Prey (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (3 page)

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Authors: Mary Lou George

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Prey (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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“I’m sorry, girl. I can’t feel what you feel. I’m a mere human. I don’t have your remarkable senses. I’ll take a walk around and see what I find, okay?” The dog blinked and headed back to Travis.

Jade watched the wedding guests. She knew a smart dog like Maggie wouldn’t have sought her out if it wasn’t important. Casually, she wandered around looking for something, anything that could account for the distress. She could find nothing. Jade shivered in the warm sun. Not a good sign.


* * * *


The instinct was uncontrollable, a biological imperative. It needed to breed. Time would come. Timing was so important, miss this opportunity and suffer through another year of torture until the time was right again. Everything worked in cycles. New Crescent was fertile with possibilities. Sniffing the air, the unnatural thing writhed in response to the sweet perfume these people exuded so innocently, so ignorantly. Ignorance could be dangerous, and in this case, it was exquisitely so. Lips pulled up and over white teeth as the thing smiled lustfully. It was just a matter of time.

Chapter 3


Jade didn’t crawl into bed until after three am the next morning. She fervently wished she could say Chase and Reggie’s wedding had been so much fun, she couldn’t tear herself away. But sad to say, Travis’s dog Maggie’s unease was what had really kept her there so late. Watching each guest leave, she’d look at Maggie to see if the dog showed any reaction. She didn’t. Jade had wasted her time, but before she’d finally taken her leave she managed to communicate with more than one of the dogs present at the party. The inexplicable fear had subsided a little, but she knew every dog present had felt it. The whole thing made Jade uncomfortable, but what could she do about her concern? Who could she tell? Who would believe her? After all, she was getting her information from dogs.

At last, she remembered where she was. Home. New Crescent wasn’t like other towns in New England or anywhere else in the world for that matter. There would be no disbelief here. The existence of her unusual ability would be accepted, embraced even. If she were anywhere else in the world, people couldn’t or wouldn’t understand, they’d think she was nuts, but here in this town at this time, she’d be accepted. She knew what she had to do, who she needed to talk to.

Jade drifted off to sleep, safe in the knowledge that she could share her concerns with an understanding old woman who had seen more than a lifetime’s worth of unexplainable phenomena.

If acceptance was what she sought then New Crescent was the place to be. In the 1600’s the town had been a sanctuary for anyone fleeing the persecution of the Salem witch trials. Rebecca, Elizabeth and Morgan Goode, each a powerful practicing witch, had founded New Crescent and vowed that it would always be a haven for those who needed understanding. The sisters’ legendary powers were passed down through the centuries to a select female in their line. These women became known as the Guardians of New Crescent. They’d protected the town from many of the disasters that had plagued much of New England through the centuries. The Guardians also protected the outside world from dark forces regular people couldn’t possibly understand. The Old Families, descendants of the Goode sisters, loved their history and their land. They treated it with great respect, just as their ancestors had.


* * * *


The morning after Chase and Reggie’s wedding dawned bright and sunny. Jade held the car door open for Rags who scrambled into the backseat. She turned the little vehicle in the direction of the seniors’ residence that was home to Ernestine Sinclair.

Jade didn’t worry for a second that her dog wouldn’t be welcomed. It was a given all over town. Animals were often familiars and had every right to accompany the person they’d chosen. In fact, many of the domestic animals in New Crescent could trace their lineage back to the Goode sisters and their familiars. Ah, New Crescent, for Jade it was the best place to be. The town itself embraced her, welcoming her home. It was magical.

The young receptionist at the desk in the lobby directed Jade and Rags to the garden. At this time of the day, Ernestine was outside communing with nature. She had a favorite spot, and Jade was given precise directions to help her find it.

As Jade and Rags rounded a corner on the pathway, they saw her. Aunt Ernestine sat on a bench feeding the birds. Jade wasn’t surprised. The wise old lady always had a way with birds. Jade was reluctant to disturb the scene, but knew she had no choice.

“Hey there, Aunt Ernestine, have you recovered from yesterday?”

Ernestine smiled as if she’d been expecting her visitors and held out her hand. Rags ran to her without a backwards glance. He was a mutt. No one was quite sure what ingredients went into his recipe, but whatever it was, it was shaggy and good natured.

“So much for his loyalty,” Jade muttered.

Ernestine ignored her and enthusiastically cuddled the dog. When she looked up at Jade she had a warm smile on her face. “I’ve recovered just fine from yesterday. I talked to Reggie this morning and she waspishly told me that I’d called far too early and complained that she had a cake hangover.”

Jade laughed, that sounded like Reggie. She gestured to the empty spot on the bench beside Ernestine. “May I?”

“Oh do, do, my child.”

Jade leaned back on the bench and turned her face up to the sun. It wasn’t as warm as yesterday, but Jade didn’t care. She was here in New Crescent and that’s all that mattered.

Ernestine grew impatient. “It’s up to you. I can pretend you’re just here for a friendly visit with an old lady, but I feel it my duty to remind you that I’m more intuitive than your average octogenarian.”

Of course Ernestine would cut right to the chase. Jade had forgotten that about her. Unsure where to begin, she hesitated.

“So they’ve told you.” Ernestine didn’t wait for the words.

Jade arched an eyebrow.

The old lady’s tone was matter-of-fact. “The animals have told you that something is wrong here. Haven’t they?”

Jade was astonished. She knew that as a Guardian, there was no better than Ernestine Sinclair, but she’d had no idea just how good the woman really was.

“You know about me and the animals?” Jade asked.

Ernestine nodded. “That you can communicate with them? Yeah, from the moment I’d set eyes on you when you were a child. I could tell that you weren’t aware of it yet, but I saw your potential. It lights you up from within. Unlike so many others, your special gift doesn’t frighten you. You’ve embraced it, made it the focus of your life. That’s admirable, my sweet, but there is so much more in store for you.”

Jade was skeptical. “You think so? I’m pretty happy the way things are, now that I’m home. I’m not asking for anything more.”

“Of course you’re not. That’s who you are, but you’ll see what I mean soon enough. Now let’s get down to business. What do you know?” Ernestine voice was sharp and direct.

“Not much really. Maggie came to me after the ceremony, and I knew she was confused and frightened. She didn’t tell me what caused it, but she sensed there was something very wrong about one of the guests at the wedding yesterday.” Jade could remember the fear poor Maggie had felt and cringed a little. “It was hidden deep, but you know dogs, they don’t miss much.”

“Maggie is a very smart dog. Travis is lucky. What about Hank? Did he feel anything?”

Jade shook her head. “I didn’t get anything from Hank except his happiness for Gillian and his ever vigilant watch over her.”

“Yes, his protective nature often usurps all else with Hank, but he’s exceedingly intelligent. You might try again, probe a little more directly. Go to Gillian’s today and find out what you can.”

“What? You mean just drop in on them?” Jade was too shy to do such a thing.

The old lady acknowledged her natural reluctance with a nod of her head and pushed the objection aside. “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m suggesting. It’s almost noon. If Travis and Gillian aren’t awake yet, they should be. Gillian is a Guardian and her particular ability may prove useful to you.” She made an impatient shooing gesture with her wrinkled hands. “Now off you go. I need to get back to my birds.” She dismissed Jade and lifted an arm. Three of her feathered friends alighted on her shoulder. Witness to the phenomenon, Jade felt another wave of warmth wash over her. Magical.


* * * *


Sleepy eyed, Travis answered the doorbell. He had obviously gotten up just recently. His always messy hair was a bed head masterpiece that morning, and he yawned as he opened the door. He hadn’t quite finished the yawn when he saw Jade and ended up swallowing it. It left an imprint on his expression that made Jade smile. Travis wiped the amusement off her face as he engulfed her in a hug and lifted her up and out of her shoes.

Jade sighed and made a mental note to remember to wear foot gear less likely to slip off when she took flight. This picking-her-up-thing wasn’t wearing off any time soon. She’d have to adjust.

Gillian appeared behind him and shook her head. She cupped her hands around her mouth like a megaphone and called out, “Travis Sinclair… -Put the woman down…Step away from the woman.”

He did as he was told. Jade grabbed his arm for balance and slipped her shoes back on.

“Morning, guys.” She smiled feebly, feeling very intrusive.

Gillian smiled back and the day brightened even more. “Come in, come in…I’m just making brunch, it will be a pleasure to eat with someone who doesn’t drown everything in ketchup. I swear sometimes his plate looks like a crime scene.” She wrinkled her nose at Travis and escorted Jade into her kitchen.

“I’m so sorry to just drop by, but Ernestine told me that I should.” She felt a little guilty blaming the old lady, but it was the truth after all.

Travis looked confused. “Why wouldn’t you just drop by?” He put his arm around her and squeezed, “In fact I think that’s the first time I heard the sound the doorbell makes. No need to stand on ceremony, honey, you’re family.” Jade could feel his body tense preparing to pick her up again.

Gillian was ever aware and wagged a finger at him in warning. “What did I say? Step away from the woman!” She offered Jade a seat at the table. “Honestly, she’s going to leave us if you can’t keep your hands off her.” To Jade she apologized for her fiancé. “He thinks you’re a puppy.”

Jade giggled. “Yeah, I get that now.”

Travis rolled his eyes. “Let’s eat and then Jade can tell us what’s on her mind. This isn’t just a friendly visit.”

They made light and amusing small talk over eggs, bagels, fruit, sausage, bacon and pancakes. The love Travis and Gillian felt for each other spilled out and touched everyone around them. Hank, Rags and Maggie became fast friends. Rags appeared happy to let Hank be alpha dog. He was twice Rags’s size so it wasn’t really a big sacrifice. Jade looked down at them and understood. They were torn. They wanted to go outside and play in the yard, but the prospect of table scraps made them hesitate.

“Would it be okay to let the dogs out to play?” Jade asked.

Hank looked at Gillian who smiled. “Of course. Here, I’ll do it.” She stood up and opened the door.

As they ran out, Jade promised them, “Don’t worry, we’ll save your half of brunch for you later.” If it were possible for dogs to smile then Hank came as close to it as she’d ever seen.

Stunned, she exchanged a look with Travis. She’d seen that smile yesterday when they’d been dancing. Travis nodded with a proud grin. “Yup, he smiles. I keep expecting him to ask if he can borrow the car. Hey Gilly, should we start a college fund for him?”

Gillian laughed and squeezed his forearm. “I’m all for it, Sheriff.”

The mention of Travis’s profession reminded Jade of her purpose. Over coffee, she told them about what she’d discussed with Ernestine earlier.

They were both quiet for a few seconds after she stopped speaking. Jade looked from one to the other and could have sworn something unusual was happening. Then they blinked at each other and nodded, accepting Jade’s version of events without question.

Travis said, “Gillian was pretty careful yesterday. She kept Hank or me close to her most of the time. She didn’t reach out to read anyone. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t something there.”

Gillian nodded. “I can only read humans. I don’t read animals.” When she grinned there was excitement in her lavender eyes. “I’m amazed that you can. That must be so wonderful. If you got vibes from the dogs there yesterday, I’m willing to bet something’s wrong.” She looked at her fiancé in silent communication and then looked back at Jade again. “Why don’t you try to get something out of Hank and Maggie today? They’ve had a chance to sleep on it.”

“That was the plan. Mind if I do it now? Outside?”

“Do you need to be alone with them?” Gillian asked, “Because I’d love to see you in action.” Travis frowned, and Gillian’s eyes widened with feigned innocence. She batted her thick dark eyelashes at him. “Travis can do the dishes.”

“That settles it then. Come on, Gillian.” Jade smirked at the big man still sitting alone at the breakfast table in the middle of a kitchen filled with dirty dishes. She tried to feel sorry for him, but couldn’t quite muster up the requisite amount of pity because, of course, women had been taking care of that duty and so much more since time began.

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