Pride and Pregnancy (A Devil's Dragons Motorcycle Club Romance) (42 page)

BOOK: Pride and Pregnancy (A Devil's Dragons Motorcycle Club Romance)
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Another idiot driver pulled over the wrong way, but this time it happened in front of Kimball’s cruiser. It gave me just enough time to catch up, and soon I was bumper-to-bumper with the renegade cop car ahead of me.

I tried to remember the training I’d received as a traffic cop. I needed to get him off the road, and fast. But how the hell was I supposed to do that with so many other cars in the way?

Backup hadn’t arrived. There was no one to throw down any stop sticks, no one to help me herd the cruiser out of traffic or cut it off. I was utterly alone, and unless I could get ahead of them somehow, I was screwed.

Then I realized where we were, and where they were headed. He was trying to outrun me into the warehouse district, where no doubt the Paddies were waiting. If I let them make a right here, they’d be well on their way.

But if I pushed them left…

I whipped into the right lane, then back hard to the left, slamming into the side of Kimball’s cruiser and pushing him through the intersection. With oncoming traffic headed right at us, he had no choice but to turn left toward the bridge instead of right toward the warehouses. I was right behind them, already unfastening my holster as I laid eyes on what I was hoping for.

The bridge was up. A transport vessel not unlike the ones Wallace had used to ship his girls was passing through toward the open ocean. There was no escape except back the way they’d came, and there was no way I was letting them get through me.

Kimball’s cruiser skidded to a halt. I turned my own car sideways, blocking him from making a U-turn and coming back around. Then I exited my vehicle and took aim at the driver, the supposed rookie I’d seen exiting the station. Kimball was nowhere to be seen.

I pushed any thoughts about what had happened to him out of my mind as I lowered my finger onto the trigger. “Out!” I screamed so loud I thought I’d ruptured my throat. “Out of the car! Now!”

The perp unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door. This was too easy…

“Hands up!” I ordered, approaching him around the front of my car. “Do it now!”

He obeyed, falling to his knees before I’d even told him to. He must’ve known the drill.

“Lock your hands behind your head and put your face on the ground!” I barked, getting closer to my target. He was helpless and prone, both of which were good things. He couldn’t have been anything more than a lackey for the real threat, but thankfully, they were back the other way waiting on a delivery that would never come.

I looked up when Nathan opened the back door. I saw him peek around, his eyes wide, his face pale.

“Sandra,” he breathed. “Jesus Christ.”

“Stay in the car,” I told him, pulling my cuffs out of my belt and snapping them onto the perp’s wrists. I’d never heard such a satisfying sound in my whole life. I pulled him up and brought him back to the car, intent on getting Nathan out before anything else happened.

“Get down!” Nathan shouted suddenly.

Another sound cut through the air, and something hot whizzed by my face. Glass shattered and I dropped like a stone, the man with the scar falling limp against me. He’d taken the bullet meant for me.

Scrambling, I pushed myself up just over the driver’s seat of the ruined cruiser, reaching out and gripping the radio transmitter.

“Shots fired!” I screamed into the radio. I could feel something wet and warm dripping down my cheek, but I had much bigger problems. Gunfire was still pelting the car, obliterating the back window.

The window was attached to the back door.

The back door Nathan had been shielding himself behind…

“No!” I hissed, keeping low as I headed for what I was sure was a body. A thousand possibilities raced through my mind, none of them good. Was Nathan dead? Was he injured? How bad was it? Where had he been hit? Had they won?

But as I came around the side of the door, there was no blood, only glass fragments I did my best not to kneel on.

“Nathan!” I cried. He was lying across the backseat, hands over his ears to block out the continued gunfire from the other side of the street.

He had listened to me, and it had saved his life.

I positioned myself behind the door and peeked up through the broken glass. Just behind my cruiser, two black town cars were blocking traffic. Men were shielding themselves behind them, men I instantly recognized, and one who stood out in particular.

The Paddies were here, and so was the man I had the misfortune of meeting in Nathan’s mansion: Francis O’Rourke.

I stared right into his beady, snake-like eyes as he reloaded a pistol and raised it to fire again. I ducked out of the way of the hail of bullets, covering my ears from the sound. I thanked my lucky stars they were using low caliber hand guns and not something bigger. The car stood a chance at stopping a stream of nine millimeter slugs, but it would melt under fire from anything bigger.

I grabbed Nathan’s pant leg and pulled him down beside me. The windshield exploded, sending shards of glass after us. “Move,” I told him, pushing him toward the back of the car. “Keep down!”

He did as he was told, keeping low as he moved behind the trunk. I waited for the gunfire to die down before popping around the side of the door, setting my sights on the men flanking Francis out in the open.

Pop, pop, pop.

Three shots, one man down. I didn’t relish it, but I did feel relieved. That was just one more asshole who wouldn’t be firing at me anytime soon.

I couldn’t hold my position. The cruiser door could only take so much. I joined Nathan around the back of Kimball’s car, resting my back against the bumper as I asked him: “Where’s the other officer? Where’s Kimball?”

Nathan regarded me grimly. “Dead. All of them are.”

I nodded. I’d figured as much. I remembered Marco coming around the corner with that envelope in his hand, the fear in his eyes when I’d seen him. He was in on it, I was sure. But what about Kimball? Had he died a hero, or a pawn?

The gunfire let up again and I swung around the side with a clear shot at the man on Francis’ left. I fired twice this time and saw him go down, blood spraying from his shoulder. It wouldn’t put him entirely out of the game, but it’d have to do.

“Detective Williams!” I heard O’Rourke crow from beyond the cruiser. He sounded closer somehow. “How nice to see you again.”

“Backup’s on its way,” I warned him through gritted teeth. “They’ll be here any second.”

“Not with that traffic,” he answered. I rose up, firing in his direction. I was blind this time, shooting where I assumed he was, but I missed by a country mile. He’d moved forward and behind my car, leaving his men behind. I imagined that said a lot about him.

“That’s ten shots, detective. My guess is you’ve got one left.”

I closed my eyes. He was right. That last barrage had been a Hail Mary, a desperate attempt to keep O’Rourke at bay or take him out. But I’d failed.

I always failed.

I looked at Nathan. He was staring at the street, at the glass surrounding him. I put my hand on his.

“Hey. Hey, look at me,” I said, and he raised his gaze. “We’re okay. We’re gonna be okay.”

He looked into my eyes. Then he smiled.

“Yeah,” he said. “We are.”

He raised my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles softly. And then he stood even as I grabbed at his shirt, trying desperately to pull him back down.

“Goddammit, Nathan! No!”

“Here I am!” Nathan said, hands up above his hand as he side-stepped out of my reach and around the side of the car. “Shoot me. Just leave Detective Williams alone.”

“For fuck’s sakes!” I hissed, pushing myself up to stand. I laid my hand right into a patch of glass and screamed as it bit into me, driving shards deep into my palm. Safety glass, my ass!

I had to stop him. I had to save him. Backup wouldn’t arrive in time for any of that.

I pushed myself up with my other hand, switched my gun to my left, and rose up just as the sound of a gunshot reached my ears. Three or four rounds followed from O’Rourke’s glock. Nathan fell backward even as I stood, giving me the perfect shot.

ne bullet left
… The asshole just shot Nathan…

I was going to have to fire left-handed. My right was mangled by glass and practically useless. I didn’t have time to think or strategize. I had to pull the trigger. Now.

I pressed my right hand up under the stock to steady it, ignoring the white-hot agony that flooded all the way into my shoulder. Then I blew out a breath and pulled the trigger, my eyes never leaving Francis’ baby blues, not even for a second.

That was how I knew how this would end: when I saw how surprised he looked.

The gun clattered onto the asphalt as Francis went down from a neat entrance wound to the chest. I dropped my own gun as I fell next to Nathan’s body, my hands clawing at his shirt and ignoring all the pain that was shooting from my palm.

“Sandra,” Nathan coughed, opening his eyes. “You’re bleeding. Are you okay?”

I nodded as I stared at him, tugging at his shirt. The dark vest peeked out from under his stylish button-up. “Oh, thank God…” I whispered. “You idiot. You colossal idiot…”

“You know, nobody tells you how fucking bad it hurts to get shot in one of these things.”

“What if he shot you in the head?” I replied, tears pouring out of my eyes.

“Would you still love me if I wasn’t quite as beautiful?” Nathan replied, offering up a faint smile.

I nodded mutely, meeting his gaze. “I saved you,” I whispered. It was the only thing I could think of, the only thing I knew to say.

As sirens approached form around the corner, Nathan grinned. He nodded and pulled me into his arms.

“I owe you one,” he replied, holding onto me as I swayed in shock.

The cavalry was here. I could see the blue and red lights flashing around us, hear the squeals of ambulances and the steady beating of a chopper above us.

None of it compared to the comfort Nathan’s arms brought me. We held each other, and the world fell away.



You’re a mess.”

I shook my head at Nathan, stepping into his hotel room as he closed the door behind me. A pair of private security guards stood in the hall to hold vigil. He wasn’t completely wrong. The first shot fired had grazed my cheek, cutting a line shallow enough not to leave much of a scar, but deep enough to make me bleed all over the damn place. Forty-six stitches later my face was covered in enough bandage to start the mummification process. Thankfully, my hand was in better condition than I expected. There was still enough pulverized safety glass that a doctor had to spend a few hours with patience and a pair of tweezers, but thankfully, most of the damage was superficial.

It had taken days to convince the hospital to release me, but the hassle had been well worth it. I had no intention of staying there when I could be standing in Nathan’s hotel room instead.

My work wasn’t over. There was still something that had to be done, and I was the only one who could do it.

“You are a pain in my ass,” I told him, shaking my head as I looked him over. There wasn’t a scratch on him, but I could tell he was still shaken. And who wouldn’t be? We’d been through hell together. “I’m so glad I’m off your case.”

“Off my case?” he echoed, raising an eyebrow. “So you won’t be at the trial?”

The attempted kidnapping and assassination had caused the entire trial date to be pushed back a few days, but I had every intention of being there. Nathan still needed me.

“Oh, I’ll be there,” I corrected him. “Just in a support capacity. Don’t want you falling off the wagon now that your life’s not endangered anymore. I need to make sure you do the right thing.”

“Right,” he said, narrowing his eyes as he looked me over. “That’s what you came here for? To tell me you’re off the case and insult my morality?”

“Well, that,” I answered, suppressing a grin, “and to tell you something else, too. I wanted to say
thank you
for what you did back there. It was stupid, but it was damn brave, too. I don’t know what would’ve happened to either of us if you hadn’t given me that shot.”

Nathan half-smiled. “I wasn’t about to let you take the heat for me,” he said. “You were right about me, Detective. I haven’t been taking this seriously...”

I nodded. “You’re damn right. But you taught me something, too: people can change, if they want it bad enough. You just have to let them.”

“And all it takes is a few bullets to the chest? Next time, maybe we can pick an easier way to teach me a lesson…”

I laughed, turning my back on him to study the hotel room. It was much nicer than the one we’d shared at the Peachtree Overlook, with a completely separate bedroom with what looked like a queen-sized bed. I bit my lip as I set eyes on it.

“I’ve been wrong about you...”

I lifted my fingers to my blouse, wincing as I began undoing the buttons at the top. I turned back around to face him just as I revealed the lace and silk cups of my bra.

“But you’re the only good surprise I’ve had in a long damn time, Nathaniel Hale. And I came here to tell you I’m off the case, which means that I no longer have an obligation to keep my professional distance from you. We can make things as personal as you’d like.”

Nathan looked at me, watching me struggle to maneuver my fingers in a way that didn’t hurt. He took a step toward me, gently clasping his hands over mine and drawing them away from my blouse as he stared deep into my eyes.

“Oh, I’d like them pretty damn personal,” he growled, that familiar smolder returning to his jade green eyes.

“Good, because this box of condoms cost a small fortune, and I’m still intent on getting my money’s worth,” I replied as he captured my lips with his.

I moaned into his mouth, encircling his neck in my arms as he crushed me against his chest, lifting me from the floor to envelop me completely. I’d never had a man devour me like this, his mouth closing over mine again and again almost violently, with such a heat and passion that it made me weak in the knees.

I wrapped my legs around his strong waist, feeling his hands slip down my hips and to my ass, where he gripped me tightly as he made quick strides toward his bed. I threw back my head as his lips moved to my neck, nipping and sucking down to my collarbone as he placed me on my back. Heat flushed through me, a consuming flame, one I hoped would leave nothing but ash in its wake.

I needed Nathan. I needed him to devour me. I needed him to take me until there was nothing left. I had never needed anyone so goddamn badly before.

“Thank God for you,” he whispered, working through the rest of my buttons until I was completely exposed. He looked at me with such reverence that it took my breath away. “Goddammit, Sandra. Thank you.”

I didn’t know what to say in reply. I only shrugged my shoulders out of the straps of my bra, letting them fall down my arms as Nathan unhooked the clasp at the back. I arched to make way for his fingers and felt the fabric slip away from me, my light pink nipples stiffening in the cool air between us.

He lowered his head instantly, closing his lips around one of them and lovingly tracing it with his tongue. I closed my eyes, shuddering as he caressed me, his hands tugging at my pants until he pulled them off over my toes and deposited them on the bedroom floor.

This was what I had been waiting for. This was what I had been craving ever since Nathan ended up back in my life. I felt truly naked before him, utterly vulnerable to this man as he peeled away my layers to reach my center and make me his. This time when he took me, he’d be coming away with a lot more than just my virginity or a quick and fun little fuck. He’d come away with my heart and anything else I had to give him.

My underwear was next. Nathan knelt in front of me, kissing between the valley of my breasts and over my stomach, making me quiver with delight until he made it to my waistband, which he promptly took between his teeth. He looked up at me with a hungry gaze as he slid my panties off my thighs at an excruciatingly slow pace, revealing my shaven mound already glistening with desire for him.

When my panties hit the floor, Nathan moved back between my legs, nudging my thighs apart to nuzzle and kiss over my pussy. I shuddered and tugged at his hair with my good hand, my toes curling as his tongue parted my folds and laved hungrily at my swollen, throbbing clit.

I could feel the pleasure rolling over me in strong waves, sweeping me into a blissful oblivion as he lapped at my needy cunt. The way Nathan touched me made my body sing, made my very blood cry out for more. Fucking him was a full body experience that even my nerves got in on, each one firing with joy as he relentlessly tongued me. He lifted my legs over his shoulders, letting me clench his head between my thighs as he sucked at me, making my eyes roll back into my skull.

“Fuck!” I whispered, knowing that I couldn’t be too loud. There were still his security guards right outside the doors, and even if I was off Nathan’s case officially, I still didn’t want them to hear what was happening in here. People talked…

But I needed Nathan in a way I hadn’t needed any other man ever before. He was my drug, my heroin, except I knew in my heart he’d never hurt me, never make me waste away like what had happened my mother and Jenny. He would only ever make me whole and safe. He was an addiction I could succumb to, lose myself in, knowing that he would always find me and bring me back to where I was supposed to be. With Nathan, I could never truly be lost.

I arched again as he focused on my sweet spot, his thumbs pressing into the soft flesh of my hips as I stifled a wail. I felt like I was being electrocuted, my muscles twitching uncontrollably as he worked me to his heart’s content. He had me so close to cumming already. I couldn’t bear for him to stop.

And he didn’t. Seeing my rapture, Nathan only pressed further, wriggling his tongue against me until I dug my nails into his scalp and let out a low groan of unbridled ecstasy. My orgasm threatened to overwhelm me as I writhed and flailed, my breasts heaving with each labored breath I took, every fiber of my being unraveling as this man dangled me over the precipice of divine bliss.

“Nathan!” I pleaded. “Please!”

And like so many times before, Nathan knew exactly what I wanted. He stood up, pulled off his shirt, and crawled on top of me, kissing me so tenderly I thought I might melt. Everything about him was burning hot. Touching him was an exquisite kind of pain.

I reached down to unbutton his jeans, pushing them down over his hips until I could feel his hard cock pressing into my thigh. He was warm and thick, as incredible as he’d always been as he pulled back just enough to press into my slit. I was so wet that he slipped along my folds, teasing me with his tip.

I hesitated. “The condoms,” I said, pointing toward my purse. Nathan held me there, our bare flesh on the brink of becoming one.

“You saved my life, Sandra… I want you now, just like this. I don’t care what the consequences are.”

“Oh God… Fuck me Nathan. Please!”

I lifted my hips to guide him toward my center. He held himself at my opening, teasing me with tiny little thrusts that never pushed him entirely inside. I whimpered and looked up at him, caressing his face with both hands as I gazed into his eyes.

“Please,” I implored again. I was feverish, sweat forming on my brow. I needed this man’s cock, and he knew it.

He grinned, and for a moment, he was that cocky and spoiled rich kid who bent me over his desk and too my innocence. Although I’d never let him affect me then, I admitted to myself now that those arrogant grins were so goddamn hot.

I kissed him again as he thrust into me, driving away all the pain and regret I’d held inside me since Momma and Jenny. I held onto him tight, pressing my face into the curve of his neck as he took me, filling me with his warmth, his tenderness, and his love.

He moved inside of me, thrusting steadily, covering my body in tiny grateful kisses as I ran my fingers through his hair, clutching any part of him I could. He was so perfect.
were so perfect, the two of us together. We were broken apart, but with one another, we were healing.

“What if I get pregnant,” I whispered between panting gasps.

“Then you’ll give me everything I’ve ever wanted,” Nathan replied, gripping me tighter and driving him cock deep. With every thrust, our jagged edges collided, smoothing us into jewels that could only shine when we were together. With every gasp, I felt a little bit of him flow into me, forging a bond I knew could never break. With every pass of his hands through my hair, over my neck, down the side of my wriggling body, I felt more and more like we were meant to be.

The deeper he pushed into me, the more I felt how much we belonged together. We fit so perfectly in each other’s arms. It was like I’d been missing a piece of myself since as far back as I could remember, and now I’d finally found it. I was never letting go.

I shuddered as I felt him swell inside me. His breath was hot on my ear, coming in short bursts, in desperate gasps. I pulled back, looking into his eyes and seeing the pleasured strain on his face. I knew he needed the release just as much as I did.

“Let it go,” I cooed to him, holding his face in both my hands regardless of the pain. “Go ahead, Nathan.”

He looked into my eyes as he bit his lip and released inside of me, relinquishing his own pain, guilt, and doubt with each pulse of his orgasm. I held his gaze, watching the rapture overtake him, watching as both our bodies let go of all the darkness we’d been carrying and finally ascended into the light.

When he lay in my arms, head burrowed into my breasts, I knew everything was going to be all right. The trial tomorrow, Peter Wallace’s fate—none of it mattered. We were free.

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