Primal Estate: The Candidate Species (45 page)

BOOK: Primal Estate: The Candidate Species
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Chapter 34


The introdUctions


Nwella appeared one evening on Rick’s back patio in a manner similar to which she had that first time, except without the intent for romance. It was too cold for Rick to be out, but he was sitting by the fire pit anyway trying to keep warm and think, as usual. She arrived with information that would put their lives into high gear.

“Rick, I have a health scan in three days. I can’t avoid being discovered. I must confess my situation as soon as possible. Also, Synster has ordered me to tell you that your special project should be initiated. I don’t know what that is, but I have encrypted coordinates to give you for transport. It must be at the exact place and time indicated on your gauntlet. All that he told me is that it would be tomorrow. He said I was not to ask for details. Rick, I don’t know if I can bear the next few days.”

Rick held her and tried to give some comfort.

“Good,” he said. “It’s time something starts happening.” Project Ryvil, he thought. He’d been looking forward to this – killing a Provenger with the approval of Synster and avenging the assault on his son at the same time. He already had all the other information from Synster, the local conditions, the weapon, and the circumstances. It sounded pretty easy.

“I’m scared for you,” Nwella said.

“Let’s take things one at a time. You’ll join us when you confess.” Rick didn’t want to say “banished”. It sounded too negative. “That is resolved, right?”


“And no one will come after us for revenge, especially Synster. Right?”

“Yes. That is not our way. I’m fairly certain,” Nwella responded, the word “fairly” weakening Rick’s hope for the future. “During my formal confession, I will be sure to say that I was the one who took you while you slept. Synster will read that report. With what he knows about me, he’ll certainly believe it.”

“I’ll take all that as a yes. So what we need to do now is introduce you to the people you’ll be living with. Then you’ll tell whatever authorities you need to of your situation, you’ll leave your life there, and start your life here.”

With that, Nwella burst into tears and collapsed in Rick’s arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

“I didn’t realize a life with me was such a horrible prospect,” he joked, trying to raise her spirits.

“I’m sorry. It’s not you. It’s just that so much is happening so fast. I don’t know if I can adjust. But I’ll do what I can. As long as I have a chance to confess, I’ll be allowed some preparation for this world. If they discover my condition without my confession, the banishment would be immediate with no preparation. And I need to do it when Father is away. I don’t want to face him. He’ll be at Kylamity Base with some council members for the next two days, so now would be a good time.” They looked into each other’s eyes for a moment. “You need to be ready tomorrow afternoon. Do you know what you need?” Nwella asked.

“Oh yes, I’ve been ready for some time now,” Rick said, barely able to contain his enthusiasm at the prospect of killing Ryvil. Synster must be with the council members as an alibi, Rick thought. “Let’s start getting you acclimated right now. Everybody is inside. You need to meet them all. We’ll do it in stages. I’ve got it all planned. Utu already knows about you. He’s managed to learn some English, so I’ve told him. And of course you can speak his language. You’ll meet him first, then Carson. While you meet Carson, Utu will brief Shainan on what is going on. She actually listens to him.”

Rick paused, then continued. “I know this sounds strange, but you’ll have to get your scent on Utu so he can play with the dogs and they’ll smell you. That way, the dogs will receive you better. Meanwhile you can meet Shainan. You should get her scent on you, once again for the dogs. But we’ll see how that goes. I’ll go in first. Ready?”

Rick had been planning for this moment for a long time. He had it all thought out. He had begun to see them all as a team, a team that might be capable of saving the situation. He had two people from the distant past who seemed to have capabilities that he could not even comprehend, particularly Utu. Then there was Nwella, his unlikely love, now carrying his child and making them both immune from adversarial action by the Provenger. She had knowledge of Provenger technology and methods that he could use for defense, or survival, if the worst should come. Nwella assured him that random violence against Carson or those he cared about was against their law. He felt they had a chance.

“Rick, my head is spinning. I don’t understand much of what you are saying or why. Would you please protect me through this?”



Rick was the first one in. Utu, as usual this time of night, was at the computer, researching. Shainan, conveniently, was in her room, and Carson was reading something for school in the living room. Perfect, Rick thought.

“Carson, could you please put Barnes and Nobelle in the garage? We have a visitor I need to introduce you to.”

Carson looked up and rolled his eyes. “Dad, what now?”

“Just do it. We’re all safe.”

Utu looked up with a serious look of hatred on his face.

While Carson was getting the dogs into the garage, Rick addressed Utu. “I know this will be difficult. But if you have any sense of long-term goals, you’ll listen to what I have to say. Nwella will be joining us soon. Not only is she having my child, but I love her, no matter how crazy that may seem to you. She’s different now, I think. At heart, she’s not really a Provenger anymore. You should consider her that way.”

Utu stared at him patiently but with a tone of judgment.

“She is carrying my child, a Human/Provenger hybrid. I don’t know what will come of that, but I think the concept is intriguing. She makes us, her and me, at least, immune from Provenger violence, and she has comprehensive knowledge of their technology and culture. She is an asset to our team. You need to receive her as such.” Rick looked for confirmation. He didn’t get any. “I need your assurance that you’ll restrain your anger against her while you fully assess the situation. You need to understand her value and what she means to me.” Rick was fully aware that if Utu wanted, he could do anything, and Rick wouldn’t be able to stop him.

“Rick, I understand. I know she can be an asset. That doesn’t mean I won’t hate her. I’ll be nice,” he said simply. “When everything goes to hell, and if she’s the cause of it, I’ll kill her first. In the meantime, I’ll play along.”

Rick looked up and Carson was standing at the edge of the room, having just walked in, looking with doubt at these two men, judging them as having serious issues.

“Utu, we don’t want her to know yet that you can communicate well. Speak simply, like when you first got here, or worse even. Or don’t talk at all.”

Even though Utu understood this, it was annoying for him to accept. He was tired of playing the fool in front of these beasts. “Rick, I can do better than that. Most of what I say I’ll speak in my language, and she can translate it to you in English. This way we can both know immediately if she’s being honest with us. And I’ll play the fool for a while, Rick, but not for long.”

“So when do we get to meet her?” Carson asked.

“Right now,” replied Rick. He opened the door and let her in.

She wasn’t nearly as threatening an image as either of them had imagined. She looked beaten down. She was wearing what looked to be human clothing, but the style was just a little off – colors, cut, shoes. To Carson, she looked like she might be from Europe. She wore a gray long sleeve shirt, brown pants, and black shoes. And there was the bald thing. If she was to stay long-term, it was something that would have to be changed, somehow. Carson thought, maybe we can pencil in eyebrows and throw a wig on her.

She held her head down and stared at the floor, looking very meek. Then she briefly glanced up, first at Utu, then at Carson, then back at the floor.

“Hello,” she said.

“Utu, Carson, this is Nwella…She’ll be one of the family,” Rick added to make her feel accepted and convey his sincerity to everyone. She glanced up at him. “Starting in a few days, she’ll be living with us.” Rick waited, looking back and forth at Utu and Carson.

“Hello,” said Nwella again, still looking at the floor.

“Hello, Nwella,” said Carson, wondering when the surprises would stop. “Welcome.”

Rick glared at Utu.

“Hello, Nwella,” Utu droned.

Rick turned to Nwella, took her hands in his and looked deeply into her eyes. “You will be my wife.”

Nwella was confused and wasn’t sure what to say. She glanced at Carson, who was rolling his eyes, and then at Utu who was staring off into space. “Yes?” she responded.

“Carson, this will be your new stepmother.”

“Dad! She looks my age!” Carson replied, exasperated.

“Nwella, how old are you?” Rick asked her.

“Thirty-seven years of Earth,” she answered.

“Carson, it’s the Recombinant. It makes them all look much younger. And Carson, she’s pregnant. We’re having a baby.”

Carson looked back at his father with no expression. Now, he had no idea how to feel.

“Me check,” Utu said in English, as he stood and carefully walked to Nwella. “May I?” he asked in his own language, as he stuck out his hand toward her abdomen.

As Nwella slowly nodded, Rick was starting to panic. If Utu got close, he could kill her in an instant. What if he somehow could tell if she was pregnant or not? What if she wasn’t, and he knew she was lying and decided to take his revenge now? Why didn’t he warn me he was going to do this? Before Rick could think of how to react, Utu had his hand on her.

After a few seconds, he backed up with a surprised look on his face. “Rick,” Utu said as he nodded.

“Nwella, could you please explain to Utu that Shainan needs to know about you, and we also need to introduce the dogs to you,” Rick asked, trying to hurry the process before Shainan happened to walk in.

Nwella, using Utu’s ancient language, now explained what Rick had asked her to convey.

“Right,” Utu said to Rick. “I get.” He turned and walked out of the room to find Shainan.

There was an awkward moment where no one knew what to say. Rick and Carson stood, alternating glances at each other and Nwella, as she stood looking only at the floor. They heard some screaming in the room down the hall, muffled excerpts of which only Nwella could understand. Something about “flesh eating bitch,” “never again sleep at night,” and “dogs will tear her apart!”

Utu and Shainan walked into the room a minute later. They were both stoic and composed. Rick made the introductions, and Shainan looked her square in the face and in her own language said, “Nwella, welcome to our home. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make you more comfortable. How long will you be staying?”

Nwella glanced up at Shainan and said, “Hello”. Then added, “Shainan, I’m afraid this will soon be the only place I’ll have. I sincerely hope you’ll be able to forgive me for the part I’ve played in the abuse of your people.”

Shainan was surprised at this show of humility. “Huhf!” was her only reply. It was difficult for Shainan to forget that she had once been scheduled as the main course at the banquet attended by Nwella.

Rick sensed that they were somehow done and wanted desperately to proceed to the next step.

“Nwella, what we need to do now won’t be easy for any of us. And quite frankly, it may be dangerous. Nwella, we need to introduce you to the dogs. We all need to get your scent on us, then go play with them, give them a few treats that you’ve held, then maybe things will go smoother. Utu has your scent on his hand. Carson, could you please approach Nwella and give her a hug, or hold her forearms or something?”

“Sure, Dad.” Carson walked right up to his future stepmother. He was about to hug her, as she did look like an attractive sixteen-year-old, but then he remembered she was pregnant by his father and a hug might be weird. Carson held out his forearms and they held each other’s arms for a moment, and to avoid the awkwardness, they began to shake their arms up and down, as with a handshake, making it even more awkward.

Utu thought for a moment. He wasn’t going to touch this Provenger again, just to get her scent. Then he had an idea. He could get the job done better and get a little payback at the same time. It would also test her, to see if her humility was genuine. Utu had her scent on his hand so he pointed to it, looked at Rick and said, “Here.”

Then Utu turned to Nwella and told her to translate to Rick exactly what he said. “I know dogs, and the best way to have them meet you is to have them smell your clothing. Give me your shirt.” Utu stuck out his hand, waiting.

Nwella translated this to English as closely as possible for Rick. Rick glared at Utu and wondered what he was up to. It was obvious she had nothing on under her shirt.

Nwella felt humiliated. It wasn’t that she would be bare chested in front of these people. That was a Provenger fashion, after all. What bothered her was that she would have to turn her clothing over to this human that was demanding it. But any pride that she had was already beaten from her. Nwella peeled off her shirt and gave it to Utu before Rick could think of anything to say. They were all immediately distracted by her beauty, every line, every curve, her skin tone and posture, perfect.

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