Prey (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (6 page)

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Authors: Mary Lou George

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BOOK: Prey (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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Jade didn’t seem to mind. She lifted a brow at him and put her hand out to Petra. She looked over her shoulder at Sam and asked, “Do you have any treats for her? I’d love to give her something. She loves apples. Do you have any apples?”

He said a goofy, “Sure thing.” And felt fourteen again as he loped over to an alcove that held a kitchen of sorts.

He used the barn’s refrigerator as a regrouping station. The cool metal helped to ease his heated skin. “Pull yourself together, man,” he whispered aloud. He gave himself a shake and grabbed an armful of apples.

“You know me so well.” Jade said when he reappeared with his arms full.

It just felt right to be here talking to her like this. He said, “Everyone knows you couldn’t treat just one horse when there are so many others around. Remember Tobin, that nasty little pony I had? He bit your hand every time you gave him a treat, but you refused to stop.”

She laughed. “Oh I remember him. They were just love bites. He was terribly sweet underneath it all. He was…misunderstood.”

“If you say so.” He nodded, not convinced. “Anyway, he lived to a ripe old age and is buried out back.”

They walked through the stables and Jade treated each stall’s occupant with a juicy apple. When they reached the paddock, she looked at Sam’s chest and counted to make sure he’d brought enough for every one. She frowned and her disappointment made him feel ridiculously uncomfortable.

He hurried to reassure her. “There’s more in the fridge. This was all I could carry in one trip. I can get more so go ahead, knock yourself out.” He watched as she walked through the paddock feeding each horse an apple. She didn’t speak, and Sam wondered if she was communicating with them. He jogged back to the barn and collected more apples. Finally, she walked back to stand in front of him.

She had a scowl on her face as she said, “Sam. We have a big problem here in New Crescent.” Just as she finished her sentence Sam’s cell phone rang.

Chapter 6


Six of them sat around Reggie’s dining room table. Gillian and Travis had arrived first. Jade came with Sam because they’d received the news together. Travis had made the call. His deputies were on the case doing all they could, but Travis’s gut told him this was something that needed more than the usual investigative procedures. He turned to the people he trusted most.

The mutilated body of local farmer, Allan Simpson, had been found early that morning. In his capacity as Sheriff, Travis spent the better part of the afternoon at the Simpson farm. Allan had been found by his son, Henry, who’d come to help him with his dairy cows at dawn’s early light. Henry had seen an animal ripping his father apart. The poor man tried to track it, but lost it in the woods. There was no help for Allan Simpson. He’d been torn asunder. Ashamed to admit it, Henry had a hard time even looking at the gruesome figure that used to be his father.

Looking around the table at the faces of his closest friends, Travis said, “Henry wasn’t thinking straight and neither was his brother. They made a particularly messed up crime scene even worse. If there was any evidence to be found, it was obliterated. The county coroner’s got the body. I’m hoping science can shed some light on what we have here but I’m not holding my breath. That’s why I came to you guys.”

Matrimony brought out the hostess in Reggie who’d thrown a mix of foods on the dining room table so they could eat while they talked. The subject of discussion was hardly conducive to hearty appetites, but Reggie was pregnant and couldn’t help herself. She was unapologetically licking ice cream off a spoon when she said, “What’s your best guess, Travis? A rabid dog? Do bears get rabies?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “Whatever it was, it was big. Simpson wasn’t a big man, but still, he’d been reduced to almost nothing. The coroner is going to have trouble identifying anything. There wasn’t much left.”

Chase spared a glance for his wife and her ice cream spoon. “I hate to be the one to say this, but what can we do about it? It’s an animal attack. Granted we don’t get many in these parts anymore but I don’t get why you want us involved. You have deputies. Aren’t they working on it? Aren’t they more qualified?”

Reggie looked at her husband and frowned, “Of course he’s coming to us. Gillian and I are both Guardians. Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I’ll shirk my responsibilities. It’s our business.”

“Yeah, you’re pregnant, Reggie. I think that should be enough to keep you out of it. I won’t risk you and the baby for anything.” He took hold of his wife’s hand and looked around the table daring his friends to challenge him.

Travis looked apologetic but pressed the point. “Reggie’s right, Chase. Yes, I have deputies, and they’re investigating what happened using the best means at their disposal, but you and I both know that here in this room, there are much more unique and accurate talents. My gut tells me this isn’t something regular police work is going to solve.” When Chase opened his mouth to argue, Travis held up his hand. “I swear I’m just seeking advice at this point. There is no danger to the people in this room.”

Silence filled the room. Finally Chase brought Reggie’s hand to his lips and nodded.

Sam broke the silence. “Speaking of unique talents, where is Ernestine?”

Travis said, “She’s with Allan’s wife Iris. The poor woman is shattered. I figure Ernestine will have plenty to say tomorrow, but for tonight I’m looking around this room for help.”

Travis stared at each of them in turn and received five different versions of affirmative nods in return. His gaze stopped at Jade. She could see the question in his eyes and answered it in her husky voice. “I checked with the horses out at Sam’s place. The ones out in the paddock are terrified. They’d rather not be out in the open for some reason…or rather, with good reason I guess, given this recent news.”

Sam nodded. “Yeah, I brought them all in as soon as she told me. That’s why we were a little late getting here.”

Travis was intent. “Jade? What about the dogs? Do they have anything more to add?”

She shook her head.

“I hate to have to ask you this, Jade, but would you be willing to come with me tomorrow when I visit the Simpson farm again? Maybe check out how the animals on the farm are feeling?” He looked apologetic.

“What time?” She turned to look at Sam. “I was supposed to start my job at Sam’s clinic tomorrow.”

“I’ll go too. I don’t think it will hurt to have a veterinarian around.” He covered Jade’s hand with his own.

Gillian smiled. “Nice work, Sam. Jade will be a great help to you at the clinic.”

Travis acknowledged Sam’s offer with a nod of his head. “Reggie, what about Constance? Can you check with her to see if she feels anything? I don’t know what—”

She interrupted him, “Of course I will. She’s a ghost, a former Guardian who can travel between worlds. If there’s anything to know from beyond the veil, she’ll know it.” Reggie shrugged, “Whether she’ll tell me is another story. She’s been on a romance high since the wedding. It might be hard to make her focus, but I’ll see what I can do.”

Travis turned to Gillian next. “You’d tell me if you’d seen or felt something unusual coming from someone in town, wouldn’t you?”

Breaking the tension, Reggie answered for her friend. She rapped the back of Travis’s hand lightly with her ice cream spoon. “Hey, Travis, your proctologist called. He found your head.” She rolled her eyes and added, “Of course she’d tell you if she felt something unusual in this town.”

Gillian laughed. “Good one, Reg. I’ll bet you’ve been holding on to that little gem for just the right moment.” They shared a smile, she turned to her fiancé and soberly answered his question. “I’ve got nothing to tell you right now, but that doesn’t mean I won’t pick something up tomorrow or the next day now that I know what to watch for.” She looked around the room and continued, “I’ve been working on the exercises Dr. Smythe recommended, and my ability is getting stronger. I’ll see what I can get tonight.” Politely Gillian explained to Jade, “Dr. Smythe is my specialist. He’s been great working with the women who were raped here last summer.”

Jade nodded. She’d heard the story. Last summer, Gillian and Travis had worked together to put a stop to a man who’d been preying on the young women of New Crescent. They got their man, but not before he’d left damage in his wake. Gillian was using her particular gift to help his victims to heal.

Catching a tomato as it slid off his bagel, Sam looked at Jade and dropped mayonnaise on his sleeve. Ignoring it, he said, “I’ll call the coroner and see if there is anything I can do to help him. He’s probably not all that familiar with animal physiology.” He grinned crookedly, “That’s my specialty.”

Reggie snorted, not her most feminine moment. “Your specialty, huh, I thought that would have been hooking up with beautiful women…oh no, I guess that’s just a hobby…it puts you in the amateur category. Not that there’s anything amateur about you.” She frowned and shook her head, “Sorry, it must be the hormones.”

Before Sam could respond to Reggie’s apology, Chase spoke up. “Jade, you should communicate with my cat, Pita.”

Reggie scoffed, “Ha!” She pointed at her husband in triumph. “I knew one day you’d finally acknowledge Pita!”

Jade laughed at her brother and sister-in-law, happy that despite the dire situation they could still tease each other. “You have a cat? Since when? I never knew you liked cats.”

Chase looked stricken for a moment. “I don’t know what either of you are going on about. I don’t have a cat. It was a slip of the tongue.”

Reggie leaned back in her chair and put her hands on her still flat abdomen. “I finally had to give the poor thing a name. Pita stands for Pain In the Ass. He’s bonded with Chase, God knows why. This cat is enormous, even Hank gives him a wide berth.”

Gillian asked, “But where is he?”

Reggie nodded to the other end of the table. “You’ll find him on a chair. He’s never far from Chase. They love each other, but they’re in denial.”

Jade walked to the foot of the table. She was amazed when she laid eyes on the most enormous feline she’d ever seen. He barely fit on the generous chair he’d chosen. The chair arms helped to contain his bulk as he bulged over its seat like too much jelly in a jelly donut.

“He’s a Maine Coon cat.” Reggie said proudly. “They’re the largest breed of cat.”

“I believe it,” Jade said, her eyes wide.

Reggie was a little defensive. “Pita’s an over achiever. He’s the largest of the largest breed of cat. I’m thinking of getting a bumper sticker.”

Jade had to admire the creature. He was beautiful, and if first impressions counted for anything, great intelligence lurked behind his blue eyes.

She looked over at the others and said apologetically, “Cats aren’t very communicative. They generally keep their own counsel except with the one person to whom they’ve bonded. Poor things, imagine their frustration. They usually try to communicate with their familiar, but humans aren’t able to understand, so the highly intelligent cat gets irritated and gives up trying. But if there’s something rotten in New Crescent, I’m sure they’ll step up.”

Jade sat on the floor by Pita’s chair.

Reggie whispered to Chase, “Have you seen her do this before?”

He nodded and kissed her quickly. “Do you regret not going on a honeymoon now?”

Shaking her blond head she said, “Are you kidding, Poindexter? I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

Pita wasn’t very forthcoming, but Jade explained, “I’m a stranger to him. When he gets to know me better he’ll open up, I hope.” She looked over at the dogs. Reggie’s dog Prudence, Pru to her nearest and dearest, had joined Hank, Maggie and Rags. Jade said, “The cat just confirmed what the dogs have told me already. There’s something wrong, and it’s dangerous for this town. Oh and by the way, you’re right Reggie, Pita’s in denial too.”


* * * *


After they left McCann House, Sam followed her back to Chase’s bungalow. Jade was staying in the house that Chase had lived in before he’d bought McCann House for Reggie. Sam insisted on coming in to check and make sure everything was safe. Jade smiled at him. Inside the modest home, he looked like he belonged, but he’d always looked like he belonged.

“Do you want anything?” she asked.

Sam winced. “Don’t get me started.”

She looked confused, but before she could ask him what he meant he spotted her cat and asked her his name.

She smiled. “His name is Basil.”

He laughed. “After?”

“A friend of mine in high school. We lost touch, but I still think the world of him.”

“Did you love him?”

“Very much, but just as a friend.” She saw no reason to be coy.

Sam raised his eyebrows at her and put the cat in his lap. “Have you ever been in love, Jade?”

She thought for a second then grinned. “Yes. I was very much in love with you for years.”

“Not counting that.” He looked cross and Jade wondered for a second

how she’d annoyed him, but the expression disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Jade figured she’d imagined it or at the very least misinterpreted it.

“No, I can’t say that I’ve ever been in love.” She sat down across from him. “I won’t ever fall in love, Sam.”

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