Read Prince of the Playhouse Online

Authors: Tara Lain

Tags: #gay romance

Prince of the Playhouse (18 page)

BOOK: Prince of the Playhouse
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The knock on the back door, only feet away, sent a shiver up his spine. He took a deep breath, opened the door a crack, and whispered, “What’s the password?”

“I miss you desperately.”

Ru threw open the door. “Hell, darling, that will get you most anything you want.”

Gray strode in, radiating sweetness and sex. Odd to think of one of the world’s biggest blowers-of-things-up as sweet, but that was Gray’s vibe. If he’d met Gray somewhere at the end of the earth and didn’t know who he was, Ru’s description would have said shy to the point of diffident and self-deprecating.

Gray wrapped his arms around Ru and kicked the door closed behind him. “I’m so glad to see you.”

“Likewise. I didn’t think you’d be back for another day or two.”

“Couldn’t stay away.”

“Hmmm. Wonder what he wants?” Ru chuckled, stood on his tiptoes, and pressed his own erection against the one pushing out the front of Gray’s jeans.

Gray touched a finger to Ru’s cheek. “Yes, I do want that. But I mostly want to see you.”

The words slid through some chink in that Ru Maitland armor, and tears sprang to his eyes. “Thank you. That means a lot.” He gently pressed his lips to Gray’s and just lingered, fighting back the heat, to show him how lovely those simple words were.

When he pulled back, Gray grinned. “Before I forget due to other distractions, I have to go to a local location for some early shooting on my next film. Want to come?”

Ru lit up from the inside. “Seriously?”

“Yeah. They have a few car crash scenes that they want to shoot before we go on location in New York. I won’t be heading back east until after my one-week run in
, but this would be a chance for you to get to see some stunts up close.” He smiled. “And to spend the day with me.”

“Well, I’ll have to ask Shaz, and car crashes aren’t my specialty, but to spend the day with you? Hell yes.”

Gray hugged him right off his feet. “Actually I have to leave tonight to get up to the location, because we’ll be starting before dawn. I’ll have Chris pick you up and bring you there.”

“Aww. No snuggles tonight, then?”

Gray grinned, flashing those dimples as big as craters. “There’s always time for snuggling. The night is young.”

“Let’s make the most of it. We’re starting with champagne.”

“What are we celebrating?”

“What aren’t we celebrating?” He grabbed the bottle, two glasses, and waggled a finger. “How hungry are you?”

“Not very. We worked straight through today, so we never even got sandwiches until after four. I’m still pretty full. But if you’re hungry, I’ll sit and keep you company. Whatever you’re making sure smells good.”

Ru flipped off the oven. “We’ll have it later.” He giggled. “Much later. We need to have our drinks first.”


“Come with me.” He led the way into the bedroom, with Gray already breathing a little heavily just from the direction of travel.

Ru set the bottle and glasses on the end table, then swept a hand toward his bedcovering, which featured a plastic tablecloth under a soft cotton blanket. “Ta-da.”

Gray cocked his head. “What’s that?”

“A waterproof—or should I say champagneproof—bedcovering. I didn’t want to have to remake the whole bed.”

That million-megawatt smile consumed his face. “So the bed’s going to get wet?”

“Ummm. Probably—if we do it right.”

“How do I do it right?” He sounded breathless.

“Take off all your clothes and lie down.”

For Gray, looking clumsy almost never happened. Except at this moment. He tried to pull off his belt and shove down his jeans so fast, he forgot to take off his $400 leather sneakers, resulting in a bumbling pretzel crashing onto the bed, bound up in denim ankle cuffs.

Ru laughed and got a frown from Gray. “Don’t just stand there. Take off the damned shoes.” He smiled. “Please.”

Ru removed the beautiful shoes, tossed them aside, then grabbed Gray’s jeans and yanked them off, leaving him in only a pair of baby-blue bikini briefs. Ru chortled. “Oh yeah, you’re gay.”

“I wore them just for you.” Gray bobbed his butt and had them off so fast Ru barely got to admire them. Then he pulled his long-sleeved T-shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor.

Oh man, what a body.
Lean and ripped, even more beautiful than the movies revealed. To say nothing of that mind-bending cock.

“Lie on your back.” Admiring the impressive length and breadth of Gray’s full upright position, Ru sauntered to the nightstand and carefully removed the foil and the cage from the champagne bottle, then popped the cork. Gray’s dick bobbed in time. Ru poured some champagne into one of the glasses and sat next to Gray, who appeared to be bouncing in place in anticipation. With a twirl of one finger, he swirled the champagne, then slid the wet digit across Gray’s beautiful lips.

An anxious tongue emerged and licked the liquid. “Ummm. I could really get into champagne if you deliver it that way.”

“Ah, I’ve barely begun to display my champagne-delivery skills.” He wet his finger again and made a circle around Gray’s hard-as-a-diamond nipple, then laved it with his tongue before sucking the champagne-flavored nub into his mouth.

Gray gasped, and his hips rose from the bed.

Ru pulled back and chuckled. “Don’t get too excited yet. We have far to go.” He poured a splash of liquid into the center of Gray’s breastbone and watched it dribble down and collect in his innie.
Oh yes, what a way to consume alcohol.
He followed the lines of bubbly from the swell of Gray’s pecs down to his navel. That put his lips dangerously close to the prime target area, and Gray knew it. His cockhead stretched up beyond his belly button but curved slightly to the right, giving Ru just enough space to nuzzle in and gather the liquid on his tongue.

Gray twisted so his dick slapped against Ru’s cheek.

Ru chuckled. “A little impatient, are we?”

“Come on!”

“Come on what, darling?”

“Suck it, please. Please.”

“Oh, you ask so sweetly. How can I resist?” He shifted an inch and stuck out his tongue until it gathered precum dripping from Gray’s penis, then licked some more champagne from his belly.

“More, please.”

“More? Hmmm.” He poured a stream of champagne right on Gray’s cock, which got a giggle and hip bounce from the cock owner. “Goin’ down.” He picked up the big rod and slowly fed it into his mouth, sucking as he went.

“Holy shit.”

Ru chuckled but kept swallowing until he had dick all the way into his throat. No gagging. He’d had lots of experience at this. In fact, he could almost say that giving head had saved his life. But oh man, he’d never enjoyed it this much before or been tasked with quite such a formidable mouthful.

His tongue came out to play, up one side of Gray’s shaft and down the other. Then he guided Gray’s cock back into his throat.

“Ru, oh Ru. So good. Thank you. Oh man.”

Lovely salty, tangy tastes filled his mouth as he ground the tip of his tongue into Gray’s piss slit, then pursed his lips and sucked the tip like a chocolate-covered strawberry.

“Holy shit. Baby. Stop or I’ll come.”

Ru pulled away. “Sounds like a good reason to keep going to me. Relax, you’re in good hands.” Ru grabbed the lube from the end table and went back to sucking.

Gray seemed to like the relaxing idea, because he threw his head back and started to yell. “Oh yeah, so good, so good. Jesus. So hot. Gonna explode.”

Ru kept the cock in his mouth while he popped the lube cap and poured a dollop in his hands. Swiping with his fingers, he slid under Gray’s butt and persuaded two lubed fingers into his hole, then started pumping his hand.

“Yes! My balls are on fire. Oh God. You’re sucking the juice right out of me. Coming!”

Hot cum hit the back of Ru’s throat and he swallowed as Gray bobbed and hollered, gasping for words as his body shook.

Whoa, total hotness.
Ru grabbed his own cock with one hand to keep from coming. Just looking up at Gray’s ecstatic face made him want to squirt in his jeans.

As the shudders running through Gray started to die down, Ru sat back and grabbed Gray’s legs, pushing them up. “Here. Hold these.”

Gray gave that giggle again and flipped his perfect ass in the air.

Ru ripped his own jeans off, snapped on a condom, positioned his cock at Gray’s gaping hole so relaxed from his orgasm, and pushed in with little resistance.

“Oh baby, that feels wonderful.” Gray moaned like an addict on a long high.

His own cock was out of patience. The second that tight squeeze gripped his dick, lightning flashed up Ru’s spine, exploded in his head, and he lost the ability to do anything but fuck. He snapped his hips, diving in and out of Gray’s barely resisting channel.

“Jesus, Ru, I wish I could come more. Nobody ever fucked like you do. You’re like the best in the world.”

Maybe not the most authoritative compliment, coming from a man who’d been in the closet most of his life, but still like a symphony in Ru’s ears. Ru threw back his head and laughed until his balls squeezed a gallon of cum into the condom and his heart squeezed amazing waves of joy into every cell of his body.

Chapter Sixteen



forward between Gray’s legs, which pulled his cock from its happy home and pressed his T-shirt-clad chest against Gray’s bare one.

Gray laughed softly. “If someone measured our heart rates, they might call a paramedic.”

“Ummm. Can’t move. Turned to jelly.” From somewhere down around his belly, a rumbling sound emerged.

“You might have to eat that jelly. Sounds like you’re hungry.”

“I guess.” Another rumble.

“I’ll make dinner for you.”

Ru propped his chin on Gray’s pec. “Who’s hungry?” He laughed.

“Well, I could eat—now that my appetite for other things has been satisfied. For a few minutes anyway.”

“Actually, dinner is mostly ready. I’ll be glad to serve it—right after you carry me to the kitchen.”

Gray kissed his nose. “Want to take a shower first?”

T-shirts and showers don’t mix.
“No, you go ahead, and I’ll get food on the table. I’ll just sponge off for now.”

Moving very slowly, they managed to crawl out of bed. Ru put a fresh towel and razor out for Gray in the guest bath, then slipped into his own bathroom and rinsed himself off, tossed the now somewhat raunchy T-shirt into the wash, and pulled on a new one plus clean jeans.

By the time he had the salad dressed and some veggies steamed, Gray emerged, looking more delicious than the meal. Ru shook his head. “I could be lured into trashing dinner and starting all over.”

“Quite tempting, but you need your food.” He wrapped his arms around Ru from behind. “And we’ll have lots of time for champagne and cocks.”

Ru nuzzled him. “Will we?” Wow, that sounded good—as in the too-good-to-be-true department.

“Yes. Months, years? Who knows how long?”

“Well, darling, you qualify as a serious addiction, and you know how they treat addictions, right?”

“How?” He grinned.

“One day at a time.”

A little flicker of something—worry? Doubt?—flashed across Gray’s face and was gone. “I’m enjoying the hell out of this day.”

“Sit and eat.”

The meal turned out to be almost as great as the sex—and twice as scary. Fucking Gray could feel like a one-nighter or a “getting your rocks off” thing if he pretended hard enough, but sitting at his table sharing food and chatting about their days felt way too domestic. A person could get used to shit like that. Not good.

Gray helped him clean up, then took Ru in his arms. “So I better go. Will you text me after you talk to Shaz and tell me what time Chris can pick you up tomorrow—assuming you can come?”

“Oh, I’ll get there. Never fear. And yes, I’ll text you a time.”

“This has been so great. Thank you for dinner and for—everything.”

“Don’t thank me, love. My debt of gratitude stacks up to the space shuttle. I don’t even believe I could get so lucky.”

“Me too.”

They walked arm in arm to the front door. “Don’t you want to go out the back?”

“No, I’m okay. Chris is pulling up to the curb, I’ll jump in, and we’ll be off.” Gray leaned down and kissed Ru deeply. The kind of kiss you could build a dream—or a life—on. “I’m so glad I have you in my life. It makes all the great stuff greater and the bad stuff not so shitty.”

Whoa. Don’t fall apart. He’s a movie star.
“Ditto.” Ru opened the door and peeked out. “I don’t see the limo.”

“I’ll text Chris now.”

Ru looked up into Gray’s beautiful face. “You’ll be careful tomorrow, right?”

“I always am.” He touched Ru’s cheek. “But thank you for worrying about me.”

“Aren’t you too valuable to be risked in dangerous stunts?”

He texted on his phone. “It’s a toss-up. Yes, they want to protect my high-paid ass, but it saves a lot of money and time when an actor does most of his own stunts. It gives the director more leeway on camera angles and stuff.”

Ru stepped out onto the porch, and Gray followed. Ru sniffed.
Odd. Perspiration smell.
He walked down the porch stairs and heard Gray’s footsteps behind him. “No Chris yet.”

“He should be here any sec—” Gray sucked wind and made a strange
ing noise.

Ru looked back—straight into the eyes of the drug addict who had tried to rob him on the street. But this time the guy didn’t hold a knife. He held a gun.

Ru turned slowly to face the gunman. The guy grinned with a big show of teeth, but his hand shook ever so slightly. Maybe not used to using weapons. Maybe he needed his drug. Ru nodded. “Hello again.”

The guy sneered. “Bet you never thought you’d see me again, did you, asshole? Tried to get me put away. Well, it didn’t work. And now you’re going to pay for making me sit in jail.”

“Oh?” He couldn’t see Gray too well since he stood slightly behind. The gunman’s eyes flicked to him but mostly focused on Ru. “So how am I paying? You’re going to shoot me? That will certainly escalate your sentence when they catch you.”

BOOK: Prince of the Playhouse
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