Predator (53 page)

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Authors: Richard Whittle

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Al Jazeera

Allen, Charles E.

Allied Force, Operation

Allott, Gordon

Allouni, Tayseer

Al Qaeda.
See also
Laden, Osama bin;
and other leaders

9/11 and

Afghanistan war and



American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

AN/AAS-44 V.
Forty-Four Ball

Anaconda, Operation

Anderegg, Dick

Andrews Air Force Base

Andy (sensor operator)

Anvil, Project

Aphrodite, Project


Arab League



Amber and

Aquila and

Hellfire and

Predator and

Army Air Forces

Army Intelligence Center

Army Rangers

Associated Press

Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems

Atef, Mohammed (
Abu Hafs al-Masri)

Atlantic fiber-optic cable

Augustine, Norman

Authorization for Use of Military Force against Terrorists Act (2001)


Aviation Week


Awlaki, Anwar al-

B-1B bomber

B-2 bomber

B-17 bomber

B-52 bomber

Bagram airfield


Ballistic Missile Defense Organization

Bay of Pigs invasion

BBC News

Beech Aircraft

Begert, William J.

Beirut bombing

Berger, Sandy

Berlin Wall

Big Bird

Big (pilot)

Big Safari.
645th Aeronautical Systems Group

Black, Cofer

Blue, Anne Prause

Blue, James E.

Blue, Karsten

Blue, Linden

Blue, Neal

Blue, Virginia Neal

Blue Bird



Boston Globe

Box, Jon

Boyle, Bev

Boyle, Edward J.

BQ-7 bomber

British Royal Air Force

British Royal Flying Corps

Brokaw, Tom

Brown, Gabe

Browne, G. Morgan, Jr.

Brunswick Company

buddy-lase capability

Bush, George H. W.

Bush, George W.

Bush at War

Buzzer (crew member)

C-5 Galaxy

C-17 Globemaster

C-97 Stratofreighter

C-130 transport


Campbell, John “Soup”

Carter, Jimmy

Casey, William M.

Cassidy, Thomas J., Jr.

Castro, Fidel

line-of-sight C-band link

Central Command (Centcom)

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
See also
Langley CIA headquarters

9/11 and

Air Force and

Al Qaeda and

Amber and

assassinations and

Big Safari and

bin Laden and

Bosnia and

Centcom and


Cuba and

drone strikes and

Gnat 750 and

Hellfire Predator and

Hellfire trigger authority and

Hersh on

Nicaragua and

Omar and

Smithsonian exhibit and

Summer Project (Afghan Eyes) and

CH-3C helicopter

Cheney, Dick



China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station

Chinese Belgrade embassy bombing

Christie, Thomas

Citadel, The (and George W. Bush speech)

Clark, Brad

Clark, James G. “Snake”

Clark, Wesley

Clarke, Richard

Clarke, Victoria

Clinton, Bill


Cobra Eye

Cold War

end of


Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

collateral damage

Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC)

Vicenza, Italy

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Commando Sabre, Operation

Committee to Protect Journalists

Compass Call

composite materials (composite structures, composites)

Compression Labs Inc.

Connor, David

Cook, Donald

Cooper, Ann

Cooter, Mark A.

Cordillera Corp.

Counterterrorism Security Group (CSG)

Counterterrorist Center (CTC, CIA)

Cramer, Michael W.

Creech Air Force Base (
Indian Springs)

Cressey, Roger


“Crockett” F-15E flight

Crow, Edith

Cruise, Tom

cruise missiles

Crumpton, Hank


Curtiss, Glenn


Davis-Monthan Air Force Base

Dayton Peace Accords

deep stall

defense acquisition system

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

Defense Contract Audit Agency

Defense Department (DOD).
See also
and specific agencies and branches

9/11 and

Al Qaeda and

CIA and

fiber-optic network

procurement and

UAV study

defense industry

Defense Intelligence Agency

defense spending

Dehnert, Robert E., Jr.

Deliberate Force, Operation

Democratic Party

Denny, Reginald

Denver Post

Deptula, David

Deputies Committee (NSC)

Desert Storm, Operation


Deutch, John M.

Developmental Sciences Inc.

Dewey (crew member)

“Digital Signal Processing” (Raduenz)

Dominick, Peter

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Dotan, Ezra “Beban”

Doucet, Lyse

Douglas, Donald

Douglas A-4 Skyhawk

Dragon Eye

drones (unmanned, remote-control aircraft, RPVs; unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs).
See also
Hellfire Predator; Predator; WILD Predator;
and other specific models

Blue expands into

early, and problems

early pilotless planes and

early reconnaissance

flight endurance of

Karem designs new


revolution in

Smithsonian exhibit


Dr. Strangelove

drug war

Dusseault, Christopher

East Germany

Edwards Air Force Base

Eglin Air Force Base


Ehrhard, Thomas P.

Eielson Air Force Base

11th Reconnaissance Squadron (Black Owls)

El Mirage airfield

Empire State Building

End of History, The

“Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Program” (Deutch-Rutherford memo)

Enduring Freedom, Operation

European Command

European Union

Executive Orders

Exposition Internationale, L'

F-4D Phantom

F-5 Tiger

F6F Hellcat

F-14 Tomcat

F-15 Eagle

F-15E Strike Eagle


F-16C Fighting Falcons


F-22 Raptor

F-100F Super Sabre

F-117 stealth fighter

F/A-18 fighter-bombers

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

15th Reconnaissance Squadron

53rd Test and Evaluation Group

56th Rescue Squadron



1st Armored Division

555th Tactical Fighter Squadron

Flynn, Cathal

Fogleman, Ronald

Ford, Gerald

Fort Belvoir

Fort Huachuca

Fort Irwin

Forty-Four ball (AN/AAS-44 V)

forward air controller (FAC)

Foscue, Greg

Fossum, Robert

Franks, Tommy

free-flight World Championships

Front Burner

Frontier Systems

Fry, Scott

Fukuyama, Francis

Fulcher, Tim

Garmabak Ghar camp

Gates Learjet


General Atomics (
GA Technologies)

11th RS and

Blues buy

Forty-Four ball and

Gnat 750 and

Karem quits

Leading Systems buyout and

Predator forerunner and

Predator name reused by

General Dynamics


Gersten, Peter

Ghengis (pilot)

Gibaldi, Rich

Gibbons, James A.

Gila River Memorial Field

Gjader air base


Global Hawk (RQ-4)

Global Response Center (CIA)

Glovka, Leo


Gnat 750

Google Earth

Gorbachev, Mikhail

Gordon, John A.

Gordy, Greg


Gration, Scott

Griffith, Ronald

Grimes, William D. W.

Gross, Cliff

ground control station (GCS)

Afghanistan and

Balkans and

bore sighting and

complex controls of

Creech Air Force Base

Fort Huachuca

Forty-Four ball and

Langley (Trailer Park)

MTS ball and

Nellis Air Force Base

Predator and, in 1994

Ramstein, and Summer Project

U.S. location for

Groundhog Day


Guay, Jeff A. “Gunny”

Guay, Scott

Gulf Oil

Gulf War of 1991

Hadley, Stephen

Harethi, Qaed Salim Sinan al-

Hawes, Chona

Hawes, Curt

Hawley, Richard

helicopter drones


Hellfire missile (AGM-114).
See also
Hellfire Predator

modified for Predator

pitch bias

Predator tests with

Reapers and

Hellfire Predator (MQ-1; armed Predator).
See also
and specific agencies, combat operations, and crew members

9/11 and

Afghanistan war and

Atef and

bin Laden and

Bush, George W., and

camera and sensor in

challenge coin and

CIA vs. CAOC and

deployed post-9/11

deployment preparations and

“ears” added to

endurance of

FAC and

first woman to strike from

ground troops and

Hellfire modified for

Hersh on

Kabul strike and

Kandahar first lethal strike and

killing made personal by

laser illuminator and

legal issues and

MTS ball

NSC and

Omar and

remote split operations and U.S. GCS

“Taco Bell” tests and

Trailer Park Wildfire team and

Uzbekistan and

Hersh, Seymour

Hertenstein, Jack

Hettick, Jeff

high-aspect-ratio wing

Hill, Scott

Ho Chi Minh Trail

Homeland Security Department

Honey, Richard

Hot Pepper

House Mouse (mock missile)

Houston Post

Hudson Institute

Hughes, Patrick M.

Hughes Aircraft

Humphrey, Hubert H.



Hussein, Saddam


imagery analysts

Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field

renamed Creech Air Force Base

Inside the Air Force

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF)


Iran-Contra Affair


Gulf War and

war of 2003


Yom Kippur War

Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI)

Israel Defense Forces

Israel Defense Prize

Israeli Air Force

“Jane” (CIA alias)

Robot Aircraft Today

Jayjock, Steve

Jergensen, Darran

Johns, Kenneth

Joint Analysis Center (JAC) Molesworth

Joint Chiefs of Staff

Joint Special Operations Command


Unmanned Air Vehicle Joint Program Office

Jumper, Jimmy

Jumper, John P.

Just, Tim

Kabul mission

Kandahar missions

Karem, Abraham

aeronautic pioneers and

Air/Space America 88 and

Albatross and

Amber and

armed drone and

avionics and

Big Bird and

Blues meet


Developmental Sciences and

early drone designs and

early life in Israel

El Mirage and

employees hired by

flight studies by

Frontier Systems and

General Atomics and

Gnat and

Gnat 750 and

Hughes and

JPO and

Karem Aircraft and

Leading Systems bankruptcy and General Atomics takeover

marries Dina

Matos and

moves to U.S.

MX survival challenge and

Navy proposals and

personality of

Predator design and

satellites and

Smithsonian exhibit and

Karem, Dina Schleiffer

Karem, Ezra

Karem, Isaac

Karimov, Islam

KC-10 refueling tanker

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, Joseph P., Jr.

Kennedy, Mike

African embassy terrorist bombings

Kettering Bug

Khabab, Abu

Khartoum, Sudan, strikes

Khost, Afghanistan, strikes

Kiflawi, Flora

Kiflawi, Moshe

Kilmurray, Kenneth “2K”

Kimmons, Jeff

Kimzey, Edwin

Known and Unkown

Kohler, Robert J.


Kostelnik, Michael C.

Ku-band radio frequency

Ku-band satellite antenna (Ku-band satellite dish)

Other books

The H.D. Book by Coleman, Victor, Duncan, Robert, Boughn, Michael
The Kingdom by Amanda Stevens
Breaking the Ice by Mandy Baggot
The Gila Wars by Larry D. Sweazy
The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton
Fascination by William Boyd