Prince by Blood and Bone: A Fantasy Romance of the Black Court (Tales of the Black Court) (39 page)

Read Prince by Blood and Bone: A Fantasy Romance of the Black Court (Tales of the Black Court) Online

Authors: Jessica Aspen

Tags: #fantasy romance, #twisted fairy tale, #paranormal romance

BOOK: Prince by Blood and Bone: A Fantasy Romance of the Black Court (Tales of the Black Court)
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In the meantime, I’m releasing a totally different venture for me, a modern Gothic novella.
Ghosts of Christmas Past
, A Haunted Holiday’s novella, will definitely be out 2014. You can find an excerpt at the end of this book. And if you would like to find out what happens to Cassie and Theresa between the attack at the safe-house in Albuquerque and Cassie’s abduction, I’ll be publishing their story, too. (Hint, hint! Newsletter subscribers might get Cassie’s intermediate novella for free!)

I want to thank everyone for the many fantastic reviews I’ve received for
The Dark Huntsman
. Each one makes me smile, and I know that you are giving other readers a wonderful opportunity to see how much you loved the book. If you enjoyed
Prince by Blood and Bone
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Jessica Aspen


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More spicy, paranormal, romances available from Jessica Aspen:


Tales of the Black Court

Book One:


The Dark Huntsman:A Fantasy Romance of The Black Court


Ebook ISBN:

ISBN Mass Market Paperback:


An evil queen, a dangerous man, and a witch, tangled together in a tale of Snow White...


Desperate to save the last of her family from the murderous Faery Queen, Trina Mac Elvy weaves a spell of entrapment. But instead of a common soldier, the queen has released the Dark Huntsman, a full blooded fae with lethal powers.

Caged for treason, Logan Ni Brennan, is ready to do anything to win free of the manipulative queen, even if it includes running a last errand for her…murdering a witch. The sight of Trina, ready to fight despite the odds, gives him another option: use the witch as a chess piece, put the queen’s son on the throne, and bring down the queen forever.


As the queen slides into insanity and her closest advisor makes plans to succeed to the throne, Logan secrets Trina away in the enchanted forest and makes a decisive move in his dangerous game of manipulation. But the gaming tables of fate turn on him, and when Trina’s life is threatened he discovers he risks more than his freedom…he risks his heart.


Dare to enter Jessica Aspen’s world of steamy, fantasy romance in her new twisted fairy tale trilogy:
Tales of the Black


*2014 RONE Award Finalist

*2014 Golden Quill Finalist, Desert Rose RWA





Twisted Tales: Come Into the Woods

Dare to discover Jessica Aspen’s twisted, new adult, fairy tale romance novellas. Warning! They’re spicy!


Little Red Riding Wolf



Fraternizing with humans is taboo, but when feisty werewolf, Red, runs into hunky new forest ranger Evan Brewster, she jumps on the opportunity to let loose her desires. Evan is stoked when he meets the petite red haired hottie, and combined with his new discovery of wolves in Colorado, thinks his career and life are made. Then Red pushes him away, her hostile brother threatens his life, and things spiral out of control. Caught between her sexy lover and her pack can Red trust Evan with her secrets, or must she sacrifice her human lover and her heart?


*Honorable Mention Passionate Ink's 2011 Stroke of Midnight Contest

*2013 Golden Quill Contest Finalist, Desert Rose RWA

*Award of Merit Hold Medallion 2013 Contest


Check it out on Amazon.



Snow and the Seventh Wolf



Exiled for attempting to kill his sister’s lover, the last thing Seth needs is to be saddled with a human. But Seth can’t turn his back when he discovers Snow fleeing from her avaricious step-parents murder plot. Isolated in a cabin in the woods, Snow attempts seduction and Seth discovers even werewolves are vulnerable to passion’s temptation. Seth’s angry struggles against his desire drive him away, but his over-protective alpha nature won’t let him abandon a female in distress. With Snow in danger again, can Seth overcome his prejudices in time to save Snow from her step-parents’ evil plan?


Check it out on Amazon.


Goldi and the Bear



Goldi Lycan's life is falling apart. Her dad’s gone wild wolf, her house is under threat of foreclosure, and the only one she can turn to for help is her high school boyfriend whose heart she crushed.


Goldi's father is missing. She needs his signature and the money he's hidden or the bank will foreclose and sell to a buyer she suspects is her ex-boyfriend, whose heart she crushed in high school. Zeke has a secret. He's never stopped loving Goldi or forgotten their steamy nights together and he's determined to make her pay. When Goldi is injured in a Rocky Mountain blizzard she's forced to take shelter in Zeke's empty house. But look out! When Zeke arrives home to find a naked she-wolf in his bed, all hell will break loose.


*Colorado Romance Writers 2014 Award of Excellence Finalist


Check it out on Amazon.




Excerpt: chapter one

No footprints, no body, no woman…nor any sign there’d ever been one.

Shaking, Jen got out of the small rental car and looked again. The frigid air caught in her lungs and, for a moment, she suffocated on her own breath.

Then she exhaled. And it was okay. She could breathe again.

A chilly gust of wind blew snow down the empty road. She walked back a few feet and searched the unmarked snow crowded close under the dense brush and trees of the road’s shoulders, but couldn’t find anything. Unable to get warm she pulled her wool coat close around her, checking the steep ditches again, and again, making absolutely sure that there was no body, bleeding and tossed to the side. Or buried in the snow.

There wasn’t. Her expensive leather boots soaking wet she stumbled back into car. With numb fingers she turned on the heat, reclined the seat and closed her eyes. Took a moment, just to breathe.

There hadn’t been a woman, wide-eyed, white skinned, and dripping with mud, standing in the middle of the slick, snow covered road. It was just her nerves.

But it had been so real.

She went back through it. She’d been driving down the narrow road, heading deeper into the tangled bare branches of winter New England. She’d risked a glance at the overcast sky. Only mid-afternoon, but the heavy cloud cover and tall trees pressing in from the sides made it seem like nighttime was approaching fast.

And then, she’d looked back at the road. A woman in a long, dark dress stood dead center in the curve.

Jen screamed and turned the wheel, pushing her right foot down hard on the brake. The tires shrieked, and the car skidded, the end fishtailing around and spinning in a 360 turn.

She hung on. Trees flew by in a blur and she caught a vague impression of a frightened face.

The car slowed its spin. Her heart pounded in her throat, scratching and clawing in a race to get her somewhere, anywhere but strapped into the seat of a car she barely knew how to drive.

“Holy crap!” She turned her head from side to side, frantic and searching the empty snow-covered road.

“Turn right, now,” the smooth voice of the GPS interrupted. The car slid way too close to the gravel edge before reaching a shuddering stop.

“You are missing your turn. Turn right, now.”

Jen slammed her fist onto the dashboard. “If I turn now I’ll be stuck in the ditch.” She shook her aching hand and unbuckled her seat belt.

“You are missing your turn. Turn right, now.”

“Shut up,” she said and turned off the car. She got out. “Hello?” Her whole body quivered, adrenaline shaking her already shot nerves. “Are you hurt?”

But no one had answered.

Eyes back open, the shaking almost gone, she moved the seat back in the upright position and took a last look at the side of the road. In case she’d been wrong and there really was someone there. She’d been right, it was her over-stimulated nervous system. Not unexpected given the last few months, and especially the stress of the last week. She needed more sleep.

It was good she’d stopped, she was lost anyway. There was no right turn anywhere in sight and her GPS clearly thought there should be.

She grabbed her binder and flipped to the correct tab, sorting through the carefully constructed file of downloaded instructions the real estate agent had sent her. She had them on her laptop and her phone, but she’d printed everything out, just in case.

This was the boonies, miles away from Boston, and she’d planned every step of her first vacation by herself. Just as she’d planned every detail of her now non-existent wedding down to the customized candies she’d had to have re-printed. Lately it seemed like everything she touched fell apart. Maybe her mother was right and she was a failure.

Even her vacation was going to hell and she hadn’t even gotten to her first night. She might as well face it, her life sucked.

“You have stopped in the wrong location. Back up fifteen feet and turn right.”

“Grrr.” Jen barred her teeth at the GPS and scanned her printed map. “There’s no right turn there,” she told the screen. “Just more fricking trees! I think I’m lost.”

But it didn’t answer. If her mother were here she’d be telling her, “I told you not to go on this trip. You barely know how to drive.”

Living in Boston she walked or took public transit anywhere she needed to go. Or Jason drove her. This time she was determined to drive herself, but the car had been a challenge and the snow a disaster.

Just once, couldn’t the woman get it wrong?

Jen peered at the mileage counter she’d set when she’d turned left at the last turn. If the GPS was right, this was the spot.

But it wasn’t. It was a dense tangle of pine trees and barren black shrubs. Not the rural sanctuary she was now twenty minutes late in finding. She read the careful instructions from the realtor, Mrs. Castlebury.

Turn left and drive ten point two miles, you’ll drive over the bridge and see the house on the right. It’s the first house on the drive. I’ll meet you at 2 pm, sharp.

She sagged in her seat. She was beat. The GPS and the map both showed her she was incapable of doing something so simple as taking a vacation on her own and she wanted to scream in frustration that her mother would be pleased.

The little message envelope on her phone blinked at her. Even though she didn’t want to do it she called in and listened to five messages from her mother. Every one of them telling her to get back to Boston. That she was crazy to be driving up to the country on her own in the middle of December. Every one of them telling her she should be going to the wedding, causing a ruckus, and begging Jason to take her back.

But those weren’t the worst messages.

Her pulse throbbed in her temple.

The worst ones were from her best friend, Samantha. She deleted them after listening to the first one and instead dug through the binder for Mrs. Castlebury’s phone number. She’d have to call the realtor and admit she was lost. She dialed the number. Before she could hit send the phone rang and her finger automatically picked it up. “Hello?”

“Jen? Thank God!” Samantha’s upper-class Bostonian accent cut into the car’s quiet. Jen clenched the phone and hung on through Sam’s frantic spew of words. “Where are you? The dress shop called and said you haven’t picked up your maid-of-honor dress, and Susan said you’d called and told her she’d have to handle the bachelorette party. What’s up?”

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