Pretty and Pregnant (7 page)

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Authors: Madison Johns

BOOK: Pretty and Pregnant
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“I used one of the test shots and I know an artist that did it up in a hurry.” He took a breath in. “I hope you like it.”

“I do, oh, thank you so much.” She hugged Clive and wrinkled her nose at the fragrance he wore. “Did you use some of the lotion on the way over or do you usually wear vanilla cologne?”

“He’s so metro sexual,” Corrine laughed, but when Clive’s eyes darkened she said, “I’m just kidding.”

“What does that even mean?” Mrs. Barry asked, “That he likes men?”

“No, it means he’s one hip guy with a great fashion taste and sense,” Kimberly added before Mrs. Barry got the wheels of her gossip train moving along.

“I’m definitely heterosexual,” he said with his hands on his hips with one thrown out a bit.

Laughter filled the room as Kimberly opened the bottle and the fragrance of vanilla burst into the air. “Wow, what a great fragrance,” she said.

“Vanilla is very soothing,” Corrine agreed. “One of my favorites.”

“And it compliments the fragrance of coco butter so well,” Kimberly added.

Weenie was ushered into the room and two rings were tied to his pink collar. “Sorry Weenie,” Kimberly apologized to him. “I know it’s pink, but I swear I’ll never make you wear the color again.” She bit her finger as she glanced at the clock and the minister poked his head in the room calling out the five minute warning.

The room cleared out as her dad entered and he hugged her close. “Don’t be nervous,” her dad said. “You got this. I gave Jeremy my blessings earlier.”

Okay, no more time to rethink the whole marriage deal now. She would soon marry the man she loved with all her heart. Was she ready?


Chapter Eleven

Jeremy stood near the pulpit dressed in a black tux. He hoped Kimberly wouldn’t back out at the last moment. She’d been dragging her feet all week, and he wondered how committed she really was. He had to trust in his heart that she’d show. He knew she loved him and that’s all that mattered. Sure they could wait to wed, but he couldn’t wait. Somehow she’d find an excuse later too. He wanted to make her his in the worse way, if in name alone. He loved her more than anything in this world.

He swallowed hard when the wedding march began and stifled a chuckle as Weenie ran down the aisle, a pink streamer attached to his collar. The minister caught him and held the squirming dog as Jeremy’s sister Betsy, glided down the aisle followed by his niece Katie. The young girl’s cheeks were rosy and her smile displayed two missing front teeth. She was a future heartbreaker for sure.

He gasped when Kimberly and her dad made their way down the aisle. He rolled his eyes and took in the sight of a sky high heel clad foot under the flowing gown her neighbors had put together. He had to find a way to get her to wear sensible footwear, but knowing her the way he did, she would fight him tooth and nail.

Jeremy was never more proud a man, or did all grooms think that way on their wedding day? He’d be proud to call Kimberly his wife, no matter what the future held.

Kimberly stopped next to Jeremy as her dad lifted her veil and motioned for her to take Jeremy’s hand in hers. He then took Weenie from the minister and filed to his seat.

They exchanged vows and rings thanks to the hand off by Kimberly’s mom. When the minister pronounced them a man and wife, and introduced them as Mr. and Mrs. Preston, Kimberly’s brow shot up. He already knew they’d have a battle of words over the name change, although he’d let her win.


Jeremy took Kimberly into his arms and kissed her softly, but Kimberly had other plans. She yanked his head down lower and open mouth kissed him, slipping him the tongue. The minister cleared his throat and the crown applauded and when they separated, Kimberly’s cheeks were flushed. She loved to make the minister uncomfortable. After all, he had told them repetitively that they were not to kiss in the church. How many people really obeyed rules like that?  It was just dumb. The sight of Jeremy in a tux pulled at her heart strings in the worse way. She was happy at last to be his and his alone.

Kimberly and Jeremy made their way to the back of the church and outside where they welcomed their guests with hugs here and there. Clare walked up wearing a low-necked yellow dress and kissed Jeremy on the lips, even though he tried to deflect her by putting a hand up
What in the hell was wrong with her
thought Kimberly, but she wasn’t about to let it bug her.

“I doubt Kimberly will be able to keep you happy,” Clare winked. She then motioned with her hand like it was a phone and mouthed, “Call me.”

Kimberly smiled. “No need to be a sore loser.”

Jeremy wiped his mouth with the back of his arm. “I love you Kimberly and that’s all that matters. I don’t care about the past or anyone else but you.

Kimberly began to cry and hugged him close. “Thanks, I love you too and soon we’ll have a bundle of joy to cuddle and love, further bonding us together.

Flashes went off and iPhone videos were shot as they parted, but by then Kimberly and Jeremy never looked at anything other than in each other’s eyes. Kimberly didn’t know for certain what the future held, but she knew one thing for sure; they’d be together forever.



About the Author

Author Madison Johns early days weren't spent writing — they were spent dreaming. Her vivid imagination ran wild and took her places only dreams could.

She began writing at the age of 44 and has since written four books.

In late April of 2012 she released her first novel, Armed and Outrageous. In September while doing a free run on Amazon, Armed and Outrageous, went to #1 for free! The following month her book co-existed alongside the Stephanie Plum series for paid in the humor category!


Armed and Outrageous, introducing amateur detective Agnes Barton. The book depicts two elderly ladies digging up clues with enough laugh out loud antics to make James Bond blush.









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