michael sat behind the large mahogany desk. He lifted a brow at her entrance, his expression intrigued but elegant as usual. Gideon stood nearby, one booted foot propped on the seat of a chair, one elbow resting on his thigh as he appeared to study a paper he held.

The third body in the room clad in a shirt closely resembling a burlap sack and black leather pants made her stop in her tracks. Everything inside her went haywire.


* * * *


Power, strong enough to punch like a fist, slammed into Tavius’s back. Energy like that could only come from his Elena. He turned slowly to find her staring at him with an expression of mixed happiness and anger. He enjoyed the fact that she felt both emotions for him on sight. The happiness soothed his ego, and he’d find the act of smoothing the anger a true delight in a very short while if he had his say.

He felt her gather her power even as the strength of the magic between them ignited anew. He watched in intense fascination as she composed herself, squaring her shoulders as if ready to battle, and closed the still-open door at her back.

Gods, he’d missed her.

“Tell me you didn’t chase another rouge vampire through the realms again.”

Calm, cool, and collected. He wanted to make her jittery, hot, and explode into fiery pieces. “I haven’t finished with the first one yet.”

“You do have Le Mort, then.” She walked around him and leaned against the edge of Michael’s desk. Her pose appeared relaxed. Her expression took on that of the agent. Her tone sounded in kind. If not for the rapid, ragged rise and fall of her incredible breasts beneath the cashmere blouse he could delightfully see straight through, he might have thought his presence didn’t have any effect on her.

He definitely would’ve been wrong. “He’s being held in a testing facility in Atnalta.”

“Being held?” She angled her head, narrowing eyes he remembered growing glassy as she closed her bow-shaped lips around her finger drenched with her own juices and sucked them dry. “You didn’t kill him?”

“One of my security officers at ZWRD set a trap for Le Mort.” Tavius had already explained the whole of it to Michael and Gideon before Elena arrived, but he didn’t hesitate to go through it all again. He doubted she would be any more thrilled by the outcome than her fathers. “Brink caught up with Lerak, the dark elf I followed the night Le Mort realm jumped. He discovered the elf and Le Mort managed to maintain a mind connection through the realms.”

“Wonder who did the power sharing in that couple to achieve that.” Her gaze locked with his, held, and he saw a flash of humor dance in its depths.

Tavius barely held onto his composure. “I’d rather not know. Suffice to say it doesn’t matter much seeing that a dark elf is only loyal to himself. When Brink offered Lerak a deal in exchange for the intel on Le Mort, Lerak didn’t blink twice before accepting.”

“The elf built the second gate and convinced Le Mort he’d be safe to come back through.”

Tavius nodded. “And Brink and the rest of ZWRD security were there on the other side to trap him.” He saw the question she didn’t ask in her expression. If Le Mort had been apprehended that night, why did Tavius wait so long to come back? “It’s taken time to weed through the debriefing and make the regime see how dangerous Le Mort is to be left alive. After nearly sending themselves into extinction not so long ago, life—any life—holds a serious meaning to the people on Terra.”

Elena crossed her arms, drawing his attention to her breasts. He pulled his gaze up to meet hers and saw an echo of the memory in her eyes. He saw her looking into the mirror as she played with her breasts, licking and fondling them at his command, for his pleasure as well as hers. She squirmed slightly, and he bit back a smile.

“The regime thinks Le Mort and his kind can be studied.” He told her the part he hadn’t yet shared with the Delacroix brothers. “They think with the right technology and knowledge we can figure out how to cure the blood lust that drives his type of vampire.”

Behind Elena, Michael sat up straighter. “That is knowledge I do not mind saying I would like as well.”

Tavius looked at Michael over Elena’s shoulder. “If someone on Terra pulls it off, you’ll be the first vampire I tell.” He shifted his attention back to Elena. “The thing is, vampires like Le Mort, blood-lusting, vicious vampires, aren’t the norm on Terra. The vampires in our realm feed off sex rather than blood.”

“They are succubi,” Michael supplied.

“Those who aren’t are heavily watched and sometimes guarded, but little is really known about them. We need someone who can teach us more. We need someone like you.” He held Elena’s gaze for a long beat, refusing to let go. “
need you.”

She blinked, but she didn’t respond. He didn’t give her a chance.

Tavius closed the distance between them with a power slide that brought him so close to her she could feel the heat of his body move over her. With her arms still folded, he couldn’t get to her hands, so he hooked her chin with his finger and caressed her jaw with his thumb. “Come back to Terra, to Atnalta with me, muirnin. Come be with me where I can love you.”


* * * *


Elena couldn’t speak with her heart securely lodged in her throat. She knew she probably looked like a deer caught in the headlights staring wide-eyed at Tavius, but she couldn’t help herself. A quiet chuckle managed to penetrate her shock just before Michael moved into her peripheral vision.

“I have waited for the day when a man would leave our Elena speechless.” Michael’s tone mocked even as it glided like a smooth melody over the air. “It seems that day has finally come.”

Tavius dropped his hand from her chin, and Elena turned her head to look at Michael. Regaining her composure quickly, she straightened and narrowed her previously widened eyes. “What’s that saying about he who laughs first?”

Michael threw back his head and laughed even harder. “I believe he laughs last. Yes, I heed your warning.” He shot a meaningful look at Tavius, who stepped aside so Michael could take his place in front of her. “He is a good man, Elena,” he told her softly. “I have no doubt he will make you happy.”

Elena angled her head. “Are you saying you approve of him?”

Michael smiled, a truly beautiful curve of his lips that reached all the way to his eyes. “Gideon and I both approve.” He leaned in, hugging her more tightly than she remembered being hugged in years. When he pulled back, she almost swore she caught a glimmer of tears in his eyes. “Tavius has agreed to head a division of the agency on Terra.”

Elena felt her eyes do the whole deer thing again as she looked from Michael to the uncharacteristically silent Gideon and finally to Tavius. “You’re going to open a LUST branch in Atnalta? But I thought beings and inhuman powers were accepted in your realm.”

“There are always those who step out of line,” Tavius told her, closing back in as Michael stepped away. “We fight a war on terrorism, too, though not of the same type here on Earth.”

“And you and I will run it?” The offer ran far deeper than being second-in-command of her own branch of the agency. He was proposing a new life for her, one that not only held a part of the agency she loved but one with the man she’d come to love equally as much.

“You know more about LUST than I do.” His lips twitched when he said that.

Elena shook her head and bit back a grin, knowing he’d latched onto the double entendre in his statement.

“Give them hell for me.” Gideon surprised her with a quick kiss on the cheek and a hard slap to her shoulder. She hadn’t seen him move.

“We will leave the two of you alone now.” Michael moved to the door.

“Wait! Aren’t you going to say goodbye?”

“This is not goodbye, my sweet Elena.” Michael rolled his eyes dramatically. “But if we must, Gideon and I will say goodbye for now.”

“I’m right here,” Gideon said, waving a hand in the air. “No need to speak for me.”

Michael ignored him, though his lips twitched. “We will be seeing one another again very soon,” he told Elena.

“So we’ll be able to go back and forth now?” Elena asked Tavius.

“The portal between our realms will be opened when we need it for us and other LUST agents.”

“In that case, goodbye for now,” Elena said to Michael and saw his love for her fill his eyes.

“I trust you will not make too much of a mess out of my office before you go.” Michael’s gaze landed meaningfully on Tavius before he left the room with a chuckling Gideon at his heels.

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