Prime Deliverance (Katieran Prime Series (Book Five))

BOOK: Prime Deliverance (Katieran Prime Series (Book Five))
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Table of Contents



Story of the Star Mates


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty


Books by KD Jones


Prime Deliverance


Katieran Prime


Book Five


Author: K D Jones


Editor: Rose Colton


Artwork by JK Publishing, Inc.


Published by JK Publishing, Inc.





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I want to dedicate this book to all my loyal supporters. Thank you so much for all your helpful advice and for being patient while I am still learning my craft.


KD Jones



You may contact me at:




[email protected]





Table of Contents

































Prima AriELa has known her whole life that she wouldn’t mate for love, but that hadn’t stopped her from giving her heart away. She has loved Security Liaison TarAK since she was just a young. They have been separated for years and when he returns, he refuses to start a relationship with her. He seeks to mate another female. With a broken heart, AriELa realizes her only chance at a family of her own would be to accept the proposed mating of another male. The Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN has a lot to offer, he’s handsome and powerful. She would be welcomed by the whole nation of Kiljor. The best part would be helping to unite two nations during a time of turbulence. It is the perfect solution to her problem except for one thing; her heart still aches for TarAK.

TarAK has fought his attraction to Prima AriELa for years. She unwittingly set off his protective instincts while she was still a young. To protect both TarAK and AriELa, TarAK’s father sends him away for years to train. Just as he was beginning to control his feelings for AriELa, his father dies and TarAK must return to Katiera to take over the Prime family’s security detail. When he begins to feel the pull to AriELa again, he makes a choice to pursue another female. It becomes more and more difficult to ignore his true feelings, especially when AriELa accepts the pursuit of another male. Everything male in him screams to take her and make her his own. However, he has to fight those instincts. He has to do what is right for his people and what is right for AriELa. He would sacrifice everything to ensure her happiness.

Warning: This eBook contains sexually explicit scenes, adult language, and violence that may be considered offensive to some readers.





Asi: Yes
Bond Mate: a mate that was destined by the Gods
Comm Link: communication device that is usually worn around the ear; can be used similar to a cell phone
Digital Tablet: looks similar to an IPAD but works as a laptop with more capabilities
IHI: Instant hologram imaging; 3D imaging view
IHM: Instant hologram messaging
Katieran Juice: Similar to Earth’s wine
Key: Be
Kitana: hell
Kitasa: hell no
Mate: spouse
Mating ceremony: wedding
Medic: similar to a doctor
Medic Room: an exam room
Medical Scope: pencil shaped silver instrument that has many medical uses including administering medications and performing scans like x-rays and ultrasounds
Mile: Still
Nanos: biologically engineered nanotechnology used to help repair internal damage to the body and directs nutrients to where they are needed; cures the common cold
Sa: No
Sayer: Don’t
Scent marking: exchange of sexual fluids intending to mate
Stada: us/all of us
Talle: female
Token: Fear
Viewing Screens: used on space ships in place of windows; view of the surrounding area is shown through video feeds
Young: child or infant


Katieran Sayings


By the Fires of Kitana
By the Goddess
By the Lunas
The Goddess knows


Katieran Proverbs


“A Katieran that practices patience is greatly rewarded.”
“All wormholes do not lead to home.”
“Feeling is a part of living. If you are not feeling it then you are not living it.”
“Love the Goddess KatieRI with all your heart and your heart shall be filled with Joy.”





Story of the Star Mates



The big star represents the God KiljOR. The little star beside it represents the Goddess KatieRI. Together they are known as Star Mates. It is said the God KiljOR took one look at the Goddess KatieRI and knew she was the one for him. The two Gods fell in love and mated. They were happy together and their happiness spread to the Katieran people. Blessings were granted and bond mates were found all over.

Eventually KatieRI and KiljOR wanted to have children. In order to do this, each one had to give up some of their Godly powers. They had twins. KiljAN and KajAN. The first set that was born on Katiera. The twins were demi-gods weighted with mortality.

KiljOR was a warrior God, as were his twin sons. They were battling another warring nation and the twins fell. KiljOR took his sons back to their mother who was devastated by the loss. To honor his sons and to help his mate deal with her grief, KiljOR used all of his Godly powers to turn his sons’ bodies into the two Suns of the Katieran Galaxy. IljAN, the small red Sun, and AjAN, the large yellow Sun. No other set of twins had been born on Katiera since.

It is said that KiljOR lived the rest of his life as a mortal and KatieRI stayed by his side. At his life’s final moment, KatieRI used all of her Godly powers to transform the two of them into the two stars that circle Katiera. They are called Star Mates. KatieRI did this so they would remain by one another’s side for all eternity.





“Stay with me, Prima. You will survive. Do you hear me? You survive. That’s all that matters.” Lucy gripped her chin to make sure they made eye contact.

Something in the other female’s eyes made her… determined . She would survive. She nodded her head. “Yes, I’m with you.”

Suddenly TarAK was there helping her to stand. They touched briefly but it was enough to give her reassurances. He would fight to protect her. She just needed to survive for him. They turned to head down the opposite end of the street.

A loud noise had her turning around to look behind her. She froze. Not more than five feet away stood two Morins.
Oh Goddess, help us

“You will come with us, females,” one of them spoke.

AriELa couldn’t seem to move. Her nightmares came to life before her eyes. They were uglier than she remembered, and the smell. She wanted to vomit.

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